Monday, January 13, 2025

Katey Duggar's Twin Birth

Jedidiah and Katey Duggar welcomed their twins, Elsie Kate Duggar and Emma Kate Duggar, on January 8th. As promised, their labor and delivery footage is now up on YouTube. Part one shows a short hospital visit at the end of December. Then over a week later, they were back at the hospital with their birth team for the delivery. Michelle Duggar, who had two sets of twins, was there to provide support and encouragement. Part two shows Elsie and Emma's birth and some of their first visitors.


  1. Katey gets my total respect, natural delivery of twins. They are beautiful and healthy.

    1. @5:13 I totally respect any woman who endures pregnancy and childbirth, whether or not it was "natural."

    2. But a natural childbirtn of twins is obviously a more grueling event than a c-section. It just is.

    3. Really, 4:43? My friend died of complications after a c-section. I would consider that "grueling."

    4. @4:43 as someone who has had c sections and natural births I would disagree. C sections are much more grueling. So glad Katie was able to have a natural birth, the recovery is so much easier!

    5. So sad, someone pays Katie a compliment and gets negative comments in return. Why are people so ready to be critical.

  2. Wow Kate did amazing delivering both girls natural delivery. At first, when they were wheeling her into the well equipped delivery room I thought she was having a c section. Very impressed by all the hospital personal helping her to have two successful births. Mommy sure looks good after going through labor and delivery. God bless your sweet family.

  3. It was revealed that Jinger is having a boy.

  4. Boy, the Duggars really turn birth into a spectator sport.

    1. Yep. It pays the bills.

    2. Yes. They seem to think it's a good idea to monetize the birth of their children.

  5. Absolutely 👍🏽 Go Girl!!

  6. Does Katey not have a Mom who couldn't be there for her or sister? Certainly why Michelle ? Katey has had to babies already am sure she knows what to expect just one more. Private moment don't need your mother in law of all people. Yes, it's nice to have someone close to encourage her but HER FAMILY not an in law.

    1. 5:55 I respect the parents desire to have Michelle actively involved. I’m sure they have their personal reasons. Seeing that Michelle had two sets of twins I can imagine that she was a great encouragement.
      Giving birth naturally to twins is more stressful than a single delivery, and Michelle has such a sweet voice and spirit, she brought much reassurance.

    2. Wow, I support a woman's right to have whoever she feels the most comfortable with being there.

    3. Katey's mother was there. And if you've noticed Michelle has been at most of the grandbaby births. I think it's great!

    4. Kateys mom was there and remember Michelle had 2sets of twins. It may have been a comfort for Katey to have her there, someone who had gone through a twin birth twice.

    5. Her mom was there also

    6. Michelle would be my first choice at a birth. Her voice is so soothing. She’d need to wear a hairnet, though.

  7. Should have been Katey's mom there not Michelle . Katey already has delivered 2 babies she knows what to expect am sure she spoke with her Doctor and researched everything . Private moments and why sell to people magazine? For the money shame on them

    1. Shame on you for deciding who she should have with her.

    2. Kateys mom was there.

  8. Congrats on the birth of two beautiful baby girls. Prayers that you all settle quickly into your new routine.

  9. Just because Michele had 2 sets of twins what does that have to do with her being a Kayeys delivery. Are u all sure she asked her to be there? Wouldn't want my Mom who I loved dearly let alone my mother in law yikes. People certainly aren't private anymore

    1. If you are close with someone you might feel more comfortable letting them be at a private thing like this. It's not up for us to decide who a person "should" or "should not" include. That is 100% a personal choice.

    2. 6:13 Who attends a birth is not always exactly a personal choice. If your mother-in-law wants to come, it’s kind of important to let her so as to maintain a good relationship with your in laws. As for privacy, it doesn’t matter what she gets a glimpse of. She has already “seen it all.”

    3. 2:10 You are so right! My husband’s sister and his mother both came to my birth. Ewwww! But I let them to keep the peace. I’m trying I get up enough nerve to forbid them coming to my next birth, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to obey my husband and keep the peace again. This is so wrong, but here I am….

    4. 6:13 I agree. Privacy, while giving birth and privacy while breast-feeding are important to some women. My brother-in-law teased me the first time he saw me breast-feeding and using a privacy blanket. After that, my husband did not permit me to use the blanket whenever my brother-in-law was around. I am large breasted and was embarrassed, but pretended not to be just to keep my husband and his brother happy. I also had to ignore their remarks about the size of my breasts. I think the woman should get to decide what she wants to keep private.

    5. 2:01, you can still politely tell them no. No woman should be forced to have anyone there.

    6. 4:16 and 3:58, I’m sorry when it comes to the privacy of your body you are the in charge. You do not have to obey your husband. That is a form of abuse. Please stand up for your self. In the delivery room tell the staff that only your husband is to attend. While breastfeeding use a privacy blanket if you desire. Your husband and brother in law are not goodly men in any way. There is no scripture that states a women has to expose her self to others , male or female at the whim of her husband.

    7. 8:28 I am not allowed to tell my husband “no.” Even politely. He decides what I wear, where I go, and how many children we will have (9 so far). I want out but can’t even tell him that. Keep sweet I keep reminding myself. I know there are shelters and other resources for me out there. But he and even MY parents would be furious. We have a covenant marriage. I’m stuck. Oh well. I do pray a lot….

    8. @2:46. I hope to God you are trolling. If not, please take your kids and run. You are being abused.

  10. Dear Henry: I hope that you are having a fantastic 8th Birthday!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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