Saturday, January 18, 2025

Jinger Duggar Back on Tamron Hall

It has been a busy week for Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo. Jeremy accompanied Jinger to New York City, where she sat down with several interviewers to promote her newly released book, People Pleaser. We posted links to these interviews two days ago, and we have another to add. Jinger was a guest on Tamron Hall in February 2023, and she and Jeremy were both guests in September 2023. She again joined Tamron in the studio on Thursday (link below).

Jinger Duggar Vuolo on Tamron Hall January 2025 Segment 1

Jinger Duggar Vuolo on Tamron Hall January 2025 Segment 2 



  1. jinger is getting great publicity. I hope her book sells well, they have a big mortgage to pay.

    1. Maybe they shouldn't have gotten a mortgage so big that they have to depend on publishing books.

    2. @12:46 Perhaps we should all be happy that they are successful in the ways they have chosen and can afford the home of their dreams.

    3. Nobody needs the home of their dreams (or a nightmare of a mortgage) at age 31. Have you seen the size of their place? How do they keep it clean? How do they maintain the outside, both structure and grounds? How do they pay the taxes and insurance and utilities? It's totally impractical. Jeremy wanted it because his church had it and that was that.

    4. @1:11 it's none of our business.

    5. 1:11, that's amazing that you can see inside Jeremy's mind and know the only reason he wanted that house. How do you do that??

    6. @3:31 Lots of people have common sense and can actually use it. I know! Mind-blowing.

    7. 6:14, common sense isn't the same as the ability to mind read. It's really easy for us to think we know, but we can be really wrong. That's why God's Word says not to judge lest we also be judged. Judging someone else's thoughts is God's job and He's way better at it than we are.

  2. For those who don't believe Jinger deserves all the shows don't invite "nobody's". Her books have had a cultural impact and are especially significant to others who grew up in similar religious and family environments. Go Jinger.

    1. Others who grew up in similar religious and family environments AND developed severe anxiety with overwhelming tendencies to be people-pleasing? What, the 100 other girls in the whole world? Who then watch Tamron Hall?

    2. 8:48, I wish TV shows did invite "nobodies." It would be far more interesting than the people who think they deserve to be famous and try too hard to be liked. Everybody has a life story, even the "nobodies." CBS used to interview random people on one of their news shows, and the stories they came up with about these "ordinary" lives were extraordinary.

  3. Something is wrong, my gut reaction stays the same. I can't open up to reading her books. It is just a consistent gut reaction that is closed and i notice i always have this feeling about all her presentations. Just don't automatically feel good about it.

    1. If you feel that way, you're not alone. Jinger is being skillfully marketed and it's hard to know how genuine this all is. She's obviously emotionally dependent on Jeremy and looks to him to approve everything she says.

    2. Yes @10:21. In her "becoming Free indeed" she talked about how women should not be parrots of their husbands. Constantly seeking his approval is not much different. She needs to seek God's approval.

    3. First she wanted to please her father and now she wants to please Jeremy. She's never had any kind of relationship with a man where she could be herself. She should have been on her own for awhile, away from her father, before ever getting married. She would have developed confidence and learned what she wanted.

  4. There are so many speaking sides to Jinger. Which one are we going to get today? There’s the childish social media act when she is speaking directly to the phone camera with the silly faces, eyes looking around, funny head tilts, and all the “ So ya”. Then there’s the calm, still, meek podcast Jinger. And the faster talking, long stare down, sounds memorized, hands moving around as she is trying not to forget what to say interviews. Personally, I don’t think she is finished People Pleasing.

  5. How can you write a book about recovering from people pleasing and not see that you are still very much a people pleaser, in constant need of approval from your husband, your family, and the public? Whose idea was this book anyway?

    1. Exactly. IMO these books are being written to pay for their expensive lifestyle.

    2. Yep. She is still a people pleaser. Instead of pleasing the IBLP crowd and doing what they expect her to do, she's pleasing the evangelical/emergent crowd and doing what they expect her to do. She needs to quit worrying about pleasing different religious sects and wonder what she needs to do to please God.

  6. How many times can Jinger say the same thing a bit "differently"? Just let it rest now, Jinger, and go about your private life privately.

    1. Exactly. Since these books are so repetitive, the best thing to do is to leave them at the bookseller's place.

  7. I have to say it's hard not to notice the rather large reduction in comments on this blog. I'm not sure if they are being edited and excluded or if people are just no longer following. I love reading updates on the family and hope the best for them.

    1. Probably because 3 kids happened?

    2. I agree. I don't comment often, but do enjoy the blog a lot.

    3. I too enjoy the comments. I think the lack of comments is due to dwindling fan interest. Most of the family has dropped out of sight so there is less going on than in the past.

    4. Ellie is too busy with her three kids, and she's probably pregnant with number four by now. She breeds just as fast or faster than the Duggars.

    5. It's nice exchanging thoughts with others here but not when it goes days or weeks between responses being posted. I know people are busy but why have the blog if you never keep it up? Maybe you could make it so comments post automatically.

  8. Yawn, I think Jinger and Tamron as are both phonies.

  9. I’m wondering if Jeremy and Jinger are still supporters of Kanye West. They both were on his bandwagon a while back.

    1. He's not the celebrity du jour any more. @9:37


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