Monday, January 13, 2025

Gender Reveal and Book Release

Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo hit the ground running this year. Jinger's new book, People Pleaser, releases tomorrow, so Jinger is getting ready to step into a busy season of interviews. And most of you know that the Vuolos are also preparing to welcome their third child in March. The expectant parents just announced the baby's gender on their YouTube account, and the video includes footage of their announcement to the rest of the Duggar clan.


  1. Yay, a boy. Can't wait to read her new book.

  2. Its a boy incase dont want to watch the video

    1. Thank you. Wanted to know but hate watching videos. 😊

    2. Thanks. I won't bother with the video.

    3. Thanks, that's why I cam to the comments :D

  3. I can't believe what I'm seeing in the background of that video. There they are in dangerous southern CA and they have a hill full of brush right behind their house! The whole point of landscaping in that area is to create a defensible zone around your house. That means having more concrete (or something non-flammable) and less brush. Also putting lots of space between your house and anything that could catch on fire. Yet there they sit with weeds and brush right up to their patio! I don't think they understand about homeowning in a dry canyon. I think they've bought for looks and don't want to put in the work to make it safe. I hope this week's news is a wake-up call for them, before they're battling something on the hill behind their house and realize too late that they should have cleared that growth.

  4. I guess she can't even stay home and enjoy the last part of her pregnancy because she has to be a people pleaser and go promote that book.

    1. All Authors do. It's called making a living.

    2. All contracts for books require marketing tours, interviews, etc.. Jinger was aware of this long before now....She is doing well.

  5. Does Jessa use any color other than beige? That was not a very festive outfit for a gender reveal, especially not for a couple's first boy.

  6. Congratulations to them. I will have to either get the book from the library or get it as a ebook. I don't have enough space for any more books.

  7. With this one being "the boy", they should be done with children.

    1. Pretty sure that's their decision, not anyone else's.

    2. It's great that Jinger's obstetrician is willing to break HIIPAA laws and post on here! Thank you for letting us know.

  8. Is this another book where Jinger convinces herself that being in Jeremy's church is better than being in her father's church?

  9. Jinger's ghostwritten book. Meaning someone else once again took her ideas and interviews and turned them into a book with Jinger's name on it so it would be another "best seller." Let's give credit where credit is due.

  10. I am uncomfortable with Jinger and Jeremy seeming to focus solely on her book. LA is burning. Jeremy is a minister, in my world he needs to be assisting with that, helping people rendered homeless. I could have missed their support for charities helping wildfire victims, but I have not seen a mention anywhere from them in the coverage related to her book. Ironic, isn’t it? I guess that people pleasing thing she talks about is me judging them for not showing care re the wildfires!!

    1. His church is helping....but helping members of their church, not the public, not that I've read in their statements. It sounds as if they've closed ranks, at least so far.

    2. Good thing she doesn't have to make decisions to please you, huh?

    3. Maybe they don’t care to share their support for charities and/ or ministries. I’m sure if they did they would be accused of showing off or bragging. Since they don’t say anything people assume they don’t. Honestly they are in a no win situation.

    4. @5:30 I agree. They could certainly show what they were doing to help their area and people would understand and perhaps want to help too, if they didn't live there and didn't know how to help. Christians are supposed to help each other. That means actually getting your hands dirty or making sacrifices to help others, not just posting a few pictures on your 'gram with "Thoughts and prayers!" and then going on a book tour. Celebrities in that area are cancelling attending their events because of the situation, but not Jinger and Jeremy.

    5. 5:30. All giving is private and not for public inspection. Whatever is given to the church to help fire victims, other disasters, or just general giving, is between God, the church and the giver.

    6. God's Word even says not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing when it comes to giving. Don't go around tooting your own horn, in other words.

    7. 11:59,well said. When celebrities state what they donated,there's always someone criticizing them. Expressing it wasn't enough. That they could have given a lot more. I think what you do to help someone can be done privately. God doesn't need to read it online to know you did a good thing for people.

    8. @11:59AM That is not true. Not all giving is private. Donations to private foundations or political candidates/causes are all public record. You can also examine 501c3 financial statements (charity organizations). All is available by law. What you posted is not true and needs to be clarified.

    9. A 501c3 can accept anonymous While they do have to disclose their financial statements donations, they do not have to disclose the names of their donors.

    10. 11:22 you may need an accountant to verify what you can and cannot deduct when filing your income tax. The contributions to political candidates may be public record, but you cannot deduct that money on your income tax. I agree with 11:59 that our personal giving should not be under public inspection, who would want that.

  11. Anyone else notice Lauren is pregnant?


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