Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A Third Little Duggar Baby

Merry Christmas to our blog readers! As Jedidiah and Katey Duggar await the arrival of their twins any dayJeremiah and Hannah Duggar are looking forward to welcoming their third child in 2025. They just announced that this little one, a girl, is due to join the family in late spring. She will join sisters Brynley Duggar, who turns two today, and Brielle Duggar, who will turn one in February. 


  1. Babies, babies, babies.....

    1. That's a good thing :) merry CHRISTmas

    2. I know! How exciting!!! Can't wait to hear who else is expecting this coming year! I'm always happy to hear of other people's joys and blessings. Wouldn't be right to feel any differently,especially if you want others to be happy for you in return. Happy New Year!!! 😊

    3. Yup, without them the human race would go extinct. As it is America's birth rate is so low our population is in decline. Not good. We need more women like Hannah to get the population back up and steady again. With so many people having died worldwide the last four years what with illness, war and drugs, another baby boom is in order.

  2. Girls, girls, girls!

  3. If everyone behaved like the Duggars the world would be severely overpopulated .

    1. 7:48 unfortunately not everyone is as fertile as the Duggar group, there are many people who are suffering from infertility, but are still happy for the Duggars.

    2. If everyone did anything it would affect the world. But that's not going to happen, so why bring it up?

    3. Not likely @7:48. You forget that death is a daily occurrence. And actually the Dec 27th 5:55 commenter is right. The birth rate is declining not just in America but worldwide. If everyone were like the Duggars right now all they'd do is actually get the numbers up enough to be stable. There would still not be any positive growth in population. It would reach a good sustained number. Once that point is reached then the multiplying starts if people continue with that trend of having more babies then not. But you still would not overpopulate the earth because death is still a daily event.

  4. You are both blessed with a loving growing family.

  5. They may tie his parents 😲

    1. That would be difficult though,Hannah will turn 30 next June,she married much older than Michelle.

  6. What a wonderful blessing..three girls, two years old and younger. Such a sweet couple!

  7. Whoa this news made my jaw drop! She already had a baby this year! Wow! Well, good for them. Congrats Jer and Hannah on your next little cooing bundle of joy.

  8. These woman need to let their bodies rest Hannah will have three under two and a half

    1. 11:05 The people in the Duggar family always seem to find things out the hard way. There have been a lot of things they've done that more reasonable people could see were not good ideas.

  9. Congratulations to Hannah & Jeremiah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Wow shocker! To have a baby and get pregnant again all in the same year! Super woman Hannah! Congrats! I don't know why i am shocked when i expect this kind of news from them, but even for the Duggars this was quick. Anyway. Congrats again. Another girl! Anybody wanna guess the name will start with a B? :)

    1. Yes I think they are doing a theme,they seem to want a large family if they're not spacing them,can't be many names starting with B though,maybe they are giving the boys another initial.

    2. You're right, there's not that many boys names with a B. I can only think of Benjamin, Bartholemew, Barry, Bill and Bob.

    3. 10:13, google it and you'll find a whole lot of B boy names!

  11. If they want to have a baby every year, it's their choice. I wouldn't want to have 3 kids that close together.

  12. These ladies need to let their bodies Hannah and Katie will have Babies three or more babies under 2.5 years apart

  13. Maybe Brynley, Brielle and Brianne??? Would be lovely!

  14. When your first born is 1 year old and you are pregnant for the third time. That is crazy

  15. How nice that the twin brothers Jedediah and Jeremiahs' wives are expecting at the same time. They will have cousins of the same age to be playmates and friends growing up. It seems like the brothers have always been close, perhaps their families will remain close in the years to come, do things together and make memories.

  16. Maybe they will name her Brienne, Bryanna, Bethany or Bailey.

  17. Congratulations Jeremiah and Hannah on your little bundle of joy. I like the name Brittnee Nicole. Praying for a healthy birth and I can't wait to see the higjlights. Natasha b


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