Saturday, November 16, 2024

Vuolos Interview Athing Mu

Until now, Jinger and Jeremy's podcast has been focused on their lives, and while it has been interesting, they decided to switch things up this week and feature a guest. The Vuolos sat down with Olympic gold medalist Athing Mu to discuss her athletic career thus far and her personal life (link below)

Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo: Athing Mu Talks Winning Gold, Missing the Olympics, and Getting Engaged


  1. Never heard of that person.

  2. All due credit to a great athlete, congratulations on her very hard earned success! Athletes always amaze me!
    It is nice A. M. is given a spotlight.
    (Wonder if spotlighting people is going to be J. & J. show now?)

  3. What an awesome interview. Athing Mu is such an inspiration to young women. Thanks Ellie for the link.

  4. Do Jinger and Jeremy think they are talk show hosts now?

    1. They’re podcasters. Podcast hosts interview people all the time. This is very common.

    2. Podcasters/youtube creators who typically talk about their life often branch out to do interviews. It is a very common occurrence.

    3. They should leave the interviewing to the pros.

    4. Jinger and Jeremy said they took a long break with their podcast, which originally had a few guests interviewed, Joni from Joni and friends to name one.
      Now they say this most recent person they interviewed was the very first guest they interviewed.
      Why lie? Things like this is why these two make me wonder about them more and more. I believe they are talking just to talk.

    5. @11:08 I don't think they pay attention to what they are saying. Maybe it caused them to forget.

  5. ..and the gold medalist had time for this?!

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Why would she want to talk to some z-list "celebrities?"

    2. Why not? Olympic medalists give interviews.

    3. Since she didn't compete at the Olympics this year, I'm sure she was happy to do the interview.

    4. Well, apparently she did since she did it.

  6. Here's Hoping that Jinger is enjoying her 31st Birthday!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  7. Dear Brynley: I hope that you are having a fantastic 2nd Birthday!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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