Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Promo for Jinger's New Book

A few months ago, we announced Jinger Vuolo's upcoming book, People Pleaser: Breaking Free From the Burden of Imaginary Expectations. The book releases on January 14, 2025, and Jinger just shared a promo video on her YouTube channel.


  1. I'm absolutely not spending any time or money listening to Jinger say things that she should be telling her therapist, not the public. Before you say "This is helping others!" no it's not. It's lining Jinger's pockets. It's Jinger's problem, Jinger's way, involving the people around Jinger only, and Jinger's opinion of what happened to her. For money that only she gets. If you're having the same type of problem, talk to a qualified therapist, not buy another ghost-written book from someone who's obviously still struggling. Your money's better spent on an insurance co-pay at a doctor.

    1. @4:27 Seems that others feel the same way.

    2. Who wants to read about Jinger trying to unravel her angst for $20.99 plus shipping? Donate that much to charity and make everyone feel better.

    3. Jinger is in this for the money. She is deceiving herself to say she's doing this to help people. She's a materialist. Laying up to herself treasure on earth instead of heaven. Nothing wrong with having money because you work hard but this is just plain being done for the money. The Bible says labor not to be rich. She'd best beware she doesn't fall into the trap of loving money. Its the root of all evil.

    4. Or check the book out from the library and read it for free..like I do.

    5. I never thought Jinger would be the one who craved the spotlight so much. As far as people pleasing, she wasn't married very long before she had pink hair, tight pants, a new Calvinist denomination, posted all her new outfits and meals at restaurants, moved out of state etc. and so she couldn't have been in this bondage nightmare she talks about. People don't reinvent themselves that fast and then turn around and say they are worried what others think. She just wants money to live the California LA lifestyle along with Jeremy. If you want to buy her book to help support her lifestyle then go for it but if you want to help support people in real need then support charities that help hurting people.

    6. @7:20 But the library system still has to have bought the book for you to do that. So, ka-ching for Jinger anyway. Unless she has personally bought and donated thousands of her books to libraries?

  2. I'll read it for sure....I like how she expresses her opinions without too much negativity towards her parents. It's ok for her to tell her truth.

    1. Isn’t that negating the purpose of her book? People Pleaser. Jinger is pleasing her parents by carefully avoiding truths so that she will not say the wrong thing that she thinks may hurt them. I completely agree with the above poster this is just money in her pocket. My gripe is when people say “if I can help just one person, than it’s all worth it”. When someone is charging for their words, please don’t say “I’m just doing this to help others”.

  3. Thank you Ellie. I'm looking forward to her book. I'm an expert people pleaser seems like.😞

  4. She talks about being others focused in a good way, but all i see is her. She really likes talking about herself, drawing attention to herself, rehashing HER story over and over again repackaged etc. This channel is all about her. Seriously, it's like she doesn't want to ever lose the spotlight. Books, podcasts, interviews, videos...all about HER! How long is she gonna rehash HER life story to make it fresh and new sounding to those who've heard it a hundred times? Why is she still trying to drum up sympathy for herself? How many pats on the back and "it's okay" comments does she need before she can move on? In the beginning, yeah sure tell your story, but at this point it's gotten ridiculous. It's starting to look like, underneath, she's bitter and feels like she has to attack anything that she found negative in her childhood. Proverbs 17:9 says "He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends." She's repeating a matter when she talks about this now. I don't agree with her parents on numerous things, but in my opinion Jinger has no respect for their feelings. It's time to drop the subject instead of remind them how she thinks they failed as parents in how they raised her. Matthew 18 shows what a wronged Christian does: go to who wronged you, get it right, move on. That's what Jinger should've done and I hope she has. Perhaps there are forgiveness's that still need to be given and received. Who needs to give and who needs to receive only God knows. But whatever Jinger's issue is, she needs to resolve it privately.

    1. But $2M houses don't pay for themselves!

    2. I am tired of these remarks thrashing Jinger. We are all different. Some may need to go over and over things in order to make changes. She has been kind to her parents, I believe giving them grace for doing something they thought was right...her personality didn't weather it well. Keep moving forward Jinger and don't let the negative nay sayers keep you from writing how ever many books you want or need to.

    3. @2:53 So you go over and over things until you feel better. But do you have to write a book and go on a publicity tour in the process? No.

    4. @2:42 if she is being invited to talk shows and pod casts it's because her books are popular. Don't buy them or read them if you don't want to....however let others enjoy them.

    5. Write your feelings in your own journal, not publish them! Jinger once had her diary stolen and Jim Bob had to step in to get it returned. So why is it OK now to put those feelings out in public and make money from them?

    6. 10:26, there's a big difference. Having something stolen vs. offering something to the public. Your own personal thoughts and feelings written for yourself alone vs. having a developed thesis meant for an audience. No control vs. having control.

    7. @3:32 $2M house in California is not a mansion.

    8. @6:08 Nobody said it was. Buying a $2M house house is still some sort of high mortgage debt you voluntarily entered into. You're obligated to repay that no matter if you house is a mansion or a shed. It's not about square footage, it's about what you borrowed. I think Jinger and Jeremy stayed in CA and bought that big house because he wanted that lifestyle. Jinger has to produce books using her famous name to pay for it. They could have gone back to Texas or Arkansas and lived in obscurity, but no.

  5. I'm tired of Jeremy playing second fiddle to his wife. i"m not for the extremism of far right patriarchy but neither do i like the whole "I"m just a supportive husband" trope either. Jinger is a supposed to be a helper suitable for Jeremy, but all i see is him riding on her coat tails. Men are supposed to be the leaders of the house, but Jeremy seems more like a follower. I could be wrong but its pretty easy to see who's the Main Act in that household.

    1. I don't see it that way. I think Jeremy encourages Jinger to write these books because of the income they generate.

    2. That's funny. I don't see him that way at all.

    3. @12:56 So he's in it for the money? How is that a good thing? Jinger talked in her Becoming Free Indeed book that Gothard taught that a wife be relentlessly encouraging. Now its the opposite extreme. Jeremy is relentlessly encouraging her. I think he caters too much to her. There's no moderation in this woman's life.

    4. @8:48 I think Jeremy is relentlessly pushing her, and she (people pleaser) just goes along with what he wants. Jinger seems to take on the personality of whoever she's around and lets that influence her completely.

  6. Jinger mentions not wanting to do things that would make people upset. Maybe she should be asking why those things would make others upset. Maybe what she would do or say is actually worth getting upset about. I'm not saying that's the case all the time, but she seems to imply that the fault always lies in the other person, not herself in such a scenario.

    1. My take is that she was afraid to let anyone know how SHE felt about things for fear of upsetting the person that she was interacting with. It's OK to tell someone that what they're doing is bothering you or makes you feel bad. Jinger was afraid to do that when she was younger.

    2. No, no, I know what she is talking about. It's a hyper-vigilance because you are told that you need to live up to a very high standard that goes beyond what the Bible teaches and that there are serious consequences if you don't. It's fear-based.

  7. When it comes to pleasing others, its all about charity. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 "Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up," Of faith, hope and charity, the Bible says charity is the greatest. I question Jinger's level of charity. She vaunts herself constantly because she never seems to let this go. She doesn't seem to be long suffering as she can't stop bashing the past, she's not very kind to constantly negatively speak of her upbringing thereby ridiculing her parents albeit in a round a bout way. She's supposed to bear and endure but she's unloading it on anyone who will hear. By constantly drawing attention to herself, she is seeking her own. She talks about going to Jesus for her help in this, but by this point, with her seemingly endlessly sharing this story with everybody in countless different ways and platforms, she's looking to others to confirm her choices and help her in them. Jesus is our sole giver of true strength. She shouldn't have to be voicing her problems past or present to the public like she does.

    1. If she wants to talk about things that happened that caused her problems, she is free to do so. It's not a one way street. Her parents had a responsibility to give her a good home life. That didn't happen so it's not wrong to speak up and say what happened that troubled you.

    2. Are you being longsuffering and kind in your comment?

    3. She's not going to Jesus for help, she's going to a publisher, then to a bank. How many more self-help books is she going to get out of her upbringing? Jana, Joy, and Jessa, you're missing out on this mental unloading thing your sisters are cashing in on.

    4. Thinketh no evil - is that why you're analyzing her behavior publically and negatively in such detail? Treating her the way you want to be treated?

    5. @2:56 I think it's important to remember that we are all different. Nineteen siblings can experience the same upbringing and maybe only one or two have negative consequences. Jana, Jessa and Joy may have weathered the storm better than Jinger and Jill.

    6. @3:11 and 10:51, I think you're missing the point of @2:42's comment. They're right to question Jinger.They're not being unkind or non long suffering or thinking evil. Just questioning her. If someone's off and no one questions them, they won't change or know they might need to. I mean, in comparing Jinger to some of what charity is, they're right. They don't match up.

  8. We please God/Jesus first and foremost. 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 explains how to please God. Next we please those we love here on earth, but whatever we do to please them can never displease God. Meaning, we should never commit any sin to please someone even if we love that someone dearly. So people pleasing is quite simple really. It's a sign of selflessness which is a good thing, just we need to be firm on the truth in case any amount of pleasing another would be wrong to do.

  9. Hard pass for me. I'm reading Hillary Clinton's new book instead. She's the antithesis to the Duggar women.

    1. I didn't know Hillary had a new book. Thanks. I like inspiring, real stories and the strong women who lived through those things. Just searched this book and look - there's no co-author or "as told to" author! She wrote it all herself!

    2. Maybe she did, and maybe she didn't. Not all ghost writers get any public credit, it's all down to their contract terms.

  10. Once again, Jinger tells stuff to a professional writer, who then writes it up in book form. Yet Jinger gets top billing and everyone calls her an "author." The real person who wrote this book is the one whose name is in teeny print at the bottom of the cover. Let's give credit where credit is due.

  11. Jinger will have a tough time in life if she feels she has to please everyone and not make waves. History would never have made progress if people hadn't boldly done things that got other people upset. Think about all the movers and shakers who did wonderful and daring things that ended up changing the world. Sometimes you have to chart a course and go for it. Stand up for yourself, no matter what others think. Yes, Jinger, you're allowed to say and do things that other people won't like. You're allowed to speak up when you think you're right and others are wrong. Have some self-esteem.

  12. I bought Jingers first book out of curiosity and I liked it. Didn't feel she was criticizing her parents, but the church she was raised in,to help others who may want to get out of it as well.I won't buy this one because I learned many years ago to stop being a people pleaser to such an extent or for the wrong people. I understand why people write books,to share what they've learned throughout their lives, nothing wrong with that. There's a million ways to make a living and it's each persons personal choice to pick what suits them. I wish Jinger and Jill peace in their hearts,so they can also talk about other things that are important to them as well.

  13. My goodness! I’m now thinking Jinger and Jeremy owe JB and Michelle a thank you. Jinger’s upbringing and subsequent droning on about it forever has afforded them the multi-million LA lifestyle they are enjoying.

    1. It's just amazing how home perming, thrift store shopping Jinger turned into this.

  14. You know..I understood when Jinger claimed to write a book to detangle her upbringing with the IBLP and what her true faith is about. Ok. Fine. Now she’s giving me “milking it for every penny” vibes. You got out Jinger. You have 2 children not 22. You wear shorts and run races. You have a husband who allows you to be the bread winner. Move On Already.

  15. Will this become another New York Times "bestseller" with a symbol beside it informing people that it was sold in bulk, not individually? (Sold in bulk to anyone who could have bought it that way, including Jinger herself.)

  16. No one cares about Jinger and Jeremy anymore!

    1. I think you're right 4:58. I wouldn't have put it that bluntly, but they are beating a dead horse with all this "I'm not in IBLP any more" stuff. Her parents got her into this mess, but they left it up to her to untangle. The public doesn't need to hear constantly how she's doing that. It takes a pretty big ego to think they do.

    2. @6:27 Or a pretty big mortgage

    3. I actually have found what she says to be incredibly helpful. I think it’s a huge blessing to some to hear what she has to say.

  17. "Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste."

    Sometimes we need a restraining reminder.

    So nobody gets to read my comments on this.

  18. Boo-hoo!! These tell alls are getting really boring.

  19. I'm kind of scared off.

  20. I'm now waiting on the edge of my seat for book 3 where she explains, in 300 pages, her struggle to decide to wear pants.

    1. LOL. They have to pay for that new house somehow.

    2. Haha!! Book 4 will be advancing to shorts..LOL!

    3. Please don't give her ideas.

    4. Witing books may help Jinger deal with her issues, but I think she's rather worn this one out. I really don't need to know how she's graduated from wearing designer jeans to wearing shorts.

    5. I think this group is listening to a different promo. I have no idea why they are talking about jeans and shorts, Jinger isn’t talking about any of that in the promo. She uses words like peace, hope, joy and freedom in Jesus. Her promo sets the central theme of her book, which is pleasing God over man, through the study of the Bible.

  21. Why do the majority comments on here all complain and pass JUDGEMENT on Jinger and Jeremy ? You don't even know them. She wants to tell her story fine , don't buy the book.

    1. 4:52 I think the people with the negative comments have not listened to the promo. Jinger makes it clear that this book is about her joy in Jesus based on her study and application of the Bible, resulting in her desire to please God over people. This sounds like it will be a book glorifying God and not men.

  22. It will please me greatly when these adults stop whining and airing what should be handled respectfully behind closed doors without cashing in. Jeremy and Jinger have become the Harry and Meghan of Fundy World.

    1. I disagree. Jiner's books expose the dark side of IBLP beliefs. That should not be hidden behind "closed doors". If writing books helps her deal with her past, then she should continue to do so.

    2. @2:40 It was Jill's book who exposed that.

    3. 9:28 it was Jill’s book that was directed at her parents to disgrace them with personal family information. Jinger’s books have been directed to her freedom in Jesus..without giving family private information.

    4. @12:25 Jill's book had a totally different agenda and there was nothing wrong with that. She's free to speak about the awful things she experienced and to warn us all not to be fooled by outward appearances or to taken in by a cult. Those are valuable lessons right there.

  23. I can’t wait to read Jinger’s new book! Her last one was so impactful for me! So thankful she is speaking out with truth!

  24. Dear Mackynzie: I hope that you are having a fantastic 15th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!! (Posed by Here's Hoping.)

  25. Listening to Jinger's promo it sounds like this book is based on the hope, freedom, peace and joy through Jesus. It sounds like a book that will be full of her self discovery from her study of the Bible. Apparently Jinger has grown through this journey to break out of people pleasing to God pleasing. It obviously is not a tell all about or against her family, but a book that could be helpful for people pleasing individuals. Many of us are on our own journey to honor our Heavenly Father more and discover and apply these truths from the Bible.

  26. 3 more years til her father can give her away at her wedding!

  27. Here's hoping that Johannah is enjoying her 19th birthday!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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