Sunday, September 8, 2024

Jana Chooses a Venue and a Dress

Jana Duggar, now Jana Wissmann, has started sharing wedding planning and house renovations on YouTube. Accompanied by sisters Jessa Seewald and Joy Forsyth and sister-in-law Abbie Duggar, she chose her venue and her dress. What do you think of her choices?

Video: Venue and Wedding Dress Shopping


  1. Beautiful choices!! Congratulations to the blessed couple and family! Thanks for sharing updates!

  2. Frankly, I'm disappointed by Jana's behavior. This is nothing but an effort of make money to pay for her fancy wedding.

    1. Wow....why so negative?

    2. And that bothers you? Perhaps she's helping pay for the remodeling of their home...does it matter? Many, me included really enjoy her videos and more power to her if she makes money.

  3. I wonder what happened to that dress that made her have to use a seamstress for a full day, the day before the wedding. The seamstress told about that. It sounded like it was some big last-minute problem, or else something wasn't done on time and had to be rushed the day before. I wonder if those shoulder alterations went wrong or just weren't done as promised?

    1. That's the dress she wore. Sometimes brides lose a few pounds and the dress doesn't fit right, who knows. It was beautiful and elegant and perfect for her.

    2. I don't think Jana lost that much weight in 2 months. If someone saved the day by fixing that dress for her at the last minute, she should give them credit.

  4. I find Jana's post wedding activity distasteful. Obviously she's simply trying to raise money to pay for the wedding. Guess People Magazine didn't cover all the costs.

    1. I think many many people are asking for details and she's giving them what they want. I don't understand the behavior and attitude of those making negative comments.

    2. What a distasteful response. If you have nothing nice to say then please keep it to yourself.

    3. Please refrain from such a negative response. If you nothing nice to say then keep it to yourself. Civility is free so please do use it.

    4. You felt so strongly about this, you posted twice. Wow....some people! She's happy and had a beautiful wedding and I love seeing all the videos and pics. I hope they paid her a bundle.

  5. She found the dress meant for her. It was stylish, contemporary, yet timeless. Very elegant. The others she tried were not even close.

  6. The venue was beautiful and Jana looked absolutely stunning in her dress. A definite win-win situation.

  7. Oh please. Jana wanted "privacy" before her wedding. Now she's posting pre-wedding videos to pay for it. Sad.

    1. It’s not sad. Everyone needs money.

    2. The desire for privacy can entail: not wanting others to have free reign to share your personal life's stories! She is certainly allowed to share *her* story in *her* timing!

    3. Smart if you ask me.

    4. She gets to control her information now, something that she didn't have for many years. Let her!

  8. Very interesting that they left Michelle out of it.

    1. With only two months to plan, perhaps Michelle had a prior commitment she couldn't cancel.

    2. Beats me. Maybe they didn't tell her what they were doing. Otherwise she would have been front and center in the video

    3. I really can't imagine why Michelle wouldn't have been there. Well I can, but I don't want to say. Mothers don't normally miss such days in their daughters' lives.

  9. Jana's hair was pretty. I don't understand the dye and all the extensions.

    1. The color was exquisite. We all have a vision for how we want to look at our wedding...this was hers. She looked beautiful.

    2. They sure aren't modest when it comes to their hair.

    3. It’s called fashion. Large powdered wigs with men in tights and lace collars were a thing at one time too.

  10. Jana's wedding dress is beautiful. Joy Anna laughing she can't believe this, I can't believe it either, Jana had me believing she wanted to stay single.

  11. Beautiful venue. That dress gorgeous. She was a beautiful bride. I thought it was a fun video too 😊

  12. Her wedding dress was magical and she looked stunning in it. It was cute to hear Joy so enthusiastic about every dress she tried on. Actually she looked stunning in all of them!

  13. What is with all the trolls here? Sure, Jana is posting now and why wouldn't she? Many of her family members do the same to make money. We have no idea how limited she was when she was still under her father's authority--remember, most of the girls couldn't be on social media at all until they were married--and I imagine all her recent posting pre-wedding may have been once she knew she was almost done with that phase...or was strategic in some way. Now that she's married, we don't know if she's allowed to work a normal job (like using that nursing school she attended), so maybe this is what she can do right now. And after all she's been through with her long wait and the previous break-up, I'm sure she was very hesitant to put her personal life out there for fear it would all go away again and she'd have to live with that embarrassment. It was bad enough last time and mostly just speculation back then. I don't blame her at all for holding back until everything was official, and then releasing everything on her own terms. Good for her for living her life.

    1. @11:36 I agree. Jana had something to share and many people love her videos and posts. If those videos and posts generate income that's great. I hope she finishes nursing school and will use her education if she chooses, I do think that Stephen and his family have a busy schedule of music performances each year and Jana may get to join in. Let's all be happy for her and stop the troll I Ike comments.

    2. Comments are simply opinions. Because someone doesn't like Jana's method of paying for her wedding doesn't mean they are a "troll". To be honest, I think the Duggar family culture of selling your privacy to pay for your life (and expensive weddings) is a bad idea.

  14. I like that Jana is posting content on YouTube. I'm interested to hear about her new life.

    1. Me four! I love seeing the updates! Thank you Mr & Mrs Wissman!

  15. Beautiful dress and venue

  16. Most heart warming thing on the planet. Go Jana go! And God bless the supportive group of women who love you. You gals are going forth admirably in life. Proud of you! Thank you for sharing.

  17. I thought the dress chosen suited her perfectly and looked the best. The venue was very nice.

  18. What a difference. Jana came across as a rather reluctant participant on the TV show. Now she seems happy and confident.

  19. Getting married is not a big deal. Get back to us when she finishes nursing school!

    1. Wow negative Nancy whoever you think you are. All of it is great & the order she does it in, is her business!

    2. Out of all the Duggar weddings, this one was the biggest deal.

    3. Unfortunately don’t see that happening

  20. I don't think the Duggar kids are being honest any more with their engagement announcements. Jason's supposedly getting married in 2 weeks. You don't announce and get married a month apart. That's even faster than Jana supposedly did. They're playing some sort of publicity game now.


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