
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Jana Duggar is Married!

Good evening, blog readers! We bring you a very exciting announcement. Jana Duggar is married! She and Stephen Wissmann became husband and wife today, August 15th, in front of 500 guests. People Magazine has all the details and a collection of beautiful photos. 

The article also shares an abbreviated version of Jana and Stephen's love story. As many of you know, the Duggar and Wissmann families have known each other for well over a decade, and Jeremiah Duggar is married to Hannah Wissmann. Jana and Stephen dated briefly a few years ago but broke it off, remaining friends until they reconnected earlier this year. Jana reveals that it was difficult watching ten of her younger siblings tie the knot while she waited for her prince charming, but she says that her faith has remained strong. 

On a more bittersweet note, Jana's marriage means that she will be leaving Arkansas. She will move to Nebraska to live with Stephen.

Fun fact: Today is Michael (Bates) Keilen's nine-year wedding anniversary. Jana was in Michael's wedding, as the two are childhood friends.


  1. Congratulations & great day to get married. My husband & I celebrated our 37 anniversary today.

  2. Congratulations!! 🎉💓

  3. WOW! I guess the rumors were true after all.

    1. Congratulations

    2. How lovely. Every blessing to the newly weds.
      I watched the show years ago and do remember the parents saying the convictions were their own, and that each couple decided their owns ‘rules’. I really don’t understand why people insist on discounting this and trying to make it something it’s not. All parents grow and change as their families grow and mature. We learn from our children just as much as they learn from us. The negativity is so draining, especially when it’s not based on fact.
      I expect you all had a wonderful day celebrating though, such a happy, happy occasion. Thank you for allowing us to share in the joy a little bit.

    3. Neddy Constant
      I know you all heard that Jason
      Duggar is now engaged to
      Maddie Grace Jones.
      Congrats to them.
      Today is my 36th BDAY
      Time 3:15AM Wed 9/4/24

    4. Happy Birthday, Neddy!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS! (Thank goodness they're not going to live in Jana's tiny house in the Duggar backyard).

  5. congratulation jenna , on your mar
    riage hope you both will be very happy ,you deserve it xxxxxx

  6. Congratulations! I’m so happy for the newlyweds! May God bless them now and always!

  7. Congratulations! I'm so happy for the two of them, praying for both of them.

    1. Neddy Constant
      Some of you heard some of you havent. Another Duggar wedding in
      The works congrats to Jason &
      Maddie on their engagement.
      Time 1:58AM Sun 9/1/24

  8. Dancing at a Duggar wedding?! Good for them!

    1. Dancing, toasts, and an off-the shoulder, plunging back gown. Compare that with what they told us on the show. Obviously none of it is true any more, and probably wasn't all true at the time either but made for "wholesome" TV.

    2. Neddy Constant
      Congrats now she is Mrs Wissman
      Time 12:41AM Fri 8/16/24

    3. and a sit down dinner

    4. Yeah. What's happened to them? I'm glad they're lightening up a bit.

    5. Amen to that! :D

    6. @9:40 Not only dancing, but men dancing together too. It may be the end times.

    7. @10:27 the Duggars taught their children their convictions, as the kids have become adults, they have developed into their own. It doesn't mean it wasn't true then....just not for all the adult kids now.

    8. Who cares who danced with who. Jana and Stephen wedding. NOT JIM BOB wedding. Geez the girl is 34 years old. Give it a rest already can do as she pleases

    9. Even if the men dancing together was done as a joke, what a bold thing to do in front of Jana's family and their values.

    10. Doesn't "lightening up a bit" mean that their ultra-conservative morals and values are slipping downward? They were supposed to be the cornerstone of their lives and faith. Does this mean they couldn't keep up that kind of life? They are weakening?

    11. People were paying a dollar to dance with our son's bride. My husband walked up to our son and said I'll dance with you, so they dance. Lol

    12. @7:15 What kind of wedding does that? A certain ethnicity or denomination? Because I've never heard of paying to dance with the bride.

    13. The Bible teaches that salvation is not of works; however, we will receive rewards both in this life and in heaven if we do them. Also, after what Jesus did for us, paying such a price to redeem us from our sins and from hell, our love for Him should motivate us to do them.

    14. Means they are using their brain. Not weakening.

    15. 2:44, I can’t remember ever being at a wedding reception where they didn’t have the bridal dance. Usually some one (grandmother, aunt…) holds a silk purse that you stuff money in to dance with the bride. I’ve been one where they put an apron on the bride and you put money in the apron pockets.

  9. At long last, Jana is leaving the nest. She won’t be living with Jim Bob and Michelle anymore.

  10. Congratulations. She has been faithful and love watching her story!

  11. Her dress was beautiful, bridesmaids dresses were gorgeous and the men looked classy in their black suits. She waited a long time I wish them every happiness.

  12. So happy you found your forever Jana!

  13. 🎊 Congratulations on your Marriage, 🎊
    Jana & Stephen!
    Be happy and God’s blessings on you!

  14. We will take good care of her in Nebraska. I live in Lincoln and know people who know the Wissman family.

  15. I'm so happy for her! Congratulations!

  16. Congratulations!!! Very happy for you both!! God bless the two of you!

  17. Wow this is awesome news for them both! Good for them to pull off such a secret!

  18. We will take good care of her in Nebraska! I know some people that know the Wissman family. I live in Lincoln.

  19. Congratulations 🎉🎊🍾🎈 and welcome to the married club!

  20. Congratulations to them both!! Very happy & excited for them!!! Best wishes on this new journey!!!!!

  21. Will be pregnant very soon. good for her. time to quit being the house babysitter

  22. Wonderful news!! So excited for them. What a beautiful bride!! May God bless their lives together!

  23. I am very happy for Jana! God bless them both in the next stage of life! I really like that they have known each other for some time and been friends for quite awhile. Jana, I wish you nothing but good things! Eileen

  24. Congratulations Jana. Surely the 2 of y'all aren't going to live in that tiny place of yours. Good look to you both

  25. That story of their relationship had all the passion and romance of Austin waking up one day and thinking "Why not Joy?"

    1. True. But I’m hoping with both being in their 30’s ( Jana pushing 35) they will have the maturity that was clearly lacking with Joy and Austin.

    2. Your mate for life could be right in front of you. Thank goodness they realize it before it was too late. Blessings to the newlyweds.

    3. Not every relationship is cupids and rainbows. Jana is a practical person not a giddy girl.

    4. I had a similar thought when I first read it but saw a comment elsewhere that made some sense. When you're young, let's just say that hormones take over and it's all about the emotions and feelings and getting caught up in those--which in these sorts of marriages can be a bit worrying because purity culture and challenges with waiting can cloud judgment a bit. They might make people move faster than most just to get to the wedding night pure, or let the physical aspect (or lack thereof) be more of a focus than actual compatibility. Maybe not everyone, but I have a feeling a lot of people have had a sad reality check when they get through all the hype and realize maybe they were making decisions based more on hormones than they thought. It's not a bad thing to stay pure, but it can backfire. When you're older and comfortable with yourself and your place in life, it's a bit easier to be a bit more pragmatic and logical about it all. Passion is great and is hopefully there (Jana doesn't strike me as the type to be open about it regardless), but once you're more mature it's probably easier to take a step back and look back on enough life experience to know what you want and not get caught up in the "puppy love" phase as much. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but since they already dated before, it probably allowed the novelty to wear off enough to realize that yes, this is a good thing, this is a true love that has lasted through challenges, and there's no reason to fight that. I still think there's probably a fascinating backstory to this. It definitely threw me off because she was single for so long and we didn't have a chance to mentally prepare for that change with a courting or engagement period like most (other than the suspicious ring photos), so to go from the ever-single one to married is quite the shift and probably adds to the intrigue. Given all the attention to Jana's extended single status, I do wonder why *he* was still single at this age (with probably far less guilt!), and I also wonder why Laura wasn't a bridesmaid, but regardless I hope this is the happily ever after she was seeking. I wish them nothing but the best.

    5. I was thinking the same thing, zero chemistry and romance.

    6. The thought of marrying should make you giddy. It should make you feel like no other possibility in the world exists for either of you. It should make you do anything to be together. I remember the night my soon-to-be husband and I were in a restaurant and so connected to each other emotionally at that moment that we didn't even see the server come to the table to take our order. We were oblivious. Deeply gazing at each other and nobody else in the world existed. That's true love. Celebrating our golden anniversary soon!

    7. I think she's simply going through the courtship and marriage motions that she saw her sisters go through. Doing what needed to be done to find a husband and seal the deal. If there is passion there, maybe it's lopsided. As they used to say, maybe she'll learn to love him.


  27. Congratulations! So happy for them and they’re a beautiful couple.She looked stunning in her gown!

  28. Congratulations to Jana and Stephen! I am sorry that Jana didn't include her younger sister, Jennifer in her wedding, since she would be the only sister (other than Jill) not to be part of the festivities. That would be hard on any 17 year old.

    1. Maybe Jennifer didn't want to be in it. What about Josie?

    2. What did Josie do?

    3. Josie also wasn't a bridesmaid.

    4. Jennifer is very shy. Perhaps Jana did ask her and Jennifer declined due to her shyness! Don’t judge. You really don’t know.

  29. Massive congratulations to Jana and her husband 🥳🥰. She sounds so happy !!! She looked stunning as a bride, I wish them all the happiness they deserve ❤️

  30. Massive congratulations to Jana and her husband 🥳🥰. She sounds so happy !!! She looked stunning as a bride, I wish them all the happiness they deserve ❤️

  31. Jana you are so beautiful! Stephen must be proud to have you on his side. I think many men are jalours of him!

  32. Wishing you both much happiness as you begin your life together .May GOD BLESS YOU BOTH ALWAYS

  33. Yay! I know how hard it is to see everyone around you getting married and get discouraged. I hope she has a beautiful marriage.

  34. I’m so happy for her and Stephen. Hope to see photos or a video of their special day!!!!

  35. That's wonderful. I think she'll do well to move away from her overbearing parents and make a life in Nebraska.

  36. Congratulations!!! That’s a beautiful inspiring story! Xxxxx

  37. Happy for her. I think their relationship is on a solid footing as they know each other well.

  38. Jana was a beautiful bride. Wishing much happiness to her and Stephen.

  39. I don't think there's anything bittersweet about her leaving Arkansas! It will be a whole new life for her. Praise God.

  40. nothing wrong with a good walz @9:40. Just as long as only married people dance that way no one violates 1 Corinthians 7:1. (or is 2nd Corinthians?)

  41. Congratulations! God has perfect timing ;-)

  42. So glad to hear this. Now Jana can stop being a servant to her family and make a life for herself in Nebraska with Stephen.

  43. Congratulations to the lovely couple.
    Jana looked beautiful. Wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness.

  44. So sweet! I’m very happy for them!!

  45. Congratulations Janna & husband, praying that the Lord bless you with many blessed years together in Jesus name. Enjoy!!! Marriage is honorable in all and the bed is undefiled:

    1. @2:52 How do you know that? It's not right to speculate on others' private lives.

    2. 9:23, she is quoting a Bible verse, not speculating about anyone's private life.

    3. Oh my. Why are you concerned about what they do in their bedroom? Totally none of your business.

    4. Tis in the Bible, 12:53

  46. Congratulations to Jana and her new husband! I found the news out today and it made my day! Super excited for her!

  47. Congratulations Jana and Stephen. Wishing you God's rich blessings.

  48. How did she get through this? She hates being the center of attention.

    1. Not this time. She was on Cloud 9 and loving every minute of it.

  49. Time to update the website banner! This is great news!

    1. There are too many secret children born to update the banner correctly. It must too private to announce your kids names.

    2. @5:37 Just list that they have "X" number of children and leave it at that. Don't have to name names. I don't see what the big secret is. Most of them were pictured at this wedding anyway.

    3. "Secret" children? Just because they weren't trotted out for all the world to see? How about children who are being respected by parents who want to have more privacy and autonomy over their lives and the lives of their children after being exploited for decades?

    4. @2:33 I don't think there's a Duggar grandkid who hasn't shown up in an online picture or video of some sort, all posted by the family. The wedding just added to that.

  50. Oh my gosh! This was a surprise! Despite inaccurate past rumors and some that were more trustworthy than we thought,doesn'tmatter! So incredibly happy for them both and their family and friends!

  51. I am thrilled for Jana!

  52. Congratulations to the Happy Couple!
    Jana you are a Beautiful Bride! May God Bless Your Marriage! 🩷

  53. Well its about time woman! No I'm very happy for her. I got married in my 30s too. Congratulations Stephen and Jana!

  54. Praise God and Congratulations!

  55. Comgratulations Jana & Stephen on your wonderful news. May you both always be blessed with a healthy happy future together.

  56. Moving away will be very healthy for her.

    1. I agree. The past 10 years has been difficult and unhappy for her because she didn't meet her parents' expectations. I'm glad she's happy at last.

    2. I think she was embarrassed by how her parents always mentioned in public that she was available. And I think her parents were secretly happy she hadn't married because she was the worker around the house for them. So yes, getting away from those obligations will be good for her. Her parents will have to get use to doing things themselves. But I really can't see them being the ones to plant and tend a garden or paint/remodel things. They've always made the kids do that. Plus Jana had to babysit far too much.

  57. From the photos, it looks like a very classy wedding, right down to Jana's gorgeous and classic gown. It suited her perfectly! I hope only the best for her and an easy transition as she makes a new home with her husband in Nebraska.

  58. Jana looked so happy. Her dress was beautiful and elegant. I'm glad she finally stopped looking for "Mr. Perfect" and married someone with a similar background that she has lots in common with.

    1. I would never marry anyone less than Mr. Perfect! That poor girl has been through enough. She deserves perfect. I'm not sure she found it from what she said, but she married him anyway.

    2. There's no Mr. Perfect. Let's be realistic.

    3. There is no such thing as “ Mr. Perfect”

    4. "Perfect" in the sense of being "perfect" for you in every way and nobody else could even come close. You know it when you have it. "Perfect" does not mean that you say oh well, I haven't married yet, the clock is ticking, and here's this guy interested in me and he's being nice to me and all, so why not try it?

    5. @2:28 My great-aunt, who I respected highly, never married. It was not that she hadn't had more that one opportunity. She told me, "When I found what I thought was the perfect man, it turned out that he was looking for the perfect woman."

    6. 10:20, I'm not convinced there's a person who is perfect for you in every way. Everyone still has a sin nature and the potential to hurt others, knowingly or not.

  59. Congratulations to the newlyweds. I can't be happier for Jana ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  60. I'm surprised Jana's best friend Laura Maise wasn't her Maid of Honor!

  61. I'm surprised Jana's best friend Laura DeMasie wasn't her Maid of Honor

    1. I think those choices can be hard. Jana has so many sisters and he brothers they probably both had to pick and choose. Others should realize that they aren't left out nor is their relationship diminished by not being in the wedding party.

    2. I was thinking the same thing. “Best Friend Laura” seems to be cast to the side again. No longer needed in Duggarville.

    3. Perhaps Laura didn't want to be in the wedding party and played some other role in the festivities.

    4. @2:44 Laura was at the wedding and made a loving post. She had not been cast aside 🙄

    5. 2:23 looks like they limited their attendants ....Jana chose all her sisters (plus one sister-in-law). I’m not surprised she didn’t choose Jill, since she has been on a mission this year, through her book and countless interviews, to throw her family under the bus. A bride doesn’t need any controversial person in her wedding.

  62. Congratulations.

  63. Congratulations . Happy for the couple. I would to hear more about their story and engagement. If they keep it private that is fine.

  64. Congratulations, to Jana & Stephen !!!!!!!!!!

  65. I am so happy for you Jana. My heart is overflowing ❤️😭

  66. Oh! I am SOOOO happy for her!!

  67. Congratulations Jana & Stephen!!!❤️

  68. Congratulations Johanna and her sisters and Mackenzie will be married within 5 years. This leaves Maryella to raise the rest of the M kids.

    1. I doubt this will happen. Anna is capable of raising her children without pressing the older ones into service.

    2. Oh please, don't say that all those young girls are headed straight to early marriages. There's more to life at 18!

    3. Anna will probably be very, very cautious when her kids come to that stage.

    4. If Mackynzie gets married within 5 years, I'd be surprised. If she does, it would be to get away from her family situation. But I would think that Anna has her and all the kids convinced that her father is innocent, being persecuted, and that they all need to stick together until he's home again. Plus think about what having him for a father-in-law would be like for any potential suitors. There would either have to be a severing of ties, or some dutiful sticking together. Not a good situation all around.

    5. He would definitely be problematic as a father-in-law. There would always be that elephant in the room.

    6. What same person would want their son or daughter to marry into the Josh dugggar family?

    7. @4:44 That's the thing. They marry people who are for some reason OK with what has happened to Josh, and what happened to the girls. You can look at that two ways.

    8. 4:26 when people fall in love they are giving their love and support to that individual for a lifetime. It doesn’t mean they are o.k. With any bad family behavior....they have simply fallen in love with an individual to have and to hold. Many families have family members still in the closet for bad behavior including murder.

    9. @9:36 I would never get myself involved in a family who has a member capable of murder! What Josh did was bad enough too. Then you have his parents who purposely avoided the truth, to try to claim his innocence. Not what I'd want for in-laws.

    10. 9:36 yes one does fall in love with an individual. As far as the closet murder goes, it is shocking when this is exposed later in life..think I watched that 20/20.

  69. Yes!!! It was such a lovely wedding and they bot looked so happy.

  70. I wonder if he had to send her a letter because he knew texts and phone calls were all monitored by Jim Bob?

    1. Great comment!!!!

    2. Yes! Jana always handled the mail room. It would be the only way to contact her even semi-privately.

    3. Wonder if he had to fill out that questionnaire too.

  71. Congratulations…what a beautiful bride and groom. The location for the wedding was absolutely stunning. From the People’s article it sounds like Jana has found a loving, steadfast partner who will be loyal and loving for a lifetime of Joy. So sweet to see the beautiful pictures of her sister bridesmaids..Jessa was a perfect choice for Matron of honor..a loyal and loving sister.

  72. Awwww congratulations! This is our 47th wedding anniversary to. For many more year of happiness.

  73. Congratulations Jana and Stephen on your wedding. I can't wait to get the magazine and see you on YouTube. My dad and I would like to see your courtship and wedding. I am very happy you did keep it a secret. We miss the show on TV. Hopefully a spinoff of some kind of the family. Prayers for the family.

  74. Why did you not mention Jana was in nursing school.

    1. because she wasnt

    2. Nobody but Jana can be sure of the status of her schooling, and she's not really explaining the future of that. Remember when one of the girls (was it Jana?) described herself as a "concert pianist" on a website?

    3. @1:16 Was it Jinger? Someone called themselves that.

  75. Congratulations Jana & Stephen!!! It is time to revamp this site! New spouses and new babies added to the family. The pictures need to reflect changes!! Even if you are unable to get pictures of the new babies maybe at least names or number of new additions. Thanks.

    1. Agreed! That would be fabulous!!

    2. 6:35 congratulations! Perhaps we do not want a new header. It might inspire new babies. I think we have too many already.

    3. 6:33, I hardly think ANY of them would decide to have a baby because of a blog banner. And I'm really tired of people deciding how many children others should have. It's simply none of your business.

  76. Happy for Jana and Steven! And they have made many people happy to see their story!
    One comment I have is that Jana is like her twin John in that when their true love came they both blossomed from quiet and decent people to having extra joy, and a capacity for
    really showing more of their personality to their spouses. Wishing them all much happiness!

  77. Think of the huge contract TLC would have given them to air this wedding special had Brother Duggar not gone and messed things up for everyone.

    1. Not everything is about money. I think they are much better off without the TV exposure and living a normal life.

    2. @9:14 Tell that to Jim Bob!

  78. Jana looked beautiful in her elegant bridal gown. The venue was classy; as were the attendants dresses/color. I’m happy they had their special dance, too (does anyone know what song they danced to?)! Wishing them a marriage blessed with happiness.

    1. 7:48. The name of the song is Can’t Help Falling in love With You..made famous by Elvis Presley.

    2. Sounds like I can't help falling in love by:Elvis Presley.

    3. @7:30 Thought that was the song for that video snippet, not the dance.

  79. Jana didn't marry Mr Perfect nobody IS PERFECT. We have all fallen short of the glory of God

    1. We're not talking about "perfect" in the eyes of God. We're talking about "perfect" as in this is the person who you know you can spend the rest of your life with, who sees eye-to-eye with you, who shares your values, who upholds your goals, who is ready to work with you in the same direction in life, who makes you laugh, who honors you, who loves you as much as you love them, and so on and so on and so on. Your "forever" partner. Not the guy who happens to be at the end of a long line of flops and failures so you shrug and say sure, let's try it, you seem normal and OK. Jana may have chosen that type? If not, then it sure sounded like a one-sided love affair at the start.

    2. 8:58 Congratulations and give me a break. God has nothing to do with being perfect.

    3. Even the person you think is perfect for you has the potential to let you down, change into someone unrecognizable, and make you miserable.

    4. @10:27 That's why there are marriage counselors. But it usually doesn't get to that extreme. That's why you date someone longer than the few months the Duggars do. You have to see how they react in all circumstances, good and bad.

    5. 10:27..well said. My dear nephew had that happen to him. When my daughter asked me why both of his wives were so miserable..I said the same thing, they represented themselves one way and changed and let him down.

  80. I hope Jana and Stephen have a nice honeymoon.

    1. I wonder where they are going.

  81. This was heart warming. They both seemed so happy and were having a wonderful time.

  82. Congrats! My mom and I wish you nothing but God's blessings and love.

  83. I'm so happy for them, they make a great couple! Hope you can update your header with all the married family members soon!

  84. After enduring years of gossip and rumors, I think Jana was wise to wait until she and Stephen were married before making any public announcement. Wishing them a lifetime of happiness and joy.

    1. Except she showed up in a picture wearing her engagement ring this summer, whether accidentally or on purpose.

    2. Hints were being dropped. Jana's sudden reappearance on the internet after a 3 year absence and a picture with a ring on her finger.

  85. Congratulations Jana and Stephen!! So very happy for you, Jana!!

  86. Hmmm she didn't say she was marrying her best friend. I thought they always married their best friends?

  87. Here's hoping that Jeremy is enjoying his 37th Birthday!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)




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