Thursday, July 25, 2024

Vuolos on Internet Safety

Last week, we shared the news of Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo's new podcast and posted a link to their first episode. They just uploaded their second episode, available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and other podcast listening services. Have you listened to "The Jinger and Jeremy Podcast" yet? Episode two is about their decision to keep their daughters out of the spotlight. That isn't something they have always done, and they have received a lot of questions on the subject.


  1. If they're so concerned about "internet safety" and keeeping their daughters out of the spotlight, why don't THEY get off the internet?

    1. Wonderful comment. So much sad about this whole situation.

    2. They are going through the motions and don't realize what they are saying or doing. Great, you locked your front door. But you left your back door and windows wide open and a sign on your lawn saying, "Look here."

    3. 1:04 Yes, and her other buddy Jackson turned 19 a year ago tomorrow. Those two were my favorites!

  2. I don't believe people who say they're keeping their kids out of the spotlight yet continue to post pictures of them from behind. That negates what you claim you're doing.

    1. The girls are their children and not yours remember this when posting here

    2. @6:50 I disagree! It's like saying you're not singing, you're only humming. It's like saying you didn't eat that cake, you only put your fingers in the icing. The intent is still there.

  3. Internet safety? This is the couple who thinks it's fine to show their kids from the back. Don't they know that's all it takes for AI to fill in the rest and then those images could be posted all over the internet? If they really want to protect their kids, show NOTHING. Don't talk about them. Don't show your house. Don't talk about personal family things. Don't talk about where you're going. You can tell Jeremy and Jinger want so bad to be famous though.

    1. The house thing is huge. I don't get why people show their floor plans. Crazy!

    2. The AI thing is huge too. They've already given AI all the images and information needed to run with it.

  4. I don't understand why....if the Vuolos are so adamant about not posting their daughters on social media, why then do they merely block out their faces? Just post yourselves and completely leave the children out of it. It doesn't make sense to post the "backs" of the children. This would be more adult of them and make more sense.

    1. Because showing the kids makes people look which boosts click numbers. Which in turn generates more income and makes you look like influencers to companies who then send you free merch to promote. It's not about being adult. It's about income, free stuff, and trying to stay famous although your TV show ended ages ago. Imagine if they took that time to do good things for their community instead of making videos and podcasts of themselves.

  5. Jinger: "We don't know enough about the internet."

    1. Strange remark. Anybody else know what she meant by that? I don't get these two. Do they think this is some kind of ministry thing they're doing? That's what Jim Bob said about their old show and maybe it was at first but it soon became all about the money....and the notoriety. I'm not buying these two. They may think they're trying to help people. I think they just want pats on the back.

    2. I think it was a remark that showed how little Jinger knows about the internet.

    3. You are right 7:38. All they're doing with these videos is staying public. While talking about privacy!

    4. Jeremy has the most arrogant attitude, but tries hard not to show it. He reminds me of my ex- brother in law in so many ways of what I’ve seen/heard, in the past of Jeremy, on the show, videos and podcast. That is why I stopped following these two quite a while ago.

    5. Jeremy reminds me of a younger Jim Bob who came into money sooner. They have the same basic personality.

    6. They talked about how great it was to live in the LA area but named a whole bunch of things they didn't like about it, big daily and life-impacting things. Made me wonder why they're there, except for the status it gives Jeremy.

  6. They've been showing their kids for 6 years. Why are they saying they're keeping them off social media? We saw pictures as recently as last week!

    1. I know. If they really wanted to keep the girls out of the spotlight, they would get off social media and do something else to earn a living.

    2. Maybe they mean the girls don't have their own social media accounts so they're "off" social media. But their parents sure are filling up their own social media with them and the fact that they are there.

  7. I think "internet safety" is an oxymoron.

  8. It's interesting this blog post came up when it did. Some of my friends and I were discussing that very day about social media and human trafficking. Many victims were found through social media. I know it's fun to get likes when we post our children but its not just not worth it anymore. There are just too many weirdos online looking for innocent children.

  9. I think Jinger and Jeremy are doing a fine job of protecting their children. Nothing they post falls into the category of "dangerous". When you are well known and post pictures of your children's faces online you make them recognizable to strangers who may not have good intentions. There is so much judgement towards them on this site....

    1. 2:08 I don't agree with you about them doing a fine job. I think any online showing of children is bad. Publicizing them even in a roundabout way while you're trying hard to stay in the spotlight and make money is worse. You see judgement, I see concern for safety.

    2. Of course we're wondering about Jinger and Jeremy's judgement to expose their children, even the backs of them. Would you put your little kids online like that for the public? How to say this next...will try to put it delicately... Why her brother is in prison could also factor into someone's wondering about their judgement.

  10. Quit complaining about this family. Their choice their kids. Always negative comments. Jinger is the most normal in this family.

    1. Whatever comments are posted on this blog are approved by the owners. So, perhaps your issue is with them.
      Yes, it's the Vuolo's choice to promote themselves on social media/YouTube and open themselves up to public criticism.

    2. The most normal?, why because she tossed away her families beliefs and moved to California and lives to earn money to fit in with all the other materialistic people from hollyweird. Living a simplistic life in Christ that she was raised in was the most endearing quality that she use to have and the only reason people even know who she is. If the Duggars lived the way she lives now they would have never made it past the first season. (Can you imagine Michelle posting selfies of herself in all the latest styles) It was not only their large family but most of all it was how they lived a simple life full of ministry work and family celebrations and we learned a lot from how they lived and also how to shop on a working mans budget. There were so many blessings that came from her old lifestyles.

    3. 9:22 They are saying one thing but doing another. They say they're keeping their kids off the internet but they're not. They made an entire vlog to talk about their kids and how they're not exposing their kids. You don't see the irony?

    4. God says we His children are a peculiar people (distinct from others) and sojourners (temporary resident) so if someone calls you normal, they are saying you look just like the world. Live for Christ, look and act like a person not invested in the trappings of this world but rather a person who lives with a high calling in Christ and be that light for this lost world.

    5. Are you serious? The most normal Duggars are the ones that have dropped out of sight and aren't posting on the internet to pay for their lies.

    6. Yes, I agree with you, 8:58 AM.

  11. Can anyone explain how posting a 7-minute video a few weeks ago titled "Felicity's First Race" is keeping your kids out of the spotlight? (Both girls were in the video.)


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