
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Vuolos Make Two Big Announcements

Almost two years ago, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo announced that they had purchased a house after renting in Los Angeles for three years. Some readers have guessed that the Vuolos recently moved again, and they are correct. Jinger, Jeremy, Felicity, and Evangeline still live in the same city, but they moved into a new house. It is a bit of a fixer-upper (Jinger is a Duggar, after all).

So that is the first big announcement. The second is that they are relaunching their podcast. We posted about their first podcast, "The Hope We Hold," in June 2020. It ran through December 2020. Evangeline was born in November, so they decided that they needed a break. Now three and a half years later, they are jumping back on the airwaves. This podcast is called "The Jinger and Jeremy Podcast," and the first episode is now available on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts.


  1. They bought the second house, or the church did?

    1. They had a house, which they purchased in Laredo. They moved to LA and bought a home and now have sold that house and bought another. Why do people think their church would buy them a house?

    2. Hard to tell. They put the first house in LA on the market and if it sold I guess they could buy this one.

    3. Church owns it. The church bought a bunch of properties a few years ago. Called Campus Cottages. Used for housing for students.

    4. @9:35 The church didn't buy them a house. They are living in a house now that the church owns. That church owns many houses in that same area.

    5. I wish they would clarify. That's not their furniture. That's not even their style of furniture. It looks rental, furnished. But why would you spend your money doing "projects" on a rental house, like tear out the kitchen? They need to explain if they want us to watch these videos.

    6. Anonymous 9.35, they didn't buy this new house. They now live in campus housing for students of the church-university that Jeremy is studying at. Much less pricey: the probably needed the money.

  2. They seem rather unsettled and keep moving here and there. The girls need more stability than that sort of thing.

    1. The girls will be moving with their parents, the family will be all together. I see no problem.

    2. Well, life isn't always perfect. How they parent has a LOT more to do with security than their location.

    3. Jinger already admitted that the girls "took some time to get used to" the new house.

    4. Lol, tell that to the military. And many denominations move their pastors every couple of years.

    5. Anon 11:16 and Anon 9:11. I disagree with you there. I moved 4 times during my childhood and didn't like it at all. Moving meant I had to adjust to a new neighborhood, change schools, leave my friends behind and make new friends. I didn't care for it at all.

    6. 12:11, I hear you. We had to move fairly often when my kids were younger and it wasn't easy on me either! But parents can do things to help their children feel more secure or less secure in the moving and adjustment periods.

    7. Children adjust to moving just fine. Military kids often have plenty of moves. With so many people leaving L.A. they likely got a good buy on their home. Certainly didn’t look like a “cottage” when they did a house tour a while back.

    8. @12:11 They only moved 7 miles (road distance, not as the crow flies) and they are still very involved with Master's U, so I doubt the move was very drastic in terms of friends or schools. Worst part would be waking up and taking a moment to remember you're in a different house and the bathroom is down the hall that way instead of this way.

  3. "Could be twins. You never know."

  4. People mag has Tyler and the girl he’s engaged to picture. Article is talking about growing up with the Duggars. Flattering article.

    1. I saw the People Magazine article too. Tyler is humongous but good looking and a nice hairline. They make a cute couple.

    2. Engaged? Isn't he 16?

    3. They live in Kentucky where you can get married at 17.

  5. I'd like to know the logic behind buying a house a few years ago, remodeling the back yard, being so proud of everything that you film it, and then ditching it all to live in a house you don't even own. Not enough income from those books to support that big mortgage? Or wanting to live somewhere without paying?

    1. I think they don't have enough cash flow to support their preferred lifestyle and had to sell the nice house and move to the "fixer" house.

    2. 1:14 you must not live in California..they probably bought a house in a more expensive neighborhood, with more square feet.

  6. Jeremy needs to stop interrupting Jinger. He is so egotistical and rude when he does that.

    1. Absolutely agree. That's his personality.

  7. Jinger is not a fixer-upper person. Remember in Laredo, she needed half her family there to do something about the kitchen. She couldn't even tackle a closet in CA without Jana around. I don't know why anyone would imply that she can fix up because she's a Duggar.

    1. Maybe she'll get Jana to come and fix everything up for her. I don't think Jeremy fixes stuff up either.

  8. They really are desperate to make money any way other than having 9-5 jobs. Fame is fleeting, guys.

  9. Here's Hoping that Katey is enjoying her 26th Birthday!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  10. Dear Jennifer: I hope that you are having a fantastic 17th Birthday!!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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