
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tour Jana's Tiny House

A few years ago, Jana Duggar moved into a tiny house. In true Duggar fashion, she did a lot of renovations before moving in. She has worked hard to make it functional and beautiful. She does a lot of movie nights with her sisters. She also has two sinks side-by-side, courtesy of her brothers. Visit her YouTube channel to watch her 14-minute tour, filmed by Jessa Seewald.


  1. Happy birthday toJimBob on his 58th birthday. He’s raised a fine family!

  2. She has made herself a cozy little place. She isn't living in the big house any more...she has a tiny home on the family happy for her.

    1. Seeing as how she doesn't have a real kitchen, doesn't have a bath tub, and doesn't have a washer/dryer, I think it's safe to say that she is back at the Big House an awful lot.

    2. Neddy Constant
      Before I say about Janas house
      Congrats on Jed * Katey they are
      Excepting twin girls.
      Time 11:16AM Thurs 7/18/24

    3. 3:57 well, she still has her own house. I imagine this tiny house allows her to shower and change after working in the garden.

  3. She has a lot of gall Photoshopping knee-length skirts onto other girls wearing shorts shorts, only to show up in a video wearing short shorts (or whatever that short thing is). Nike.

    1. @6:51 What in the world are you talking about?

    2. Grow up....I have never seen Jana wear anything I would call short shorts.

    3. It seems contrary to pass judgement on others wearing shorts, then show up wearing that. @4:03 Jana famously posted pictures of herself at a fair but altered the photo to add skirts to the girls in the background who were wearing shorts.

    4. Is it possible at her young age she was forced to do that before being allowed to post said pics? It seems strange to me to pass judgment on a 34 year old for something they did as a child with no control over their lives.

    5. @5:32. She was 29 when did her photoshopping! Hardly a child!

    6. @5:32 Young age? She would have been in her late 20's if not already 30 when that happened. She was definitely no child. She was in those photos herself.

  4. Glad she has a place of her own. It's a greater starter home for when she gets married soon. She is such an inspiration to me finding her independence after 30+ years living with her parents and younger siblings. I'm 25 and still single and in the process of planning to become independent over the next 5 years by learning to drive and getting my license and a car,a small place of my own to rent and maybe meeting someone on a Christian dating site or social media group since I've had no luck finding Mr. Right in my small church.

    1. If I got married there'd be no way I'd live in my parents' back yard.

    2. Her tiny home is right in her parents' backyard.

    3. Good luck to you! I also had a moment at age 25 when I realized I was going to have to take the initiative in dating etc.

  5. What was that bit about the 2 sinks and how her brothers thought of putting both sinks in the kitchen? She didn't seem too happy about that. Sounded like the boys did it without asking her first, but she wouldn't come right out and say that. I can't imagine having a bathroom without a sink.

  6. It looks like Jana's tiny house is on the Duggar property.

    1. It's literally right outside the back door. She hasn't gotten very far. If the other house had more bedrooms instead of the 2 dorm rooms, she'd probably still be living there. I think she wanted to Magnolia-ize that office trailer because she couldn't do that to the big house. The Duggars adore Chip and Joanna Gaines and emulate their every move when it comes to decor.

    2. It's like a "guest house" next to the big house. It was originally touted as a "gathering place". I'm not entirely sure Jana actually lives there full time.

    3. Anon4:01. I thought it looked familar. Well they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

  7. I hope she's comfortable there. It's a bit too "tiny" for my taste. And why does the bathroom have NO sink?

  8. If this is her idea of "cozy and comfortable", it's not mine. There's no sink in the bathroom Where does she brush her teeth, at the kitchen sink? IMO this whole place wasn't very well planned.

    1. Hate to point out the obvious, but you come out of the bathroom with dirty hands and have to turn a doorknob before you ever get to a sink.

    2. If you're the only one in the house, you don't have to close the door in the first place . . .

    3. 7:05 Houses still have windows. Plus you never know which sibling might show up for a visit.

  9. I love your tiny house Jana. Good luck.

    1. I also love her tiny house, someplace to go for some me time.

  10. Beautiful job Jana-just like everything else you touch! Bravo!

  11. Its right next to the main house , so it's not like she moved very far .

  12. This seems more like a personal retreat than real living quarters and of course is only a stone's throw from the main house. Even if Jana actually lives there, she's still under the watchful eye of her parents.

  13. Congratulations to Jana and a special thanks for the update and share.

  14. As far as I'm concerned, this place is neither functional or beautiful. To begin with there's no sink in the bathroom (which I consider a necessity) and the two sinks in the kitchen are not attractive. If Jana likes it, that's fine but it's nothing I'd want to live in.

    1. That part of Arkansas gets bad storms and tornadoes. This past spring was particularly brutal in the Midwest. That structure is not safe to be in during severe weather.

  15. I'm so happy to know that she's had a place of her own for a few years now ! I was just surprised not to see any praying corner/Bible/etc. ?

  16. These efforts to market Jana as independent and successful fall rather flat when you see that her "house" is simply a guest cottage in her parents' back yard.

    1. I don't think she actually lives there. Not only was there no sink in the bathroom, but unless I'm mistaken, there was no stove in the kitchen, just a microwave.

    2. I'm not sure things work in Arkansas, but where I live a place needs a Certificate of Occupancy for people to live in it. This house with its lack of a sink in the bathroom and no stove in the kitchen would not get a certificate in my area. Nor would a warehouse where Anna and Josh lived. Seems rather odd to me that they are allowed to live in these sorts of places.

  17. I understand that Jana's tiny house is on the Duggar property. I also understand that Anna and her (and Josh) 7 children also live on Duggar property in a converted warehouse. Is there anyone else living on Duggar property, aside from the main house? Just curious.

    1. There's another house on the property, behind the warehouse. Joe & Kendra lived there, built another house, but Kendra's parents moved into it. So Joe & Kendra might still be on the property.

    2. Thank you for the info. 5:57 PM. I appreciate it.

  18. I loved watching the small house tour. I would love to have seen a before and after picture.

  19. I am curious as to how Jana affords all of this. I've never heard that she works?

    1. Jana probably gets an allowance for all the work she does at her parents house.

    2. 3:17 Jana does work. My sister saw her working at the Hobby Lobby next to Culver’s in Tonitown. She teaches crafts to children on Saturday mornings there.

  20. Will Johannah now move in? 🤔


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