
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Jason Duggar's Girlfriend

Exciting news! Jason Duggar is in a relationship with a girl named Maddie. Jason, who is No. 12 of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's 19 children, turned 24 in April.


  1. That's nice. Once these relationships are announced, engagements and marriages follow in short order.

  2. Apparently the "quick side hug" rules are no longer around. If you go back and watch the show that's the one thing the Duggar parents were firm on, those physical rules of courtship. Wonder what made them change their minds and become more worldly? Makes me wonder what else from the show no longer applies, and why.

    1. Jason is 24 can do what he wants. Doesn't need Dad and Moms approval anymore

    2. The courtship rules only apply for the girls...not the guys.

    3. Weak convictions built on tissue paper and sand.

    4. It doesn't matter why,opinions change,but just for the record my opinion would be that they realised being so strict wasn't as necessary as they thought, after all Josh still turned out a bad egg,so they realised they should give their adult kids more freedom and trust them more so they don't feel the need to rebel.

    5. Those "rules" were for the show. The younger ones have been ignoring JB and Michelle's "rules" for years.

    6. Makes me wonder if everything on the show was made up for the cameras and the paychecks.

    7. Are you part of the IBLP? Just because they aren't doing side hugs doesn't mean they are worldly. And Jason is now grown an adult. He and none of the adult children are bound to their parents rules.

    8. I'm thinking the Duggar adult kids have moved away from courtship. They work out in the world and meet lots of people not just from the closed circle of Duggar friends, they travel the world...without their parents. Some elements of "courtship" are good and some not so good. They need to do what's right fir them not their parents.

  3. I've only seen one photo, she's a pretty, young woman. I wish them well.

  4. Neddy Constant
    Congrats Jason
    Time 4:24AM Mon 7/8/24

  5. Well, now we know it’s not Addallee Bates as some speculated. Wishing them all the best. They look happy.

    1. Addallee is only 18! Thank goodness it's not her.

  6. That's interesting. Perhaps wedding bells in a few months.

  7. 24! I can't believe he's 24:already. Makes me feel old. My youngest will be 24 this year.

    1. My youngest is twice that. I guess I'm beyond old and into ancient. But with age comes wisdom, so I'll take it.

  8. Jana appears to be wearing a big ol' diamond engagement ring, so maybe there will be 2 announcements?

    1. Where are you seeing a ring? I sure hope this is true!

    2. I saw that story too! It sure does look like an engagement ring. 💍

    3. Neddy Constant
      There is a rumor saying she is
      Engaged to be married. But we all
      have to wait & see if it's TRUE.
      Time 2:50AM Wed 7/10/24

    4. Yes,I've seen her wearing a diamond ring in pictures too,and in the video she posted on utube she was always hiding her left hand, and she said to her siblings that she might retire now from her projects, maybe she was hinting retiring from her projects at home and taking on a a new role as a housewife,I do hope she's getting married, she deserves love like her sisters, can't have been easy for her waiting so long.

    5. Yes. It sure looked like she was wearing a diamond ring in the picture he posted. Guess we'll find out if they're engaged soon.

    6. 1:18 stop feeding the rumor mill. Nothing but school girl gossip.

    7. Neddy Constant
      For now it's a rumor. We all have to
      Wait & See if Jana is engaged.
      Time 4:43PM Thurs 7/11/24

    8. Nothing but gossip? She posted a picture and you can clearly see a ring. Nothing but photo evidence is more like it.

    9. It’s a bypass (casual) ring. Not an engagement ring.

  9. Girlfriend? Isn’t that anti-courting language?

    1. Do you think maybe we were all told one thing on their show when in reality they do another? I can't imagine!

    2. I think for the most part that what we saw is how they were. At least at that time. But there was a photo that circulated on the Internet many many years ago, where Ginger was sitting on the couch in athletic pants. Long before Jeremy.

    3. Not really. I believe in courting but if i had a guy I'd introduce him as my boyfriend for lack of a better term. I mean, i suppose i could use suitor, but that sounds kinda weird.

  10. If you thought Joy had learned from her recent ER scare, she answered that by posting pictures of the littlest one with a chunk of watermelon, including the rind, and the older two lighting firecrackers.

    1. Wow. Austin used to be an EMT, he'll know what to do when something happens.

    2. @9:53 You don't let your kids do dangerous things while thinking it's OK, I have Bandaids and I know how to use them.

    3. Wow 9:53. Most parents don't wait until something happens and then rely on EMT training to remedy it. Most parents take every precaution to prevent accidents in the first place.

  11. @1:18 I've seen a LOT of speculation about that ring.

  12. Congratulations


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