Monday, June 17, 2024

Vuolos on Duggar Family Relationships

Have you heard the news about Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo's new book? She and Jeremy recently joined Matt and Abby Howard on their podcast, The Unplanned Podcast. For 90 minutes, they discuss a wide variety of topics, including how they live their lives differently than Jim Bob and Michelle and how they navigate making their own decisions while maintaining a good relationship with the Duggars. 

Jinger explains that she desires to preserve family relationships in order to have a positive influence on family members who are still following the IBLP teachings. The Vuolos also talk about their choice not to make money an issue while they were filming for Counting On. And Jeremy shares how he showed respect for Jim Bob and Michelle during his courtship with Jinger.

How do Jinger and Jeremy, who live in Los Angeles, stay in touch with the ever-growing Duggar clan? Jinger says that she talks to various family, including her mom, on a regular basis. There are a number of Duggar family group chats, including one with the sisters, one about working out, and one with the entire family. 

Those are the highlights of the podcast, but we encourage you to listen for yourself. You'll find The Unplanned Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts, as well as on YouTube.


  1. How to stay on good terms with your relatives: Don't discuss religion or politics.

    1. Ditto!!!!!!!!

    2. That's easier said than done, especially when it's the relative who keeps bringing up those topics, even though it's been made clear that it is not appreciated. I have extended family members I simply have stopped extending invitations to family gatherings, because they make them too stressful.

  2. I'll say this for Jeremy. He knows which side his bread is buttered on.

  3. Here we go again with another media book tour. I never thought in my wildest dreams that Jinger would be the one so Desperate to stay in the spotlight even if it means writing book after book about the woes of her childhood. She and Jeremy both should be thankful to the family since its still the only way they make a living. First it was the show and now its books about the parents raising them. Why can't they w

    1. I think there are many, many families involved in groups like IBLP who's children, both grown and still young need people who have gotten out to lead the way. Jinger and Jeremy have done so respectfully, without focusing too closely on private family stuff. I don't think Jinger ignores or has forgotten that her family gave her a platform on which to speak....she also hasn't forgotten the damage their cult like beliefs and overly public personna caused.

    2. She’s become money hungry.

    3. Jinger must sit and obsess about the past. My goodness she got married years ago and has 2 children to care for and has a husband and a life that is nothing like her more conservative upbringing and so just more on already and live your life! Her parents and a lot of the married siblings are perfectly happy living a more conservative lifestyle similar to the way they were raised in and so she should stop creating a problem were there is no problem. Sheesh just live your life girl!

    4. I agree with 10:27. She had no choice to be on the show, but she has the choice to either stay silent or help others who have had the same struggles as she has had.

    5. She's a materialist. It's gonna suffocate her. It did me.

    6. Living in California doesn't help.. thanks to Newsom's minimum wage hike for fast food employees, restaurants are closing. Businesses are moving out, celebrities are selling their homes. They'd do good to get out too

    7. @5:20 A lot of those restaurants were closing before that law even went into effect and were likely going down the tubes anyway. This just gave them an excuse. If they can't afford to pay their workers the new minimum wage of $20/hour, which is hardly a fortune, they'd better go out of business.

    8. @1:50- California's had bad leadership for years. Many of their businesses have moved to other states that are doing better :)

  4. Why are they still following IBLP? Talk about false prophets...

    1. I don't think Jinger and Jeremy are following IBLP, but they're still trying to stay on good terms with JB and Michelle so they put out this kind of double talk. IMO they're just trying to make a living with a new book.

    2. Jinger and Jeremy, Jill and Derrick, Joy and Austin and Ben and Jessa have all said they do not follow IBLP.

  5. I don't understand how they'd be able to do it because I'm not on speaking terms with my family members. My parents divorced when I was 19, although we all saw it coming. I no longer keep in contact with my dad or my half brother, his son or any of this extended family. My mom and I just cut off my aunt, her sister and my cousin. The only person that I really have a good relationship with is my mom.

    1. Wow....I'm sorry your parent's got divorced but please explain why that means you don't have a relationship with your dad or extended family. Divorce is between the couple, yes there are ramifications family wide but to end relationships is just very extreme. Your parents did not divorce you.

    2. I'm very sorry to hear! My parents divorced when I was 10. I have a good relationship with both. I don't know the circumstances that led to you not having a relationship with your dad, but habe you talked to him? If he did something to hurt you, it's understandable, but forgive him. That is for your peace of mind

    3. I’m sorry, but my dad did not treat me with kindness. I won’t go into detail because it’s my privacy. Please don’t judge anyone about the choices they make regarding relationships with their parents or family members. I’m just lucky enough I still have my mom around. Every family situation is unique and sometimes there comes a point where you may need to cut ties with some of these family members.

    4. @June 19 Each family situation is unique. I made choices that probably not a lot of other people had make and that's my choice.

    5. @June 19, Every family situation is unique. I made choices probably not a lot of other people my age had to make and that was my choice to make it. I may not share every detail because it's private and my life. You may still choose to have a relationship with your parent and extended family. That's your choice, but please be understanding to other people's situations and feelings. We really shouldn't be telling them how they should handle their own situations. In time we'll make the decisions that's right for us.

  6. I heard that they don't want to adopt a baby because it might have "generational issues" (inferior genes). With that attitude, they shouldn't adopt.

    1. That was Bill Gothard's viewpoint, not the Vuolos.

    2. Jinger followed Gothard and some of her family still does.

    3. Does Jinger still follow Gothard?

    4. @5:07 No but she follows another leader (Jeremy's, of course) with extreme views too. Out of the frying pan, into the.....

  7. Money greed plain and blank.

    1. Yep. Got to pay for their lifestyle.

    2. Just like Jinger's father then

  8. I don't think any of the married couples actually follow IBLP teachings. They all seem to be quietly making changes and going their own way. As long as they give JB lip service and don't openly oppose him, he can ignore that and still think he's "in charge".

  9. People need not judge others. What Jinger and Jeremy do is their business. Said it before you all are JEALOUS. Also it doesn't impact your life does it .

    1. 12:14 Nobody is jealous of these people. Nobody would trade their own wonderfully crafted life for that. You seem to have closed off every possible reason other than jealousy, and are judging people as that. Yes it does impact our lives to watch other people making mistakes.

    2. I grew up in a cult much worse than Jinger and her siblings. I could write a book about what was taught to me and how I was raised. However, I just could not do that to my parents (even though it would make me some $$$$). It was their decision to be in it.

    3. Well said, 9:37 AM.

    4. What mistakes are they MAKING?

    5. Well.. they decided to share it with everyone who will watch so of course people will talk..

    6. 12:14 Obviously posted by someone with little life experience. Add a few decades of observation and decide again. Jealousy is not it.

    7. Posts you disagree with doesn't mean that people are "jealous". When you point your finger, remember there are three fingers pointing back at you.

  10. It was surprising to hear that the Duggars are against adoption and their reasoning was very disappointing. It’s important as Christians to recognize that God's will is sovereign. However, having adopted a child internationally, from an orphanage over 30 years ago, we were shocked at the time, that not all our Christian friends agreed. I’m thankful we followed God’s leading and followed His will.

    1. I don't understand how anyone can be against abortion AND adoption. That makes no sense. That is not thinking of the child, only of yourself.

    2. Anon 12:49. Of course you can be against abortion and adoption. After all it's the responsibility of the woman who "got herself pregnant" to care for the unwanted child after it's born.

    3. 1:57 wow that’s quite a cruel statement. Tragedies happen and children end up in’s quite a jump to say these children are unwanted..obviously there are tons of wonderful families who want to follow the Biblical view of caring for orphans.. It’s people like you who are unkind and unsympathetic and selfish and would never be led to adopt the precious children left without a family.

  11. Where are they moving?

  12. I watched the full interview, and did not appreciate how Jinger and Jeremy ridiculed the blood laws that God gave to Israel. To hear them talk, Bill Gothard almost made this all up out of thin air (especially when they talked about abstaining during your period). Are those laws binding on Christmas? No. But to ridicule the laws? Really? Come on. God had his reasons.

    1. What I don't like is how people like Jinger and Jeremy always cherry-pick the Bible. There are awful "laws" in there that nobody in their right mind would follow and that wouldn't even be legal to do nowadays. Yet there are Christians who act as if that book is the end-all-be-all to follow and like to quote it, conveniently leaving out the gory or strange parts. You know what parts I mean.

    2. I''m not sure what you're referring to. Christians don't follow Old Testament laws and even Jews don't follow many of the laws in the Old Testament. You don't see Jews sacrificing animals to atonement for sins, etc.


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