
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Update Video from Jana

What has Jana Duggar been up to? The second eldest of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s 19 children just shared an update video. This is the first video that Jana has posted to YouTube in three years. In it, she shares some of the projects that she and her siblings have been working on at the family property. 


  1. Wow I love how nice they made their property look! Those baby goats are so adorable, oh my goodness I would be constantly picking them up and hugging them. I'm really impressed with how good Jana and her siblings take on projects and do an impeccable job with them.

    1. The trouble with baby goats is that in about a year they turn into adult goats and aren't nearly so cute. I wonder what they plan on DOING with the goats once they grow up.

    2. @8:53 I hadn't thought of that but you're right, they'd better have an end plan in mind or else they're going to end up with a lot of inbred goats on hand, or freezers full of goat meat. Poor goats.

    3. Yes, 8:53 AM that was my concern. These baby animals will soon grow up. Then what? I'm not sure if she wants to "deal" with all the full-grown farm animals she will soon have. I guess she could buy more land. Perhaps a Petting Zoo?

    4. Eat them maybe. I've had goat meat. Quite tasty.

    5. @2:42 You can look that baby goat in the eye and tell him he's "tasty"?

    6. 2:42 PM. Playing, cuddling, and frolicking with baby animals is fun. Then EATING them.? I know I couldn't do that.

    7. I completely agree with you 1:29. I've been a vegetarian for most of my life. I love animals so much!

    8. That's why you don't name those cutie pies folks! If you live in the city and have never had farm animals, you wouldn't understand the mindset. yes we can treat our livestock like pets but ultimately they are there to be eaten. Them's just the hard facts of country life.

    9. jana is marching her very own band and has proven self as a strong minded young independent woman and so what still living at home w/ the younger siblings .

    10. @10:44-strong minded??? How so?

    11. @7:07 I would also add the question of independence to your valid question for 10:44. I see nothing but dependence here. Jana is simply making the best of her situation of being expected to live at home with her parents until marriage. She's finding things to do around the place so she's not bored. Someone mature, strong-minded, and independent would have taken off and lived on her own, supporting herself, long before now. As far as "so what," read what people wrote below about not working and not earning SS credits. That's the answer to "so what."

  2. Just wear pants you are a ADULT!

    1. She had pants on in one part of the video.

    2. She has worn pants.

    3. Why does it bother you if she wear skirts? I don't think she needs or appreciates complete strangers telling her what to wear or not wear.

    4. She probably likes wearing skirts. She's worn them most her life so it doesn't bother her

    5. I'm an adult, and I wear skirts.

  3. I know Duggar’s don’t heed to any safety standards, but c’mon at least edit out being barefoot with broken class, nails, wood planks etc on the floor.

    1. Don't worry Duggars NEVER get cuts from broken glass or splinters in their feet. LOL

    2. I believe the old saying “bad publicity is better than no publicity” is their motto.

  4. It was nice to hear from her. Though I would love to hear she has a special guy in her life, I'm sure she is trusting God in this area as it should be.

    1. Perhaps she has decided not to marry. Why do perfect strangers imagine a romantic life for her? She is beautiful, smart and talented...if she wanted married life she could and would have it.

    2. I have two aunts in their sixties and they never got married. They are beautiful women who have very active lives and are two of the happiest people I know. They are both involved in ministries and have hobbies and all of us love them. I don't think the secret to a happy life is always marriage. I think its being in the will of God and loving what you are doing in your life. Jana obviously loves her life and doesn't feel called to be married now or ever and that's ok too.

    3. Maybe God brought her a special guy and she said no. People have the final say you know.

    4. @12:13 Wouldn't that go against Jinger's people pleaser rules? Or anger God, which is forbidden? Hey maybe that's why she doesn't have a husband. Maybe she said no one too many times and the deals ended.

  5. Seems Jana is enjoying her life....good for her. How many comments will talk about courtship or marriage....hopefully none.

    1. You just did.

    2. That's what i was thinking. hahaha. But i get it. I'm almost thirty and i get the comments to. Hey if the guy had shown up I'd be married by now.

    3. I went out actively seeking the guy. I didn't wait for him to show up. It worked.

  6. She didn't get married

    1. Yeah, so much for those who said she got married in April.

    2. Yep. That whole romance thing appears to have been another rumor.

    3. What’s your point?

    4. 2:10 point is, rumor has it she got married, but she obviously didn't lol

    5. Thank you, 10:18 :)

  7. Maybe they could hire the goats out as "lawnmowers". There's company in my area that does that. It seems that not only are the goats good at mowing grass, but they also fertilize the lawn as they mow.

  8. What a lovely spot you continue to create. The baby lambs and goats are adorable. You all look like you are having so much fun and creating memories, while working hard. What a great life!

    1. Yes it's lovely. When you are single, live with your parents and don't have a job, you have plenty of time for this sort of thing.

    2. I hope she's wisely investing any farm income or her parents are providing a pension plan. Without a payroll job, she'll have no working SS credits when she turns 65. Without a spouse, she won't qualify for half of his. If you cruise through life having fun in your 30's, you will regret it in your 60's. I know people who are trying to live on minimum SS alone and it's awful. If you chose not to work and pay into SS, then you chose to have financial problems later. I also know people who thought they were going to live off their parents' wealth someday and that plan fell apart too. Even the future of SS is shaky. Jana needs a work wake-up call and a financial advisor before it's too late.

    3. 4:51 PM I agree with you.

    4. Anon 1:55. You're so right. If she hasn't paid into SS for 10 years, she will have NO SS for her old age. I know a couple who made no provision for the future and only have minimum SS. They are struggling and STILL working while in their 70's to try to make ends meet. So sad. No one should expect an inheritance from their parents to provide for them in their old age.

    5. 7/7 @ 1:55pm..this is the best advice you could give Jana and anyone in her situation. You are wise to post this here as I hope many like-minded women in Jana's position read this and consider their situation. Their parents do them no favors at all for their future if they don't provide for their unmarried, unemployed adult children.

    6. I think Jana is happy with her life and is doing things she enjoys. However, we all grow old and she really needs to engage in some kind of occupation where she pays into Social Security so that she will be eligible for SS and Medicare when she turns 65. She will need income after her parents die. Although JB and Michelle are wealthy, Jana has 18 siblings, so her share of their estate won't be enough to support her. She really should be making some provision for the future now so she won't be an unwanted burden on the rest of her family when she is old.

    7. Re the financial stuff - YES - this is something you don't think about in your 20's or 30's when you can't imagine being 65 or older. Staying home or working off the books for your parents does you no good in the future. You can't count on a man to come along and pull you out of that situation. You can't count on a marriage lasting (spouses do die) or your parents not losing their money because of health issues or other setbacks. So never bank on having an inheritance, especially if you have siblings that could fight you for it or convince parents to change things (wills) around unexpectedly and without your knowledge. Yes it's lovely to imagine a life of luxury being taken care of by your parents, then being taken care of by your husband while you stay home and tend to domestic duties. But the reality is that only people who are very lucky have that work out for them in the end. Nothing is guaranteed in life and you'd better have a back-up plan, like education and work experience. Those will pull you through. Cute as her baby animals and fences might be, Jana has neither education or work experience to show for herself. Her sisters don't either. They are depending on luck, and sometimes luck runs out. Ask anyone that has happened to and see if they wish they had planned better, worked harder, earned more, or saved more.

    8. @9:22 Jana may have invested money over the years, I'm sure when Jim Bob paid all of the adults as mentioned in Jill's book she got paid also. Parents can make provisions in a will to provide differently for different kids depending on individual circumstances. Jana will be fine and as for being a burden...I'm sure her siblings would nit feel that way.

    9. How many times do you have to post about SS and inheritance??!!??

    10. 10:12.. it is nice to see her interact with her siblings and create memories. Jana has her own home to keep up, as well as her investments, so it is nice to see her make time for her family.

  9. This is a ton of work and planning that she’s executed beautifully. She also has a talent for teaching and including others with her projects, which I deeply admire. What a gem of a gal! Go Jana!

  10. She needs friends her own age. She spends way too much time with her sisters. It's weird because they are so much younger than her.

    1. Nothing is weird about spending time with your sisters, many of us with larger families have siblings spread apart in age. Jana is a sister, friend and mentor..good for her.

    2. She has friends her own age. Let her be!

  11. Is she going to go to the path of the latest hurricane and help raise money for her brothers?

    1. I don't know - do they have fast-food restaurants there?

    2. Good one, 1:56! Duggars be like, "I need my Chick-Fil-A and Marketplace Grill!"

    3. They actually had chicken sandwiches flown in for them when they were "helping" after one of the hurricanes. People had lost everything and the Duggars were worried about having their group get the catering they liked. This was documented.

  12. Maybe she can get a job photoshopping modest clothing on to people! That’d be right up her alley! 😂


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