
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Q&A with Joy Forsth

Joy Forsyth recently sat down to answer questions from fans. What is her favorite song? Has she done any disentangling as a result of the release of Jinger and Jill's books? How did she come to the decision to wear pants, and did other family members give her grief? Hear her discuss these and other topics in her latest question and answer video.


  1. Why does joy keep talking about why she chose to wear pants I remember when whore pants for the first time and I still wear them to work. If some of duggars want wear pants they can wearing pants doesn’t make you a bad person it is a decision us girls make my daughter wear skirts and dress and sometimes copies me but I don’t forse her to do something she dosent want to do.

    1. I find the fact she's still flogging this "dead horse" annoying. The Duggars created this issue to draw attention to themselves and won't just let it go.

    2. Did you read the post? It says she is answering questions from fans. That's why.

    3. The Duggar girls were taught that pants are not modest, and that only boys/men wear pants and girls women wear shirts/dresses.

      It's hard to break free of what you were taught all your life. Also to their parents it is a big deal, that their daughters are going against how they were raised. Given we are only hearing from the girls side, (I say this cause there is two sides to every story, but honestly what has come to light in the past years i do tend to believe the girls over the parents. Also i only say the girls because none of the boys have spoken out like them) but it seems like their parents still believe they should obey them even though they are married and have children of their own.

    4. Anon 12:31. Since Joy controls the content of her videos, she's the one that keeps bringing the matter up. She doesn't answer any "questions" that she chooses to ignore. So why does she keep answering this "question"?

    5. You might not understand that I taught the same thing I just find annoying that people ask the same question and I find it annoying if someone asked me same question .

  2. I think it's a shame that Joy feels the need to regularly defend her decision to wear pants. She's an adult and therefore is free to wear whatever she wants without offering an explanation. It seems she can't quite break away from her paretns and their dictates.

    1. @4:57 Agreed. That is the danger of her parents' way of thinking. Obsession that everything could be wrong and even little everyday things make you a "sinner." Puts up giant unhealthy mental roadblocks in your life.

  3. People are so hard on this girl. She’s trying to make a little extra money keeping her YouTube channel going and she’s very busy with a young family and a lot of home projects. I don’t think she has endless exciting material for you. I think she’s a regular young gal who has some actual personal boundaries. Keep trucking Joy.

    1. Just curious as to how you make money from a channel? Is it advertising or how does one do that?

  4. I heard a rumor that Gunner almost choked to death. Is this true?

    1. I don't know, but seeing the little girl in a car seat in that weird open car/motorcycle hybrid with Austin at the wheel (and no helmet) scared the daylights out of me.

    2. There's an article about it. Austin works as an EMT and got the food out, but poor kiddo was lethargic after and took him to the hospital


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