
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Jinger Duggar Vuolo to Release Another Book

You read that headline correctly. Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo is in fact slated to release a new book. Her first book was Growing Up Duggar, which she penned with Jana, Jill, and Jessa before she was married. Then she and Jeremy co-wrote The Hope We Hold: Finding Peace in the Promises of God, which they followed with a children's book called You Can Shine So Bright. Her January 2023 memoir was Becoming Free Indeed: My Story of Disentangling Faith From Fear.

Jinger's next book is called People Pleaser: Breaking Free From the Burden of Imaginary Expectations. It is currently set to hit the shelves on January 14, 2025. You can pre-order this title on Amazon.


  1. Oh my. The titles of Jinger's books seem to get longer and longer. Pretty soon we won't need to read the book, just the title.

    1. LOTS of book titles are similar in length! There's the main title & then subtitle. Jinger's title is very catchy & creative (and totally appropriate in word count)!

    2. The last two titles are both 10 words.

    3. It’s very common for nonfiction books to have taglines.

  2. How is Jinger qualified to write an entire book on this topic?

    1. Do you know Jinger personally!

    2. She probably isn't and once again had heavy ghost writing and/or co-authoring. Amazing how such a devoted mother of 2 has tons of free time in which to write back-to-back books.

    3. Have you ever heard of ghost writers?

    4. How is Jinger qualified to write a book about her own life experiences? Definitely a conundrum! Those girls were certainly taught not to think for themselves, but I believe the book is about untangling those ideologies and Jinger now has the qualifications to think and speak.

    5. What a strange comment. We are all “qualified” to tell our own story.

    6. Jinger is not qualified to give advice to others, period. If you're having problems, don't turn to someone else who's having problems, turn to a therapist.

    7. Oh, my goodness. Therapists don't own the market on helping people.

    8. Anticipated sales. That’s the qualification.

    9. @4:58 If you were drowning, would you turn to someone else who was drowning for help? Or to someone stronger, in another place, maybe on high and dry land?

    10. 9:50, I would turn to someone who could rescue me - which doesn't HAVE to be a lifeguard.

  3. Only book I read was Becoming Free Indeed which I enjoyed very much. Hope People Pleaser isn't almost a duplicate.

  4. Does she mean all the expectations placed on us after accepting the "free gift of salvation"?

  5. This sounds as if it's info that should be shared in a counseling session, not in a book. Not everything personal needs to be shared. Or monetized upon. Lessons the Duggar children were never taught by their parents.

    1. True, but sometimes God teaches us things so we can turn around and teach others. Books reach a larger audience than one-on-one.

  6. Sounds interesting. Being a people pleaser myself, I have a feeling I'm going to relate to what she says in her book.

    1. Since I'm a people pleaser and I place way too many expectations on myself I'm going to get this book. I might have more in common with Jinger than I think.

    2. "People pleaser" = low self-esteem. Fact.

    3. People who are people pleasers are often anxious, depressed, or suffering from low self esteem. They go out of their way to avoid conflict even at the expense of their own mental health.

  7. Another book to pay for their lives. I don't see it helping Jinger solve her dilemma of how to please Jeremy without becoming estranged from her parents. She's caught between two fires and writing books doesn't change that.

    1. If you’ve ever heard her address her childhood faith, it is pretty clear her views aren’t simply performance to please her husband.

  8. I always like Jinger and interested in what she has to say, so definitely will buy her book.

  9. A great & important topic for a book!

  10. She is being honest. Does that bother you all? Letting everyone. Know it wasn't all unicorns and rainbows.

    1. So who had a childhood that was all unicorns and rainbows?, and so how does not having a perfect childhood justify making money off of things you don't agree with later in life that your parents did and held dear to their hearts especially parents who are in the public eye. That's dirty and so dishonorable! Jeremy and Jinger get jobs and grow up!!!

    2. Isn't Jeremy playing soccer again?

    3. Out of the Duggar daughter husband's, he and Derrick are the least fave of mine

  11. That's awesome! Me and my sisters found her book she wrote with Jeremy, The Hope We Hold in a thrift store awhile back but haven't had the chance to read it yet. I really want to read her book Becoming Free Indeed to get more insight on her childhood and growing up with IBLP that governed her upbringing and courtship. A family who used to attend my church acted like they were a part of the IBLP and it broke my heart to see how strict they were (never allowing their school age kids to go to Sunday School classes for their age level ,Children's Church during morning service or Wednesday night kids Bible study) and similar to the Duggar family because the oldest ones cared for the younger ones.

  12. You're kidding me right? Seriously i haven't finished working through Becoming Free Indeed. I mean I've read it, but now I"m using it as a study launch pad and have been for a year. Now I"m going to feel rushed with that Bible study. Going through my beliefs point by point takes a lot of time. Good grief woman. Aren't you done trying to convince people and yourself that you made the right choice? and that we should all do the same thing you do? becasue at this point that's the impression I'm getting. God is in heaven and we on earth so our words should be few. Ecclesiastes 5:2

    1. Jeremy doesn't work so they make money ripping apart her parents belief. Those shoes and Hollywood life style isn't going to pay for itself. We all could write books on how we differ from our parents but most of us don't because we choose to honor our parents and are thankful for the love and care they gave us.

    2. Frankly, I don't think Jinger's books are worth the sort of time you're putting into them. They're mostly word salad as she steers the tricky course of pleasing Jeremy while remaining on good terms with her parents.

    3. Jinger should have consulted you first about her timeline for releasing the new book. How could she be so inconsiderate?

    4. @9:07, yes i think they are. Two diametrically opposed Christian lifestyles can't both be right. Perhaps neither are. Perhaps both her old life and her new are extremes. There is a happy medium. Temperance (i.e. moderation) is the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 By this point in my studies, i know she hasn't found that fruit yet.

    5. @9:28 Extremes. Good word for it. So true.

    6. You could finish the Bible study...then start another one over Christmas or something. Not hard to figure out

    7. 11:02..why are you spreading lies that Jeremy doesn’t work? Of course he works and if you wanted the truth you could look online and see where he is a pastor.

  13. People pleaser? Yeah, she's pleasing herself.

    1. She should please herself 1st. Why does that bother you ? Her life her choices.

    2. Jesus and others and you what a wonderful way to spell JOY! She should please God and Jesus first. Herself last. Otherwise she is selfish.

    3. Women are happiest if they serve others before themselves. They deny this and fight against it, but its true!

    4. I agree 1:41. I believe there is a difference between people pleaser (doormat) and people server. People pleasers tend to please others for the benefit of not making waves (doormat) people servers serve people to please God, not necessarily other people.

  14. Another book to pay for their designer clothes and all those athletic shoes. I gather Jeremy put his foot down and informed her they weren't having a huge family to please her parents.

    1. I think Jinger put her own foot down and decided she wanted more in her life than a gaggle of children. She's a wife, a mom, a writer, and who knows what's next. She deserves the life of "her" dreams....and so do you.

  15. Here's hoping that Jill & Derick are both enjoying their 10th Anniversary!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  16. Here's hoping that Hannah is enjoying her 29th Birthday!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  17. If these messages are really to help people, why not just post them on the internet free of charge?

  18. Thanks for this update. I had not heard about the new book.

  19. Her and Jeremy's style is so dry and rather boring.

  20. I’ve been reading this blog for years. The comment section has become a place for people from sites like Free Jinger to bash every post and every action of the Duggars. I do not agree with everything they do, but I also do not agree with commenters picking them to pieces. It is a disturbing trait in our online world and sucks the joy out of everything.

    1. Agree! Imagine if that attention to detail were used productively instead.

    2. Yes..I agree with your comments. I don’t understand why on a Duggar blog site there are so many negative comments, with untrue statements. Of course Jeremy has a job ,not sure why people say he doesn’t.

    3. Jeremy left his Church and moved to California to apparently go to school. He doesn't have a Church that he is a pastor to. He seems to be like some of the younger men in my Church who fill in for my pastor when he is called out of town. I think people comment negative on posts about them because they seem very materialistic and the books they print are all about the woes of Jingers upbringing and we are seeing her siblings doing good and are happy in their lives and so common sense tells us that jinger and Jeremy are trying to profit off of causing controversy in the lives of her family. They are a public family and so they know the harm they are causing but money is more important then honoring her parents. Why would a man who calls himself a pastor be ok with this other then loving money more then his love for God who said to honor your mother and father. It is so disrespectful and I have zero respect for either one of them.

    4. 9:15 I’m not sure why you are giving false, incorrect information. If you want the truth look on the internet under Jeremy Vuolo and Grace Community Church and you will see what position he holds. It’s quite an accusation to say they are materialistic, when you appear not to know them. They look like a cute couple to me, who know how to dress in style..and like all of us chose to spend their money the way they want…while having a great Godly testimony.

    5. Anon 1:50 Quite an accusation to say they are materialistic???, you have got to be kidding. Almost all their posts are proof that they are materialistic. The fact that they are both ok with writing books based on Jinger's upbringing and bringing such bad publicity into her parents lives and siblings lives Is horrible! I noticed nothing negative is said about Jeremy's upbringing. How about they both get some integrity and profit off of something that won't hurt others instead of profiting off of ripping her Mom and Dads and siblings and family friends beliefs apart. You know what they are doing is dirty because if that was your married daughter and she was doing this to you, you would be hurt and livid and then you would get to see all their goodies that they buy and post at your expense. It is dishonorable and dirty no matter how hard you try to spin it.

    6. 1:50..I certainly agree, they look like such a cute couple, and they are in great shape and look great in their clothes! But what is most inspirational is their love for the Lord and serving Him!



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