Thursday, June 20, 2024

Gunner Forsyth Rushed to the Hospital

Joy and Austin Forsyth had a major health scare with one of their three children. While they were at Austin's parents' house, Gunner started choking. Austin, who is a trained EMT, was able to get Gunner to breath, but he was still lethargic and having a hard time. Joy and Austin decided to take him to the hospital, which was an hour away, to have him evaluated. Joy recounts the ordeal in a recent YouTube video.


  1. Your kid has a medical problem, so you turn on the camera and post a video on social media? Wow. Anything to make a buck.

    1. It’s sad really

    2. It could be a good thing to help other moms not to make the same mistake. I agree, filming at the hospital isn't good, especially trying keep baby and yourself calm. I'm so glad everything worked out for them

    3. Show me one mom who has to turn to YouTube to know whether or not to let her 1 year old with few teeth gnaw on a full-size piece of ham.

    4. She did it when Evelyn was sick as well.

  2. Joy needs to watch her kids better! A baby should not be eating that kind of stuff.

    1. Exactly. Who ever heard of giving a baby a piece of meat to "gnaw on"? You'd think he was a dog or something. When my kids were that age they ate food that had been pureed. I'm amazed she'd even admit how careless she was.

    2. I cut everything up teeny tiny for those tiny fingers and tiny mouth. I still have urges to cut up food real small even without kids around any more, that's how ingrained it became.

    3. Right, 2:41. He doesn't have all his teeth yet! My niece is nearly 2 and I give her meat, but cut it up still

    4. A child Gunnar's age should be spoon fed for so many reasons...choking is one of them, give them appropriate pureed foods and do NOT park their high chair out in Siberia away from the family dinner table and let them fend for themselves. A child his age does not have the hand eye coordination to properly feed themselves yet. A parent should also be sure that their baby is consuming the proper amount of food, not fumbling with it by themselves splattered on their high chair tray as I have seen may of them do; Alyssa Webster included. Perhaps if they were fed properly at meal time, they would not "need" all of these snacks we see them walking around with. Also, on another note, her older childrens' table manners are awful. Teach them how to hold a fork and spoon properly....or maybe learn yourselves first.

    5. @7:13 One of the Duggar boys thought it was OK to lick your plate clean, so obviously social skills like table manners were not taught very well.

  3. Well by all means let’s get the camera out to document a child’s emergency visit. That and birth stories brings in the most money!

  4. Just so scary. We now have two grandbabies, and we have choking to worry about all over again. And the new concept of baby led weaning, where you give big chunks of food to a baby learning how to eat solids has us scared more than ever!!!!!! Even Joy said she's back to cutting stuff into little tiny pieces. I completely understand that. I'm glad Gunner is ok.

    1. She's BACK to cutting stuff into tiny pieces? She should never have given that up in the first place! Her baby could have died. What is wrong with this family.

    2. There is a contraption I've seen on social media for choking victims. Not sure of the name, but you put what looks like a mask over the child's face and it sucks out the stuck food. I'm thinking of getting something like it for me for my son and niece

  5. I hope Gunner fully recovers from his choking ordeal. (My daughter had a choking accident years ago. Fortunately, she recovered quickly).
    Does EVERYTHING that happens to this family have to end up in a YouTube posting? Joy and Austin needed to give their FULL attention to the health and welfare of their son. Fame and fortune need to be put on hold when a child's health is at stake.

    1. Well when they filmed his life wasn't at stake any more,they just went to have him checked out but his dad's intervention already sorted everything, you sound like they were filming while he was choking.

    2. Apparently they were still concerned about Gunner's health and then drove to a hospital an hour away to have the child's health checked out. This required the parents' full attention, not the making of a YouTube video.

    3. @4:31 No, he was still having trouble breathing when they took him to the ER, and that's when they filmed. Everything was not sorted out or they would have been discharged already.

  6. I watched that YouTube...who in their right minds would give a small child Gunnar's age a "piece of Thanksgiving ham" to gnaw on? It is a miracle that these small children survive their parents' poor care. No wonder he was choking. He is too young to have such a thing be given to him.Also, Joy, food is not a toy to occupy children. Ask a real pediatrician what foods are appropriate for him to eat at this age....I bet Thanksgiving-like ham is not one of them. I am glad this little boy is ok.

    1. Exactly. Give him a teether to gnaw on. Not food

  7. So scary! Glad he’s ok!

  8. Is nothing sacred? If your child is choking and you are taking him to the hospital, turn of the camera! Stop recording! Focus on your child not on making money off of his struggle.

    1. @3:08 Not only that, it's a direct reflection on your parenting skills how they choked in the first place. You're not going to make yourself look better or gain sympathy by recording it for the world to see.

    2. @3:08 and @1:02---YES!!!

  9. With all the safety shortcuts the Duggar moms take, I'm surprised something like this hasn't happened before. They have worried me since the show was on.

  10. Joy needs to stop vlogging. If you have to ask yourself if you should share something, the answer already is no. Put the camera down, focus on raising your family, focus on safety, and stop worrying about making yourself available to the public. This entire family can't say no to a camera and money.

    1. I am SO grateful that this was not the way of the world 30 years ago. I am saddened that everything needs to be recorded.

  11. Oh my goodness people-there’s an awful lot of perfect parenting out there.
    A child choking can happen to anyone.
    I can’t believe how mean these comments are.
    If Joy wanted to put it on YouTube, she’s more than welcome to. Joy has shown the ups and downs in their family life all the time.
    I think her and Austin are great parents.
    Be kind, or scroll on by.

    1. Yes, a choking child can happen to anyone. It happened to me and my 10 month old daughter. However, I did NOT grab my phone and start recording our hospital visit.

    2. @12:59 A child choking on a large piece of ham that you give to him or you allow him to reach is not perfect parenting. That was avoidable and only happens to parents who aren't aware enough or watching closely enough. Yes, there are an awful lot of parents out there who know this and don't let it happen.

    3. A choking child can happen to anyone...who lets their child get hold of something they shouldn't be chewing on. Who doesn't cut food small enough. Who isn't paying attention. Take away those factors and then show me the number of children who still choke. Greatly reduced chances.

    4. I don't think anyone is being "mean" to express their concerns about Joy and Austin's poor judgment when they gave their baby a piece of meat to "gnaw" on. That was not some sort of accident. They should have known better than to do that. I don't think "great" parents start recording when their child has a chocking incident either.

  12. I am glad Joy and Austin are getting flak for videotaping their son’s medical emergency.I mean who does that, between joy and Austin and Lawson and Tiffany videotaping a miscarriage. Their priorities are somewhere else

  13. Two years ago my sister had a medical emergency and was rushed to the hospital.It didn’t even cross my mind to even think about videotaping it. All my parents and I cared about was my sister getting better and coming home. Their brains must work differently than mine.

    1. I don't know how someone is even allowed to record in an ER. They want all phones off or put away. They can interfere with some medical devices (heart monitors, for one). They can violate privacy of doctors or other patients. All Joy seemed to be concerned with was getting content.

    2. I agree. They seem to have a different set of priorities than most people have.

    3. Actually, they don’t interfere with the monitors.

  14. Note to self: Never live so far away from emergency services that it's faster to drive to them than have them come to you. That is some remote land the Forsyth family owns. Shows you the danger of living so far away from everything.

    1. Thankfully, Austin got the ham out. The hospital trip was just to make sure it was all out, but yes if they needed care quick, that would be an issue

    2. @7:52 The trip was because he was still having a hard time breathing and didn't Joy say he had stopped breathing on the way to the hospital?

    3. It's always faster to drive to a hospital than to have an ambulance come to you and then drive you to the hospital!

      People need ambulances when there isn't a well adult with a car to drive them, or when their medical state is so unstable that they need professional medical care such as oxygen *during* the drive. But it isn't fastest.

  15. You'd think they'd be smart enough NOT to record their poor decision to give Gunner something that no responsible parent would have given him. But no such luck, then they posted it on the internet. Glad the poor kid survived.

  16. I am not sure what certain people here are fussing about regarding a short few seconds of parents waiting in a private hospital room for answers? I watch their YouTube channel all of the time. I saw this when it first came out. All that was recorded was just a few seconds, that’s it. She could have been recording it to update their extended family (whom I imagine were very concerned for Gunner) and decided to add a small piece of that into the vlog. I do not see an issue with this at all and just see a bunch of self-righteous people passing judgement on things they know very little about.

    1. I guarantee she recorded a lot more than a few seconds. That's all that made it to the video. Extended family don't need to see a recording. A few words on a group text would have sufficed. Remember, the more time you're focusing with your camera is the less time you're focusing on your child.

    2. Making money via social media showcasing your child in distress in the ER is just very distasteful. That’s not being judgmental. It is, however, calling out very poor judgement on the part of Joy and Austin to choose to film and post this.

    3. 5:03 There are a lot of moms here who know a lot about keeping children safe. That's not being self-righteous, that's being intelligent.

    4. I think you've been soundly out-voted in this entire post, 5:03am.

    5. I don't know why you're defending Joy and Austin. It's one thing to let the rest of the family know your child has a medical issue and you're at the ER and quite another to record a video and post it on social media. They seemed more interested in cashing in on the problem than anything else which I think is wrong.

  17. Are they nuts? They're not first time parents. If your baby is teething, you give him a teething ring to gnaw on, not a piece of meat.

  18. I guess Joy got the message. She's putting away the camera for awhile... We'll see.

  19. Dear Frederick: I hope that you are having a fantastic 2nd Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  20. Also happy 2nd birthday to Charlie, Abbie and John’s baby.

  21. Dear Samuel: I hope that you are having a fantastic 7th Birthday!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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