
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Update Video from Jana

What has Jana Duggar been up to? The second eldest of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s 19 children just shared an update video. This is the first video that Jana has posted to YouTube in three years. In it, she shares some of the projects that she and her siblings have been working on at the family property. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Gunner Forsyth Rushed to the Hospital

Joy and Austin Forsyth had a major health scare with one of their three children. While they were at Austin's parents' house, Gunner started choking. Austin, who is a trained EMT, was able to get Gunner to breath, but he was still lethargic and having a hard time. Joy and Austin decided to take him to the hospital, which was an hour away, to have him evaluated. Joy recounts the ordeal in a recent YouTube video.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Vuolos on Duggar Family Relationships

Have you heard the news about Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo's new book? She and Jeremy recently joined Matt and Abby Howard on their podcast, The Unplanned Podcast. For 90 minutes, they discuss a wide variety of topics, including how they live their lives differently than Jim Bob and Michelle and how they navigate making their own decisions while maintaining a good relationship with the Duggars. 

Jinger explains that she desires to preserve family relationships in order to have a positive influence on family members who are still following the IBLP teachings. The Vuolos also talk about their choice not to make money an issue while they were filming for Counting On. And Jeremy shares how he showed respect for Jim Bob and Michelle during his courtship with Jinger.

How do Jinger and Jeremy, who live in Los Angeles, stay in touch with the ever-growing Duggar clan? Jinger says that she talks to various family, including her mom, on a regular basis. There are a number of Duggar family group chats, including one with the sisters, one about working out, and one with the entire family. 

Those are the highlights of the podcast, but we encourage you to listen for yourself. You'll find The Unplanned Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts, as well as on YouTube.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Jinger Duggar Vuolo to Release Another Book

You read that headline correctly. Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo is in fact slated to release a new book. Her first book was Growing Up Duggar, which she penned with Jana, Jill, and Jessa before she was married. Then she and Jeremy co-wrote The Hope We Hold: Finding Peace in the Promises of God, which they followed with a children's book called You Can Shine So Bright. Her January 2023 memoir was Becoming Free Indeed: My Story of Disentangling Faith From Fear.

Jinger's next book is called People Pleaser: Breaking Free From the Burden of Imaginary Expectations. It is currently set to hit the shelves on January 14, 2025. You can pre-order this title on Amazon.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Q&A with Joy Forsth

Joy Forsyth recently sat down to answer questions from fans. What is her favorite song? Has she done any disentangling as a result of the release of Jinger and Jill's books? How did she come to the decision to wear pants, and did other family members give her grief? Hear her discuss these and other topics in her latest question and answer video.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Jeremy Returns to the Soccer Field

Most of you know that Jeremy Vuolo is a former professional soccer player. He ended his career in pursuit of ministry before he and Jinger began courting. It has been nearly 10 years since he stepped off the field, but he coming out of retirement this month. Well, just to play one game. That game takes place on Father's Day (Sunday, June 16th) at 4pm PST at the Toyota Arena in the Los Angeles area. If you live nearby and wish to attend, you can purchase tickets from Ticketmaster.