Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A Day with the Seewalds

Spurgeon Seewald will be nine years old in November, which means that Jessa and Ben Seewald currently have five children ages eight and under. What has life been like since they welcomed baby George in December? Jessa made a “day in the life” video and uploaded it to YouTube. 


  1. Jesse is such a devoted and loving mom. Her kids all seem so happy and they have such good manners. What a difference there would be in this world if children were raised in a home like these children are being raised in. You are a good mom Jessa!

    1. It's important to remember that these children are being filmed for the purposes of posting the video on YouTube. It's a safe bet that there's some careful editing done beforehand. Therefore, you can't assume that what family vloggers post is going to necessarily be an accurate picture of their every day life. The pitfalls of family "reality" TV, as well as vlogging, have become quite apparent in recent years. I question the judgment of any parents who are willing to sacrifice the privacy of their children in this way.

    2. 9:48 I agree. This is not something any child or family needs. Share with relatives. Don't share with strangers.

    3. @2:59 It amazes me that people still feel they need to pull their shades and curtains at night and lock their doors, but then they film themselves, their kids, the entire contents of their houses, what their cars look like, where they are on vacation, and so on. It makes no sense. What happened to privacy? You would think that the Duggar family in particular would be tired of people poking noses in their business. They all need to find another line of work other than advertising themselves. And nobody needs to be looking at someone else's life like that. It's not even funny any more.

    4. @7:24 Ever since Jessa gave that tour of her old house with the spit-up on the sofa, dust bunnies everywhere, and the pile of dirty diapers on the dresser, she's been way more careful with what she posts. She only shows the good side these days.

    5. So you don't think children should be on TV and in movies or sing ?

    6. @10:29 Children get paid to do that professionally. Under contracts. With laws governing how long they can work and what happens to the money they make. That's not the same as YouTubing your kids to make money yourself and putting your kid out there for anyone and everyone to see.

  2. Yep. Spurgeon is 8. They have 5 children, by choice. That does indeed mean they have 5 children ages 8 and under. The math is mathing!

    1. Spurgeon is 9, not 8. And no idea why you make such a strange comment….. 🤔

    2. Spurgeon doesn't turn 9 until this November.

    3. Spurgeon is 8. He will be 9 in November. That’s a full half a year away. That makes 5 kids ages 8 and under. Tada!

    4. Spurgeon was born Nov. 5, 2015. That will make him…9… in approximately 6 months. That makes him…8…as of this point in time. That is the math doing the mathing for you!

    5. Well gosh Ben and Jessa have been married 9 years and according to you Spurgeon is 9 so, umm, that’s an interesting take on their no kissing before marriage situation?

    6. Goes to show common core math doesn't work lol.. 2+2=4

    7. @4:21 Jessa and Ben were married on November 1st 2014, Spurgeon was born the following November 5th, 1 year and 4 days later

  3. Neddy Constant
    9 Already? Feels like yesterday
    He was just a baby.
    Time 6:53AM Fri 5/17/24

    1. He’s 8 not 9. He’s still 6 months away from his birthday.

    2. I know what you mean. Time sure flies. And how are you Neddy? I get concerned when I don't see your sweet comments for awhile.

    3. Neddy Constant
      Doing good actually
      Time 8:22PM Mon 5/20/24

  4. Loved seeing the update of Jessa's family. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I feel sorry for anyone who lets their life be defined by the public and feels the need to share everything, even highly personal information. It's like letting a third person into the marriage. It's like keeping your front door open for strangers to look in. They can deny it, but outside looking in? It's evident. No different than her parents. I think it's time we all stopped looking. If there's no audience, there's no show.

    1. I've stopped watching Jessa's and Joy's videos. They're boring. It's like they're trying too hard to create content. Same with the Bates videos. Don't watch them. Both those families need to put their cameras down and stop worrying about making something for the public.

    2. I think this family is suffering from "over exposure". Best way to get them to quit with the videos is for people to just stop watching them.

    3. I guess you are probably saying this to Ellie too since she posts these videos on her blog.

  6. Spurgeon doesn’t have to Sister Mom.

  7. You need to officially explain if Jana got married or not. Otherwise, why would you let those other comments about it be posted?

    1. I hope an explanation is coming. Otherwise, posting stuff about her being married is being pretty coy.

    2. There's always a lot of speculation about Jana. But if she got married, I'm sure there would have been an annoucement of the marriage.

    3. Yes, it's irresponsible to put comments here that she got married and then not back up those claims with facts.

  8. Yeah it would be nice to have an update!

  9. I loved watching the "Day in the Life". The children are so sweet and attentive. It was really refreshing to see how kind they were to each other. Jessa and Ben are very devoted parents!

    1. I have siblings and children. Somehow all that nicey, nice stuff just doesn't ring true. Seemed very fake to me.

  10. Yawn. I've seen enough of these staged videos. I doubt they're any reflection of what really goes on in the household.

    1. It's like they're all trying to produce their own 19KAC shows. We know how staged that one was. I can't imagine thinking that your daily life is worth sharing with a world of strangers. Don't they understand the comfort and security that comes from not sharing videos?

    2. As long as there are people willing to watch, they'll have incentive to keep doing it.

    3. I'm not watching. No interest in their daily routines. Mine are far more fascinating to me than theirs are. Wake me up when someone gets married...or is on trial.

    4. Doesn't all this filming and narrating and editing take time away from taking care of your children and focusing on them?

  11. Dear Garrett: I hope that you are having a fantastic 6th Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  12. Garret is pronounced Jarret. Could they have spelled it that way? That would be fun.


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