Monday, December 4, 2023

Vuolo Update: Q&A

What has life been like for the Vuolos? To bring fans up to speed, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo sit down together to share updates in the form of a Q&A. Jinger discusses the busyness of motherhood and talks about how Felicity and Evie are doing. She also talks about Christmas and a new tradition that she recently started with the girls. 

It's Been a Crazy Year: Vuolo Q&A


  1. For two people who claim they're keeping their children private, they sure aren't keeping their children private.

    1. They will never go completely private with those kids because...well, becau$e.

    2. Not only has she shown the kids, she's shown what they're wearing and making paid partnerships with those companies. Doesn't she realize she's doing the same things to her kids that her father did to her and her siblings? She's capitalizing on them.

    3. They don’t post the kids’ faces online, which is exactly how they’ve said they keep their privacy.

    4. They are in their own way.

    5. Fans want update on their children because if they're interested in the couple they are interested in the whole family, but that doesn't mean they need to show pictures of their children,lots of people don't post their children's photos online, doesn't mean they don't talk about them,what do you expect that they act like their children don't exist.

    6. All the Duggars would do themselves a huge favor if they pulled the plug on their videos and posts. Live like ordinary people. Get a job if they need that extra income. Stop trying to cash in on their name. They would save themselves a lot of stress that comes with being "famous" and trying too hard to stay that way.

    7. She's keeping her kids and herself in the public eye the way she was kept there growing up. Can't she see it? Sad that it's all she knows.

    8. @6:34 Jinger and Jeremy could nip that interest in the bud and not share anything online about themselves, period, if they're so worried for privacy and safety.

    9. They don't need to show photos of their children. I completely respect that. What I find ridiculous is showing the backs of them,tops of their heads etc. Jill is doing the same thing. If you don't want their faces shown then don't bother posting any photos of them at all. Give them 100% privacy. They could still share exciting news about how they're doing in life ,milestones they reach for example,because people do care about them.

    10. "Don't look at our kids!" As they post pictures of their kids. If they're worried about safety, it's scary how they can't or won't realize this.

    11. I totally agree with you 12:33. It's a game they play and it's tiresome.

    12. Those who criticizing how Jinger hides her children is just mad because you want to see their faces. You feel entitled to these minors so much to the point you are questioning their parenting skills to mask what you really want. You need help.

    13. All the Duggars overshare. They think selling their privacy is OK. It's become their work.

    14. What are you talking about 9:56? We've already seen their faces, many times since both were born. She let them show more recently in a video when they were moving. Joy showed them too. People are reacting to how Jinger says one thing (not showing kids) but does another (shows kids). Your armchair psychology doesn't find that odd?

    15. I see nasty comments obsessed with children's faces again.

    16. I see people who wish this couple would actually do what they say they intend to do - protect their children online.

    17. 2:29 and that's probably why Jinger does what she does because of these types of people.

  2. Jinger and Jeremy AGAIN? No, thanks.

    1. Yeah I want to hear about how josh is doing in prison.

    2. You do know you don't have to watch the video right? No one is tying you to a chair and holding your head and forcing you to watch something you aren't interested in.🙄

    3. @9:42 Last we heard anything about Josh, he had time added to his sentence for being caught in possession of a cell phone. Tells us all we need to know about how he's respecting his incarceration and its rules.

    4. I'm the OP. I didn't watch their video because I'm tired of these two.

    5. @9:42 I don't think there will be much news until fall of 2032. Personally, I don't care how he's doing in prison. He's where he belongs after years of his family neglecting to get him the proper care he needed, after years of Josh purposely choosing his own misbehavior, and after years of Anna turning a blind, naive eye on what kind of man she married. Any one of those people or his siblings could have stepped in and proactively put a stop to this, but they didn't. Now he's where you end up when you conduct yourself like that.

    6. Why make a comment than?

    7. How do you think Josh is doing in prison? Still thinking how this was someone else's fault. Still hoping his lawyers can find new grounds for appeal. Still mad at how he and his family were "attacked" by evil people trying to take them down. Still not talking to former friends who were supposed to keep everything quiet because they were "a church." Still expecting to be treated like a celebrity. I doubt much has changed since his trial. I doubt he's had any sort of epiphany.

    8. People need to stop talking about Josh here. He is a monster.

    9. @7:36 Not talking about him doesn't change that. He's a good warning to others, to parents who think their child is golden, and to anyone caught up in a religion that blinds them to the truth.

    10. @2:37 Anna is doing a great service to her children by keeping them completely out of the public eye. I like many other would love to hear her side of the story....but that isn't in the best interest of her children. Anna was also a victim of Josh, she was a dutiful wife and tried to support him.

    11. OK, here's Josh news. He and his father and his lawyers are trying to take his case to the Supreme Court. Not kidding. Jim Bob just won't give up.

    12. 4:15 Anna is not an victim. She knew what she was marrying and she hasn't even divorced him.

  3. Why is Jeremy "interviewing" Jinger like he doesn't already know the answers to all those questions? The whole video seemed like a performance from him.

    1. All Q&A are like this.

    2. Of course, it's a performance. He's asking her these questions for the benefit of the viewers who watch their YouTube channel, who may be asking these same questions and want updates.

    3. They think they're Kardashian family members.

    4. How do you think that? Jinger isn't going out injecting her face and walking around with duck lips.

    5. They are beyond that and plastic surgery ages you more than the dry air of California.

    6. 2:25 totally does. I lived in California for 3 months. I was warned about the air. Its definitely not environment friendly for people with skin conditions like eczema.

    7. @7:35 The Kardashians are not just about injections and duck lips….that are also about Pride, Money, Vanity etc….just because a person talks about the Lord, and mentions Jesus’ name ALL while doing these things, doesn’t make it right. It’s not cute. It’s not sweet. It’s not loving.

  4. Thank you for posting this. I enjoyed the video and congrats to then on 100k subscribers.

  5. I just realized how much I have in common with these people. In the evening when all the chores are done, my husband and I also like to sit around the table with our lights, camera, and microphones, and interview each other.

    1. LOL! Best comment award

    2. And post the interview on social media. LOL

    3. I like your comment, 7:36 AM.

    4. 7:36 😅 That was funny. Thanks for the giggle.

    5. While I found that comment funny,in all seriousness, when you have a YouTube channel, people do expect to see videos. I thought it was a really nice conversation to share regardless of huge microphones in front of them. They're a beautiful family.

    6. That was funny, OP! As for me, I will not watch these two. I stopped with them long ago.

    7. 100% true, PLUS whilst you sit in your $900k house and $300 jacket. We are all so much the same ordinary like them.

    8. It must be exhausting to be jealous of Jinger and Jeremy all the time. You obviously don't know how family vloggers run their channels these days.

    9. @12:52 True. My hardest decisions are which watch to wear, which sneakers to wear, and which pen to hold that day for the pictures.

    10. 1252 you make it sound like they live in a castle lol. They live in a 1800 sqft plain old home just like the rest of us. It is nothing spectacular by any means. It’s only because they live SCal. Their home fell right at the mean value of homes in that community when they bought it. If you want to live there that’s what you pay. Not sure why everyone is so hung up on their home and the lack of understanding real estate values based on location.

  6. Are we going to see an Ugly Sweater Christmas Party video again this year? It's been the only way to catch up on who's got new babies, who's possibly courting, and a chance to see Anna. They didn't post their fall festival this year.

    1. A lot of them want their lives private now.

  7. How strange. Why do they need to interview each other? Most people can talk to each other without lights, cameras and a microphone.

    1. Because they earn money this way. They’re at work.

    2. Do you ask all the vloggers on YT this?

    3. I thought Jeremy was a Pastor? This is weird that he went from being a Pastor of a Church to being what seems to be a showman. I would have thought he would have married a more down to earth mature women who would serve God alongside her Pastor husband, not one who wants to live in the limelight and loves a materialistic life. Man we need to be careful who we pick for a spouse because we could end up on a whole different road and become like the world and become unrecognizable to people we served God with. Scary!

    4. 8:42 he is a pastor and they have the right to use social media. She finally got to tell her story and share God's word her way. People for years wanted these kids to break away and when they do, they are still criticized. But good thing Jinger and Jeremy don't care what you think even if you was brave enough to comment on their actual platforms.

    5. I think Jeremy was a showman when they met. But yes she comes off as a hungry for attention teenager with her constant need to post her new hair styles and clothes and of course sneakers and like a teenager they want to rebel against their parents and upbringing and so in comes a book all about them woes. It is a strange situation to me.

    6. 3:28 well that's a first. Her followers don't seem to think so.

    7. @2:24 Jinger didn't break away. If anything, she's in deeper now, despite what she claims. "Free" of Gothard maybe, but played right into MacArthur's hands. Jill is the only family rebel so far. Who's criticizing that? She's had a lot of support.

  8. That was weird. Does Jeremy live there or does he just come by and do interviews once in a while?

  9. I gather Jeremy wrote the script for this staged activity. They seem so desperate for attention.

    1. Obviously what they were going to say was planned out in advance. They haven't been on TV shows promoting their books lately, so I guess they have to pretend at home. They sure love a camera.

    2. 3:53 you say that, yet her book did well. Stop eating sour grapes.

    3. What book? The one that's faded into oblivion? Or the one they wrote before that, whose name nobody remembers?

    4. 6:47 sour grapes you be eating, huh? Lol

  10. I'm glad my husband doesn't feel the need to "interview" me in front of a camera. I thought the whole thing was rather odd.

    1. Well its odd if you are not a public figure or do vlogs.

  11. It's business, there's no y. Sorry, I just wanted to point that out.

    1. No, the correct word in this context is busyness. Look up the definition.

  12. "It's been a crazy year." Uhhhh, they sorta brought that on themselves by releasing a book. What did they expect? Lazy days of solitude in the backyard hammock afterwards?

    1. They wanted that craziness and they know it.

    2. That's not what they meant. Their book did quite well.

    3. They're still trying to get you to buy their book. We won't ever know how truly well it did because those numbers were skewed. Jill's book made some end-of-year list and Jinger's didn't. Jill's book did better overall.

    4. 4:07 both their books did well. Where have you been? Lol

    5. @3:35 Compare their sales, types of sales, and so on. Jill outsold Jinger.

    6. Jealous because their books did well. And don't try that bulk stuff because that was debunked after the release of Jingers book. The only way you would know that is if you brought those books in bulk. The arrow doesn't mean that. There is no way in finding out.

    7. 2:21 Time to drop it and/or learn the truth. Nothing was debunked. NYT doesn't lie about their own stuff.

    8. Checked the bin at a deep-discount store lately? Jinger's book is now being liquidated. The publisher's final bulk sales have ended up there.

  13. Thanks for the link to the video, I enjoyed watching this and having Jeremy ask Jinger all the questions people wanted answered. It was fun.

  14. Something in my psyche is keeping me from pressing play, I can read the comments here but I just can't bring myself to view that video.

    1. It's called being jealous.

    2. @7:31 I've read some funny comments but that one takes the cake.

  15. Dear Jordyn: I hope that you are having a fantastic 15th Birthday!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  16. Jordyn must already be thinking of courting. She has had a lot of experience with the M kids and would make a beautiful and capable wife.

    1. One of these Duggars need to finally marry a Bates.

    2. Jim and Michelle must be exhausted after raising 20 children. Wonder if they have thought of marrying off the four youngest daughters (even if some are underage) as a package deal to four brothers somewhere. Then the parents would be done, and the parents could relax and slide into a relaxing retirement.

  17. What do these two ever do for their community? Other than having college kids over to the house for a party. What do they do for the less fortunate of the Los Angeles area, and believe me, the need is staggering there as well as mind-boggling elsewhere in the country. Is their church dedicated to serving others, or is it more like "I've got mine, you get yours yourself"? I just don't get the sense that Jinger and Jeremy serve others. My church is deeply involved in Matthew 25-type philosophy! I can't imagine not providing for the physical needs of others. I looked at Jeremy's church and their "local outreach" talks about sharing the gospel, but not one word about actually giving food, clothing, housing, money, medical care, all those needs. I even looked through their "events" and found nothing. What church doesn't at least have fundraisers and provide Christmas meal bags to the community this time of year? I'd like to see more news of this couple serving others and less news of their books, their house, their clothes, their vacations, and so on.

    1. Good question. Theirs is not typical pastor/pastor's wife behavior. Not unless you look at televangelists.

    2. What do you you do is the real question? Show proof of your good deeds before calling someone out like that. Wow.

    3. Most of the things the Duggars do "for others," there's really something in it for themselves. Or staged by TLC.


    4. Actually if you read the church website they are partners with numerous community agencies and groups. The groups provide food, pregnancy care etc etc. Our church does not supply food bags, hot meals, clothing, money but it does work with other churches and organizations through our general offering. We do not have fund raisers here for anything. You need to take a closer look at the website before you pass judgement on how they serve the community.

    5. @8:57 Pregnancy care? As in talking the mother out of having a termination, but after that, she's on her own?

    6. 805, what’s that comment about? Wow

    7. Well..with all the immigrants coming in, there'll be plenty of opportunities!

    8. How about instead free stuff all the time, help these people with job skills?? "Teach a man to fish, you feed him for life." Inflation is pretty high and people don't have the money they used to. Computers are taking over a lot of cashier jobs. But everyone can learn to be a plumber or electrician

  18. Here's hoping that Jinger is enjoying her 30th Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  19. Dear Brynley: I hope that you are having a fantastic 1st Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping).

  20. Is Brynley a girl? Or a boy?

    1. Brynley is Hannah & Jeremiah's daughter.


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