Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Camping Trip with Joy's Family

What have the Forsyths been up to? They recently posted a video. In it, Lolli (Grandma Michelle Duggar) watches Gideon, Evelyn, and Gunner while Joy and Austin go out. Later, about 40 Duggars descend on Beaver Lake for a family camping trip. 

Video (Joy and Austin Forsyth): Duggar Sibling Campout/Lolli Comes to Visit


  1. That's the second pair of too-big glasses Joy has gotten for Gideon! I don't know how he keeps them on or sees out of them properly. Your eyes need to be at the middle of the lenses both vertically and horizontally. That's basic physics of lenses and the reason you use glasses in the first place. Doesn't Joy realize what she's doing to Gideon's eyes with these oversized mail-order glasses?

    1. Nonsense. Lots of people wear oversized glasses. As long as their vision is properly corrected it's not a problem.

    2. Yes, she needs to take him to an optician and get kid size glasses made that will fit him.

    3. @1:09 Wearing large frames (as an adult) is one thing. However, your eyes still need to be centered properly on the lens for the prescription to be right. Gideon is looking through the top corner of the lenses, which is not right. Joy stated before that she got Gideon's glasses online and when they came, she realized they were not kid size glasses, but Gideon liked them so she kept them. Now this second pair is just as bad if not worse.

    4. @1:09 Your vision is not properly corrected if you're looking through the edges of your oversized glasses.

    5. How do you know she hasn’t had him to a optometrist? Kids glasses are designed to be fun and durable. Large glasses are back in style yet again.

    6. You haven't been to an eye doctor in awhile, yeah? These are the styles and are lightweight. Those glasses aren't bothering him.

    7. @10:03 Styles for adults maybe. Kids need glasses that fit, not adult size glasses and those are adult size. If Joy got them online again like last time, there's no way an optician fitted those to him or made sure he was seeing out of them correctly. The last thing my optician does is hand me a card with different size letters on it to see if everything is centered and I'm seeing clearly. One pair had to be sent back 2 times until they got the prescription right and the base curve correct. Gideon has no way of understanding that or letting Joy know he's not seeing right. She said she got his glasses mail order, BTW.

    8. Large glasses frames may be back in style but those frames are too large for Gideon.

    9. He wasn't wearing his glasses in the latest pictures. Joy used to do the same thing when she first got glasses. Ditched them when she was supposed to be wearing them.

  2. Who is the girl baby that Jenny (?) is feeding, about 20 minutes in?

  3. So they took over the campground. Nice.

    1. They have as much right to use it as anyone else.

    2. They have The right just like anyone else.

  4. Is Laura still Jana's "accountability partner"?

    1. Who knows? She does seem to be ever present though.

    2. Where did that come from?

    3. Neddy Constant
      False rumor Laura & Jana are
      Still BFFS. Merry Christmas Everyone
      Time 3:05AM Mon 12/25th.

  5. Good to see Jana and some of the other siblings.

  6. I'm too much of a wimp nowadays to go camping but my family loves it. Maybe when it warms up again I might be convinced to go on a short camping trip. I live near some beautiful camping areas so maybe?

  7. How fun. Joy and Austin scout out the place and then a fleet of motorhomes arrive.

    1. Gas-powered 9-miles-to-the-gallon motorhomes. What an ecological way to enjoy nature.

    2. Camping is camping. Tent, cabin, or motor home. It's all preference.

  8. I watch Joy's you tube blog every week and thoroughly enjoyed seeing families. I missed Josiah and Lauren. Why weren't they there?

    1. Maybe they didn't want to go. I've gotten the impression that Lauren doesn't like camping.

    2. Even if josiah and lauren were there, I believe they don’t like to on camera.

    3. I recall seeing them in the video. I thought she said 15 of them were there.

    4. Josiah and Lauren were there, they didn't want to be filmed.
      The ones not there: Josh (in prison), Jill, Jinger (in California) and Justin (in Texas)

  9. Vacation vacation when does anybody work?

    1. People complain about their jobs too.

    2. That is so rude.

    3. Also they have a huge house with a huge back yard and acres of land so why do they need to all go drive somewhere to gather?

    4. Speaking of acres of land to camp on, what ever happened to Jim Bob's plans to open an RV park near them? I thought that was a done deal.

  10. Looks like organized fun! What a great way of making memories for siblings and cousins bonding, by camping. What a nice camp site, the paths look so smooth for riding bikes. What a beautiful extended family gathering.

    1. Yeah, so nice to see the siblings and cousins making happy memories at such a nice campsite.

  11. Organized is not the word that comes to mind for anything the Duggars do! Don't you know about "Duggar time"? LOL

    1. Nobody is perfect.

    2. @9:58 Most people can get themselves and their kids out of the house on time and not be so proud of being late all the time. The only time the Duggars weren't running late for something was when they called Anna from the RV and said they'd be there early and expecting that big meal she hadn't planned on cooking so soon.

  12. Love watching Joy's weekly post.

  13. Camping: spending lots of money to live like a homeless person. lol

    1. Camping: The reason hotels and motels were invented.

    2. HAHA. Love your comment

  14. Dear Josie: I hope that you are having a fantastic 14th Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  15. Here's hoping that Austin is enjoying his 30th Birthday !!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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