
Monday, October 30, 2023

More Interviews Featuring Jill

A month and a half after the release of Jill Duggar Dillard's memoir, she continues to discuss the book and her story with the media. Below is a list of four recent podcasts that either Jill or both Jill and Derick were recently featured on.

Jill and Derick Dillard on Reality Life with Kate Casey: Episode 809

Jill and Derick Dillard on More Than Small Talk: Episode 255

Jill and Derick Dillard on Trust Me

Jill Dillard on Vulnerable with Christy Carlson Romano: Episode 84 


  1. So sad she needs this kind of attention and at this cost. Feel bad for her parents and siblings. Feel bad for her. I don’t see anything good that’s come out of this.

    1. Autonomy is pretty good.

    2. I don't think it's needing attention. I think it's pointing out to those who still don't understand that the TV show was not their real life. Real life was much darker and damage was done. There are people who still can't grasp that concept. Jill is trying to validate it.

    3. I agree. It is sad that she holds this much hate. She will.regret it one day, when her parents are no longer around. I hope she makes peace with them

    4. No, it's clear you are seeking attention.

    5. @2:39 Obviously you've never had to deal with family members like Jill's. It's not regret when they're no longer around, it's relief. They won't make a change, so you have to. If that involves severing ties, so be it. You're better off. It's not holding hate, it's finding the peace you deserve. It's walking away from the hate and walking towards a better life.

    6. 11:21 We all get it, obviously. I think the best thing Jill could do is to get into some Christian counseling, the therapy her and Derrick had encouraged her to go on this rampage. She may have an undiagnosed mental issue, which happens in many families.

    7. 2:39. How about all the siblings and parents that have to deal with family members like Jill and Derrick. Jill has done all the damage possible with her toxic she goes from one interview to another with this passive aggressive demure spreading underlying hate. So if she is going to severe ties it and leave her family alone. I’m sure she doesn’t have to worry about anymore unwanted visits or calls from her siblings. My guess they are all fed up with her and will leave her alone.

    8. To 12:01, it isn't a rampage she's on. It's very common for authors to be interviewed to promote their book. It just happens to be about something you obviously can't relate to. I stand beside 9:12's comment. It's unfortunate when things turn out that way,but at the same time every family member is entitled to peace in their lives and if that means stepping away, so be it.

    9. Yes 2:39 I definitely would be painful and sad to have a sibling or daughter like Jill. I have known people who have successfully survived tragedies that are 100% worst than Jill’s. They have gone on with life..have not written a book or bashed their families. In fact if you didn’t known the pain they have gone through…you would not know because of the positive loving attitude they live every day.

    10. 4:35. Yes.. Jill is all about money and revenge. No one will ever remember her endeavors for a positive reason.

    11. @4:53 Everyone reacts differently. There's no one right way to deal with pain and tragedy. If letting your emotions out in a book is what you need, so be it. Plenty of people read that book and now understand better what Jill is going through and why she feels that way.

    12. 11:07 am What Jill and Derek are doing is more than just stepping away. It is dragging her whole family through the mud in the process of stepping away. If they were just stepping away there would be no need for the book or interviews and anything else they may be doing to make the family look bad.

    13. I remember when Jinger got married, and the sisters zoomed with her, and Jill was the one who asked if she was pregnant yet. That doesn't sound like someone who wanted out of her family. She was still into.her family's culture and way of life.

    14. All the people here commenting about Jill's book being disrespectful obviously haven't read it. Why is it so bad for someone to tell the truth about what happened in their life? She never disrespects anyone. She just tells about what it was like to be thrust into the spotlight and working on a TV show every day while growing up.

    15. 3:28. This section is labeled “more interviews featuring Jill”. It looks like me that people are expressing their views about all these unnecessary interviews and the contents of such..which continue to put down her parents..that’s disrespect.

  2. My daughter commutes to work and is always listening to blogs in the car. Last week she sent me the Kate Casey blog to my text, so I listened when I was making breakfast and eating, although my husband wasn’t too happy. With commercials the blog was about 1and 1/2 hours long. Kate gave quite an extensive introduction on the Duggar family and Jill’s book. I must say Derrick sure loves the attention, even giving one of his kid’s teacher name and school..he definitely has no boundaries in providing private information. So much has previously been mentioned about the book and all these tell all interviews and the reviews seemed mixed. A couple things jumped out at me, Derrick is still interrupting Jill and interjecting his opinions…that would drive me up the wall. Kate asked Jill if her mom had that sweet voice in real life and Jill said she did. Jill admitted she yells at her kids more than her mom did. One troubling comment that Jill gave was the statement that she is giving her siblings “Grace” during this Time (listen to the whole blog and you will hear what context the comment is in. To me her siblings and parents are giving her grace as she continues to bash them in a passive aggressive way….that’s why her comments about loving her family doesn’t seem sincere. I’m done listening to anymore of Jill’s would take a miracle for the Duggar family to want the Dillards back in their life. One more thing.,Kate asked Jill if she might write another book..Jill said “we’ll see”…yikes!!

    1. Oh boy.. thought they weren't in debt anymore! I don't see this ending well for them.

    2. Mr. And Mrs. Duggar keep praying for them, which is wonderful. When it all goes south, they'll welcome her back

  3. I really wish y'all would just STOP writing anything about Jill or her husband just stick with the Duggar Family the ones who love and honor their parents each other and their family --- y'all help enable Jill and her poor little me attitude🌻

    1. Cutting out Jill news would be like cutting out Josh news. You can't keep lopping off members of this family when they become a little controversial. You have to be truthful about what's going on, not cover thing up if they're unpleasant.

    2. What a disgusting thing to say about a victim of abuse.

    3. "the ones who love and honor their parents and each other and their family" Well, that leaves out a few Duggars for sure, and the list grows longer every year. I guess you think some kids can't be a member of the family unless they play along with the family doctrine?

    4. I heard some of the podcast.. they started talking about "toxic masculinity'..really? How pathetic is that??! Judging how Derrick wore a man bun a few years back, much of this craziness is starting to make sense

    5. @8:30 How you wear your hair has nothing to do with how you act towards others! You said it yourself - "judging."

    6. @9:17- its gross and not manly

    7. 8:30 Are you trying to imply that Derick is not masculine because he had long hair? I seem to recall that Jesus has never been depicted with a crewcut...

  4. Well, I've had my fill of these continual tell-alls. Apparently, this is their vocation now. I will say that these Duggars are in it for the money. I guess they don't realize that the media is laughing at them behind their backs.

    1. No doubt, the Dillard's are laughing all the way to the bank with the proceeds of their NYT bestseller and subsequent interviews! The media was laughing about the whole family when the Duggar show was running on TLC.

  5. Neddy Constant
    Some comments I see
    Whether it's on this blog or
    FB are mean trashing Jill for
    Not speaking the truth.
    She had a tough childhood
    Charlie Chaplin childhood was
    Not glamorous but he was the
    Greatest silent movie star there is
    MALCOM X Had a tough childhood
    He was in prison for a crime he
    Did was there for 10 years but
    Became one of the greatest
    Civil Rights Leader. Everyone
    Has a right to tell their stories.
    Time 5:05AM Tues 10/31/23
    Happy Halloween Everyone.

    1. Good grief.. you wanted them back on TV!

    2. Charlie Chaplin didn't make a career bashing his family.. he made something out of himself using comedy. Huge difference here, and no comaprison!

    3. I had a tough childhood.. think I'll call People Magazine too!

    4. I wouldn't be bragging on Malcolm X.. he was.involved with the nation of Islam,.trying to turn African Americans AWAY from Christianity...

    5. Needy, you need to do research on Malcolm Little (his birth name). He had a rough childhood, however he was into drugs, gambling and other bad stuff. He cursed God and Christians. I'd pick a better role model lol

    6. Neddy constant
      I did do my research on him
      I saw a biopic about him in the 90s
      As a little girl. I know Charlie Chaplin
      Never bashed his family.
      I know Eleanor Roosevelt bash her
      Mom for calling her granny.
      Yes there have been some famous
      People who bash certain family
      Members for mistreating them.
      I already know Malcom X last

    7. Umm.. you need to use better sources for research Neddy

    8. Did you know Malcolm X was against Christians?

    9. Neddy constant
      Yes I did.

  6. For all the JimBob apologists and supporters who will surely comment here that Jill needs to just stop with the interviews: She's a best-selling author and best-selling authors are invited on book tours and to interviews that promote their books. It's all part of the process. If you don't like what she has to say, don't pay her any attention. No doubt you would justify JimBob's and Michelle's countless interviews they've given over the years while promoting their religion and TV show, which is just plain disingenuous.

    1. It’s her life. She can do what she pleases. You all need to stop blithering her.

    2. 8:29 Jim Bob and Michelle have not written any books targeted at Jill or Derrick’s character to cause great damage to their reputation. Jim Bob and Michelle have not gone all over the country running down the Dillards and their shortcomings and making financial accusations. Any promotion the Duggars did for their show or faith in Christ was not done in a spiteful way. The Dillards have dug themselves in a hole..and if her parents eventually forgive her..they are more forgiving parents than most of us.

    3. 💯 9:02. Michelle and Jim have shown grace

  7. More repetitive interviews. I won't bother to watch.

    1. But you bothered to make a comment about the repetitive interviews.

  8. is there nothing else to tell other than about books and interviews by the Dillard's and the Vuolo's?

    1. Correct. With josh’s trial complete, this is the big news in the family.

    2. Apparently not. The rest of the family seems to stay out of the spotlight.

    3. It's a safe bet there will be another courtship, positive pregnancy test, or gender reveal along shortly to satisfy you.

    4. I bet people are missing all those weddi ngs and baby announcements about now!

  9. Jill still chatting away, much to Jim Bob's dismay.

    1. I'm sure he's written it off..

    2. I'm sure he's over it and waiting for sweet jilly Muffin to return home when it all comes crashing down

    3. @8:31 What's going to crash down? A new life free of your father's control? Sounds lovely.

    4. 9:26- she's been free..for awhile now. No excuses for her behavior

    5. Nothing is going to crash down on Jill and Derrick. They have clearly moved on from her family and their lies and deceit. They are thriving; Derrick has a great paying career, Jill seems much happier living her life away from the patriarchal leadership of her childhood home, and their kids seem to be doing well. The extra income from the book will serve them well either as savings or for college education money for their kids as they’ve spoken positively about wanting that for their boys.

  10. Thank you for the links.

  11. I guess we can't talk about anything else any more. Hooray for her, she wrote a book, it sold a lot, she realizes she had to grow up with a crazy toxic lifestyle thanks to her father's insatiable desire for money and power, and now she's in counseling and living differently. Did I just save everyone about 4 hours of listening time? When can we start speculating about courtships again?

  12. The Dillards and Vuolos are so hungry for attention. Being on the reality show really messed them girls up and gave them such an addiction for attention that they seem to be a slave to it. Here they are young mothers with husbands and they should be busy having fun with the kids and enjoying time with their husbands and friends, but instead they live for social media and interviews and they just can't seem to get free of their past of years on tv and the attention they got from that. Its tragic seeing them in this kind of bondage like this. Little do they know that having a private life is so much more peaceful and rewarding and productive then what they have now.

    1. There are earning a very good living by writing books and giving interviews. It's a safe bet that they spend more time with their kids than do parents who are working long hours and a regular job.

    2. You can thank their parents for that.

    3. Anon 12:09 A good living writing books? God forbid that we all run around trashing our upbringing to the public for money. There is nothing honorable about making a living destroying your family. People getting up and going to an actual job and coming home to our children and spouses and having peace in our lives and in our family's lives and living honorably is a lot different then what these girls are doing. We work and have plenty of time for our children and our children can be proud of us because we are an excellent example on how to live an honorable life and how to love and respect others. Those lazy girls ought to get off social media and get a job that doesn't hurt others. Ridiculous!!

    4. Being put on a reality TV show by their parents messed up the entire family IMO. If talking about their experiences helps Jill and Jinger deal with that experience, I think they should talk about it without criticism.

    5. Do you make the same criticisms of their parents? Or do you pick and choose your values, like Jimbob and Michelle?

    6. 1:55 In one breath you say you love and respect others. In the next breath, you call the girls lazy and hurtful. I don't get it.

    7. 1:55. Jill is the one trying to destroy her family and pit the siblings against her parents. Any interview I have seen Jinger on is total opposite from Jill. Jinger seems to give her parents credit “for pointing her to Christ”..and looks like her main purpose is clarifying the truth of the gospel, she gives no impressions of running her family down. Jill is all about revenge and money, and has no boundaries in her’s kinda like she has lost her way.

  13. Wow, I didn't know Christy Carlson Romano had a talk show! I remember when she was a kid actress

  14. I listened to the Jennifer, Holley , Suzanne podcast. This interview seemed a little less toxic than others. Jill started out saying she loved the family and the people she had to write about in book..really..this doesn’t sound like love to me. One of the interviewers referred to pg 189 in the book when Jill was lonely and didn’t know how to talk to friends? This interview did clarify that the therapy encouraged them to “find their voice” write things against the family in the book. Jill talked about how the Bible weaponized her from not writing the book sooner. Actually, I think she probably used that thought to ignore all the scriptures in the Bible that would warn her against this revenge.

    1. @1:00 The Bible also has examples of why it's OK to get angry at people who have done wrong things, and done wrong things to you.

    2. I think Jill loves her family, the big problem is the fight over MONEY and that she wasn't paid for her work on the TV show.

    3. @1:00 Remember, Jim Bob tightly controlled who they could be around, who could come to the house, and who they could be friends with. I'm sure Jill was lonely. I'm sure Jim Bob didn't worry about his daughters not having a lot of outside friends. Most kids go to school and make their own friends, not have their father restrict access.

    4. I kinda got the idea from the section about friends that she felt like she couldn’t talk to her old friends about some of the things on her mind..I kinda interpreted it that she no longer wanted their opinions.

  15. You can't blame Jill and Jinger for milking this to sell their books, but I don't think they're offering anything new at these interviews.

  16. Quit complaining about Jill and Jinger you all must be jealous of them1

    1. It may not be jealousy. It may be a desire to feel superior to others.

  17. Maybe a part of Jill's reason for what she has done and continues doing is the fact that she is like from another lifetime in her family. As strange as it is there are four more lovely girls who now replaced the grown up girls. So what does Jill do? She completely and utterly relives, rehashes, and re-presents all of her days in the family for personal profit. I think if the bond for her was kept up as very relevant she'd have a harder time breaking it.
    But now the payout is stronger and more relevant to her and Derick than the old family bond thats been replaced and she may be spiteful about that too.

    1. 2:47 you have made a very good observation and point...I have been thinking the same thing about her weak bond and connection. No one with a strong connection to their family would write a book revealing personal embarrassing information and continue with these tell all interviews, just for money. The siblings will never be able to trust Jill or have a normal relationship with Jill because of her betrayal..but I don’t think Jill cares.

    2. Jill has followed "leave and cleave," but in her former IBLP cult, they believed in the father having control of the daughter even after marriage. She states that in the book. I support her 100% for speaking out to correct the false impression that the show gave to millions of people that this was Christianity. It wasn't. It was a cult.

    3. 4:48. The Duggar parents have been consistent with their declaration that Jesus is their Lord and Savior and they are Christians, they gave no false impressions about their salvation. I haven’t heard any public declaration from Jill, so who knows if she is a Christian.

    4. 4:48 looking online the statement of Basic life principles is “the stated purpose of the organization is to provide instruction on how to find success in life by following biblical
      principles “. IBLP is not a church and does not function as one. Michelle and Jim Bob were pretty clear in the public confessions that they were Christians because of their faith in Jesus, the Bible and the gospel of Jesus Christ, not because of any institution or church. Jill is off base in giving the impression that she is criticizing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  18. Jill's parents and brother harmed her deeply, whether they meant to or not. I don't blame Jill for realizing that now and doing something about it. She has to distance herself from them to work through the damage done. This is her obstacle to overcome. Everyone, give her that space and don't criticize her for dealing with it her own way. >> Otherwise it's like telling someone how to grieve. << Can't emphasize that enough. Who knows what her relationship with her family will be in the future.

    1. People would never tell someone how to grieve over a lost loved one. But a lost relationship with loved ones who hurt you or betrayed you? All sorts of unwarranted opinions on the matter. People should be respect Jill's hurt instead, the way they would respect the loss of anything else. People lash out in grief, and that's somehow understood and accepted. But in Jill's case? She's not supposed to have feelings of loss, according to others? Cut her some slack. Walk a mile in her shoes before judging.

    2. All fine and dandy.. but don't go public about it

    3. Hurt deeply?? Come on...kind of dramatic. The other sisters and brothers aren't complaining. Yes,.Josh was wrong and that never should.have been made public, as the family handled it and its in the past. Jill dredged it up more. She needs to let it go or she will be her own worst enemy

  19. Listening to these podcasts I’ve come to the conclusion that Derrick and Jill really are enjoying these interviews..they sound jovial and happy to keep on with these tell all interviews. It looks like she is content with separating from her family..even though in these tell all interviews she says she loves them…things will never be the same within the family..too bad..I don’t think Jill will ever realize what she has done to her family..since she continues to justify it.

  20. Here's hoping that Justin is enjoying his 21st Birthday!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  21. Dear Evangeline: I hope that you are having a fantastic 3rd Birthday!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  22. Dear Maryella: I hope that you are having a fantastic 4th Birthday!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  23. The latest podcast by Halie Hands seems outrageous. Jill and Derrick continue to carry on about Jim Bob.. implying her father punished her for not having more kids.. and Jill said her father seems to favor his kids who have the most kids! Jill is beginning to sound dillusional. The truth of the matter is Jill has not been a loving and kind adult child like the rest of her siblings. As a mother if I had that many kids and one was constantly throwing me under the bus I would not desire their company, for sure. It’s hard to believe that Jill can’t see it is her behavior that is the cause of the family estrangement.

    1. Yes, i listened to the Julie Hanks podcast..and 2:17 I agree with your review. I will add , I don’t understand why Derrick continues to give such negative comments about so many benign comments Jim Bob has made through the years. It’s unusual to see such a bitter son-in-law. The more interviews they do , the more it’s clear that Derrick is the driving force in this fiasco. They also talked about therapy..I think that therapy has definitely driven Jill to turn on her family. These continued interviews reflect they are only concerned about money and revenge.


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