
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

More Interviews with Jinger

Today is an exciting day for Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo. Jinger's new book, Becoming Free Indeed, has just been released and is available in hardcover, Kindle, and audiobook. We posted yesterday about Jinger's interviews with Page Six, People Magazine, and Good Morning America. She has also been featured in a number of interviews with additional publications (links below).

Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo on ABC Nightline

Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo on Entertainment Tonight

Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo in Us Weekly

Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo on Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey


  1. Jiner is receiving a great deal of publicity. That should help sales of her book. Many people are curious about the family. Bill Gothard certainly led his followers down a path that didn't match the Bible. However, IBLP members aren't the first group to be led astray by a plausible preacher and won't be the last. I'm glad Jinger was able to break away.

  2. These mainly appear to be secular news outlets that are jumping on the story. Better to run from those shark tanks. I can't imagine what this does to her parents by going so public about it. No doubt a huge amount of money will be made on that book so I'd wonder about motive unless the profits will be donated. Being on TV for all those years has not served this family well.

    1. She has the right to come out with her story and why she left her parents beliefs just like any other person has the right to write or tell their story.

    2. Why should she run from trying to tell some truth about what happened to her?

    3. Going slightly off topic. As a Brit & someone who comes from a secular background, I can't quite understand what people in this blog mean by secular news stations versus religious/non-secular ones. Do they present stories differently; content, language used or simply refuse to broadcast something that is not part of their beliefs. How does it work? Thank you.

    4. I'm always amazed when people think others should engage in acts of charity or be thought poorly of. Jinger wrote the book and she's entitled to KEEP the money it earns.

    5. Flower -- Yes, mainstream news outlets may cut away if someone being interviewed even mentions the name of Jesus Christ. There are video compilations out there -- you may be able to find on YouTube. They may also pick and choose which news to cover and which facts to share and not share about particular news stories.

    6. Flower of Scotland - Unlike the BBC, which is a corporation with a royal charter and has a history of being under the state Ministry of Information (war years), American television companies are and have always been independent corporations. The major networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) and also CNN can broadcast news that represents the corporate stand, which some deem as "liberal." There are also "conservative" companies/stations with their own version of the news (Fox, Newsmax), and religious stations that report news that pertains to their ideas (Trinity Broadcasting Network, etc.). So American viewers can tune in to many different stations to get many different versions of "news." Your country has BBC, ITV, Sky News, etc., which are much more subtle with their political leanings than the American companies. Here, Fox News likes to take jabs at CNN (and vice versa) because their stands on the news are pretty much opposite. It's very apparent who you're dealing with here and which way they lean.

  3. I got through the whole book today and I loved it! And I am proud of her and I hope she continues writing.

  4. This book was absolutely amazing! I was pleasantly surprised.

  5. I just finished the book and it was really good. The book and her interview about it made my want to cry.

  6. I am shocked. I have to say this is probably the best book that ever came out of the Duggar Family. I love how it was written. I loved how real she was and you can tell she put her heart in this.

    1. Jinger did not write the book. She hired a ghost writer

    2. Exactly, 8:47. People need to bear that in mind. Also who the ghost writer is, and who he's affiliated with.

    3. Anon 8:47. Perhaps Jinger didn't actually write the book, but it's her story and the book says what she wanted to say.

    4. 8:47, she is a author. Get over it.

    5. @7:16 Get over it? How'd you like to interview someone for a book, spend countless hours on it, write every word that gets printed, and then have people say it's not your book, you didn't write it?

    6. @7:16 Jinger is NOT an author. She’s never written a book on her own. Granted she did hire someone to put her thoughts into words but look into who she hired to do that for her. Get over yourself

    7. @7:16 Ask Corey Williams how he feels about your saying that Jinger is the author. It would be like telling someone you'd like a chocolate cake to appear on the table, then a baker doing all the work, but you trying to take the credit for the finished cake just because it was your idea. You didn't make it. Jinger didn't write it. She gave the ideas to Corey Williams.

  7. Does anyone know if her parents still follow IBLP?

    1. Yes, sadly they do.

    2. So does Anna's sister and brother-in-law. Deep in it.

    3. Idk because Anna was seen wearing pants too. Jana and it looked like Michelle is starting to change a little.

  8. I find it disappointing that Jinger doesn't give her family credit for her name recognition and the public's awareness. If Jinger's parents didn't agree to have a tv show, few people would know about her, regardless of how controlled she felt. Lots of people feel "controlled" by their parents and religion but they do the best they can without the fame and fortune of a tv show.

    1. If the parents didn't have so many children, they wouldn't had been in the public eye at all. The kids get the credit honey.

    2. Maybe she is cashing in on name recognition, but as a 10 year old or whatever age she was she did NOT have a choice. You had a choice to remain anonymous here as do we all. Give her some grace, she has a platform and is using it to voice her opinions, biases, choices, and experiences. Just like you and all of us here are doing the same.

    3. Why should she "give credit" to her parents? She was put on a TV show by no choice of her own (IMO exploited) forced to live a life where she was unhappy and afraid of being punished by God if she did something her parents claimed was wrong. She and her siblings were the objects of curiosity .and gossip. What a price she paid for "name recognition" and so what if it now helps sell a book she's written about her experiences.

    4. Why does she need to give her parents credit or thank them for exploiting the family on TV and compromising their privacy? I think it's fine she's using the notoriety she never asked for to tell her story.

    5. I loved watching the Duggar family until TLC took the show off. I loved seeing the children grow up, get married, have children. A very wholesome show that I could relate to. They have problems just like all families.

    6. No 2:03, not all families have those problems.

    7. Anon 2:03. The show was nice but obviously didn't reflect the reality of life in a family ruled by IBLP. Jinger's book pretty much shows what their lives REALLY were like and it isn't "wholesome" at all. Being terrorized by threats of God punishing you if you don't toe the line is simply wrong IMO

    8. 9:40 AM - But isn't all reality shows like that? They are not all that honest and a lot of the times TLC or MTV will pay these people to go places to try to make the show interesting. They will also do scripted scenes. It's not just the Duggars.

    9. Anon 8:17. I don't watch "reality" shows because I think they're all inherently dishonest. However, the Duggars went a step further by appearing at conferences and events projecting the same image as they did on the TV show. Many fans bought into their image as being genuine.

    10. @4:11 And many people who watched the show thought "this is too good to be true," and by golly they were right.

  9. I was so surprised how much I loved this book. I know it was probably hard to write this as somethings are probably still could be triggering. I think she did a wonderful job. I plan on reading it again while taking notes and doing a thorough breakdown.

    1. Except she didn't write the book, someone else did, and that's right there on the cover. He interviewed her, but ultimately it's his words. And he's connected to Jeremy's church.

    2. 2:23 PM, I know you keep repeating yourself and making up lies. She wrote this book herself. Did you know a lot of authors hire people to help them print this stuff out and correct errors? They never add their own words to it. This is Jinger's words.

    3. 8:16, She did not write the book herself. Credit is given in the book (on the cover and elsewhere) to the "ghostwriter" Corey Williams. He is the chief communications officer for the seminary Jeremy is attending. Jinger/Jeremy posted pictures of when they all rented a house to put the final touches on the book together - Corey's writings, based on interviews with Jinger. Corey's writing. He is not just an editor/error corrector. He is credited with the writing. You can find this all out for yourself with a little looking. Nobody is making up "lies."

    4. 8:16 Did you even read the cover? Did you see that other name? Do you know who that guy is and what he does professionally?

  10. My daughters and I really enjoyed this book. We got the audiobook and had a girls night. There was not one dry eye. I ordered the hardcover.

  11. This book was really good and as someone who came from a similar church I relate in some ways.

  12. Personally, I think what Jinger is doing will help many, many other women. She is explaining in a polite, mannerly fashion the man made rules she was forced to live with while growing up are not Biblical. She is not being disrespectful of her family, she is sharing how she came to her conclusions by reading the Bible. She points out how one man - who has been accused of molesting women- dictated how they all should live. Jinger lived that life, Jinger now has freedom in Christ. (She is showing grace to Josh, which I don’t think I could do so she should be commended!)

    1. 6:35 ONE man dictated how they all should live? Only one?

    2. 5:25, it's the way he preached the bible. He was making it sound like that's what the bible was saying and it wasn't.

  13. How many ways can you say the same rehearsed lines over and over? With Jeremy hovering and the fear of being cut out of the extended family, she's not going say anything that's not diplomatic.

    1. Read the book. Jeremy ain't hovering.

    2. What did you expect? She's not going to bad mouth her family. I did think Jeremy is a bit too omnipresent though. It's like she needs him to approve everything she says.

    3. Did you even read the book?!?! She did an excellent job sharing what true Biblical Christianity should look like!

    4. Jeremy hovered the whole time the book was being written (the time in the house they rented to meet with the writer) and has been there at the interviews, not on camera but definitely there (in pictures and by Jinger's own explanation).

    5. Jeremy is doing the same thing most husbands,wives,or friends do,just being there for the person you love. Nothing hovering about that,just supportive.

    6. @9:06 She says the same stuff over and over in the interviews.

    7. @9:06 This is a discussion about the TV appearances above, not the book.

    8. 7:20, That's your opinion. My opinion says stop watching it over and over again. You won't hear the repeat. There's other interviews.

    9. 7:13, All the interviews say basically the same things

  14. This was a very good read.

  15. I wasn't sure about this book but I am glad I brought it. Worth a read. I thought it was really well written and I hope those who are questioning being in the IBLP have a chance to read it.

  16. I bought this book and have already finished it. I thought it was a tremendously good read on a very important topic. Jinger wrote this with grace, diplomacy and regard. I think this book can benefit anyone from any religion. I will be rereading this book again. Congrats Jinger. I wish you every success with this book. Eileen

  17. Great book! It should help many along the way. Well written and it’s clear she put her whole heart into it.

  18. I listened Jinger on Allie Beth Stuckey's youtube channel. I an understand why her parent's chose to follow Gothard's strict rules. It's a scary world and you want to protect your children. Bill Gothard promised that if you do A, B and C then God will bless you with D, E and F. Before you know it, it'a all about the rules and not people. There's no room to breath for individuals in IBLP.

    Fundamentalist religions tend to create a horrible environment for women. I was raised in a quite secular environment and I knew I could never survive with strict "biblical" gender roles. I always said no to men if I knew that they held very conservative views about gender roles. I told my husband on our very first date that I don't want a relationship with a man who does not treat me as a equal partner. I'm glad God blessed me with an awesome husband who is my partner in crime in everything. We have taken turns to stay at home with our kids and we have made sure that we can both fulfill our dreams. In IBLP it's all about the husband and his wishes, needs and demands. I feel so sorry for the young girls who never get to explore life and they only leave their father's authority to submit to their husband's authority.

    1. Anyone who is familiar with Christ of the Gospels knows he is no misogynist. Christian sexism & misogyny are manmade for selfish and hateful purposes. When I was old enough to put a finger on this contradiction, I ran from those manmade churches as fast as I could.

    2. 6:05 and 5:54 You both are so right. And there are plenty of "men" in those situations who act more like little boys or teenage boys while asserting their authority to submissive women. A recipe for trouble.

  19. I finished the book today. Really good!

  20. I hope this book encourages everyone to find truth from the word of God. We should not ever look to man made creeds and manuals to tell us what the Bible says. We all need to study and learn it for ourselves. Although my views of the Bible are not 100 % completely in line with Ginger's, I commend her for seeking truth in His word. Many churches teach faith only as means of salvation. I hope people read and understand Mark 16:16

    1. Funny, I consider the Bible to be man-made too.

  21. I could not stop reading. Way to go Jinger on preaching the truth. I'll be interested to see if her parents says anything. I think Jinger was pretty kind regarding her parents in this book and she could had said a lot more. But I also think she understands that they got themselves into IBLP. I don't think people understand how easy sometimes it is to get into a organization like that especially if you are raised in it. Although her parents introduced her to it, remember her parents was also introduced to it as well. They had these same believes that go away back to when they lost Caleb. Maybe that was their way of coping. We just don't know yet. I hope they all leave IBLP. I'm pretty sure Jill and Joy-Anna did. But pretty sure sure Jana did too.

    1. Jana has not left the old IBLP umbrella of authority that a single woman has to maintain.

  22. I read this book all the way through last night and I thought it was a very good book. I wasn't expecting that.

  23. I don't understand why she keeps putting Gothard and only Gothard down. It wasn't Gothard who came into her house and told her to dress modestly. It wasn't Gothard who told her how she could or couldn't be seeing guys. It wasn't Gothard who told her about God's wrath. It was her parents. Her parents whom she was told she had to obey. I don't understand how she can be so against this upbringing but not see that it was her parents who are ultimately at fault for bringing this into the home.

    1. I agree. I think she's reluctant to openly blame her parents for buying into Gothard's teachings but at the end of the day no one made them do so. I hope her siblings read her book and take stock of their lives.

    2. That's very true. However, she probably wants to try to avoid an open rift with her parents by blaming Bill Gothard. I'm not sure that's possible as she's really coming out against the home life she had.

    3. Did you read the book? She knows that her parents are also at fault. She chooses to be gracious and respectful while acknowledging that they got it wrong by following this cult leader.

    4. Gothard's an easy one for her to blame. If Jinger wants to speak out about her upbringing, she needs to lay the blame squarely on her parents, even if that causes a rift. If she wants to avoid a rift, then she should just have gone ahead with her life without writing a book about it.

  24. She does indeed blame her parents but she can’t say that because she loves them and wants to have a relationship with them. She understands diplomacy. So…It’s better to get her point across by blaming Gothard.

    1. @4:23 That means she's lying in her heart for her personal gain. That's not diplomacy, that's a sin.

    2. Exactly. I'm sure her parents get it. They are prominent leaders in IBLP.

    3. Yes. There was a time when Gothard was very popular. JB and Michelle were influenced by him and never moved away from his teachings even though he fell out of favor as people realized how his teachings harmed them and their children. I always wondered why anyone would think a man who never married or had children would know anything about marriage and child rearing. Didn't stop him from having a lot to say about it.

    4. It seems contradictory to blame your parents for a terrible upbringing but still wanting to be on good terms with them. She should be trying to make her parents see the errors of their ways instead, with a goal to get them to change those ways, especially with minor children still left in the home. To do that would require a harder stance, not this soft "diplomatic" one. If she really is out to change what IBLP does and has done to children like herself, she needs to try harder. It still sounds like Jinger is trying to make money off her childhood fame by selling a sad story, and that's all.

    5. Gothard had away of talking to people though. Her parents got caught up in it just like she did. They believed every word. They thought they was doing right and still do.

    6. @4:20 With one son in prison, one son-in-law saying things, one daughter not allowed to visit the house anytime she wants, and now a daughter writing an exposing book, how can Jinger's parents possibly still think they are "doing right"??

  25. Jinger had every right to blame Bill Gothard. She was introduced to him through her parents and remember someone introduced his teachings to her parents as well. People who haven't been in something like this doesn't understand how easy it is when someone like Bill that can talk in away that makes his version of religion and teachings sound so believable and right. To her parents it made sense especially after they lost their second child, Caleb. They thought they was being punished. They are victims to in this situation. As for how they handled their son, absolutely not.

  26. Dear Tyler: I hope that you are having a fantastic 15th Birthday!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  27. I find it sad that this family can't do ANYTHING without the media, or random people commenting on it something that is most certainly not their business!


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