
Friday, April 8, 2022

Testimonies from Jed and Katey

Jed and Katey Duggar, honeymoon

Jed and Katey Duggar will soon welcome their first child. They just posted a new video, in which they chat with fans about their upbringings, which were very different, and share their testimonies (link below).

Jedidiah and Katey Duggar: Faith and Family

Photo courtesy


  1. Very sweet video. So nice to hear their testimony and to get to witness them on a more personal level. I like this format much more than the TV show. It has heart.

    1. I loved the video. It was nice to hear their testimony.

    2. Loved the video.

  2. She has divorce and a step-sibling situation in her family? How did she pass JB's 30-page questionnaire?

    1. It seems that JB only requires his daughters' suitors to complete the questionnaire.

    2. Who knows? I guess it doesn't matter if she comes from the "right family".

    3. Obviously there is no actual page questionnaire. There has never been unless someone has inside info. Stop spreading rumors.

    4. By asking that question are you judging her?

    5. I'm sure the questionnaire didn't involve questions that judge circumstances,it's character and beliefs that are important to determine a good match for their children, I wish I had a father as protective and involved as Jim Bob , would have saved a lot of heartache and insincere partners.

    6. @4:24 It was the Duggar kids and their spouses themselves who broke the news of the premarital questionnaire during one of the episodes. It was not a rumor. It was discussed on camera.

    7. There is no such thing unless you live with them and know what's going on behind those walls. From what I gather by actually watching the show the parents seemed disappointed that their first daughter to court was falling in love with a man she never really met.

    8. Jimbob, Jeremy, and others in the family have discussed the questionnaire on the TV show.

    9. @7:45 Shouldn't you have been the one asking important questions of anyone you were considering as a partner? I loved my dad dearly, but I'm glad he had enough faith in me to make my own decisions. Don't get me wrong, if he'd have thought someone was a jerk, he wouldn't have been shy about telling me so! But a 50 page questionnaire? I don't think so.

    10. Jim Bob does not give them a list of questions to fill out other than asking them the basic questions any father would ask. You guys twist stuff. How about answer this, all these claims people make please for once show us proof because it was neither on the show or in their books which means you made them up or you know them personally to get inside info.

    11. @5:43 I'd love to show you "proof" but that episode of Counting On is probably not available any more. This went beyond "the basic questions" and was very long. It was modeled after a premarital questionnaire that has been circulating in Fundamentalist families for years. I've read that one and it's online if you look. Sorry but you'll have to take the word of many here who remember the discussion about the long questionnaire that asked probing and personal questions of a potential spouse. (Side note - was it mentioned in The Hope We Hold, Jinger & Jeremy's book?)

    12. @5:43 Ok, proof. TLC has that clip on their channel:

    13. Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors. Why can the couples choose their own courtship rules? Sounds to me they are not as controlled and people are twisting what Jim Bob said. Now if you take that to offense --- a reasonable responsible and good father would ask a few questions to a potential daughter-in-law or son-in-law no matter the age --- than you must have some underlining parental issues. If someone does not want their parents sticking their nose in their relationship usually that means something is wrong. If it had something to do with the parental side they would not even give them the time of day and ask those questions. Be wary ya'll.

    14. 9:37 AM - I wish someone would had warned me when my ex was afraid to meet my parents and usually avoided them. I should had took that as a red flag. He mentally/verbally abused me and cheated on me. He was right to stay away from my parents the way he did after my parents found out what he had done to me.

  3. Jed is still sticking to the narrative of what a good Christian family he had growing up. But this was the only type of "Christian" family he ever knew! He never had any perspective, nor did the others in his family. All he knew was Jim Bob's idea of a church (IBLP and "home church") and Michelle's submission to it. I hope he realizes someday, maybe through Katey, that what he experienced was not the norm.

    1. We only have the TV show and the media representations of his family. Children have their own perspective and it is often very different than an outsider would have. There are lots of people out their prepared to judge the entire family for a couple bad situations. Jed's experience may have been just as he describes.....we weren't there (watching the show doesn't count).

    2. I think/hope he will, given that a number of his married siblings are doing their own thing now.

    3. Anon 10:03. I really don't think the married Duggar offspring are "doing their own thing". They talk about a weekly "family fun night". I can't imagine myself and my siblings attending at weekly "fun night" at our parent's house with our spouses and children. The whole family seems to revolve around JB and Michelle with the notable exception of Jill who says there's a "rift" between her and her parents.

    4. I agree Jed is a good man and loves katey so much. For their son name Asher Dylan Duggar

  4. I think they're a nice young couple. However, I find testimonies from people who have little life experience and come from affluent families rather bland and boring.

    1. How do you know they had little life experience? You have to have a certain level of experience? That is not your call. Your only call is what is best for yourself. It's comments like yours that is concerning and I am also concerned about the people that brush this stuff off. But what is baffling is why come to a site for fans? Why don't I see comments like this on their actual social media accounts? Oh... I know why. It takes a certain level of braveness. Your comment is based off your opinion about them, not actual facts nor do you know them personal.

    2. I love hearing all kinds of testimonies. Just because you grow up in a Christian home, doesn't make you a Christian. Everyone must meet Jesus on their own. I'm sure there are many testimonies on YouTube you might find interesting -- former witches, warlocks, etc.

    3. It's funny that someone who doesn't know the Duggar's says they have little experience when they actually don't know.

    4. 5:41 The Dugggars have not hidden their lives from us. We know, because we have seen for ourselves.

    5. They don't show everything just like any other reality TV family show.

  5. Katey seems like a really strong personality, well she is a Leo by horoscope.
    I wonder when their baby is due in April, mid April or end of April... They already have Jason's birthday in April and also Israel's.

    1. 3:35 Katey is definitely a talker. I noticed it in the baby announcement too. Even during their wedding ceremony she was chatting away with Jed. I'd actually never seen that happen at a wedding before.

  6. So exciting! It's a great start to the year for my family because I had 3 grandbabies born within the past three months. And there is two more due to this month.

    1. Grandbaby is not a word, and we must reject this butchering of our language.

    2. Personalizing language with affectionate words and phrases is not "butchering" our language. Your mean criticism is very sad. :( Have some dark chocolate and smile, instead. :)

    3. 11:17 PM - English is one of the hardest languages to learn because there are so many different phrases and uses. Everyone talks differently depending on where you are from but if you want to stick with the original way of talking like American you sound British lol.

    4. 11:17, language evolves.

    5. 11:17, perhaps you should google the word grandbaby so that you can see it is actually a word found in online dictionaries.

  7. Is it true Josiah and Lauren had their second baby?

    1. Rumor is they did, but since there's been no public announcement it's hard to say what really has happened.

    2. There has been no report other than a few people making inappropriate comments about Lauren's body months ago.

    3. They dropped out of social media and seemed to want a private life...unless they or someone amongst their family or friends drops the news, I guess we won't know.

    4. @4:17 Watch that footage of her last fall.

    5. I seen it 3:38 but it doesn't give people the right to shame her body and assume that she is pregnant. They was being very nasty about it.

    6. Thinking that a Duggar woman could be pregnant is not shaming her body. These are married people who have said they don't use birth control (other than Jill, who does NFP). They are known for having babies back-to-back if possible. There's no shaming.

    7. Yes, that is true.

  8. They seem to be a nice young couple, but they've both have had a very sheltered life. All the best to them.

    1. I seen worse sheltered life than this. I think that is a bit dramatic. They are fine and obviously they have their heads screwed on.

    2. Uhm..what is your definition of "sheltered"? I would have to disagree with you 100%

    3. How do you know?? o_O

    4. 9:06 We know by how they speak about themselves and their lives.

    5. 9:06 I am not the OP, but I can also tell they are quite sheltered. How? Because I am NOT sheltered.

    6. 11:39 AM --- I am not sheltered either and I don't see it. But also I don't live with them to know these things. It's amazing how freely they can visit their other siblings without their parents.

  9. Lovely to hear their testimony! They look happy and well suited for each other. I hope they have a gentle birth and a healthy baby.

  10. Thank you Katey and Jedidiah for sharing your feelings . You are truly blessed. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  11. Thank you for posting the link Ellie and Lily. I think the take away for me personally what Jed was saying is to do everything to the glory of God which is a huge struggle for me. I needed to hear that. Thanks again!

  12. Jed and Katey, I enjoyed listening to your testimony. I sure do miss everyone on TV. I pray for a show to come back on with new seasons on cable TV. I would be very excited if that happened😃 I can't wait to see the baby. I am praying for a healthy and happy baby and for the delivery to go well❣️Natasha

  13. I watched this video and was very impressed with their maturity and honesty. They are the real deal - I love how Jed admitted that growing up on camera made it tempting to project a squeaky clean persona, but in reality, we don't come to Christ through our parents' faith, we must all make our own journey and have our own personal encounters with Jesus. A very valuable video. Hopefully they will keep making many more!

  14. I applaud them for giving their testimonies; however, it is the same confusing gospel message that is so often given, which is that salvation is free, but you have to turn from your sin as part of obtaining it. At least, that is what I gathered from what they said. Isn't this a contradictory message? If salvation is free, then it is free. Turning from your sin is something that we SHOULD do (Ephesians 2:10), but salvation can't be both free, and requiring works. If the Bible is inerrant, which I believe it is, then it cannot contradict itself. Thanks.

    1. 12:45 I don't agree that the Bible doesn't contradict itself. But really that is not the issue here. The issue is the typical approach to Christianity, which is that we constantly fall short of God's ideal, and we need to daily fight to correct and improve our behavior. Sermon after sermon after sermon about our shortcomings and failures as humans--that is Christianity. Even if you are "saved", you still must always examine your faults and weaknesses and work to do better. It is exhausting and demoralizing to never be good enough, no matter how hard you try.

    2. I don't think you understand what free salvation means. However, do know this it's about the relationship between you and God. It does not involve anyone else nor can anyone condemn like so many people often do. You can't play God.

    3. You make a good point. The repentance involved in salvation means realizing you're a sinner in need of a Savior, and that Savior can only be Jesus Christ.

    4. What happened to The Sermon Off the Mount? Was it erased to save room?

    5. It does seem rather contradictory. But look at it this way. Salvation is like accepting a free condo. However, once you move in there are strict rules for living in the complex. Is the condo worth it? Only you can answer that question.

    6. 4:05, May I suggest that some seeming contradictions are due to a misinterpretation of some of the passages? I admit there are a few that we might never know the answers to until we meet the Lord face to face, but I think most can be explained by a correct interpretation, i.e. by "...rightly dividing the word... ." 2Tim 2:15. For example, Jesus in John, Chapter 3, told Nicodemus that we must be "born again". He said, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit". It sounds very much like He was saying that we have a "flesh birth" (when we were born as babies) and a Spirit birth (when we were 'born again' from above.) From what I have learned from church and from in depth Bible study, the flesh birth, or nature, is what dies when we die, and the Spirit birth, our born again nature, is what lives on and goes to heaven. (This is why, in the Book of First John, Ch. 3, verse 9, it says that whosoever is born of God cannot sin, i.e., the Spirit birth, our born again nature, born of God, does not sin - it is the flesh birth, or nature, that sins.) So it would follow that passages like 1 Cor 6:9 and 10, refer to this old nature that we were born with, which sins, and does not go to heaven. (1 Cor 15:50 bears this out when it says that "....flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.") As far as our falling short, yes! We do fall short! Please see Romans 3:23, which says, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." But if you look at the verse right after this, it tells us that we are justified freely through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus! So many verses tell us that we are not saved by works. Romans 4:4,5; 11:6, and Galatians 3:10 and 13 (which tells us that we would have to keep the law perfectly to get to heaven) are examples. The conclusion then, is that salvation is a free gift (see Romans 5:15-18, in which the words, "gift" and "free gift" are used multiple times), but works DO matter, not to secure our salvation, but to keep us safe and free from God's discipline and scourging, (yes, scourging!) see Hebrews, ch. 12, and also in order to keep our fellowship and relationship with God in good shape. Jesus says that His yoke is easy, and His burden light (Matt. 11:30). He died to give you eternal life! You do not have to live under a weight of trying to be good enough! Once you have believed in His death, burial and resurrection to take your sin and give you His righteousness, you are saved! Please see John 3:16, 18, 36; John 6:28,29,47; Romans 4:3-8; Romans 5:1; Romans 10:4; Romans 11:6; Galatians 2:16; 3:6; 3:22; Ephesians 2:8,9; and Philippians 3:9, which are but a few of the verses that tell us that we are saved by grace (belief) and not by works. I hope this helps, and that you will realize the freedom that is available in Christ.

    7. Anon 6:51. I'm even more confused> What sort of "freedom" do we have if we're under constant threat of punishment for any missteps we might make?

    8. @9:02
      Except it’s not. We become a CHILD of God. You can’t get kicked out of God’s family like a condo. There can be punishments in life, like any parent would give a child. But you don’t lose your place as God’s child no matter what

    9. 12:03 Except in real life, that is not what happens. God abandons people all the time. We never know if he is going to answer prayers or help in any way, because usually he does nothing. He is silent. It is not a "relationship" when one side is always unresponsive.

    10. 8:05, the Bible speaks to us.

    11. 8:05 PM - That is such a human response. I know you may had went through things judging by that comment. He is not a genie or a magician. Things are meant to happen for a reason and we are also called home differently. My father was not suppose to come back. He was down for almost 45 minutes and they finally called it but he came back on his own with no problems. That my friend is a miracle.

    12. @8:05- Just going to tell you my own personal experience. I am a Christ-follower who experienced a fall from an unsecured throw rug the day before Thanksgiving, ending up with my neck vertebrae and my spinal column slammed up against a coffee table at my in-laws. It continued to really hurt on Black Friday, went to the Dr. expecting pain meds. Got emergency transported to the ER in a neck brace instead, with a broken neck vertebrae that any movement could either paralyze or kill me. Was in the ER for four hours with a neck brace digging into the back of my head, terrified to move or shift positions or breathe hard, while they did an MRI and waiting to see if they were going to airlift me to a major hospital 30 miles away for emergency spinal surgery...silently praying fervently and silently repeating numerous Bible verses against fear/for healing/an ever present help in time of trouble that I'd memorized years ago. When they finally came back with the results, they could not understand it at all- my neck x-rays showed a break, but their tests couldn't find any break or even a small fracture at all. God healed me, there is no other explanation.

    13. @4:20 We are all at the mercy of time, chance, and our own choices. If there was ANY reason a loving God would've allowed millions to be murdered during the Holocaust, or Ukrainians today are suffering at the hands of a brutal dictator, please share it.

    14. My heart goes out to you. I am a woman of God, who understands your frustration. If you believe that God has abandon you, it's actually the other way around. You abandoned him when he didn't answer something you wanted when in reality he's keeping you from it for a very good reason that could had harmed you in some way OR maybe you are suppose to wait which isn't the first time he's done something like that to his people. I waited 10 years for something I wanted and I understood in the end why he wanted me to wait. He has blessed me beyond what I prayed for and asked. The key is don't give up faith even in the storm and trust that he's leading you on the right path. We can make all the plans we want in the world but God's plans are greater. And all this stuff happening in the world, you need to read Revelations. All these tragedies are meant to happen and they are warning signs of what's to come and the end. I been through a lot in my life but with every pain I found that it strengthened me and my bond to God. I hit the ground so many times. I cried myself to sleep many nights. I had childhood trauma. I questioned God a lot but now I don't anymore because everything I went through shaped me into a strong woman.

    15. 10:41 AM - Very well said. Pain and suffering ends when we go home or when Jesus comes back. That's just how it is and there is a reason for everything. I seen so many supernatural miracles that has no other explanation other than God. These events changed the hearts of non-believers. Amen to that too!

    16. @10:41 If all these tragedies are meant to happen, then we've never had free choice. If God is omnipotent, he has the power to change the trajectory of things and stop the unending misery and suffering that's been going on since human beings first drew breath. I I can think of no greater abuse of power than for an all powerful invisible entity to create us without invitation, then demand unquestioned servitude and worship of him, or face annihilation. In this case, we are no more than slaves.

    17. So 2:37, my MIL fell as you did and broke vertebrae as you did and had to have major surgery, rods installed, the whole works. She was never the same after and had to live in a nursing home for her last 15 years. She was also a Christ-follower and probably hadn't missed a Sunday in church in her life. I'm positive prayers were said, both by her and by her church. Yet no miracle healing for her. I don't think she blamed God though. If you can claim God healed you, then by all logic she could have claimed God didn't heal her. This is supposed to all make sense, this picking and choosing of who gets special healing and who doesn't? What are the rules? I'm confused.

    18. 6:08, how can anything created ask the creator to create it?

    19. 6:08 AM - We are free of choice. Don't you see? But a lot of people think they can do whatever they want and only pray when things get bad. The only thing he asks of us is to be like him. Good, faithful, kind and follow his word. It's about the relationship between you and Christ. But he also understand we are human. I don't know who has been teaching you such things but this sounds like a church of gloom. It has to be one of those churches that tells you the only way through the father is through them. No, it's between you and God. The only perfect world we will get is when we go home to Jesus and when the world ends, a new one will begin that is much better and pain free like the heavens.

    20. 6:08 AM - And more so you sound like you are talking about the devil instead of Christ. I went through a lot of pain in my life, things that you could not even imagine and yet here am still breathing to talk about it. I stayed faithful and trusting of God and he got me through the fire and obstacles. We are put through trials and tests just like if you are in training for a job or the olympics. Free will comes with a price. These natural disasters and tragedies happen for a reason and usually by the hands of humans. All this ends when Jesus comes back some day. All these things happening in the world right now, you better get ready because it's exactly what the bible has been telling us that's going to happen. If you truly believed the way you do, you wouldn't be here saying these things. I know you are looking for answers and doubt is in your heart but I can tell there's something. You are enslaved to the devil, not the Lord. Only the devil puts this kind of doubt in you buddy.

    21. 5:04 People have been claiming "The end is near!" for longer than all of us put together have been alive. That's a vague but ominous warning to "get ready" and I'm not sure what you mean. Remember those people who believed they needed to leave when a comet came and what they did?

    22. Anon 7:56 I can relate to your post. Your MIL sounds like she was a good person and did nothing to deserve what happened to her. Sadly most prayers for healing go unanswered and I've never seen or heard any valid explanation as to why that happens. I'm amazed that she lived 15 years in a nursing home. As a result of a life threatening illness I was in one of those pits for 3 months. The facility I was had 80 beds. At least one patient a week died. When someone died the staff called the coroner's office, filled out the necessary paperwork, had the body taken away and prepared the deceased person's bed for the next patient. It was awful. After three months I responded to the various IV antibiotics that I was given and the blood infection that was trying to kill me subsided and I was allowed to go home. By that time I had lost over 20 pounds and was skin and bones as I wasn't overweight at the start of my ordeal. I'm appalled at what your MIL suffered for so many years but there will never be any explanation for why it happened. My heart goes out to you.

    23. But if you believe God doesn't answer prayers than why are you here on a blog about a Christian family for fans? Interesting. And maybe because you don't believe, that's why he isn't answering your prayers bro. Just a thought. You sound like someone that would only turn to him when you are in trouble. That's not how it works. You have a different belief than most the people on this page. I ain't going to tell you that your way is wrong and you are not going to tell us our way is wrong. Period.

    24. Anon 6:20. I think you're ignoring the REAL issue some Christians have. No one is saying God never answers prayers, but we are allowed to question why some prayers go unanswered in situations where ONLY God can deal with the problem. We are frequently assured we're God's children. If a parent ignored their sick or injured child's cries for help we would be questioning what sort of parent they were. I think that is what people are talking about when they express concerns about the lack of response to some prayers.

    25. God answers our prayers but he does it his way. There are things we'll understand why later on and there are things we won't find out until we are in heaven but at that point it doesn't matter. But that's my belief. I can tell you thousands of reasons I know God is real and you probably can come back and say you have a thousand reasons why he isn't real. Finding God is a personal journey. You don't go to other Christians to find him. That's usually asking for trouble.

    26. Anon 6:20. This is a public blog and isn't "for Christians only". Everyone's Christian experience is different and you seem uncomfortable with some of the opinions expressed here. Many prayers go unanswered and it's not just a matter of belief. If someone's prayers are unanswered for many years and they feel abandoned by God I don't think I should scold them for feeling that way. I will respect their feelings which are very real and IMO legitimate.

    27. Go to the father, not men for your answers. There are some things we are not meant to know until heaven.

    28. 9:42 AM - You been lead wrong my friend. You can't go to people for these kind of answers other than when God doesn't answer you that means he has other plans. Your plans are not always his plans. You need to go to him. Let him lead.

  15. They seem to be nice young people but they certainly don't have a single independent thought. Too bad they don't strike out on their own instead of being so much in the family nest.

  16. So good for Katey to join Jed who is from a large good family with family values and stability!
    I hope they have as many children as God gives them, and Katey will enjoy her role of a mother of a large family! Jed will I'm sure!

    1. I think Katey also comes from a good family with values and stability. I have no reason to think her family is somehow "lesser" than the Dugars.

    2. How very unkind to Katey's family. After being divorced through no fault of mine I have endured years of these subtle insinuations and insults from Christians. Just because a family went through a divorce they are not "lesser" or not as good as family that didn't.

    3. Yes. Despite her family I'm sure Katey is worthy to join the Duggar clan.

    4. Why do you imply that Katey's family is not as "good" as the Duggar family?

    5. @3:50 you are 100% correct.

    6. Bear in mind that in the Duggars' frame of reference, divorce is a bad thing, frowned upon, and not overlooked. Their frame of reference, with their covenant marriages, not the rest of the world's. Look at it with that perspective.

    7. Anon 8:41. I don't think anyone has concerns about the Duggars or their "frame of reference" as they welcomed Katey into the family. The problem I see is with the OP's attitude and insinuations regarding Katey and her family.

    8. Anon 11:34- Not the OP here, but I think the OP was more referencing thatit is surprising that Jim Bob and Michelle allowed Him to court Katey, strictly in light of the Duggars have made numerous public proclamations about the sanctity of marriage and their clear support of covenant marriages. Because this is a written form of communication, I think you misread what the poster was trying to convey. Having watched the Duggars for a long time, read a number of their speeches/posts/etc., I too was surprised. Not that her parents' divorce is any reflection on Katey (and sometimes divorce is a necessary thing even for a Christian), but more that divorce often creates specific emotional/relational issues (baggage) for the children in the home and the children usually don't get counseling to help them deal with the situation or those issues. Some parents (Christian or secular) don't want their children marrying someone whose parents are divorced because they're afraid they'll carry that baggage into the marriage and it won't last. Hope that helps clarify it for you. :)

    9. Austin's dad was divorced too.

  17. The video was cool! Happy to see you guys still updating.

    1. I agree with you. I hope that Katey & Jedidiah, will continue to do more of these You Tube Videos so that us viewers can get to know more about Katey.

  18. It was good to hear Katey being so real about her family struggles. It would be great if Jed could be real also. It was just the same old Duggar narrative, which is far from the truth. People don't have to air out ALL their dirty laundry, but letting others know our story will make us relatable to others. The Duggar family as a whole, over the years, hasn't been honest and shown integrity.

    1. I agree. Another Duggar, same narrative. I found Katie far more likeable as she came across as sincere and honest.

    2. I think Jed and his family was being honest such as literally going to their brothers trial because they wanted to see the evidence for themselves and when it was a lot of them spoke out about it. Some of them probably didn't say anything because they felt the same way as the other siblings.

    3. 5:25 They never showed any conflicts or disagreements within the family, not even normal sibling rivalry. They tried very hard to appear as though they never did anything wrong or negative, but were always perfect and "godly". Very fake.

    4. 5:09 I agree, but there was that famous sibling disagreement where Jana had to give Jessa her jewelry box, even though Jana was not the one in the wrong. The story was told not as a normal sibling problem (where a parent would simply say "knock it off" and that would be that), but as some big moral lesson like it was handled better than how other families would have handled it. I kick your mattress and you have to hand over your prized possession to me? Extreme.

    5. Anon 8:21. I agree. That whole Jana - Jessa story was absurd. A simple issue was turned into some sort of morality play and Jana was treated as though SHE had done something wrong. If that was really how the Duggars handled issues with their children, there is something out of the ordinary with their parenting skills.

    6. Jana was supposed to be bowling Jessa over with kindness and that was somehow going to make Jessa be sweet and kind from then on and never think of doing something bad again. If I were a little kid like Jessa, I would have learned that I can do whatever I want and people will still be nice to me and give me things. Kids don't think like adults.

    7. 8:21 They were taking the "turn the other cheek" thing to an outrageous level.

    8. Anon 9:50. That is utterly ridiculous. I have children. Rewarding bad behavior isn't going to produce good behavior. In reality it does just the opposite. Forcing a sibling to give up something to another who had treated them badly is only going to create anger and resentment from the one who had to give up something. It might play well on TV but not in real ife.

    9. Wow we got people who actually hangout with the Duggar's to know all these details. I like how you guys add things in there from the show to make it seem believable lol.

    10. There seems to be an abundance of snarky sarcastic posts that really don't add anything of value to the discussion (all seemingly primarily written by a single poster judging by writing style, shared expressions, word usage, repeat accusations, and grammatical errors). Anon@4:18- We don't need to hang out with the Duggars to know the details, when Jana herself shared them in her account of the situation in the book she co-wrote with her sisters and Jim Bob edited (Growing Up Duggar). Are you calling Jana a liar? She's also spoken about the incident publicly in several different venues (like IBLP conference sessions/ Journey to the Heart, etc.). Her being "counseled"/pressured into gifting her treasured jewelry box to Jessa did not make Jessa have a change of heart toward her and suddenly become sweet and kind to Jana. Jessa happily took the box. Jana has never made any statement (nor has Jessa) that Jessa later felt bad and repented, returning Jana's box to it's rightful owner and worked to restore their relationship. If you can prove otherwise, please share the links with us all here. Thank you!

    11. @4:18 Read their books. Watch their shows. Read their blogs. Watch their videos. You too can know details. The Duggars have readily shared a lot of personal information. The jewelry box incident was covered in one of their books (they told the story as an example of their type of family kindness) plus Jana has related the story at at least one conference that was videoed and posted. You don't need to doubt the details.

    12. 4:18 Which Duggar are you? Jana? Jessa? Jinger? Josh???

    13. All this immature comments coming from BOTH sides. You guys need to go somewhere else and leave the real fans be on this site. It's a fan blog after all.

  19. It's always either "they are to young" or "they are not experienced enough". Nobody knows these people personally enough to make such claims. Get over it.

  20. A bright future for a lovely couple. Hope you have/had a safe delivery of your little angel. Thought Robert 'Bobbie' Dylan Duggar sounded nice

  21. Asher Dylan Duggar

    1. Love the name. Hope you're right.

  22. The transcripts from Josh's trial have now been released to the public, if anyone is interested in learning more about what happened at his trial.

    1. Personally I wish people would stop talking about him on this site. I don't want to hear anything about him or his parents.

    2. Disclaimer: They have very disturbing descriptions of what Josh did when he was a teen and also what was downloaded. But they also give you proof of where Josh was when that happened.

    3. Those transcripts dispel any theory of a hacker. Downloading and viewing only happened at the times when Josh proved himself to be at the car lot. Josh was on his phone one minute and on the partitioned, password-protected side of his computer the next. There's the whole case in a nutshell.

    4. 9:32 If you don't want to hear anything about his parents, why do you come to this site in the first place?

    5. This post is about Jed and Katey. It would be much appreciated if you didn't do this here. A lot of us don't want to hear about Josh. His name literally turns my stomach. And honestly it looks like you are seeking attention bringing this discussion in under a post that has nothing to do with him.

    6. We know it's OP replying to themselves. I don't think this is about Josh, Jed and Katey.

    7. I'm interested -- thank you!

    8. I'm interested also, thank you for posting! I'm a firm believer in reading all the documents for myself (including the police report) and not just trusting in what someone says. Too many people, celebrities, famous Christians, and politicians minimize, deflect responsibility, project blame onto someone else, outright lie, or try to hedge using carefully crafted statements or play word games (like "Homeland Security did not RAID our home"-no, they did not bust down your door with weapons drawn, but Homeland Security DID in fact come to your home, interview you, and check your computers for CSAM). As a Christian, deception is even less palatable and more unacceptable when the person has been claiming to follow Jesus. The Bible instructs us to gather all the facts and examine the fruit of the person's behavior/words/actions, to hold our fellow Christians accountable because God surely will and they claim to represent him to the world here, to uphold justice for the victims, and to pray for the offender whose soul hangs in the balance.

    9. They barely talk about Josh and his parents anymore on this site. Please let it stay that way.

    10. @8:53 So what if they are? There's only one person here who feels they have to track which Anonymous is which. At least the replies give the rest of us something new to read.

  23. I wish this blog gave more consistent updates on the Duggar family. There must be more happening in the lives of a family this big that they would wish to share.

  24. Why do we have people commenting stuff that has nothing to do with the blog post above? Why do we have people making claims with no proof and when they try to present proof it's either cherry-picked or obviously completely taken out of context? Why waste your time seeking this kind of attention? I know people has tried to start their own Duggar blogs but it never works because gossip can only go so far these days. These days people want receipts of the claims you make in full length. But you can't do that. You do realize there are people out there more toxic than you that could do that exact same thing to you. Celebrity or not you are not free from it either.

    1. Because this is the Duggar Family blog and a document drop from Josh's trial occurred in the same time frame as the comments , so it's fair game for discussion according to our hosts who moderate the comments. Can you please elaborate? What claims are being made without proof? What proof is cherry-picked? What proof is "obviously taken out of context"? Why are you insinuating that those claims are gossip? Do you have proof that you can submit to the forum here that the claims being made are not true? You're likely not referring to me or my posts, but this kind of trips my Truth trigger. My relationship with the Lord makes speaking the truth very important to me; my Journalism background makes the facts very important to me. I'm Anony @ 9:41-I can't speak for any other poster here, but before I submit anything to this board I do my research homework and document everything. I can back every fact with verifiable links that I submit with my comments, so that every other poster here can see it for themselves. What's interesting, somewhat predictable, and flatly amusing, are those posters/fans who refuse to read all the information, instead choosing to slander and libel other posters with accusations of either gossip or jealousy. Isn't it ironic- accusing someone of gossiping, while you're slandering others and assassinating their character in an online forum dedicated to factual information?

    2. @9:44 These comments are screened before being posted. The administrators of this blog can't please everyone. The posts here are fewer in number, so it stands to reason that people will make comments about other current topics, not just about the one recently posted. You are free to believe or not what others are saying. The Duggars very unusual situation lends itself to "talk" and opinions. Think of it as free speech.

    3. I don't think people are making claims with no proof. As far as the comments, it's called conversation and sometimes it drifts off-topic but so what? Add your thoughts to it, don't just complain about it. Please refrain from personal attacks because we're trying to discuss the Duggars here, not the commenters and what you might think of them. That's the off-topic that needs to be avoided.

  25. I wonder if the baby has arrived. Does anyone know?

  26. @9:32 why do you come to this site? This is a Duggar blog after all, that's all of them.

  27. Good for Jill and Derick who continue on their journey of independence and self-sufficiency. A good example and reminder to everyone that adulthood requires the ability to stand on your own feet.

    1. And Jinger and Jeremy too. Seems most of the older siblings.

  28. Any baby news? Just wondering.

  29. I never notice till now, WOW Spreg, looks, sooooo much like Jeb, I love U 3!!!!

  30. I miss the days when this site had just fans commenting.

  31. Hi lily and Ellie! Has katey had the baby yet?

  32. A beautiful young couple. I pray God’s blessings upon you both, as I have just seen the arrival of your beautiful son! Thank you for your young witness, testimony and sharing this intimate chapter of family life, the birth of your first child.


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