
Sunday, February 20, 2022

Gideon's Evaluation

Gideon Forsyth, the 10th Duggar grandchild, turns four years old on February 23rd. He was recently evaluated by a family-friend at Regional Therapy Services because Joy and Austin have had some concerns about his communication and comprehension. Joy-Anna and Austin just posted two videos, in which they show his evaluation and share the results.

Part 1 of Evaluation and The Forsyths Paint Their RV

Part 2 of Evaluation

Photo courtesy


  1. My son was in this and it helped him so much :) Also Happy Almost Birthday!

  2. I was glad to see that Joy-Anna & Austin are taking the time to get Gideon some extra help, with his understanding of speech.

  3. Please please please Joy and Austin, send Gideon to public school so he can benefit from all the resources available, and get the best education possible.

    1. I don't see that happening.

    2. These days they don't teach writing skills, cursive and comprehension at all in public schools. Nor history for that matter. In homeschooling you get one-on-one time and go on their pace to learn. I find it more beneficial and homeschool kids get better college opportunities. They can still join any school sports as well and get to join in on class trips to France and Scotland. I got to go my junior year in 2005.

    3. Some of them MIGHT send their kids to a private Christian school (Jeremy and Jinger, for example) if they can find one that fits their belief system. Public school probably isn't going to happen, sadly.

    4. Well, that's funny considering colleges love homeschool kids.

    5. How does it make sense to send a child with speech issues to a public school where he will learn all sorts of slang terms, as well as a speech therapist who may not be respectful of the family’s belief system? Also, when my son was home schooled he was not hassled, mocked, teased or harassed for being verbally delayed. The kids he hung out with were well known to him and the family. The parents of the kids were respectful and helpful, which meant so were the kids.

    6. Home school vs public school is a personal choice. I think as long as approved learning plans are used and comprehension is tested (in both home or public school) the kids will do great. Today's home school communities understand the importance of socialization and can provide opportunities while maintaining their beliefs...public schools in many areas are more sensitive than ever to family life styles and beliefs, the classroom will have students from multiple backgrounds and lifestyles...a plus to some, a negative to others.Local home schooling support systems can connect parents to speech and other support resources. Do what's best for your family and know that kids turn out well in either.

    7. @AlbertaRose School is not the only place where slang is used or a child would hear it. School therapists are professionals and know how to respect student diversity. Why would the family's belief system even come up during therapy?

    8. 10:38 PM - So you went to a school where everyone acted proper and didn't say anything at all?? You don't have kids I can tell lol.

    9. I work in a public education school and the classroom I work in has students learning to read and write essays, stronger in reading comprehension, working on math skills. Several students couldnt stop discussing how the stock market works. Several people are knocking public education and thats wrong.

    10. @8:18, I agree, there are many fine public school providing a great educational experience. Not every parent has a personality or patience to teach.

    11. School is hours long and a child is with dozens of other kids. If they don’t watch the “trendy” shows, a child won’t speak the same slang. The family’s belief system would need to come up during speech therapy to ensure the child does not learn inappropriate words or conversely, the therapist might not feel comfortable teaching the child words that are common in the family’s social circle but not in the therapist’s social circle.

    12. I homeschool and my son has better better comprehension and language skills than these public school kids.. parents know their children better and how they learn better than a teacher who has 20 some odd kids in a room.. most kids with issues get passed over. No thank you on "public schools"..

    13. 2:38 How do you know this? Have you compared your child's test scores with those of all public school students?

  4. It's important to note that your local public school and early childhood specialists can be a great resource. Preschool screening starting at the age of 3 is free and available to anyone. Special education and speech therapy are also provided without cost. You don't need to pay a private provider for these services.

    1. Stop spamming. Btw, you get what you pay for, remember? Speech therapy without cost, there is a 50-50 chance they are no good.

    2. 3:33PM: My experience has been that free services have such enormous waiting lists. You sometimes can't get your child tested for YEARS, and that you end up going outside the public system to pay out of your own pocket for private testing to get the help that you need for them NOW.

    3. This is good to know. I think, however, that the Duggars can afford to pay for any screening or therapy that is needed.

    4. I live in Oregon. Oregon schools use local professionals to provide hearing and speech therapy. The services are free to the families...the school district pays for them.

    5. The programs for children age 3-5 are federally mandated and provided by professionals with appropriate educational degrees. The evaluation process is time limited based on these federal regulations. You can, of course, always pursue private evaluations at your own expense, if you choose.

    6. @10:03, it's not free.Its paid thru school taxes that people pay whether their kids go to school or are homeschooled. Even people who have grown children (my case) or no children pay school taxes.@11:40, speech classes are offered during school hours so there is no waiting list. My daughter went during recess.

  5. Why does Joy continually say a "k" at the end of words with "ing"? She's done this since her years on the show. If she wants Gideon to speak well, he's only going to imitate what he hears her saying. I hope the therapists mentioned that to her.

    1. Many of the Duggars do this....might be a local dialect thing 🤷‍♀️ You're right though we must pronounce words correctly if we want our kiddos too.

    2. That's not a speech issue, that's slang.

    3. 3:45 I noticed this with several Duggars. And, saying "whenever" instead of "when". Is it a regional thing? I've never heard the hard "g" sound with "ing" anywhere except from the Duggars.

    4. That "k" thing (or "think") was really noticeable on the show, especially on Joy's wedding prep episode. Does she suffer from allergies and perpetually stuffy nose and ears? Kids who can't hear right can have muffled speech and mispronunciations.

    5. 5:20, I've heard the "whenever" thing from southerners from different states.

    6. The k sound at the end of "ing" is a dialectical difference. I heard that all the time when I lived in Texas. Linguistically it kind of makes sense, because g & k are articulated in the same location of the mouth & with the same motion of the tongue. Now please nobody take this to mean that I'm saying all people from Texas or Arkansas say ing this way, of course that's not the case. But it's definitely a regional dialect & not limited to the Duggars.

    7. They say it in the Midwest too. Grammar is void these days. Everyone says things differently and it also has to do with ancestry as well. My family came from Germany 3 generations ago, so our accent mixed with a southern accent would give grammar-ist if that's even a thing these days, a headache lol. I been through speech and that didn't even help me. For example, how I say three --- it comes out free lol. There's no changing me.

    8. My homeschooled son has very good grammar for his age

  6. I am very uncomfortable with these videos. I watched the first one and started the second. I feel they are incredibly invasive and completely inconsiderate of Gideon’s privacy. There is no respect here for him as a young boy who trusts the adults in his life to make the best decisions. I have no quarrel with going for an assessment. I have an issue with what was posted. It is especially ironic given the lawsuit that was just dismissed re minors/privacy/personal. Eileen

    1. But you watching it is also inconsiderate on your behalf do to your beliefs. That makes zero sense and very contradictory.

    2. Maybe she is hoping that this will help other people in the same situation?

    3. 10:05am You are right. I watched bits of the first and a minute of the second. I felt awful seeing how intrusive it was to Gideon. But, I did not know that before I started did I? There are many ways to share the process Gideon went through without invading Gideon’s privacy. As I have said, I have no quarrel with the assessment or even sharing, it is the lack of respect for Gideon. Eileen

    4. 7:53 PM - Um, yes you did because it's right there in the description and title.

    5. You had to of known @7:53 PM LOL!! You can't read???? This is a blog btw. It's their family.

  7. Honestly, Ellie, as a mum, don't you feel like Gideon might need a little privacy? I know Joy posted about it, but still, it's something so delicate that might not like it in the future.
    Please, remove the post. Honestly, these kids are enough in the media, they don't need their weaknesses exposed like that. Please.

    1. Same happened to Henry and nobody criticized that, honestly if he were at public school they would have been addressed at school, same with my son and the other children were informed so they could help him, my son did not see it as an invasion of privacy he was glad they understood, it's best to explain the problem so people don't judge.

    2. It's good to see parents go through the same thing just like they post about their struggles and miscarriages. It's a blog. If you own a blog, that's what you do is put your daily life and sometimes very private personal struggles online.

    3. If your not happy with her content, maybe this isn’t the site for you!

    4. No 10:06 that's not what you do. You don't "air your dirty laundry in public" as our grandmothers use to say. There are such things as boundaries and you shouldn't cross them. Most people who "put it all out there" are insecure and want validation. The people who come across such posts usually feel uncomfortable reading such private and personal details.

    5. Referring to something like a developmental delay as "dirty laundry" just adds to the stigma of very natural, normal things that people deal with every day. Raising awareness that things like that can be very common not only helps with understanding so society becomes more accepting, but things like this can help other parents talk to their healthy, neurotypical kids and teach them how to be tolerant of and helpful to kids that might have those challenges because they WILL come across kids like that in their life. I'd much rather have my kids understand it and even expect to see things like that in school or elsewhere and know how to react--that it doesn't make a kid "dumb" or "weird", and they should never exclude someone or tolerate bullying because something makes a kid different. I have two kids with ADHD and I have been very open about it on social media because it's not something to be ashamed of--it's not something they can help, and we shouldn't be ashamed about getting help. It's an integral part of who they are and impacts our daily life--and likely always will. I refuse to make them feel like it's something they should hide or be ashamed of. If someone is going to make fun of them for it, no one needs that person as a friend anyway. If an employer is someday going to make that an issue despite my kids proving their ability, my kid is likely better off without that company. As they get older, yes, they can decide how much of that they want to share, as by then they will likely have enough coping abilities that they can function relatively normally and don't need the label, but the odds of anyone remembering or caring years down the road are pretty slim unless some bad actor is trying hard to be a jerk. People can think the Duggars and Bates are just in it for the money, and maybe some are, but I think in many cases they know they have a following and figure they might as well make some lemonade out of lemons by raising awareness and trying to post something their followers may relate to. They know people are interested, probably don't want to feel "fake" pretending everything is fine (because someone, somewhere will out them eventually), so they might as well control the message and maybe even receive encouragement and help from followers who have experienced similar things.

  8. Evie sleeps in the hallway?

    1. She was in a playpen probably so Joy could take a shower and get dressed.

    2. I thought Joy said she was asleep and they were going to go get her up for the day, from the hallway.

    3. I thought Evie and Joy were going in to wake up Gideon.

    4. She got Evie out of some portable crib in the hallway where Evie was asleep and then they both got Gideon up. I have no idea why Evie was sleeping in the hallway. Have never seen that before, not even in a church rental house that had 14 or 15 kids living in it.

  9. I hope everything turns up alright for him, but why are they making this public knowledge? I'm sure a lot of readers will pray for him, but after everything that has happened, wouldn't they want to keep some business private?

  10. Not even going to Joy's YouTube for this. Her/them posting his evaluation and results is just an unbelievable violation of Gideon's privacy! Posting is along with "The Forsyths Paint Their RV"? Seriously? It should be pretty clear to everybody by now that these young ladies are, in fact, chasing the spotlight and seeking attention. If this was really about letting their friends know about Gideon, they could post it on a private Facebook page/private Instagram account, personal emails, etc. I used to feel sorry for them, thinking they grew up without really knowing any real boundaries growing up on TV and being trotted out to conferences and book signing meet & greets. They're old enough to know better and should be wise enough given everything that's happened. If they want to promote the adults-have at it-leave the children off your Youtube, blogs, Instagram & Facebook posts.

    1. Sometimes people want to make it known. Bring more awareness to the general public that their son or daughter may have developmental delays or disabilities because their isn’t enough awareness out their already and the public doesn’t know how to truly treat it. However, I really believe that it should be Gideons right, when is old enough if he wants to share any developmental delays or disabilities he may have, if he has them.

    2. I believe this is their way of earning income while being a sahm @ 8:46

    3. Why are you on this site then? Maybe you should stop looking this site and family up if your so unhappy with them?

    4. @ 4:06- I'm unhappy with them monetizing and publicizing their child's developmental struggles, as you and every other adult out there should be also. Would you want me to go on YouTube and tell everyone about things you personally struggle with or feel insecure about? Why is it acceptable just because he's a child? FYI: Your comment reads as unnecessarily snarky and rude, as well. This is a discussion board and we've all been invited here to discuss what our hosts have posted...not to demean other posters for their opinions. If you have something to add to the conversation, please do so.

    5. There are thousands of parents who are public about their child’s developmental delays. If you are going to rebuke people for doing so, you have a lot of work to do. Also are you planning to hassle Kim and Penn Holderness? They are very public about their children.

    6. 8:28 - If you are unhappy about monetizing it, than therapist that help these kids shouldn't be paid either for it.

    7. They don't know the concept of blogs. You put your life on it.

    8. Alberta Rose- I say, shame on all of them! Just because thousands of parents exploit their children does not make it right.

    9. @8:54 Well then shame on the thousands for using their little children's problems as YouTube clickbait.

      The Holderness family only posts positive things about their children. I've never seen a video from them about a developmental problem one of the children has. It's the father who's talked about his attention deficit. Their family videos are all about having fun together.

    10. I personally think Joy may not no that there is a difference from filming to posting on Facebook because she was a little girl around 5 I believe when the show started and her at her age currently, she has never quote in quote had time for privacy. I could be wrong but I dont believe Joy understands the difference.

    11. 8:27 AM - Why do people talk about the Duggars and say negative things about even the tiniest things they do and still treat them like they are toddlers lol. You comment is cringy.

    12. Unknown at March 1st, 2022.

      That makes sense.

  11. I'm not interested in watching youtube video's for half an hour. Can someone tell me what the result of the evaluation is?

  12. Little Gideon may be delayed to a degree and hie parents should have done an evaluation and follow through with any therapy he may need but this is no more than a commercial for this business IMO. I'm sure Joy got this for free in exchange for hocking it on the internet. Awful of these parents to let her child's delays be publicly known. Shame on them for this.
    Another thing is...why does this family seem to always seek help/information/services from 'friends' of the family? Why don't they just go to a professional why is just that...a neutral professional who is properly trained? It has nothing to do with religious beliefs. They seem to avoid these people like the plague. I feel for Gideon for being exposed on the internet like this..and this goes for Jessa too with Henry's evaluation and concerns about his speech which are still quite promenent. These two boys need to attend a PreK desperately. Spurge needs to also go to school with other children.

    1. I agree. Using "friends" to do everything in life seems to be the Duggar MO.

    2. Um, they are getting him help with a cost just like Jessa did. It's amazing nobody seem to have a problem with Jessa did it. I seen tons of parents talk about this online and is that intrusion of privacy? Are you on those forums too trying to shame the parents?

    3. @10:09 Yes, when you share information about your child online, it's an invasion of their privacy. They are not able to consent, for starters.

    4. Just because Jessa also went public with Henry's issues, doesn't make it right.

    5. If you feel for Gideon, there are a lot of other kids whose parents talk about their child’s developmental delays. Also, when my son was homeschooled he was not teased, bullied, harassed or made to feel like a nuisance because he was verbally delayed. His friends and their families were well k own to us, and made a point of being helpful and respectful.

    6. 7:35 PM - Have you express this same concern over kids hospitals ads showing sick children on TV??????

    7. 8:38 PM - But why are you all only upset as Joy-Anna when a lot of parents do this even for a ad on TV??? Or worse a sick child??? How bad that? Because we all know you guys only come here and make comments. Let's see how big your coconuts are...

    8. Alberta Rose- I feel sorry for any child whose parents exploit them on social media, reality TV or YT, especially if they have a developmental delay. This video was a clear advertisement for the evaluation center and a child's privacy was compromised in the process.

    9. Public schools aren't the answer..

  13. I thought this family wanted "privacy". Guess I was wrong.

    1. Some of them want privacy.

    2. 9:11 Jessa, Joy and Jinger and occassionally Jill, have all been promoting products on their social media for a long time. Jinger even sold cameos. It's how they make money and privacy doesn't pay the bills.

  14. Why make this public?

    1. Why do they have forums about parents who are also dealing with this same stuff?

    2. On those forums, do they give their real name, their kids' real name, and their photos?

    3. 10:10 People who post this kind of thing on YouTube or other forums because they're trying to make money. Any time a child is used in this way, it's called exploitation.

    4. Forums generally do not involve personally-identifying information but rather are anonymous.

    5. Anon 10:10 Forums for a specific topic isn't the SAME thing as posting your child's speech evaluation on line (especially when you're a celebrity). Gideon's privacy was invaded.

    6. 7:34 PM - But how do you know this? You can't say it without proof.

  15. I don’t think your son will appreciate his personal business being divulged to the public when he is older.

    1. I don't think people posting about the same stuff online about their children would agree with you. Are you on there shaming them?

    2. I would have rather Joy explain the evaluation with no video footage of Gideon at the office. It's ok to say my kid is having some trouble, but showing their struggles crosses a line.

    3. 10:10 I'm not the OP, but I don't think it's ever appropriate to post information about your child that should remain private.

    4. I agree. Let your kids be kids and let them decide whether or not they want to generate an online presence themselves when they are older.

    5. Nobody is shaming Joy or Jessa for that matter. My little three year old nephew was aware that he was struggling with words and things that his brothers and cousins didn't have trouble with (they have ears) and was quite embarrassed about it. He definitely didn't want everyone in our family to know it, much less put it on a social media platform! I just wish Joy and Jessa would maybe think about how their children feel or would feel about everyone knowing, before they post. It's unkind and unfair. If mom & dad are worried about it, there's a ton of online forums where they can talk to other parents. They should have a trusted pediatrician, they can talk to. It's not about being worried for Gideon, it's about "updating everyone about Gideon" that's the issue.

    6. I think this video really sticks out because of everything the family has gone through lately. They don't seem to realize that more exposure does not make up for bad exposure.

    7. Anon 3:23. I agree. I think some of the (Joy included) just don't know when to stay off the social media platforms.

    8. If you care about privacy I hope you let all your friends and family know that when they post pictures of their children on social media. It is the same thing.

    9. The reality is that people complain about how they do things but yet here they are talking about them. People also don't understand negativity boosts this site too just like YouTube. You can give bad comments and bad reviews all you want but the creator will still make a lot of money from that lol.

    10. @4:38 Fortunately my friends know better than to put anything personal like that about their kids on social media.

    11. 12:20 PM - In our society, I highly doubt that unless you are talking about people that really don't know how to navigate social media.

  16. I didn't watch the videos because I think it's WRONG to put your child on display like this. Whatever problems Gideon might have shouldn't be "documented" on social media.

    1. Jessa did the same thing and so does other parents. There is forums for parents dealing with children with delay.

    2. Anon 10:11 Yeah. Jessa did something that invaded her son's privacy as well. Both she and Joy were wrong to do so.

    3. Are you going to do this to all parents who are public with their kids developmental delays or just Joy and Austin. Are you also going to shame Kim and Penn Holderness for how public they are about their son’s AD/HD?

    4. Anon 10:11. Sure there are forums for parents of children with speech problems but somehow I doubt the parents film their children's therapy sessions and post them in on the internet. IMO that would be a bridge too far.

    5. The Holderness' son is not 3 years old. He's old enough to speak up if this makes him uncomfortable.

    6. Alberta, are you talking about the family who's on a reality program currently airing? Because it's the father who has ADHD, not the son. The father talks about his personal experiences with it. An adult, not a child.

    7. People who find this wrong probably says "We have to hide all the ADHD, speech issued and non-comprehension children away from the world."

    8. 9:55 There are ways to share information about developmental delays without releasing the identity of a child or children. It's not about "hiding them away". It's about respecting and protecting their privacy.

    9. Why do so many negative posts have a wrong verb in them somewhere?

    10. @12:23 Because they're coming from one particular poster.

    11. 12:23 Because it is ONE person responding to everything over and over. This person has ruined the blog.

  17. It was nice to see Joy being pro-active with her concerns about Gideon’s development. As a retired teacher, I’ve noticed other children in the Bates and Duggar families who could have benefited from early intervention for speech/language and hearing issues. I do realize they may have received services that weren’t mentioned on camera.

    1. she is not pro-active, the girl of 15+ months pronunces some unclear sounds, not even hi or bye! she needs evaluation and help.

    2. @10:57 15 months is too early to evaluate for speech delays.

    3. Not really, 15 months is still very young and speech development has a wide acceptable developmental time frame. Some kids are speaking fluently by 23months and some are still struggling at 3. I have worked with children who had to be evaluated for speech issues and suspected delay. And, what the evaluator told us was not to worry till after age 3. Before, then it wasn't considered a delay at all.

  18. while i agree that joy-anna is doing a great job with her kids, i couldn't help but feel like this was a commercial for the eval center overall

    1. I agee with you. I'm surprised that a speech therapist would even allow an evaluation to be filmed and posted on social media. What an invasion of Gideon's privacy.

    2. Do you say this to other parents who post videos and write on forums about this?

    3. 10:11 Yes I do. Why do you ask?

    4. 9:55 AM - They do that in public school as well with the parents permission for educational purposes. There are some that does this on YouTube to show the progression of the child and how much they change. If they don't show it, than I would be less likely to put my kid in there if they was having speech issues. Writing a review is one thing...

    5. 5:40 PM - Yes! Exactly! I would want to see videos of how they do things because a lot of the times they don't even allow the parents in there.

  19. Glad Gideon is doing alright. Thank You Joy-Anna for sharing Gideon's evaluation. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  20. Why does nobody care about the privacy of these minor children?

    1. Exactly 7:56. The million dollar (literally) question.

    2. In a word "NO".

    3. I can think of few things more disgusting than exploiting your own children for money and attention. Just because it was done to these now-adults by their parents does not absolve them from victimizing another generation.

    4. Because there are thousands of other parents who are public about their child’s developmental delays.

    5. @9:01 You can do that without ever showing the child. You can talk about a child's progress in general without showing their face. Once a video is up, it's too late to think about privacy. And just because thousands do something doesn't make it right.

    6. There is nothing wrong with it @10:02 AM. You wouldn't say this if it wasn't a Duggar.

  21. I am so happy that you shared this information. It would be wonderful to take away the stigma of needing help,and sharing your story is a step in the right direction. I am sure you encouraged many parents by sharing this.

    1. You can do that without sharing you child’s private information.

    2. There's a way to talk about this problem and to "encourage" other parents without video documenting your child being evaluated and putting it on YouTube. This family still has problems understanding boundaries.

  22. I think Joy is just trying to help other young parents with child-rearing issues. Honestly, I don't see what the big fuss is from everyone just because something is posted about your kid or his results. And speech-therapy results are quite different from a sexual lawsuit. People need to chill. My son is 29 now, he was screened in preschool and went to speech therapy and special-ed classes until he graduated from high school. All that helped him greatly and he has no more issues with any of it.

    1. Did you post your son's problems in a video on social media? I doubt it.

    2. 1:51 PM - If you go on YT, you'll see other people's children but I HIGHLY DOUBT IT that you go on their mouthing them.

    3. We didn't have social media back then, but I did talk with friends, relatives and some of the other parents in my son's classes. I think we gave each other moral support. We were told while my son was in preschool that he would likely have to go through special-ed classes clear through high school (which turned out to be true) and it worried me a lot, having never gone through these things before as a parent. I think what Joy-Anna is sharing with others is going to help someone. You sure sound defensive.

    4. 11:52 Just because other parents put that stuff on YT doesn't make it right for anyone to do. People do all sorts of wrong things publicly and YT has made it simple.

    5. 10:13 AM - This is what I am talking about it. And yet these people probably don't even flinch when they see a sick child with cancer on TV. What about that? I doubt they made any attempt to comment about them. It's just because it's the Duggar's. They have to hate on everything they do and make it sound like everything they do is wrong because they have to build themselves up to sound superior. They are jealous. Simple as they. They can deny it until they are blue in the face. They know it's true. Honestly I would pay to have them be put in therapy. They get on here acting all high and mighty but can't even get themselves help.

    6. @11:52 What's your point? Just because you see other people on YT exploiting their kids does not make it right. And perhaps the OP does comment on those other vlogs.

  23. Watched these videos and was pleased to know Gideon is getting some help to be prepared for Pre-K next year. I don't watch very many of their videos,but this one caught my interest because there is a little boy the same age as Gideon that has similar issues with his speech and motor skills and isn't very cooperative with being potty trained and sitting still and listening for a period of time. He seems to show some signs of maybe having Autism or ADHD. Its been concerning and frustrating because his parents seem like their ignoring the fact their son is not "normal" for his age and are not being patient enough to work with him and his issues. Wish I could recommend them going to a place to get him tested at no cost like Gideon (as they are poor anyways because the husband works as a school bus driver while his wife stays at home and runs a small home business making and selling jewelry online and living from paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet).

    1. Public schools have free preschool and/or kindergarten readiness evaluations.

    2. Even though you are concerned about this child, I have a strong feeling that his parents won't appreciate your input in the matter. Parents often take attempts to help with what others see as a problem as criticism. Just beware before speaking to them.

    3. You don't notice signs of autism until about between the ages of 5-7 years old. It usually hits about kindergarten age.

    4. 9:49 PM - That's what my child's doctor told us. There was signs but he said we really wouldn't notice it until they was in school.

    5. 9:49 So not true! The signs are there much earlier!

    6. 12:26 PM - Multiple doctors have said this. Autism / Spectrum and ADHD is more shown in school when they are around a lot of other kids or they join sports.

  24. I don't think that poor Gideon is going to appreciate this when he is older. Some things don't need to be shared with the public. Saying that I feel that he needs to be in a preschool where he can get the professional help he needs.

    1. Being in a preschool does not equate with professional help.

    2. You can have a speech therapist come to a preschool or the childs home to work with them.

    3. @11:04 This is not true. Our son was evaluated for speech and learning disabilities by professional speech and special-ed therapists in preschool. He began classes with them there beginning at age 3. These professionals helped our son so much, all the way through high school. Before he had his evaluation, we didn’t even realize he had speech problems. I can't speak well enough of the help our son received.

  25. I watched it, I don’t know why she is so concerned about his speech. My grandson is 4, and has way more serious speech problems, like he doesn’t talk in sentences and has behavior issues. Gideon seems to listen very well and talk in sentences, so I don’t understand why she is so concerned. I think it’s Mabye just a mom thing.

    1. Please encourage the parents to get a free evaluation through the local public school district. Services can be provided for ages 3 to 21 years to those who have developmental delays-the earlier, the better.

    2. 10:33 PM - The public school system ain't that accurate, you go to a doctor and they will refer you to a professional one. Public schools higher random people to even do eye test that comes out wrong when the parent takes them to a professional eye doctor and turned out they didn't need glasses.

    3. 4:42 There's a lot you do not understand about public schools. When my son was a toddler, his pediatrician recommended he be evaluated by a licensed speech clinician, either through the school system or privately. We chose the public school because we are already paying for those services through our tax dollars. We were very happy with them! I know a lot about the hearing and vision screenings that public schools are required to do and yes, they rely on volunteer help. I was an elementary school teacher for over 35 years and know the process well. The head school nurse, an RN, trains the volunteers on what to do. Any child whose results were questionable or showed problems are rechecked by the school nurse. The parents were then notified of the results and it was up to them to have their child see an eye doctor or hearing specialist. A screening is just that, something to screen for potential problems. It's not meant to be a cut- and - dried diagnosis of anything. Volunteers are used because of the vast number of children being screened. The system works quite efficiently.

    4. 1018 You must of got one of those rich prep schools then.

    5. anon@4:42 Just curious. Have you attended public schools?

  26. I'm glad Joy went and got help for Gideon, but where is his privacy?

    1. MO- Exactly! These tests results should be private IMO! :o(

    2. I don't understand why you guys act like it's 1950s and down below. Oh lets hide him because he has "issues". Parents have the right to talk about it. A lot of parents do this with the video and pictures of their child so don't go on here acting like they are doing something wrong when dozens of people do this. You know what you are doing and eventually it will come back around.

    3. 9:46, There's a huge difference between hiding issues and putting your 3 year old having therapy on Youtube without his permission.

  27. What does public school have anything to do with speech development? They learn phrases and slang from other kids. Sure, that'll help them too lol. And last I checked regarding school speech therapy, sadly it usually takes them away from reading and writing. It's best to do speech after school. I don't understand why people on this site don't do their research in homeschooling before they judge. You set the pace. Pace is the number #1 problem with teachers in public school and why other kids fall behind easily. There's people that learn faster than others and some people learn slower than others. Homeschool kids does not miss out on opportunities that public school kids are given, however, public schools has taken out so much stuff to fit in other stuff but yet they can't explain why kids are still falling behind. In my state the main issue is writing. Look at the study of poor writing in junior high schools. It had never been this bad. They need to go back to writing and back to the books. They need to get rid of these google tablets they use now in the class room.

    1. Not true. I'm a public school speech pathologist and we are not allowed to remove students from Reading, Writing, or Math, but we can see them during Science or Social Studies. Plus, the service is free even to home-schooled students.

    2. 10:37 PM - I am too and they do remove them from those classes.

    3. I agree with you.

  28. I remember between kindergarten to 3rd grade I had trouble with speech but that has a lot to do with the fact my parents first language was german and their second language was french. So my parents pronounce things differently in English. I was born and raised in Louisiana. Although the Duggars are from Arkansas, to me they always sounded like they had a slight Cajun accent the way they pronounce things and facial movement that you only detect if you are Cajun or born in a strong Cajun based town. Some of the Duggars had speech teachers when they was young and now two of the grandkids, Gideon and Jessa's son had speech delay. This is actually more common than they think and it just has to do with where you was raised and ethnic background sometimes. Everyone talks differently and that's why I don't judge. I also had trouble with doing homework and comprehension but it turned out this had to do with eye sight. I had to get glasses in the 3rd grade because my vision was poorly. Kids don't always notice this until their eyes are examined.

  29. Why do some of you look at these updates if you are so concerned about privacy? You are just as guilty then for watching them as his parents are for posting them.

    Remember. If you don’t have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

    1. 4:03 Was this an example of a nice comment?

    2. Yes 4:03 you should remember that rule.

    3. Pointing out that children — particularly their medical details — deserve to be kept off the public internet rather than exploited by their parents isn’t “nothing nice to say;” one may argue it is nice, considerate, and helpful.

    4. 8:25 PM - But a lot of parents do this. To block it out is the block out the issues and it also helps other parents not to feel alone. Do you watch TV? Starving, sick children? United States of America allows news stations to show car wrecks where people died knowing very well how much that hurts the families grieving. You see, there is a lot worse things. This isn't even bad.

  30. People pushing their beliefs on someone else and think their way is the right way like public school is the people and opinions you should really avoid. If they want their kids in public school, let them. If they want to homeschool them, let them. It's their child. At least if we get in a pandemic where they have to shut down the schools again, the homeschool kids won't fall behind.

  31. Dear Gideon: I hope that you are having a fantastic 4th Birthday!!!!!

  32. When you discover your child is having difficulties it can be really scary and worrisome for the parents. Knowing other parents are dealing with the same issues helps qualm that fear and the shared information can be incredibly helpful. I think Joy Anna is a lovely young woman and fantastic Mom. Anyone who doesn't agree with her sharing something that isn't shameful, needs to go read the news instead. That'll give them something to complain about. Lol

    1. I feel Joy was raised with parents who thought nothing of putting their children's problems on TV (medical or behavioral), so Joy never learned how to be sensitive to those.

    2. 12:40 PM - A lot of parents must had too but yet they get no judgement. Oh that's right, because they are not connected to the Duggars. Gee...

  33. Seems like a normal 3 year old. Not sure what the fuss is. Too much push on tiny kids. And I have several levels of university degrees. I stayed home playing until I was 6 years old. Grade 1-3 in our public schools was play- based. A couple hours of instruction then play the rest of the day. Now parents feel like they have to send 3 year olds to 'school' to sit at a desk for 8 hours per day. Sad.

    1. @6:38 Because 3 year olds are capable of learning tremendous quantities of information. No 3 year old "school" makes kids sit at a desk for 8 hours. Most are 1/2 day programs and play-oriented, with readiness for school like learning letters and numbers. Kids need to learn social skills around other kids at that age too, not just academics. By grades 1-3, it's time to learn academics. Some kids are so advanced that they need all that and more. My child was learning algebra on his own at home in 2nd grade because that's where he was academically. But his school did provide other age- and developmentally-appropriate learning and socialization. What I think is "sad" is not giving your child opportunities and not encouraging him to learn from an early age. Also, not giving children the individual lesson plans they need. Fast learners get discouraged when they have to sit through repetitive lessons for the slower learners. Public schools know this and are now offering "gifted" classes. You really can't say that across the board, no child should do much in school but play until grade 4.

    2. 6:38 I've never heard of pre-school where 3-year-olds sit at a desk for 8 hours a day. School for older kids isn't even 8 hours long.

    3. It good to catch it early so that it won't disrupt schooling to much. Usually people who correct the Duggars and say they have a degrees is not true lol.

    4. @6:38, You obviously know nothing about what happens in pre-schools/4-year-old kindergartens. There is NO sitting at desks for 8 hours. The day is filled with structured and unstructured ACTIVE activities. Shame on you for posting misinformation!

    5. @9:56 You are correct. Here, children start learning the 2nd language by age 4. By 5, most attend school in the second language. Learning to read and numeracy starts at age 5. My children were reading in both English and French by grade 2.

    6. 5:41 PM - Not all kindergartens.

    7. 9:42 Then I'd find a new kindergarten!

    8. @6:38 where did you go to school? I don't know any preschools or even kindergartens that sit at a desk for 8 hrs. In preschool kids are learning without even realizing that they are learning. They are learning thru structured playing and interacting with other children. In kindergarten they do learn reading and simple math. where I live school is only 6 hrs.

  34. 6:38 getting Gideon evaluated for speech delays doesn’t equate with sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day. He does appear to have some delays in his speech so getting help now is very important. I applaud his parents for taking this step.

  35. HEY Gideon is SUPER cute, and he looks like he loves to work!!!!! I love U 4!!!!!!!

  36. No need to exploit your own child in order to "encourage" others. Don't parents think about how their one day grown up child might feel having their shortcomings or an embarrassing moment made public for all to see and know about? I believe this public evaluation for Gideon was done for free for the Forsyths in exchange for free advertising for this "dear friend's" business. Unprofessional of all adult parties involved.

    1. I agree. After suing because her "privacy" was invaded, Joy puts all this business with Gideon on Utube. Makes you wonder why.

    2. You are agreeing with yourself here lol.

  37. I commend Joy and Austin for looking into this now when working with Gideon will have the most benefit. So pleased to hear from Joy that Jessa did recommended exercises with her son Henry and he is doing so much better now. I think Joy is trying to help other mothers who may suspect their children are a little delayed and not be sure quite what to do about it. Early intervention always gets the best results; we should all want children to realize their full potential.

    1. why would she be helping other people she is doing it for her son not anyone else

    2. Yes, of course, she is doing the evaluation to help her son. Joy may have wanted to help other parents in a similar situation and made the videos she did with that kind intention in mind. She can do both - help her son and help other parents.

  38. I think posting Gideon's evaluation on line was a BAD idea. Let's say he's about 12 and this was done. Would he want all his friends to say "Hey, I saw your evaluation"? (and then snicker). Sometimes we need to put ourselves in our child's shoes and proceed from that point of view.

  39. Don't go through the public school system, go to a doctor and get a referral for therapist.

  40. Keep posting what you want Duggars, make these people who wish to control you angry. I love it lol!

  41. You BLOG about your life including family if so you choose. They are the parents just like a lot of parents who do this. If you are concern that this is a horrible invasion of privacy, there is a lot worse things shown on TV.

    1. Yes. But somehow two WRONGS don't make a right.

    2. 921 This is not bad and you know good and well ya'll ain't doing this to anyone else. There's plenty of parents that do this.

  42. Here's hoping that Claire is enjoying her 21st Birthday!!!!!

  43. This blog is becoming so negative! Arguments and nastiness.

    1. It's the people who are saying nasty things about the other posters, not about the topic, that's dragging it down.


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