
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Jana Duggar Speaks Out Regarding Citation

In case you have seen the news involving Jana Duggar, we wanted to provide some information. She issued a public statement, and an NBC article has the details.

Photo courtesy


  1. I have four kids of my own and there have been several times over the past 23 years that still fill me with dread over what might have happened. Praise God nothing bad ever came from those instances! I’m glad nobody ever put my less than stellar parenting moments in the news! Kim

    1. Me too. My daughter walked home across busy streets when my friend babysat her. She said she missed me. She was 4.
      I lost my son in BBAnd Beyond and he was in a parking lot holding a man's hand despite how I drilled him not to go with strangers.

    2. @ 9:55

      What on Earth is funny about Unknown’s comments?

  2. Grateful everything turned out okay and the child is safe. I think anyone who is familiar with Jana would know she would never be careles. Shes an incredible young woman.

    1. She probably did the best she could.
      Honestly the main issue is that they have too many kids and probably aren't able to care for all. I wonder how many kids she had to watch, wen one slipped out. It's also not fair that she had this huge responsibility, when they werent even her kids.

    2. When I'm babysitting I love the door lock the front door so they can't slip out.

  3. It can happen to anybody. But if it was deemed an accident by child welfare, why does she still have to appear before a judge in January?

    1. She was issued a citation which requires a court appearance. She pays a fine, end of the drama.

  4. I read one article and I'm upset that she's getting charged with the child endangerment issue. Shame on those parents pressing charges on her so she ends up in court. It was just an accident that the child slipt out of the house unnoticed. It could happen to anyone babysitting more than 1 child. Hope she has a good lawyer to help her out of this mess so she won't have to spend time in jail and pay a fine. The parents need to drop the charges and let it go. It's the Christian thing to do. They probably see it as a way to get money from the Duggar's. Praying for Jana at this time,especially as her brother Josh is facing prison soon.

    1. The parents aren't pressing charges, the police who came cited her.

    2. I have seen nothing about a couple pressing charges. Can you put up a link.

    3. This person doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

  5. That anyone would think Jana would purposely do anything - it's just ridiculous.
    I'm so sorry this is happening.

    1. It doesn't have to be done on purpose. Negligence matters as well.

    2. But we don't know Jana outside of TV.

    3. Who said they think Jana did anything on purpose? The report I saw was that her negligence endangered a child, and she was cited for it by police. What did I miss?

  6. This was an unfortunate Oops, not sure a fine and all the negative press is fair. Jana gives endlessly to her family, especially caring for her siblings and nieces and nephews. I feel bad....can't help but wonder if extra scrutiny is being deployed regarding Anna's children. Please be kind to Jana...she didn't do it on purpose.

  7. I'm so sorry. It can happen to anyone. Sorry about all the mean people

  8. I do believe Jana. I had a terrible scare when my 4 year old son who is profoundly hearing impaired wandered off on a busy beach. I had only turned my back for a second to put down a blanket. We were frantic, he could not hear or speak. A few moments later we saw a couple walking toward us with a child who looked very much like our son. Praise God, it was him! So, children can and often do slip away in a moment.

    1. Praise God -- and yes, it happens so fast.

  9. Please tell Jana that we are praying. This is a ridiculous charge and attack on her and their family. God bless and keep them.

  10. Doesn't matter what public statements Jana makes, it's what the judge decides in the case.

    1. People are only sticking up for her because she's a woman. If this had been a guy in this situation it would be different.

    2. I think you are very judgemental and unfair. You probably don't have kids. That happened when you have kids no matter how responsible we are.

    3. 2:49 PM - It's always easy for people to take up for the woman in situations like this but if it's a man it's different.

    4. Nope, it doesn’t happen to everyone. I’ve never been charged with a third degree misdemeanor for child endangerment.

    5. Agree 9:50. Once there's a citation, it's in the court's hands. Jana was free to make whatever plea she wanted and then either pay the fine up front or face a hearing later. She knew what she did, so she changed her plea and paid the fine without going to the January hearing. In other words, Jana admitted to the court that she did something wrong. That's not others being judgemental or unfair to her.

    6. Unknown: I don't see it as "judgmental" to point out that legal matters aren't decided based on public statements made by people, but are resolved in court. I do think Jana got caught by a law that was passed with good intentions but has turned out have expected results.

    7. 7:18 -- You sound so prideful. I'm pretty sure you've also done wrong things, whether intentionally or negligently.

  11. Ridiculous that she had to go to court over something that just happens sometimes with kids.

    1. Yes, it can happen to anyone, BUT going to court in part of the legal process and was established to protect children.

    2. You can't talk your way out of a situation like this once the police get involved. Whoever found the child was quite correct to call 911. Police take a different view than "this just happens sometimes." If anyone said that when pulled over for speeding, it wouldn't work either.

    3. I'd like to also add that quite a number of posters here defending Jana and this incident as an "innocent mistake that happens to everyone" would be feeling and saying something totally different if that child had been kidnapped, injured, or killed. Most of you would be screaming to high heaven about a neglectful babysitter and demanding she be thrown in jail, had this ended differently. I dare say if this happened to a neighbor/family you don't like or a family/extended family member you're less than fond of, many of you would have wanted that person charged or jailed. But because she's a Duggar, she should get a pass from you? She clearly didn't get a pass from law enforcement and even she was somewhat honest in pleading guilty (not entirely honest though playing it off as "it can happen to anyone").

  12. Nana seems a lovely woman & let’s face it who hasn’t been so exhausted that a child in their care has done something they shouldn’t. I couldn’t look after so many kids as nana does. Please give her a break, her heart is in the right place & she shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same sentence as Josh

    1. It's obviously a typo, 11:01. You know she meant the person this post was about.

  13. Are we ever going to be able to read comments on these posts? It would be nice if we could hear what others have to say about this news.

    1. December 16th, 2021- Yes I agree.

  14. There is no doubt in my mind that this family is being attacked..mostly by the media. I read a few other articles and the way the media twists stories like this is despicable! I took journalism and if there is no truth to these 'stories' Jana has every right to sue!

    1. I don't think anyone is "attacking" the Duggars. They have had some very unfortunate events occur recently but since they are public figures these events are reported widely. The "price of fame" and they have to accept that.

    2. The media didn’t issue the charge. They reported in it.

    3. You can't be convicted of crimes or even minor offenses and then cry that the media is attacking you.

    4. Jana would not successfully sue a publication for reporting on a criminal citation she did in fact receive.

    5. The media is very much so biased

  15. I can't wait for a non-controversial post so we can start the commenting again.

    1. I know. I have written so many comments on various posts that stay within the guidelines and MAYBE 2 have been posted. I'll start commenting on the Bates family; at least they're real, don-to-earth, and full of integrity.

  16. Leave her alone, she is a person separate from anyone else's actions. Kids are WILD, and rebellious, someone snuck away, scary but certainly does not make her a criminal.

  17. I love the Duggars...always have. Really miss the show.

  18. I can't think of the name of my favorite couple living in California...sorry...I'm old. But I believe that they are going to the church where my friends attend...I'm pretty sure.

    1. I believe that you are thinking of Jinger & Jeremy.

  19. Dear Jordyn: I hope that you are having a fantastic 13th Birthday!!!!

  20. Thank you, Jana, for giving us the details of this story. This misstep can happen to the best parents/caregivers. Try not to dwell on it, Jana; just take precautions so it doesn't happen again.

  21. Oh brother! Some people are such busybodies! I know what is like to have one of my children slip outside while my back was turned. That doesnt make me irresponsible or a bad mother. It happened when I was a young teen babysitter, that didn't make me a bad sitter.

    1. A person who finds a 2 yr. old wandering alone near a main road is not a "busybody." They had every right to call the police about this lost child. In fact, it's safer for them to get police involved so there can't be any question about the finder's intentions. And then the police had to do what the law says, the law they are sworn to uphold. It's an unfortunate situation but it happened exactly the way it should have in the end.

    2. Don't blame a passerby for doing what was necessary so the child could be safely returned home. I'm sure Jana was trying her best but it appears she had too many children to look after. It will work out.

    3. I've found a child wandering beside the road, and trust me, the feelings you feel after the police arrive and the parent is found is not being a busy body.

    4. 1:55 PM MO- I agree with you completely. As much as I feel terrible for Jana, I know that the welfare of the young child comes first.

    5. I completely agree with 1:55. If it we're your children that ran off when she was supposed to be watching them, you’d be singing a different tune. I hope she gets the books thrown at her!

    6. Jana has since pled guilty.

    7. Totally agree with 1:55! I've taken care of children since 1983 and been the person in the store that 2 unknown little children approached because they couldn't find their moms. My young daughter and I were there shopping and I'd seen the 2 moms having a "mommy date", totally oblivious to where their children were. I was so angry because had I been an evil person, I could have told those children I saw their mom go outside, let's go find her, and their mom likely would not have seen them again (or alive). I wanted to read them the riot act, but I didn't- I just took their children back to them. I see this happen all the time where I live, adults not paying attention and children "getting away from them". It's not okay.

    8. 5:24 Thank goodness for busybodies who call 911 when they find a toddler wandering along a busy road! BTW, if you're having kids slip outside while you are unaware, I wouldn't hire you to babysit. We always had locks installed high up so our kids couldn't go out on their own. It's a simple precaution.

  22. Please leave Jana alone she deserves grace and mercy, and was not intentional she should not be the only one in her family to help with child care and house work hope she moves out let her family take care of themselves

    1. Given that she wasn't at home when this happened your comment makes no sense. Her house is on a fenced acreage with an entrance gate. The article makes it clear Jana was babysitting, not helping at home

  23. After reading Jana's statement, it seems ridiculous that charges were filed. What a waste of the court's time! Had she missed the child before the child was found by a passersby then an Amber Alert would probably have been filed.

    1. I think Jana was doing the best she could, but obviously had too many children to supervise. I'm not sure why the charges were filed but the passerby did the right thing to call the police so the child could be safely returned home.

  24. Josie turned 12 on December 10th, and Jordyn turned 13 of December 18th.
    Happy birthday to the girls!

  25. I don't think she did it intentionally at all. She would never put a child in harms way. I've been watching and following the Duggars for years and Jana is sweet and smart and probably just tired. I'm behind here 100 percent.

    1. Nobody accused her of doing it intentionally. She endangered the child through negligence. A mistake of this kind is still a crime under the law.

  26. No matter how good of security locks you have. Kids are smart and can find their way around stuff. When I had toddlers they figured out how to open the kids lock on the toilet and they flushed toys down the toilet.

  27. I had triplet boys that are now fully grown. When they first learn to walk and get into mischief I was for sure they end up as magicians lol. My sons use to do this all the time and we had those locks all the way up the door to where they could not reach but they figured out how to get them with a broomstick. They also like playing disappearing acts around the house, needless to say nobody could beat them at hide and seek. They also liked to hide objects. This is a honest mistake. This is what kids do.

  28. Children are sneaky. When mine was young, I knew they was up to know good when they got quiet. They loved being outside. I don't know how they learned this but they learned how to unlock the door using a doll hand and later they used hair clips. I have five kids and I stayed home with them. It's a lot of hard work. You can watch them all you want but it takes 5 minutes looking away from them to make coffee or having to use the bathroom for them to get into something. I knew the media would try to blow this up into something it's not and honestly it's a waste of time to report her like that. People love to call CPS for false claims because they are mad at someone or when there's a custody battle going on.

    1. 10:33 I have 5 kids, also. All adults now. But when they were young, it WAS hard work esp the middle child. Sneaky 3 yr old!!

    2. I had a similar experience while babysitting. I was 13 years old and a mean girl I knew got mad because I got chosen to do the babysitting. Thankfully this was back in the 80s and it was someone from Neighbour Block Watch, not the cops, she called.

    3. The media didn't blow it up into something it wasn't. It was a citation and a court date and a fine, as reported. The police were the ones who issued the citation, not some other parent. I knew it would get downplayed by commenters here as nothing terrible, but the fact was a 2 year old was alone on the side of a road. That's not a mistake every parent makes or something to say "no big deal, kids all do it" about.

  29. I know how hard it can be to watch little ones Jana. I have to keep an eye on my niece or she's off going somewhere. I'm glad everyone is ok and no one got hurt. In time one day I hope to see everyone back on cable tv with a new show and long seasons. That would be exciting and make a wonderful day. Natasha b

    1. Natasha, you can hope but it is not going to happen. They are not going back to appearing on TV.

    2. Do you want this family to have to face the criticism they would get if any of them went back on TV?

    3. 🙄 again. These people need to heal their family not be on television.

  30. Here's hoping that Jinger is enjoying her 28th Birthday!!!!!

  31. My five kids are in their 30's and 40's now but when I think back to times they wandered off it is a miracle any of us survived. Mistakes happen.

    1. No, children wander off because a parent/caregiver isn't watching the children or paying attention. If you have too many children to pay attention to, you have too many children.

    2. 11:27, that was harsh. You can't constantly, literally have your eyes on your kid, even one, every single second if you also have a house to run, food to cook, etc.

    3. 11:27 You obviously don’t have children. Guess what? When you have children, you still need to use the restroom. Food has to be cooked. Laundry has to be done. Diapers have to be changed. Little ones need help in the bathroom….. It is impossible to keep your eyes on your children at all times. None of my kids snuck out of the house, but one of them scared me to death at the store by hiding in the clothes racks. Kids are fast. My husband snuck out of a hotel room when he was little. He was only about two but stacked up the luggage and opened the door while his parents were sleeping. He went out walking by a major highway. Thankfully someone found him. Even little kids can do things completely unexpected!

    4. I'm laughing at these people who claim if a child wanders off while being babysat, it's because there were too many children. My son was quite the escape artist, to the point I could only use babysitters with experience, as well as being turned down because the babysitter didn't want to work in a household that had door and window sensors.

    5. Thank you 12/22/21 at 3:35 pm. I only had 2 boys 13 months apart and when they were both walking (running) it was a full time job keeping up with them. The youngest learned to get out of his crib at 9 months. I'd wake up at night and he'd be standing beside the bed staring at me :). At this time of year let us be gracious and overlook others' "slip-ups". Jana, you have 100% my support.

    6. 3:35 PM - They clearly don't have kids or they are one of those people who don't take care of their kids, they let other people do it which is a common thing these days.

    7. I totally agree with 3:35, the people with the most advice on how to raise children, have none themselves! I'm curious to know if you have any yourself. What happened to Jana, has happened to every parent I know.

    8. They need to invest in some truly childproof locks....problem solved.

    9. @7:53. Never happened to me.

    10. 11:27 here and yes I do have children and have spent 41 years taking care of other people's children (individual families and large groups of 20+). I'm very well-versed with having to do laundry, go the bathroom, cook meals,etc. while caring for children- and I've never lost one yet. Bu thank you for all the inaccurate assumptions. LOL

    11. 7:53 I am a parent and it never happened to me. I was also a public school teacher for 36 years and never lost a single one, even on field trips.

    12. Dear Anonymous, Count yourself blessed! I was a School teacher and never lost one, but I was at a California theme park with my kids and my niece and 2 nephews, when I did. My autistic nephew wandered off and it was terrifying! We had to divide and conquer through the park to find him. I share this to say that this can happen to anyone, even a career teacher with a spotless record. I also know to extend grace to others because I may be on the other side of things someday.

  32. This impress me as much ado about nothing.I'll give her a pass.

  33. I think it's best to let the court deal with it. I can't defend or judge her because I wasn't there. It's not fair to take up for her so quickly. People act like they know her.

  34. This is not even neglecting otherwise the majority of parents on earth be in trouble. It takes just a second to look away before your child wanders off somewhere or accidentally forgetting to lock something or putting up something they can use to pry locks open. Kids are very smart, you know. However, I would not be so quick to defend her. The Duggars have a tricky past of how they dealt with their oldest boy. I am curious on how they dealt with the other kids bad behavior. She might not be the angel some of you think she is and we don't know her personally. I don't think none of you was taught just because you think you know someone online, doesn't mean you know them outside of that. That also includes people on TV.

    1. I know the family and Jana is wonderful, responsible and kind. You are right to say that you don't know people if you only see their tv side. My hunch is that Jana was overwhelmed with grief and stress over the current situation and a bit more tired than normal.

    2. It happened back in September, not currently. @4:19


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