
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Jana and Jessa at the G3

Jessa, Ben, and Jana just took a trip to Atlanta, Georgia for the G3 Conference. The conference lasted three days, from September 30th to October 2nd, and featured more than 20 well-known Christian speakers.

Jana Duggar, Jessa Seewald, Laura DeMaise

Photo courtesy


  1. Ben grew his hair out!

    1. I don't see a picture of Ben.

    2. Where did you get that? Ben’s not even in the picture.

    3. Do people not have a sense of humor anymore? I for one thought your joke was hilarious lol

    4. It doesn't make sense....

    5. Oh my goodness, I’ve looked at this post several times and finally got what you’re saying!! The post says “Jana, jessa, and Ben” but it’s Jana, jessa, and Laura in the pic! Sorry guess I’m not the only slow one, but I wanted to explain for others because that was funny!

    6. I’m sorry, I have a hard time understanding sarcasm!

    7. That was just a simple name error and is certainly nothing worth mocking or making poor jokes about. Why anyone would intentionally point it out and try to make the blog owner feel bad is beyond me. There's just so much hate in this world, even over something so trivial as a name mistake in a blog.

    8. @7:54 Lighten up. Even Ben would have had a laugh over that. With so much "hate" in this world as you say, we need a laugh sometimes.

  2. Praise the Lord that they go to such good evangelical conferences!

  3. Replies
    1. Jessa and her coffee seem the stars of the scene. It seems she many times feels that need.

    2. 7:56 AM - What?? Yo, your comment gave me high school flashbacks. Jealous much?

    3. 7:56, obviously she is taking the picture and the others are holding their coffee, while she had to set hers down to take the pic. That is why hers is in front. But of course if you want to spin it to make her look bad . . .

  4. Jeremy wasn't one of the well known speakers? Oh well.

  5. Beautiful girls!

  6. how does one get away from home for 3 days w/ 4 small kids?

    1. It is easy when one has family to babysit for one's kids.

    2. Siblings who are guaranteed to have a “servants heart”.

    3. Ben and Fern were also there. The other children might have been there also. Ben's family was there also.

    4. Why would you take a baby to a large gathering?

    5. Family, that's what we do. Don't you have a family?

    6. At 0549, no some people don't live close to their families. We're a military family, so most of the people we know don't.

    7. I don't think it's anyones business.

    8. 5:49, because she’s nursing? Bringing a baby along makes more sense that a toddler or small child.

    9. If you're nursing, then skip it this year and stay home. Won't hurt.

    10. MO- No, I never had family members who lived anywhere near me when my children were young. I used to really resent it when friends would tell me I needed to go out more often. They had family around to take care of the kids, I had to hire babysitters and never felt comfortable leaving my kids with sitters. Even if I knew their families. :o(

    11. 9:27, traveling with a nursing baby can be waaay easier than traveling with a toddler.

    12. 9:27, mom’s don't have to put their lives on hold

    13. The Duggars left home many times with 4 or 5 times more kids than that. You dress, get ready, and get in a vehicle and go. It's not hard. It's life.

    14. Ain't nobody business but theirs....

    15. Instead of worrying about their children, you all need to be worrying about your children if you have them or just yourself. That's their business, especially when it comes to someones kids. It's really creepy. I imagine you all are the type to sit on your porch watching your kids neighbors all the time playing in their yard making sure their ball doesn't end up in your yard.

  7. Who were the 20 christian speakers?

    1. It's listed on the website

    2. John MacArthur
      Steve Lawson
      Darryl Harrison
      Virgil Walker
      James Coates
      Owen Strachan
      Paul Washer
      Phil johnson
      James White
      Conrad Mbewe
      Abner Chou
      Justin Peters
      Joel Beeke
      Voddie Baucham
      Josh Buice

    3. You could probably look that information up yourself online. The miracle of google!

    4. Who are these 20 people? I have never heard of even one of them.

    5. I would go just to listen to Voddie Bauchan.

    6. I'm familiar with most and I would have loved to have been there.

    7. @11:30 I have no interest in them either. I find their kind of preaching tedious. Absolutely not interested in fire-and-brimstone talk, revival talk, political talk, demeaning other lifestyles talk, and so on. I doubt anyone who goes to these conferences TRULY comes out a better human for it. Maybe they only go for the coffee. Someone is making money off it though.

    8. Anybody else but me never heard of these folks at all??

    9. 8:00- Nope, I haven't heard of them either.

    10. 4:46 PM - Ha! You never attended then because you are very wrong about that. It's funny how people like you say Christians are so judging but yet here you are judging something you clearly never been too.

    11. @2:36 It's OK to comment on preachers who are in that profession for financial gain or whose message is not genuinely selfless and loving of their fellow men. For instance, do you think the middle of the night televangelists are the best Christians you've ever heard preach? Likewise, the people listed above do have videos online and it's possible to have heard them without attending any conference.

    12. @2:36 Just listen with an open mind to any video from anyone there. Start with MacArthur. I can understand why something like this conference is not everyone's cup of tea.

  8. My Pastor went. I wish I went. From what I heard it was awesome. Maybe next year. It would of been awesome to run into them. I can tell they seem alot closer in their sister relationship in the last few years. I would enjoy talking to Ben if I ever met him in person. I enjoy his sermons online. Blessings.

    1. I've listened to what Ben has had to say as well as Jeremy. Their ideas made me cringe. We do not share the same values or views of society and its members.

    2. Whaparts of the gospels do you believe? Do you pick and choose your teachings? I read things people post and wonder if they have different Holy Bibles than mine! People who are paying more attention to modern society, who are calling God’s word unacceptable, or finding the commandments too hard to live by, are doing their part in culfilling prophesy. The scriptures say it will happen. Should we hate these people? NO! We must love them and do our Christian best to lead them from their sinfulness into God’s saving mercy. Do we condone sinful acts? NEVER! No matter how much we are told we are homophobes, called Pro Life nutters, etc. I am just one voice in a sea of voices refusing to be silenced. It is sad their are those who turn their backs on the Holy Word of God and bow to the pressures of a sinful society,

  9. That's awesome they got to go. I loved to have gone to the conference but maybe next year.

    1. Probably safer next year - fewer germs

    2. I wouldn't bet on that, 3:28. Probably the zeta variant by then.

    3. Doubt it, 3:28. By then we probably won't be allowed to do anything like that.

    4. Sure, if people will do their part to stop this pandemic now then next year will be safer.

    5. 12:20, yes. People should do their part to strengthen their immune systems this year. Exercise, lose weight, Vitamin D, stop eating junk.

    6. 12:20 PM - Not everyone can and the more they force the jab on people, less likely they will get it.

    7. Next year you won't have to worry because everything will be closed down and they'll finally admit this virus was made out of revenge from China because they got mad about Trump's trade and Pro-American standards on what this country needs. Just like we need to rely on our own oil and now look, the prices are up again just like they was when Obama was in there. The food prices are up. Mark my words, next year is going to be a disaster. Homebound, shortages, war and rations.

    8. 8:01 PM - The sad part is I believe that.

    9. 8:01PM. Yes, I agree with you.

    10. @8:01 Odd then how China unleashed the same virus on themselves and on all their diplomatic connections around the world. All to get back at Trump! You say being homebound with shortages, war, and rations will happen next year? When most of the world will have been vaccinated and new drugs and vaccines are on the horizon? My my. Thanks for the heads-up! I'll go get more TP.

    11. Relax 8:01. Nobody's coming for your 86 rolls of toilet paper.

    12. Anon 8:01. My you're full of gloom and doom. Have you started hoarding toilet paper and paper towels yet?

    13. Great minds think alike. LOL 3:03/9:38

    14. It's all about the TP!!! Ha

    15. 9:00, China is hardly a country that seems to care very much for its people.

    16. @9:46 You're overlooking the fact that China wouldn't have a country with economic power except for its people and what they can produce for the government. It goes against logic to purposely unleash something that would wipe their people out. China depends on its workers for agricultural and manufacturing output. Without that, they would not have the same power in the global market that they have today. Yes, they care for their people, in the sense that they are workers for the necessary production.

    17. @10:11 Right. Not only that, losing their own people could weaken their military, something China would not want to happen. If the virus was supposed to target the US, it missed its mark real wide and fell everywhere else on the planet too.

    18. A country that forces women to abort babies and commits other atrocities does not care about its people, only its power.

    19. @9:38 Not true. China has lifted its population limits because it realizes it needs more workers to support its economy in the future. The rule changed from one child per couple to three children this year, and that limit is probably going to be completely abolished in a few years. The change also came with a new emphasis on social programs such as daycare and schooling. China is changing.

    20. @9:38 Modern Chinese families are choosing to remain small because it's expensive to raise and educate children in China. Even with the limit lifted, most families are having only 1 or 2 children by choice these days.

  10. Replies
    1. I hope Jana and Jessa are getting along better now than when they were growing up.

    2. 11:28, why would you bring up childhood behavior? I hope you have outgrown whatever childish mistakes you made too.

    3. 11:28, why wouldn't they get along better now? They've had years to mature since their childhood.

    4. Age does not automatically guarantee maturity, 7:52

    5. 11:52, obviously, but most people outgrow childish behavior.

    6. All siblings fight no matter what age. Mature and immature mentality has nothing to do with it. It's just the way God designed siblings.

    7. God designed siblings to fight with each other? Seriously? Some sibling didn't get that memo I guess.

    8. 2:34, my siblings and I haven't fought in decades. God didn't design siblings to fight. Siblings choose to fight because of their sin natures (which God did not design) and their immaturity. Fighting is a choice, and if you are still fighting with siblings as an adult, it is time to grow up.

    9. 2:34, if God designed siblings to fight no matter how old or mature they are, then He forgot to include that in the Bible. Like the verse that tells us to live peaceably with ALL men. Surely that applies to siblings. I hardly think God would design people one way and then tell them not to be that way.

  11. I wonder if they get income from Starbucks for all the pics they post with their coffee all the time.

    1. I don't understand the internet's obsession with take-out coffee. We don't need to see every cup anyone has. First thing I think of anyway is how much money bought coffee wastes. Make it at home and fill a take-along container. If you spend $3-$5 a day on coffee, that's $1000-$1800 a year. Compound that spending into a savings account over 20 years and you're looking at over $36,000 you could have saved instead of buying coffee for your internet pictures. (Can you tell I had my quarterly financial planning appointment yesterday)

    2. I wonder if people from Instagram get income from Starbucks for all the pics they post with their coffee all the time

    3. I see a lot of people pose with their coffee from Starbucks. They must get paid too. I need to start doing that myself.

    4. I don't get why everybody & their brother feels the need tp post a selfie telling the whole world what they're doing, much less a "Look at me, I got my Starbuck's!" selfie. Honestly, stuff like this doesn't make me think humble or modest, it says self-absorbed, proud, attention-seeker.

    5. 4:51 You don't think humbleness and Starbucks coffee selfies go together? Isaiah 52: "Awake, awake, put on thy strength" - that must be instructions about coffee.

    6. Ha ha ha 2:04! Bible coffee! :)

  12. I don't understand the purpose of these conferences. Not like you can't hear a Christian speak every Sunday from the pulpit or somewhere on YouTube any time you want.

    1. They're like pep rallies in high school.

    2. Most conferences feature the best of the best speakers. Plus you get a variety of input on scripture, church doctrine, etc. While there is not a variety of interpretation on these subjects, in most churches, there would be a variety of explanations of that scripture or doctrine. I went to a Preaching Conference and loved it! (By the way, it was in the South, and for this “northern girl,” the southern hospitality was worth the time.) I took so much away from the speakers. They each had different styles of delivery; different points that they stressed; different personalities to connect with (each attendee will have some speakers they relate to more than others.). It’s really exciting to hear different voices on subjects of interest to Christians. I always come back inspired.

    3. @2:250 the same reasoning can be applied to non Christian activities as well. Why go to concerts when you can hear the artists on YouTube, Spotify, etc. There are also non Christian conferences. Ted Talks. Why do people attend those?

    4. While the internet provides amazing access to content far and wide, some people prefer the fellowship and experience that going to a conference provides. Why go to church at all or school or even the grocery store? Humans have a basic need to be together.

    5. That is not the same as going to a conference with all the energy of a bunch of other people of like minds in the same place, getting to hear well-known preachers in person, setting aside a few days to focus on spiritual feeding and reflection while getting a break from daily routine.

    6. I can't speak for everyone, but some people enjoy getting together with other Christians and learning from someone, in addition to their own pastor. Some people have "favorite pastors/speakers" that they may already watch on YouTube, but if that person is speaking locally or in an accessible city to them, they want to hear that pastor/speaker in person. Some people want more than just a 1 hour Sunday service with 10 minutes of worship, a 30 minute sermon, 15 minutes of announcements, and 5 minute offering. They want to learn more about God and develop their relationship with Him, in the same way you develop your relationship with anyone else, by spending time with God, reading His Word, studying His Word, and learning how to walk in it (apply it to yourself personally). Some people really enjoy being together with other believers, worshiping God together, and meeting other Christians from different areas or who have different backgrounds and experiences. Hope that helps. :)

    7. 2:50 These conferences are money makers for the organization. G-3 requires a registration fee of $189 per attendee.

    8. @6:30 That's sad to hear. Church is not supposed to be about making money. Nor is it supposed to be about politics, but nowadays some churches seem focused on that along with money.

    9. 6:30 AM - All conferences usually do. I have to pay a fee every time I want to attend a conference or a seminar for my taekwondo school. Depending on the place, you have to pay a fee for PTA meetings, school meetings (depending on what the meeting is for) and sports meetings. There is some business who actually force their employees to pay for mandatory meetings which is crazy I know.

    10. 9:50, organizations take money to run. Conferences take money to run. I wouldn't pay $189 or anything close to it, but I also don't know what their budget is.

    11. It costs money to bring the speakers together and pay for the venue. As in the past G3 posts it to youtube later so all can see

    12. What is a TedTalk?

    13. 6:30am, wow. Who in the middle of a pandemic has that kind of money to spend!?? So sad to me that people cannot pay their bills and have lost their jobs and people are out spending money on this instead of helping their fellow man.

    14. 8:12 AM - How do you know if they are or not helping other people?

    15. 8:12 Obviously, the Duggars have that kind of money to spend, as do anyone else that attended. Everyone has their own priorities. While I would never spend money to go to any religious conference, I would spend money to attend any of my favorite musicians in concert. I've attended YoYo Ma's concerts twice and for me, they were both very much spiritually uplifting experiences. I not only appreciate this man's extraordinary talent, but also his philanthropic endeavors.

    16. Conferences like this gives Christians a time to be together to celebrate. It's also a time to celebrate. They energize.Theres a difference being there live and watching it on tv. The only thing that I wouldn't care for is that they have no female speakers.

    17. @8:12 Time to be together, to celebrate, and to energize. That's also called "Sunday morning in church." If church is doing it right.

    18. @ 11:31- True enough and I wish all Churches were doing it right. ;) For some, at a conference, you also get to worship together with family and friends that may go to other churches or live in other states (people you may only get to see when you meet up at a conference). I think a lot of people save their money to go to something like this because of the speakers and a side bonus is meeting up with like-minded friends and family while they are there. They'd rather spend the money on this than a vacation or they give up some other things/outtings to be able to do this. Sometimes people meet others at a conference that are actually from their city/area that they didn't know and new friendships (and sometimes networks for community programs like taking care of neighborhoods/children's after school programs/food pantries & clothing closets) are born.

  13. They clean and have hand sanitizing stations all over the place. A grocery store is more dangerous than what this place was...

    1. Not really, because large groups of people don't congregate, nor stand or sit next to each other, nor stand around talking to each other for 20-30 minutes, or sing collectively in a group in the grocery store (at least no grocery store I've ever been to-LOL). Also, people in grocery stores are moving through the store, nor staying primarily in one place with a lot of other people. Finally, grocery stores have these awesome automatic doors that are constantly opening and closing, increasing air flow each time. They also have these back doors that are regularly opened for deliveries all day long (and some evening deliveries in some locations), which also increase air flow though the store. All my grocery stores have hand sanitizing stations and provide cart wipes too. ;)

    2. When I'm in a grocery store, I usually spend a half hour there tops and I'm not socializing. I also have control over distancing and going at a time of day or week when it's not busy. At a conference, you spend hours/days indoors in close proximity to other people who may or may not be wearing masks or vaccinated. There's no comparison or evidence behind your assumption that a store is more dangerous than a conference setting.

    3. Totally agree with you 6:27. I've never been in a grocery store that is as packed as that conference hall, before or after the pandemic. All grocery stores where I am have mask mandates and I rarely see anyone without a mask on. Hand sanitizing doesn't do much. The virus spreads through the air and most people have been infected that way. There have been outdoor spreading events too, concerts and rallies. A family I know got sick this summer after visiting for hours on a screen porch.

    4. 3:25 PM - I agree. In a store or at least where I am from they don't know social distancing. There's a bunch of crowds EVERYWHERE. You can't escape it through the aisles unless you are in the clothing department.

    5. Yes! At my Wal-Mart and Krogers, they don't even have sanitizing areas anymore and nothing to wipe off the carts.

    6. Maybe they were all vaccinated and then it would be alright

    7. @7:55 My Kroger has tables set up in the lobby for any sort of cleaning you need. You can get a mask from the front desk if you forgot yours. Same with every grocery store here. Wipes and spray. I don't know about Walmart though because I won't go in there on principle.

      @3:25 What kind of grocery store do you go to that has clothing? That's not a grocery store, that's a big-box store. Pick an off hour if you want to avoid crowds. I went to the grocery store at 6am and to Target at 7am last year before I got vaccinated. No crowds there then.

    8. 11:12, my vaccinated family members still got sick and one of them spread it to her family. Her doctor told her that all but a few of her cvd patients at the time had been vaccinated.

    9. For 11:12 AM. You can still catch it and spread it even after you are vaccinated. Please educate yourself and don't spread misinformation on this blog.

    10. Nonsense. No one spends hours in a grocery store seated in close proximity to other people. Bad comparison.

    11. Patricia, can't tell if you're beinh serious, but vaccinated people can also get it and spread it, so I wouldn't count on that.

    12. Apparently, hand sanitizer causes cancer so we're all doomed one way or other

    13. 8:16, 2:13 Yes, vaccinated people can be infected as well as infectious. However, the likelihood is much less than when compared to those who are unvaccinated. Being vaccinated also lowers your risk substantially of having a serious COVID illness. The vast majority of people who are hospitalized and driving the spread of this virus are among the unvaccinated. Those are the facts.

    14. @10:06 Show me the obituary that says "died of hand sanitizer-caused cancer." Or better yet, the one that says "lived to a ripe old age because they used hand sanitizer." Hand sanitizer is a momentary solution that disappears the first time you touch something after application.

    15. 8:35, have you read the facts coming from Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries?

    16. Cleaning and hand sanitizer all over the place does not stop Covid. We thought so in the beginning of the pandemic. But as things continued, the real message to us scientifically was that Covid travels through the air so avoid close contact or extended contact with people. So businesses that brag about how much they clean and how many hand sanitizer stations they have are doing what is called “hygiene theatrics.” It’s OK that they have these things, but bragging about it when they are encouraging a crowded facility is just wrong.

    17. 8:35 AM - The CDC said that they believe the Delta virus actually started with a sick person who was vaccinated. And there seems to be a lot of breakthrough cases in highly vaccinated areas. The vaccines are like the flu shot, it's not going to stop the spread no matter if everyone is vaccinated. Only the mask will do that.

    18. You don't have to spend hours in a grocery store to spread COVID-19 (or a variant) or catch it. All it takes is an infected person coughing, sneezing, laughing, singing, or yelling into the air that you walk through unmasked. Or those droplets landing on a surface you touch and then you touching your face, nose, or eyes. The more asymptomatic carriers or even people who don't feel good (but are too afraid to go get a COVID test and try to convince themselves it's just a cold/allergies- Delta Variant), the higher the risk. The more unmasked people traveling through the store and their children, the risk of spread increases. If this were really about the unvaccinated driving the spread as the narrative being suggested, then over 70 million people would be hospitalized across the US (current numbers are an estimated 70 million unvaccinated). We know there aren't because there were 43,997,504 reported cases of COVID as of October 6th with rates declining. That's a long way from 70 million unvaccinated people infecting everyone in their communities with community spread COVID. Those are the facts (

    19. 7:17 No one ever claimed every unvaccinated person is spreading COVID or that being vaccinated is guaranteed to prevent infection. The truth is that the unvaccinated are driving the increased numbers of hospitalizations and straining our health care system. If you are vaccinated, you have a much lower risk of serious illness requiring hospitalization. I certainly agree that people should mask up when in public, especially indoors.

    20. 2:32, masks don't do it either! Not the flimsy paper masks or the cloth masks.

    21. 11:47. Many masks are highly effective. I wore Medline (Curad's parent company) Anti-Viral masks for years, until the pandemic meant production of those halted. I actually had several boxes of them on hand when the pandemic began. They are Level 3 medical masks and highly filtering. They also are coated with zinc and citric acid, rated to kill 99% of viruses within 5 minutes of contact. The box lists numerous types of viruses the masks have been tested on and were able to deactivate. Also, N95 masks work extremely well to filter virus particles. There is no such thing as a "paper" mask. The blue, black, or white doctor-looking masks are made from blown polypropylene fibers that act as "tangles" to trap virus particles. There are 3 levels of those procedure masks available for different types of medical uses. I currently wear a Level 3 (the thickest) with a Level 1 on top any time I'm outside my house. Masks do work - I'm living proof - I was constantly ill before I started wearing the Medline masks every winter. Not one viral infection after that. My doctor was very impressed. So were my lungs! Masks have been one of the most studied things in the last year and a half. I've read most of the studies, since I have such an interest in the topic.

    22. @ 7:17- Excuse me, but our President Joe Biden and our Vice-President Kamala Harris are in fact laying all the spread at the feet of the unvaccinated (read the news please from various mainstream media outlets) BECAUSE President Biden's job numbers are down, tanking his approval rating one month before elections. The unvaccinated are indeed being used as the scapegoat.

    23. @1:07. Israel only has 68% of its eligible population fully vaccinated. That is not good enough. 90% should be the target. Plus, they opened too soon plus there has be a much lower uptake on the vaccines among the ultra-orthodox Jewish and Arab groups.

      The Delta variant is VERY contagious. Israel has 32% of its population NOT vaccinated. It is not surprising that they are seeing an increase in cases.

    24. 10:19 - An Israeli study of 2.5 million people found that the vaccinated were 7 times more likely to get covid than those who had previously had covid (natural immunity). A second Israeli study of 700,000 people showed people with natural immunity were 27 times less likely to have symptomatic infection a second time compared to those vaccinated. Natural immunity needs to be taken seriously and studied here in the US. What if natural immunity lasts two or three or four times longer than these shots that need all these boosters every six months, or whatever they change it to? Are the drug companies pushing for these boosters because of money? Are politicians tied up with the drug companies for personal financial or political gain? How many people have immunity already? Why should they be forced to get shots that may cause side effects when they have already been through covid? Why are so many so resistant to finding out answers to these and other questions that could save money and save people from nasty side effects (and they are happening)?

    25. 11:10- A young coworker of mine, 28 years old, just died of COVID. He was strong and fit, but unvaccinated. When I read comments like yours, I want to cry. Death is quite a permanent side-effect.

    26. Anti-vaxxer rhetoric @11:10. Now ask doctors and nurses and respiratory therapists what they think, after all they've seen and had to do to the unvaccinated. It's one thing to be skeptical, but it's another to be out there on the front lines trying to save lives when some people won't give themselves the one thing that could help. Also, you're mistaken about "natural immunity." Multiple studies found that if you had Covid, your immunity is weaker and wears off faster than it does with the shots. Up to 1/3 of people with Covid make no antibodies at all after their infection. That's why all guidelines now say to get vaccinated even if you had one of the Covid strains.

    27. 9:11, now ask all the doctors and nurses who don't want to get the vaccine WHY they don't want it. And studies are not retoric.

    28. 9:11, how about you answer my actual questions instead of labeling them rhetoric? How large are the studies you mention compared to the ones coming out of Israel? Why don't you acknowledge effective early treatments like monoclonal antibodies and ivermectin (which has been prescribed for humans long before covid and is antiviral, not just "horse medicine") instead of saying that the vaccine is "the one thing that can help"? I have many more questions, but since you want to slap the "rhetoric" label on rather than actually answer them, I'll stop here.

  14. Such a good thing for the young women to attend together.

  15. Every time I wonder why people take the effort to come back here and comment in a negative way. If they annoy you just dont read this blog but keep your comments to yourself. It appears as if people only read her to cmment in a negative way. Get a life!

    1. They have nothing else better to do. A long time ago someone comment saying Jessa doesn't breathe right when she's talking. And than they had a issue with the Duggars using plastic forks and paper plates lol.

    2. Agreed @10:00.

  16. Dear Mackynzie: I hope that you are having a fantastic 12th Birthday!!!!

    1. Maybe she has a little sister by now, who knows. Will we ever get that breaking news?

    2. I can't believe she's 12 already! Happy birthday Mackynzie!🎂

    3. 12:24, we will when it happens.

  17. Laura looks so much like the Duggar girls!

  18. Can someone explain Laura's connection to this family?

    1. The Duggars have never really explained it, other than she is a friend of Jana's. She seems to live with them sometimes and I wonder if perhaps she is a companion for Jana when she travels, etc?

    2. Jana’s best friend!

    3. She's Jana's friend.

    4. She's a friend

  19. Happy 😊 12th birthday 🎂Mackenzie Renee Duggar. I hope you have a wonderful day today. May God bless you and the Duggar family members and the extended family members. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you and everyone. I am praying for the Duggar family members and the extended family members. I'm really praying for another spin off of the Duggars and the extended family members hopefully sometime in the future of 2022. I will be very happy 😊 and excited ❣️ if this happens on cable tv with new seasons and a new show. I'm really praying for it to be coming back on. Natasha b

    1. Natasha B Sorry but the Duggars dont need anymore shows. Let them go away quietly.

    2. 8:31 PM - They'll come back. They shouldn't be punished for what their brother and parents did.

    3. I thought I would, but I really don't miss them. What I see and hear on Ellie's blog is all I need to know.

    4. Yes I know the Duggars and the extended family members need a new show with new seasons hopefully in the near future of 2022 and Yes I will be very excited ❣️ and happy 😅 and Yes I know they're on YouTube and have a podcast and DVDs. I am very devastated. Natasha b

    5. I am sure they will come back it just won't be on TLC. Everything is going to Discovery+ these days.

    6. Why don't you encourage the family to find occupations other than being on TV? They all seem to be moving on anyway and are better off without nosy cameras and producers hanging around.

    7. 3:09 PM - They do have jobs besides being on TV. Its someones option if they, if presented with the opportunity, decides to be on TV. Not yours.

    8. OK 2:30, what are their jobs and how much do they actually work at them?

    9. @1:57 Nobody ever seems to be able to answer that. The Duggars seem to do whatever they want, no work 9-5 work schedules, no bosses to answer to. Might sound like fun but it's not because you miss out on lots of things when you're in a one-man business. No 401K matching employer contributions, no stock grants, no bonuses, no pension plans, no group insurance rates, no paid time off, no promotions... Part of any adult's character is formed by working and getting along with others who are different too. I don't see much to be gained by the way the Duggars "work."

  20. Heard about the them going to the conference. Everyone has been slamming Jana for wearing pants and Jessa for wearing a skirt above her knees. Can't believe Jana is being so rebellious still living at home with dad and mom and 4 younger sisters wearing pants and even leggings and jeggings. What kind of influence is she being to Johannah,Jennifer,Jordan, and Josie,who are only allowed to wear skirts and dresses BELOW their knees? But Jana is 30 years old and old enough to make her own choices whether or not she still lives with mom and dad.

    1. 9:47 It doesn't make sense does it. Maybe Jana has finally moved out. Now that would be a good rebellion to do.

    2. She said on a old season of Counting On that it's their choice, they just wear skirts more often. The only ones slamming her is trolls trying to make something out of nothing who clearly never watched all the episodes.

    3. 2:02 PM - Exactly!

    4. Nobody is actually making a big deal about it except the ones that didn't watch the show like you lol.

    5. I think now that the show is over Jana isn't trying to pretend any longer that she doesn't wear jeans and jeggings. lol. Even Jess a is wearing jeans with rips in them since the show ended. I hope people realize now that reality shows are people acting for money. It's just a show people and they get paid to act and say certain things that TLC wants to portray for a certain image for that show. I feel bad for people who
      thought that reality shows were real life.

    6. 6:41 PM - Jana was the one that said they do wear jeans sometimes but prefer to wear skirts. Perhaps her style is changing? It was back between 2014-2016 when she said that on TLC.

    7. @6:41 I agree that the "dresses only" hype was for promoting a certain image and TLC purposes only.

  21. "Everyone has been slamming Jana for wearing pants and Jessa for wearing a skirt above her knees". Can't believe Jana is being so rebellious still living at home with dad and mom and 4 younger sisters wearing pants and even leggings and jeggings"

    @9:47I can see you didn't want to be left out of the slamming. Bravo to you!

  22. OMG THREE days of Church. I could never stand it. Christmas and Easter is all I can do. Kudos to them!

    1. Wow, I can't imagine thinking of my Church attendance as something I have to suffer through. We are a family at my Church, a place where we care about God and each other. If there is a need among any of our members then we pull together and help that person out. If someone is absent, we notice them absent. We hold baby showers for our expecting Moms, and pass out Birthday cards for our members on their Birthdays of that week. There are cover dish meals served after our service which we all bring food and desserts to and have that time of food and fellowship and fun. You my friend are missing out on all the beautiful things that come with a strong Church family.

    2. @2:48 You described the congregation, not the minister. The women with the covered dishes and the baby presents are not the ones delivering the messages from the pulpit on Sundays.

    3. 2:48 That's the social side of church. Sounds like 12:11 is talking about the preaching side of church. I agree, some churches are too intense on Sundays with preachers who deliver extremely long sermons using very vivid descriptions of sin and judgement. You come out feeling mentally exhausted. If that is the case, find another church. There are all kinds.

    4. Well actually, Anonymous @ 12:11 never said why he/she can't stand more than 2 holidays in Church. So, we should speak for him/her, assume anything, or inject/project our own issues/common complaints into what he/she said. I'd rather hear Anonymous @ 12:11 tell their own story. :) Maybe it's not "fire-and-brimstone" or long sermons as some have assumed. Maybe they just go to a dead Church, full of rituals that leave them feeling bored and empty, that have no meaning in their day to day life or equip them to cope with life's stressors, disappointments, and losses. I'd like to hear from Anonymous @ 12:11.

  23. Dear Johannah: I hope that you are having a fantastic 16th Birthday!!!!!

  24. This is 2:11. Thank you for your comments and for trying to understand where I am coming from. At church I like the music, the encouragement to be kind, the potlucks, the rummage sales, and most of the people. What I do not like is sermons that keep talking about God and Jesus. I just don’t believe that there is a God who makes plans for 8 billion people on earth, watches their every move, teaches them lessons, decides which ones of them will get hurt and which ones will get saved, etc. Why do intelligent people actually believe all of this? That’s my problem with church.

    1. I agree 1:25. Plus I don't like how people use God to justify good or bad outcomes when so much in life is the result of our own doing. Don't "leave it up to God," go make what you want happen.

    2. I look at it this way- do whatever floats your boat. I don’t join a church because my personal views are not in line with any organized religion. It doesn’t bother me what other people choose to believe, unless they start proselytizing to me. I suggest you find a like-minded club or organization if you are looking for social outlets. Live and let live.

    3. Anon 1:25 It sounds like you enjoy being around Christians and the different activities that take place in a Church and that's good that you enjoy those things. It sounds like you struggle with understanding God and that's ok because most of us have been where you are right now. What helped me was when I eat down with Christians and a pastor and told them exactly what I was struggling with. They were very understanding and walked me through each question I had. I have since became a Christian and have been for many years and now I am one of the Christians that helps people who struggle with all the things I struggled with. It's really a beautiful thing to have a personal relationship with the Lord and I'm going to pray and trust God for you to have that too. Ask other Christians to help you understand some of those answers you are looking for, I know they would love to explain things to you. God Bless

    4. Anon 1:25 First of all, the people at your Church sound like a really kind group of people. :) It kind of sounds like (from what you said) that picture you've been given of God is that He's unpredictable, unstable, angry, vengeful, and sort of like the Roman & Greek gods (getting his amusement/entertainment by causing harm in their lives, like puppets on a string). I can understand (as much as I can not actually knowing you) exactly why you wouldn't want that kind of God. Like Anonymous @ 10:06, I just took my questions to some really kind Christians I knew and they walked me through them. I became a Christian and I love God and willingly follow Him and use the Bible in my day-to-life and relationships. But not because I'm afraid of an angry God, or afraid of offending God and going to Hell, but because He loved me first (sins, my past, and all). I love Him and don't want to cause Him sadness. I had very dysfunctional parents, so it took me awhile to understand God as a good father (the kind that teaches his children how to live in ways that bring them peace, joy, stability, healthy relationships, a good balanced work ethic that they can successfully live on and help others in need, etc.). It took me awhile to get that like a good father, He wants us to make good choices that will help us, not harm us and others. But like a good father, he won't force us. He loves us enough to give us the freedom and the choice, even though it costs Him emotionally (like any good parent when you see your child making choices that you already know are going to hurt them in some way). You're not the only one in your Church who feels the way you do. There are people in every Church (and outside of it) who have the same questions. Just choose a few people there that you feel comfortable with and trust and ask your questions. Honestly, God isn't afraid of your questions and He's not angry that you have them.

  25. 10:23 Thank you, but you didn’t answer the question. Why do we give god credit for all the good things but none of the awful things that he could easily prevent?


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