
Monday, July 19, 2021

Baby Seewald #4 Is Here!

Ivy Seewald, Henry Seewald, Spurgeon Seewald

Jessa and Ben Seewald are officially the parents of four children, and you know exactly what that means. Baby Seewald #4 just arrived! The proud mom and dad have not yet revealed their little one's gender or name, but they posted part one of the birth story (video link below).

Jessa Seewald's Birth Story, Part 1

Photo courtesy


  1. It's really not a part of a birth video, she's just talking at home. They're probably going to drag everything out for a week (if not longer) to milk the birth for all it's worth on youtube🙄

    1. Nothing wrong with that.

    2. Wow. You were really wrong. Name and gender the very next day. I was expecting them to take a little while longer because she just had the baby on Sunday.

    3. Anonymous July 19,2021 at 6:57pm. Why to you always post mean comments on the Duggar's blog if you don't like it just leave.

    4. @2:14 This is Ellie's blog not the Duggar's blog. Ellie decides what gets posted.

    5. @2:14 How do you know that the poster always post mean comments? Most people post anonymous.

  2. Oooh can’t wait!!!

  3. Congratulations Ben and Jessa!!!

  4. YaaaaY!!! Can't wait to see new baby Seewald!!!! #TEAMGIRL
    Kimberly (of course)!

  5. A little theatrical on the part of Jessa and Ben. Sigh.

    1. You are a kill joy, I really enjoyed the videos.

    2. I think it's a bit hard to be theatrical while giving birth.

  6. Congratulations Jesse and Ben!
    I don't understand why they aren't revealing of baby is a boy or girl?
    Guess they want people to keep guessing.

  7. Why wouldn't they reveal what gender the baby is? What's the big secret or is it to get clicks on their you tube video? strange

    1. Yeah. Couple of "drama queens". You'd think they were British royalty or something.

    2. Yes. To get clicks cause Ben says her name at the end.

    3. 9:46, I think you nailed it with the last part of your question. Anything to stay in the spotlight as long as possible.

    4. They might have had an exclusive on the gender and name with People.

    5. Even the royals announce the baby's gender at the same time they announce the birth. I understand if it takes longer to choose a name, but I've never heard of a birth announcement without the gender.

  8. They have a lot of birthdays in July: Jim Bob, James, then now 4 grandkids - Meredith, Sam, Felicity and the new Jessa's baby. November though is the most populous grandkids month: Spurgeon, Addison, Bella, Maryella, Evangeline.., 5 grandkids in November. 1 in January, 3 in February, 1 in April, 1 in May, 3 in June, 1 in August, 1 in September, 1 in October.

    1. Well, good for you. I have trouble enough remembering my family’s and extended family’s birthdays. But you, wow, you know Duggar s’(and, I’m guessing, Bates’) birthdays.

  9. Congratulations Jessa and Ben. You have been truely been blessed with wonderful children. I am sure the new little one will be loved and blessed as much as Spurgeon, Henry and Ivy have been. Can't wait to find out what the new little one is and the special name will be.

  10. Seems the new little Seewald shares a birthday with Grandpa Jim Bob! Thats so sweet.

  11. Of course, Jessa Blessa will keep everyone in suspense.

    1. Why do people call her Jessa Blessa?

    2. Because that was her family nickname.

    3. It's because Michelle calls her that - over and over and over

    4. 10:14, it's a nickname, which people do tend to use over and over. Hardly unique that Michelle does that.

  12. So it looks like Baby shares a birthday either with Pops (18th) or cousin Felicity (19th). Extra fun!

  13. They sure like to keep us in suspence, even after the baby's born,is it a boy or girl, what will they name him/her, and now even "was he/she born on Jim Bob's or Felicity's birthday" oh well it is fun though,I'm guessing a boy with an unusual name( but not Runk!) and he was born on Jim Bob's birthday.

  14. Congratulations, Seewald family!!! May God abundantly bless baby and momma with good health and exceptional faith.

  15. Why do Bena and Jessa see the need to play this game regarding the "revelation" of a couple of details about their new babies? It really isn't such a big deal to everyone. She either had a boy or a girl and it has a what? Why the drag-out about this? They need to get over themselves. Hope all went well for them on this delivery.

    1. The boy or girl thing seems unnecessary, but they do seem to have trouble narrowing down names. Maybe they wait to see what name best fits the baby after it's born.

    2. @4:04-to keep people checking back in and clicking! Stirs interest at a time when the Duggar interest has deteriorated.

    3. If it isn't such a big deal to everyone, why are you so concerned? And they don't necessarily have a name for it yet. She said in the video with previous babies it's taken up to 5 days to settle on a name.

    4. AGREE. Just brings more attention to them, that they seem to enjoy. Why? your not a child but a adults.

    5. Meg Noel -- AGREED.

    6. They have all 9 months to think about a name. Why can they not settle on one in that long amount of time????

  16. Congratulations Ben & Jessa on baby # 4 with a😀 happy & healthy baby. I am patiently waiting for gender & name hopefully soon. I can't wait to watch the birth video on tv. Natasha b

    1. Please understand there is no more tv shows. It's been cancelled. You can watch videos some of them post on YouTube.

    2. Thank you, I didn't realize they were on YouTube. Natasha b

  17. She might have been teasing or dropping a hint that, she was having a boy. When she said on her YouTube video,the other day that, her favorite color was blue. Anyway. Congratulations! Seewald family, on your new little bundle of blessings... May he or she, have an abundantly blessed, healthy, long life.

    1. I thot she accidentally dropped a hint as to the gender by saying that part of their name issues was that they felt like they had used up the names they liked, so to me that would mean that it’s a boy as they’ve had more boy names than girl names used…. But who knows…. 🤷‍♀️

  18. Congratulations to Jessa and Ben on the birth of baby number 4 , on this same day my husband and I celebrated our 19th year wedding anniversary.

  19. Congratulations on your new little blessing! Boy or girl, there is a lot of love waiting to be shared!

  20. The world did not need to hear about her "show"...and I don't mean the TV kind... Were the kids listening in when she said that?

  21. The may not be able to say the gender/name yet because a magazine such as People has the first rights to the story.

    1. You shouldn't be selling the rights to your child's name and gender to some tabloid magazine.

    2. I think this is part of the confusion some people have. Cause at the beginning, we all were informed about the no tv and such, but they sell their stories to the very publications that they wouldn't read in their homes. Mixed messages imo.

    3. 7:51 -- They're a growing family and can make some money that way. It's certainly their choice. You should think about channeling some of your strong feelings for good against some of the real evil in the world today. With your keyboard skills, you may be able to make a difference!

    4. @9:34 Are you suggesting that 7:51 try to set the Duggars straight?

    5. 4:52, I'd like to see someone able to do that.

    6. 9:34 Children's privacy should be protected, not sold for public entertainment. The kids had no choice in the matter, the parents made the decision.

  22. Wonder if they sold the story and picture rights to a magazine and have to wait for it to publish before they can announce?
    Hope everything went well and baby is healthy.

  23. Next week they'll have the gender reveal party and the following week will announce the baby's name. lol

  24. I love those cute little boys! Bruno or Runk, hahaha!

  25. It's on YouTube. Fern Elliana.

  26. The name, the baby's whole name and gender are revealed in the comment!

  27. A girl named Fern?!

  28. Congratulations on your newest member. Spurgeon, Henry and Ivy what do you think of the newest member? Are you happy, excited or upset?

  29. She has part 2 on her YouTube video, and she actually reveals the gender and name!😀

  30. Just saw that the baby was a girl and that they had named her Fern. I had seen several posts here that had suggested that. It certainly complements her big sister Ivy's name. Two boys and two girls. Did not see a middle name. So now the granddaughters keep coming with yet another girl coming with Anna's future daughter. Quite a cycle. I wonder when it will be broken and by whom.

  31. Part 2 of the video is up (I won't ruin your surprise)...

  32. Fern, REALY???!!! poor poor little girl

    1. Goes well with Ivy.....two plants.

    2. I've seen and heard of worse names than Fern, but I do like the name Elliana.

    3. Their child, their choice.

  33. She's a girl! Fern Elliana Seewald <3

  34. It's a girl and her name is Fern Eliana. The second birth story video is up.

  35. It's a girl. Fern Elliana Seewald.

  36. Congratulations to Ben & Jessa! Welcome Baby Seewald!!

  37. Congratulations to Ben & Jessa. I think we all know the sex of the baby now as it’s on the website. Pretty name Fern for their daughter, obviously following a plant theme for girls. Hope all went well for mum & baby.

  38. That's great news. I am very happy for them and hope they are doing well but the way they announce this by trying to gain as many clicks on youtube as possible is just not very cool. I'm therefore not going to watch their birth vlog.

  39. Congratulations Seewalds. Many blessings on your new addition to the family. I know she will be well loved by every member of your very sweet family. All the best to you. Eileen

  40. Congratulations to the couple. With Jessa there are usually episodes: 1. Announce pregnancy 2. Progress of pregnancy through tummy growth 3. Going into labor 4. Labor 5. Birth 6. Gender Reveal 7. Name. 8. Introduction of new Seewald to family. Dramatic, but it’s ok. It’s what we’ve come to expect from Jessa. It gives us something to look forward to each day, especially now that the show is off the air. I can understand the delay in sharing the name. Naming is an important step for any parents. Some parents have a name/s in mind, but like to see and experience the baby to make sure the name is the right one. My friend always liked to see the baby before naming it. I teased her that if that were everybody’s case, many babies would be named Winston Churchill. Kidding aside, I’m eager to check back for details.

    1. LOL Winston Churchill

    2. Almost everyone goes through all the steps, just 6 and 7 are out of order and not everyone does belly growth pictures. Hardly unique.

  41. Guess the baby's name and gender is a top military secret.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  42. Just watched part 2. The baby is a girl. Her name is Fern Ellianna. Congratulations to Jessa,Ben,Spurgeon,Henry and Ivy on the birth of Fern Ellianna. Welcome to the world Fern Ellianna. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  43. I can't believe that you can walk into an Arkansas hospital without a mask on.

    1. They were wearing masks when they boarded the elevator

    2. My husband is being treated at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. You can't get in the door without a mask. You also have to answer brief COVID questions and you then get a sticker to wear showing you've been cleared. I appreciate their diligence! Carelessness and an indifferent or hostile attitude toward restrictions and vaccinations is what will guarantee the spread and lingering long-term problems.

    3. Even if you've been cleared, you're still supposed to be wearing masks in hospitals. Jessa's visitors don't have them on, only staff.

    4. And the open southern border hasn't helped. A large number of people have entered with no covid tests, masks, or vaccines, and are being bused and flown around the country to settle. That seems to be negating the carefulness of others.

    5. 3:28 A poor deflection. There is no shortage of careless US citizens on this side of the border and have been since the pandemic began. I see and hear it every day from people who still refuse to be vaccinated and thought mask mandates were the work of Satan. Don't blame the pandemic on open borders.

    6. @3:28. The US border with Mexico is closed. And anyways, yesterday the US reported 61,651 cases and Mexico, 15,198 cases. The number of cases per 1 million population in the US is 105,730 and in Mexico, 20,662. From these numbers, yes, the border should remain closed but to protect Mexico from the US.

    7. Why do people (such as the 3:28 commenter) continue to try to politicize this pandemic? It doesn't care about race, creed, country, or politics. All it needs is a warm body somewhere so it can multiply. We all need to ask ourselves if we're personally doing everything we can to stop that. I suspect we aren't because states are throwing out unused vaccines that are expiring.

    8. For real? What about all the people coming in unstopped? Talk to the sheriffs in Texas, the people like my sister's friends who can't let their kids play in the yard anymore with all the people coming in the country through their area illegally.

  44. I like what they named it.

  45. AWE!!!! What a nice picture of: Spurgeon, Henry, & Ivy.

  46. So happy it's a girl! Now Ivy has a sister!

  47. Yes, hospitals are the most contagious places. My 85 year old grandma contracted covid in the hospital last year and she’s still suffering from long term effects 😔

    1. I know someone who got it in a hospital last November when she was there for an operation. She didn't survive, and neither did her husband who caught it from her. That was the Alpha or original strain. The current Delta is worse.

    2. Then you should stay away from hospitals....even if you have a life threatening injury....

    3. No, 7:34, hospitals have the obligation to keep their patients safe. They always have had that obligation, pandemic or not. Infection safety is a huge thing for them.

    4. @7:34 You don't stay away from hospitals. They are supposed to have infection protocol that works and protects patients. Your comment was unnecessarily snarky.

  48. I am shocked! I picked the first name right on an older post!!! LOL!!!!!


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