Tuesday, June 29, 2021

TLC Cancels 'Counting On'

Nearly 17 years after the premiere of the Duggars' first reality TV special and nearly 13 years after the start of the family's first TLC reality series, TLC has announced that 'Counting On' has been canceled. The network confirmed this in a statement to Us Weekly. The full statement can be found in an article on the Us Weekly website


  1. It's about time! I'm happy because the money would've went towards Joshs' legal fees.

  2. I will miss Counting On, but I believe TLC made the right decision.

  3. Josh ruined it for everyone, especially for his family.

    1. Right, I feel that anytime there is a scandal,that is a good time to call it quits.

    2. The show could have kept going if Jim Bob and Michelle weren’t involved.

    3. But tv shows can't last forever anyway. It has to end sometime. They were lucky to have the run they had. I don't think Josh ruined it. It's been time for a long time.

  4. I have watched you guys from the very first Discovery channel special. One of the shows I couldn't wait to watch every week. I loved watching the family grow. All the weddings, the grandkids. All the junk that's on tv now your alls show was one of the best. I'm gonna miss it!!

    1. Why can't the show continue...if the ratings are so low cancel it..otherwise let the fans continue watching.

    2. Me too! But it isn't just Josh that ruined the show and hurt his family; it was also our terrible society today, which mocks and has contempt for anyone who is sincerely trying to lead a holy life in the Lord. There is also snarling malice toward Conservatives, and the Duggars are both, as is my family. Well, I don't need TLC. I will simply continue with the Duggars through their YouTube channels or Facebook. They are a wonderful family and it was a privilege that we were given to share in their lives all these years.

  5. I have felt all along, and commented on this blog, that this family needed to end their TV career back in 2015 when Josh’s initial problems were revealed. I pray they all take the time and steps necessary to bring about deep healing. I pray for Anna and her children as this situation is extremely difficult. I pray for Josh as well.
    May God be with them all,

    1. As much as I hate that it didn’t end the. So that Josh wouldn’t have more money for his legal fees, I’m glad because having an extra five years on tv I think gave the older girls more noriety that they wouldn’t have maintained otherwise and now they have large enough followings on social media/YouTube to be able to make some kind of income for themselves. They weren’t given the real chance to make money in a typical fashion so I’m glad they have the opportunity to do it some way.

  6. I also believe TLC made the right choice, cancelling Counting On. The Duggar Family, needs time to heal, that can only be done privately, not in front of cameras. I wish them peace.

  7. This is best for the family, whether they know it now or not, I think.

    1. I agree and they probably had a say in it.

  8. Counting On was one of the few shows I still watched on TLC. Their decision is horrible and punishes the other kids who did nothing wrong. Quality programming has gone down the tube. Josh Duggar, his parents, and TLC are the problems not the grown children that Counting On was designed to follow.

    1. For all you know, the kids are happy about the show being cancelled. Few of them seemed to have their heart in it and really didn't participate much. BTW, no one is owed a TV show. They're a dime a dozen and come and go all the time.

    2. Counting On never limited itself to the grown children. It was the same old 19KAC with a new name. Jim Bob and Michelle were on camera far too frequently for having "lost" their show.

    3. Anonymous 10:51 - You are correct -tlc (totally lacking consistency) airs ridiculous and vile programs and then cancels a family-friendly program because of the actions of one member.

    4. The show was cancelled because of low viewership and no interest from sponsors. TLC is not non-profit.

  9. There was no need to cancel Counting On. What Josh is accused of has no bearing on his sisters and brothers. I have watched from the first episode and love it.

    1. He was still benefiting from the show

    2. It sounds like some of the family was ok with it. Jinger and Jeremy, Jill and Derek

    3. I agree I will miss seeing them on TLC although maybe the will be picked up on another station. Maybe the channel the Bates are on.

    4. How was he benefiting?

  10. So sad to hear :( even though I knew it would likely happen... but at least the older kids have youtube channels and we’ll still have this blog to keep up with them! 😔❤️

  11. Great decision..its time in spite of all they been thru.

  12. I am sorry the show was cancelled. Personally I don't thing all the rest of the family should suffer. Look around people even movie stars have bad apples in their families. Doctors have family members with problems. Do we do family background checks on everyone??

    1. It's not suffering or punishment to not be on TV. Having a reality show is a privilege not a right, and every show has to end sometime. And yes, there are plenty of people in the public eye who lose jobs or opportunities because of the misdeeds of someone associated with them. And there's nothing stopping any of the Duggars from getting another job or even making money via YouTube or Instagram, like many of them are already doing. But please don't call it suffering or punishment when a very long-running show with declining ratings is cancelled.

  13. I dislike this decision but I do understand why. Your show was top of my record list with the Bates second. I will follow and hope for updates on how everyone is doing. Thank you for your encouraging faith.

  14. Darn. I was catching up on the series but get TLC's reasons.

  15. I will miss the continuing life paths of all the married couples. TLC struggled to keep the Duggar family in the public arena. The decision to stop the program is right. These young families need to have privacy and cameras need to stop being in their lives

    1. The young families neither want nor need privacy for themselves, as we see Joy and Jessa posting videos all over Youtube. LOL

  16. Here's hoping that Lauren & Josiah, are enjoying their 3rd Wedding Anniversary!!!

  17. Right thing to do, I fully support and understand that decision. I'm sure the Duggars will move on with their lives, and flourish in a new way.

  18. Honestly, the show had run its course a long time ago. It’s time for the Duggars to move on. I hope they don’t come up with another spin off that is just the same thing with a different name.

  19. What will happen with your Duggar-Blog? Are you going to continue?

  20. I will miss Counting On. I'm glad this Duggar Blog will be here still.

  21. I would really like to see some of the kids get their own show. Maybe on another network.

    1. Not me. I think it's time for them to get off the TV show thing and have a normal life with more mundane jobs and live like the rest of us do.

  22. I am actually sad Counting On is being canceled but I am glad on the same end. I think with all that is going on with Josh and some of the stuff with Jill and Derrick, I think they should just tell TLC bye bye. I thinking maybe the each Duggar that doesn't have one should do a YouTube channel. Now I am not saying if Josh did or did not do what they say he did but I think as brothers and sisters in Christ we should be praying with the Duggars not slandering and judging them. Don't stop this page. Hey one thing if the Duggars are not on TLC anymore we may see a Bates and a Duggar finally coming together.

  23. This was the only thing TLC could do let’s be honest. It’s sad for the children who have known no other life than being filmed & the fact they have no employable skills to speak of will make it difficult to get normal jobs. I also feel this will bankrupt JB as the trial will cost him a fortune & I feel his business interests will also suffer as people will want no association with him. I sincerely hope lily & Ellie keep the blog going, fans & interested parties will need it more than ever. Also I personally would miss the blog, it’s writers & all the people I feel I know though have never met. This blog has been a saving grace for me while Iv been unwell & would be very sad to see it go. We still want to know what’s going on with the family.

    1. We are honored to hear how much our blog has meant to you, Fuzzyferet! Right now, we plan to keep it going. Thank you for your readership :)

      Lily and Ellie

    2. Glad it will still be going,Ellie

    3. Thank you for keeping the blog going, Lily and Ellie. I would still like to see weddings and growing grandkids.

    4. I know exactly what you mean. When I was recovering From cancer surgery, I watched it all the time. It was upbeat and something to take my mind elsewhere.

    5. Thank you so much!

  24. I wished they had not cancelled the show. Possibly I would love♥️ for there to be a another spin off with all new seasons for the fans and I. I really love♥️ the show. I would be really happy 😊 if this happened. I would love♥️ to see them & where they left off on tv & get caught up for me & the fans. Natasha b

  25. Thank you for the update Ellie...I will miss watching the show. However, I enjoy reading updates on your blog

  26. Thank you, Josh... A big part of the income of the families is gone because of you. And the good name of the Duggars as well... Well done again

    1. It is sad, but the Duggar family can make a good name for themselves in another way. This could give the family time to heal

    2. Argh I feel the same way. This family was truly a ministry to me and while some of it has stuck, the damage that Josh has inflicted to his own family in addition to those that looked up to them is inexorberant. And this isn't even mentioning his victims and the lives that have been exploited for his own sick cause... It's heartbreaking on so many levels...

  27. I think its right to do this. But i will miss seeing certain members of the family.

  28. its about time. I loved the show but they needed to get back to family focused mindset. They should get back to a private ,simple family life. They lost some wholesomeness they once had.

    1. I agree. It is unfortunate what fame can do to people. No one goes unscathed

    2. They've never been a private family, with Jim Bob pursuing and having a political career in the AK legislature, being high profile paid IBLP featured speakers, magazine articles and interviews, and writing parenting books prior to their TLC reality TV contracts.

    3. You mean they're going to get jobs and support their growing families? Well they'll have to do something besides have a used car lot. Guess we'll see what they actually do to earn a living now.

  29. It's about time!

  30. No surprises there, was fully expecting this outcome. Will this blog still keep going or will we be advised to go elsewhere for Duggar content?

    1. Thank you for keeping it going. I, for one, still care about most of the Duggars as I have been following them since their inception.

    2. I'm so glad to hear that you will continue the Duggar Blog. Thank you for that. We all really appreciate your hard work❤️❤️❤️

  31. TLC will keep the trashy shows.

  32. From the Easter episode, I could very clearly see their hearts weren't in doing the show. I wonder how much family news we'll be getting from now on.

    1. The blog will be here and they have websites

  33. I’m sorry to hear this. I wish them nothing but the best as they begin a new chapter. And, I’m hoping this blog will continue so we can keep up with milestones in the lives of a family I’ve grown to love.

  34. Same...the right decision without a doubt but I'll sure miss seeing the family in this format. I feel I raised my own younger children right along with Michelle and watched my older children court and get married right along with hers. It will be a sad goodbye between the family and the camera crew that have grown close through the years as well. Hope that justice is served for the accused, that Anna finds healing and her precious little children find healing and peace as well. Prayers for the innocent victims also.

  35. I understand TLC's decision. I will miss seeing the rest of the Duggar family, but the disconnect between their public message and Josh's actions has grown far too wide. I was extremely disappointed in the Duggar Family's official statement on that, which asked for prayers for Josh (but none for his victims) and seemingly to downplay both the accuracy and magnitude of these crimes. I seriously question their parenting now, Josh needed real help as a teen and didn't receive it. I'll never see them the same way again, and it's disappointing.
    I hope you'll continue to update us on the rest of the family, but I don't want to hear about Josh again. And until Anna puts her children first above her own comfort and desires, I feel the same about her.

  36. I have very much enjoyed watching the Duggar kids growing up! What an inspiration Jim Bob and Michelle have always been. May God continue to bless their family! 🙏🏻

  37. Good decision by TLC. The association with Josh led to their demise.

    1. Like most of their shows, TLC made it feel like they were sticking around for the drama to unfold. This is not the first time one of their families made headlines. Makes one wonder what sort of pressures and demands TLC puts on these families in return for their cash, or why a family would allow themselves to be put through that grind.

  38. It is absolutely the right decision in light of the recent events.

  39. "Canceled" like "19 Kids and Counting" was canceled? Or will it be rebranded, repackaged, and maybe sold again to some other network? I can't believe the family will let the show evaporate that easily without an effort to revive it somehow.

    1. Actually if he does go to prison I think they will, they will be too sad to be filmed and live in the public eye.

    2. They can have YouTube channels and do things themselves and without being censored by TLC.

    3. I think it’s done. I could see Jinger and Jeremy trying to start a spin-off show someday, and maybe Jessa and Ben, but the other siblings seem done.

    4. I think the latest charges against Josh are so distasteful that it would be hard for the show...or any show about the family to rise above. Josh's children deserve to be shielded from any intrusion on their personal lives as they attempt to live through this terrible time.

    5. I can definitely see some of them still trying to ride the coattails of Duggar fame. I can see some of them thinking they're a whole other brand that is not connected with Josh.

  40. This is really sad. It's unfortunate that the rest of the family to suffer because of the actions of one individual. I've probably watched almost every episode since the Duggars were first introduced on TV, and while I will miss it very much, I do believe that in the long run this decision is probably in the best interest of the family.

  41. I will miss the show. I hope you will continue your blog. Wishing the family peace and happiness.

  42. I think it was the right time for the reality show to end. If I was the Duggars I wouldn't hold my head down and look at it as a loss. They put in a lot of years and a lot of good came out of it and a lot of people were inspired by their show, so that was a good thing. I think it's an opportunity for them to do so many other things now. I can see some of them opening a huge thrift shop, a coffee shop, a construction business etc., the sky is the limit because they have so many different talents and are still young yet. Who knows maybe some of them will have a show based on their lives in a business like Magnolia lane type show. I would love to see something like that. I pray that the Lord would bless them and take them in new directions that will be inspiring and exciting for them.

  43. I will miss the show. Love to see the children grow up and have families of their own. I hope your blog continues.

  44. We all need to tell TLC that we have canceled them! No reason to keep cable. I have always prayed that UP TV will pick up the Duggars. TLC has such trashy shows, other than the Duggars. No reason to watch it anymore. The Duggars are like family and every family has issues to work through - REALITY. We forgive, like Christ taught is. Romans 8:28. If UP TV gives them an offer, I pray they accept.

    1. Anonymous 8:56 - great idea! Uptv will be a much better fit than tlc.

    2. No network will touch them after the last five or six years of negative press....Jill and Derick, Josh, Jim Bob....they need to lay low and tend to their own.

    3. I remember when TLC was The Learning Channel. They had interesting educational shows mixed in with shows like A Baby Story, A Wedding Story, and A Dating Story. Now, the only show that I watch on TLC is Doubling Down With The Derricos and I record it so that I can skip the commercials for the "trashy" shows.

  45. Counting On was a great show, but I agree that they made the right decision.

  46. I understand why but it is still pretty sad. After watching the last random episode, I already had an idea this was coming...

  47. No surprise. The show had run its course.

  48. Not surprised. But I am saddened by this. I wish we could see more of the other Duggars.

  49. You will always be much loved & appreciated. I'm glad the public will no longer have such intrusive access to your personal lives. You have done all you can do to lead families to Christ. Now you have earned your rest. God bless all of you... and thank you.

    1. If they didn't want the public to have access to their lives, they wouldn't be all over the internet they way they are daily.

  50. I think we all saw this one coming. Best thing that could have happened IMO.

  51. What do we think the name of the rebrand will be this time?

  52. Hoping the Up channel picks up the show.

    1. No. No UP channel. There is no "show" for the Duggars any more and it's clear it was all "for show" when it was a show.

    2. Why would they? They already have Bringing Up Bates which is a way better show than the Duggars' shows ever were. The Bates show is way more entertaining, warm, genuine, and relatable than the Duggars.

    3. Why? They already have a show about a mega-family. BTW the Bates are a lot more like a real family than the overly staged Duggars ever were.

  53. I will miss seeing the kids and new grandbabies. Not sure why an entire family is being punished for the crimes/sins of a member who wasn't even on the show. Wasn't Counting On specifically created so Josh wouldn't be on the air?

    1. Lisa, I agree...and TLC has already convicted Josh while leaving all of the trash on their network.

    2. I don't think the show was canceled because of Josh. His arrest may have been a factor in TLC's decision, but the show had grown so old and boring that it really needed to end anyway.

    3. It was, but there is discord now with other family members.

    4. I'm so tired of people saying the family is being punished because of Josh. Not being on TV is not a punishment! Having a TV show is not a right, nobody is owed that opportunity, and every show has an end, even the best ones.

    5. It was loss of income, 12:29. That matters.

  54. I'm sad that the show ended because of Josh, and while I support the decision, I don't necessarily think this gives the family more privacy. As long as they are promoting themselves on social media and YouTube and trying to act as "influencers" selling various products, there will be no privacy. They have to learn to earn a living another way and this is where they will struggle (at least for a while). Their fame probably makes it difficult to get regular jobs and live quiet lives, but over time this will fade, and they can learn to live like the rest of us nobodys!

    1. Absolutely NOONE is a NOBODY 10:21. FAME does not make a person. EVERYONE is valuable whether they realize and accept it or not. Jesus shed His innocent blood for EVERYONE.

  55. I bet NOW Jana will get married.

  56. I wonder if this will cause the Duggar's to withdraw and become more private, or if they will double down on their self-promotion and make even more of their own videos, like they did during Covid?

  57. Guess they can go on to a new season of life now.

  58. Counting On started in 2015, when 19 Kids and Counting was canceled due to Josh's issues. So maybe TLC will restart the series the same way as in 2015, just under a different name.

    1. I don't know... I guess time will tell

    2. There would be no reason to do that. They did that previously because 19 kids and counting was associated with Josh.

  59. As if TLC or the Duggars ever concerned themselves with protecting their privacy.

    1. I know. The Duggars will find another way to market themselves.

  60. This is a huge thing for the Duggars. Will they make statements? Will we hear from Jim Bob and Michelle? This show was their life for 13 years.

  61. Now Joe won't have to eat bowl after bowl of ice cream while Kendra's latest pregnancy announcement is being filmed. lol

    1. Ha ha, but I think it was just one bowl he ate, it's not like filming a movie or soap where you have to do a lot of retakes, but it was staged, I could see there was no genuine surprise in his expression in fact he was embarrassed about being fake, of course Kendra told him before tlc.

    2. @5:32 All of the TLC filming required retakes. The kids have talked about that and being told, "Go out and come in again."

  62. They are not going to "address this situation privately." They are going to go to the nearest magazine or TV network that will pay them to talk, because that's what they know to do. Find a media outlet to make the public think that everything is great and it's one big happy family, with only a few "mistakes" by "one member."

  63. TLC said they canceled the show to give the Duggar's privacy. Meanwhile the Duggars themselves are not making an effort to be private, with a continual presence on social media and making videos of their lives. I realize their fame has been a source of income all these years, but if they truly want or need privacy, then they need to learn to make money another way and stop putting themselves in the public eye altogether.

    1. I don't its just tlc, I think the family doesn't want to be filmed having gender reveal parties, play2family games, shopping for clothes ecc. when a family member is going through such tribulations.

  64. Replies
    1. What makes me angrier is knowing what was going on behind the cameras all those years. I can't get angry for TLC stopping that.

    2. Understandable. This is the second time Josh's behavior led to a cancellation of the Duggar's show.

  65. This is a purely financial decision. They simply won't find any more advertising partners for the programme, no one wants to be associated with it - the programme would certainly still have enough viewers. Despite the episodes becoming noticeably more and more devoid of content, the ratings were not bad. So no one should take this as any kind of morally or ethically based decision by TLC. It's all about money, but from a broadcaster's point of view that's understandable.

    1. You are right. I hadn’t thought about sponsor withdrawal. I don’t think UP will pick up the Duggars for that very reason. I am sort of surprised they cancelled because TLC isn’t exactly notorious for wholesome television. But I guess people on some of their other shows - like 90 Day Fiancé - never professed to be faithfully wholesome like the Duggars did. Nothing about the reality stars on some of TLC’s less wholesome shows would surprise people. However, when I very first heard of Josh Duggars problems I was shocked. Then I was disappointed. I know we all make mistakes, but his involved victims. I am like another poster who was disappointed that they didn’t acknowledge the victims of Josh’s later charges. At least the Duggars could have ask for prayers for the child victims.

    2. TLC has never concerned itself with morals or ethics. Look at their other programs. I thought the Duggars should have left TLC a long time ago for that reason.

    3. I don't understand how any of what Josh did could be called a "mistake." A "mistake" is when you send the check for the electric bill in the envelope for the water bill, and vice versa. Everything Josh did took intention. That removes it from the "mistake" category.

  66. Good. Just hoping that, after a year or two of 'cooling off', there doesn't come a spin-off of the spin-off. Focus on your family, for a change... not the cameras.

    1. Are you kidding? The Vuolos were/are waiting for this to end so they can have a show all to themselves. Titled: JEREMY and family.

    2. @8:50 You can leave off the "and family" if you want and it would be the same show.

    3. Why did Jinger & Jeremy get thrown to the wolves? This article is not about them.

    4. Alternately Titled: Jeremy and Shoes or Jinger and Coffee

  67. Quite sadly, I think what we're seeing is a case of "...Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith, and pierced themselves with many griefs." I Timothy 6:10

    1. Agreed. @ 12:39pm

    2. There are many passages of the Bible that got ignored.

  68. I agree. Actually it’s past time to cancel it. Let these young people live normal lives away from the cameras & constant critique. Jim Bob can find other ways to rake in the cash. I just hope they are all equipped to provide for their ever expanding families without TLC money. I think they will come to realize this is a blessing in disguise after a while.

    1. I agree, however the guys have other jobs besides the show. If not, there are help wanted signs every where

  69. I am sad that counting on has been cancelled , yes the Duggars had their faults but , who doesn't. I would like to know though if Jana is really in a courtship with Stephen Wissman or if that was all hype to get all of us excited for hopes of a new season.

    1. I think that the "courtship" Jana was supposed to be in only existed in fans imagination. She is several years older than him and he's a pilot. Jana has said several times she doesn't like to fly which IMO would be a non-starter for a relationship.

    2. Before that rumor came about, I always thought Jana had a boyfriend, or potential boyfriend, who didn't want to be on camera. Well, now, if he's not already married to someone else, maybe they'd give it a real try. But we may never know.

  70. Ellie, do you plan to shut down this blog as well?

    1. No plans to shut it down as of now. :)

    2. Yay! I'm sure you'll be in contact with them about what's shareable and what's not. I'm happy for them; I agree that they need privacy right now, and all of them need to evaluate how much they can and should share with the public. Praying for them, and for you

    3. Thank you, Lily and Ellie!

  71. It's about time!I like the Duggars, but it went on for far too long.

    1. I agree. The show had become boring.

    2. Counting On wasn't even necessary. They should have stopped filming after the first show was canceled. Counting On was merely a way to continue the first show without it technically being the same show. But it was, and everybody saw that. The Duggars didn't lose their first show, they were handed it back immediately. Will the same thing happen this time?

    3. Yeah, maybe the first episode or two of CO was different but then everyone was back, including too much of Jim Bob and Michelle on a show that was supposed to be about the grown kids. The parents were never shown in the promotion photos, but they were front and center on every show! If I had been told I'd lost my show, I'd be too embarrassed to go right back on TV, same network, same format.

  72. Dear Duggar Family,

    We all have our own free will. Josh made some terrible decisions. He is his own person. America (and I) have enjoyed watching your family. My husband and I like the way you have raised your family. Too bad that Josh has ruined the pleasure we got from seeing you Duggars. God bless you.

  73. I knew this would happen, cause someone did not respond in the best way!!! I am sad, cause I've loved The Duggar Shows, since 2007, can U imagine, how sad I am!!!!!! I loved seeing the kids!!!!!!!

  74. Why could they not make a show, just about the kids, everyone would want to see this, called The Kids!!!!!!! We watch that!!!!! SAD!!!!!

  75. I'm not surprised because many of the kids were not part of the show anymore. They have YouTube videos for their individual families.

  76. Yes. Time to stop "Counting On" and for the Duggars to move on to a more normal life.

  77. In time, everything comes to an end. Lily and Ellie I hope you continue the blog and thank you for doing it all these years.

  78. Absolute tragedy. We all tuned in to watch them live their lives. Sorry life isn’t all weddings and babies for any of us. This is a terrible thing that has happened but I think it would be more interesting to watch them face it true to their convictions then punish everyone due to one adult child’s extremely poor choices who isn’t even on the show. Shall we kick our president out of office because his son is troublesome? I didn’t vote him btw but I think not. How about anyone in any job? You shouldn’t be punished for your family. And this show is most interesting when it speaks the truth. The Meghan Kelly interview was very good. TLC should’ve been brave and FACED this feat with them. Nobody has perfect lives or kids. I’d rather get some inspiration watching how they go through this than lose them because they aren’t perfect. They never said they were. We are letting them down.

  79. I have a lot of mixed emotions about the cancellation. I think it is the only action TLC could take. I feel that though JimBob and Michelle are right to support Joshua that they could love and support him while still advising him to finally accept ownership and responsibility for his actions instead of paying huge amounts for a very very expensive defence. As a mother and grandmother, I would have to be weighing my other children and grandchildrens’ safety against my support of Joshua. He is a grown man who has been enabled by his parents. His siblings should not be condemned.

    This is Eileen

  80. I will miss the Duggars on TLC but hope another cable channel will continue with their stories - the good and the bad. In fact, I would also like to hear from Anna Duggar how she and her family are doing. Since most families have sorrows & people with mental health issues, it would be life affirming to hear what reality really is for some of these people.

  81. I was so sad to hear about the show being canceled. I always enjoyed watching it and will really seeing everyone and getting updates on their lives.

    People are so judgmental! No family is perfect, and as long as the other family members were fine with Counting On continuing, their loyal fans would still be there to support them.

    I wish the entire family well, and hope to keep up with news on this blog.

    Thank you Lily and Ellie for continuing it.

    Blessings to all!

    1. Thank you for your comments. I enjoyed the program as well. The older daughters with families seem to have grown up well-adjusted and are now wives and mothers. Their stories are always interesting, to me.

  82. What a sad ending to such a long run on TV. TLC made the right decision, but it would have been better if the Duggars had decided to end the show themselves, in order to "have privacy".

  83. I would like to see the show continue with emphasis on the oldest son’s travails. TLC would surely win the ratings war with such footage.

  84. Let me begin by thanking Ellie for keeping us updated on all the Duggars. Ellie you have done an amazing job of letting us know what’s going on. And I’ve said it before, but thank you for not shying away from some difficult topics, involving the family, and very fairly letting your blogger fans process what is going on with the Duggars. I hope you will continue your diligent Duggar blog. ♥️

  85. I don’t think there will be a spin-off unless Jeremy and Jinger do one. But I doubt it. Many of the couples had pulled away from the show altogether, or made the decision to just make occasional appearances, each for their own reasons. So I don’t see how the show would continue. Their show at Easter time was so awkward, so different from the usual format. In their gathering expressing their thoughts on Easter, John David and his wife did not say anything. I think if they were to continue, it would be awkward for everyone. But I appreciate their commitment to the show and I will miss it.

    1. That Easter show was pretty bad. It was so cobbled together. I think that was when TLC made the decision to cancel. I think most of the married couples have decided that they don't WANT to raise their children on a TV show so it's all for the best.

  86. I will miss your show. I noticed that the latest weddings wasn't on TV. I was looking forward to seeing them. And Josh wasn't on the show anymore and I understand family wants privacy. I was hoping that we would have seen Jana in a courtship and wedding. All of her fans would have really loved that. Praying for you all. Maybe another network will let you come back after a time after this with Josh is over.

  87. To all things there is a season..
    This year they need to step back and focus on their family. Not talc ratings

  88. I'm a diehard fan of the Duggars as much as the next person, but given the current situation and how stressful it is, and as painful as it is to admit, I do think that the decision was the right one. This time away from the cameras will allow privacy and a time to heal. Hopefully when the situation has ended and things have cooled off, that TLC will open the door again for a reboot. But until that time, I will be thinking in the positive and keeping the ENTIRE Duggar clan in my thoughts and prayers.

  89. I am so disappointed to see this. I absolutely love the Duggar family and as a mom, my heart goes out to Michelle and Jim Bob having to watch their eldest make poor choices. A christian parent does their absolute best to seek the Lord in raising their children, but our children are their own person and we live in a fallen and sinful world....unfortunately, our kids are going to mess up. I pray for their peace and healing and for Anna as she has to weather yet another heartache in her marriage. Josh is human and he has messed up, but so has everyone else. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. TLC can use this as an excuse to cancel them, but the majority of the shows they produce are full of people do very ungodly things are camera for all to see. I was so glad to watch the Duggars live out their faith in front of the whole world unashamedly serving the Lord. Duggar family, you are loved and are being prayed for. Your fans wish you all the very best and will seeing your beautiful family on TV. Much love!

    1. "Unashamedly" does come to mind.

  90. It is sad because TLC was forced to make a decision that Jimbob should have made for his family years ago.

  91. It is indeed a sorrow that Josh has turned out this way. He is an adult, his bad choices. None of us are without sin and I do pray that Anna and her children will heal. I wish all of them well. Do really enjoy the blog.

    1. None of us are without sin, but 99.9% of us don't choose the sins that Josh chose that require being sent away or hiring lawyers. Eating the last cookie without thinking of others doesn't fall anywhere near the same category.

    2. Why do we need to be reminded of our own sins when Josh is brought up? Such deflection minimizes his criminal charges. We all make mistakes, but that's a far cry from being a criminal of this magnitude.

  92. It's not fair to punish the adult children that weren't involved in any of this and the girls. I'm very sad because now they're just fade into oblivion. they won't be of interest to anybody so nobody will really hear about what's going on with them anymore. Sad I will miss the married couples especially the new one whose weddings will never get to see.

    1. I don't think anyone is being "punished". The show had run its course as all TV shows. Just because they are no longer on TV doesn't mean no one cares about them. You can always follow the family on this blog and their social media posts.

    2. You may not think it's fair, but the entire family name has been sullied, there's no getting around that.

  93. Truly sad this has happened, but not surprised. What I was hoping for was to at least see specials on Jed & Justin's weddings. I'm sure there is much footage & would hate for that to end up on the cutting room floor. I would think all fans would support a special for these, even though there won't be any others in the future. I hope TLC will at least consider that.

  94. No one is being punished. This show had run its course a while ago & it was obvious they all knew it. What Josh did was more than just sinning. He is accused of committing a horrendous crime involving the abuse of young children. Many of you seem to be minimizing that & are only thinking of yourselves.

  95. Ellie/lily,
    Will your blog go on?


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