
Friday, January 22, 2021

Justin's Oral Surgery

Over the years, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have become experts at guiding their children through wisdom tooth extraction. Fans have watched some of those moments on camera. On 18 Kids and Counting, "Duggars Under the Knife," which aired in June 2009, Jana Duggar and Jill Duggar had their wisdom teeth removed. A couple years later, Jessa Duggar and Jinger Duggar had the same surgery on 19 Kids and Counting "Duggar Dental Drama." We also posted a post-op video of Josiah in 2015.

The most recent Duggar to have this common dental procedure done was 18-year-old Justin. Thankfully, his fiance, Claire, was able to be in town to help him recover.

Claire Spivey, Justin Duggar, Jim Bob Duggar, Michelle Duggar

Photo courtesy


  1. I hope he recovers quickly! I had mine taken out at 18 yo, it hurts so much! Lovely picture!

  2. OMG, I just had the worst tooth problems, I had to go to the hospital to get rid of the swelling, it was very painful, so I am sorry, for U!!!! The swelling was the size was a baseball size, it took a week to come down!!!

  3. Why do Americans do that? Highly painful, absolutely unnecessary procedure.

    1. Mine came in straight and there was room, but I managed to crack one on an olive pit and that was the start of the problems. I had them out one at a time, slowly, over a period of several years. Some people have impacted teeth that cause trouble and must be removed. Some people are lucky and are born without them.

    2. It depends on the person. Sometimes it's needed because there's not enough room in someone's mouth for the wisdom teeth and they need to be removed to prevent them from becoming impacted (a major problem).

    3. 6:55. It depends on the situation. Mine were painfully impacted and they all had to come out.

    4. Why to remove if there is no problem?

    5. I had 3 of mine pulled because I was chewing up my cheek and that was unpleasant. The fourth came in later and hasn’t caused problems so it’s still there.

    6. I had mine removed by my regular dentist - first two on one side, then, two weeks later, the other two on the other side. They were all intact, but they would have crowded my other teeth horrible(which they had already begun to do) and I avoided any need for orthodontic care. I was not knocked out, just very well anesthetized. Not at all sorry I had it done.

    7. It is totally necessary if a person has a small mouth and it causes issues 🙄 plus, when you’ve paid $6,000 on braces to straighten already crooked teeth, you don’t want the wisdom teeth pushing those straightened teeth into crooked teeth again while coming in!

    8. I had mine removed at 18 because the were coming in sideways. They would've pushed on the rest of my teeth and caused major problems with my other teeth shifting out of place. My siblings both had theirs removed for the same reason, and my mom had hers removed because they came in upside down (what should've been the top of the tooth remained in the gum and the roots poked out instead). Easier to have them removed before they even come in than to have them cause long-lasting dental problems.

    9. Because most of the time it causes over crowding I had 2 extra also they are often impacted

    10. Mine came in sideways and I had neck/head pain for 2 straight weeks (but didn't bother til 30 yrs), so that's why I did!

    11. Not unnecessary if your teeth are crowded.

    12. Mine were growing diagonally into my other teeth. There was no space for them to surface. So I had to have them removed.

    13. Anon 6.55. I was just thinking the same. Iv watched the episodes with the oral surgery & it amazed me how many of the Duggar kids needed wisdom tooth extraction. In the uk this is something you only hear about being done if the teeth are seriously impacted & causing immense pain & continued infections. If this is indeed the case with the Duggar’s then they have been very unlucky having 6 of them (to our knowledge, as there may be even more), to have had this surgery. Let’s hope it’s not something that’s being done to avoid future issues that may never come. I’m in my mid 50s & still have my wisdom teeth, & my kids at 23 & 25 haven’t had any issues either. Hope Justin heals well.

    14. I was one of the lucky ones and was born without them. Good thing too as my jaw was small and I needed 4 permanent teeth pulled when I had braces!

    15. I had mine taken out when I was 16. They were impacted and I would get really sharp pains up my checks and thru my jaw. My dentist said it would be a good idea to have the removed. If the pain wasn't happening multiple times a day and made it hard to talk or eat for a while after it happen I wouldn't have had it done. It was painful but after a week or so it got a lot better.


    16. It is not unnecessary. They don't take them out unless there are oroblemscwith them. Some peopke have no widsom teeth so it's not an issue. Some people have them and never have any problems with them. Some peopke have issues and may only need one or two removed. But some people, like myself, needed all 4 removed. One was impacted and causing pain, and other 3 were coming in badly and moving my other teeth, causing bite misalignment, and bad jaw ache. Having them out was not fun, I even had dry socket problem on one, but I haven't had any problems since they healed.

    17. We’re told we’re supposed to, and we don’t ask questions.

    18. What I don’t get about Americans is why they use gas as anesthesia. We use injections here, I had never heard of anyone being high after their wisdom teeth surgery until I saw a lot of videos on Twitter.

    19. I’m in Canada, and here they generally leave the wisdom teeth in, unless they are causing problems. I did have to have mine out when I was 19.

    20. Mine were impacted and causing a great deal of pain and continual infections. I personally opted for anesthesia because I have terrible dental anxiety. I’m very thankful I was able to opt for that because I don’t remember anything about the procedure. I think it’s unfair to put a whole nation down for something like this. Just because we do something differently doesn’t make us silly or wrong.

    21. 11:52 - Who tells you that and why would you not ask questions?

    22. Why is there someone on here constantly being so negative toward Americans? If you don’t like what we do, why read about this family/what their show?

    23. @anonymous 1/24/21 @ 1159 Americans usually receive gas and injections.

    24. I had my wisdom teeth removed in my 20,s, mainly because I had so many cavities on them, they said it was better just to remove them and cheaper than fixing all those cavities! My older son had his removed when he was 14, because one got infected. And my younger son got his removed at 17, because there was no room for them to in!!!

    25. To 11:59 : Not all dentists in America use gas. I got the injectible twilight anesthesia. Just depends on the dentist or maybe the area you live in. They probably differ in cost too, so that may be a factor.

    26. It has nothing to do with being put under with gas or IV if someone is high or not after anesthesia. Not all react the same. Some are emotional afterwards; some are very loopy and some are angry. Some have no reactions.

    27. We have a family of smaller mouths (I’m 37 & my dentist has to use pediatric devices to treat my dental issues) & those wisdom teeth can cause a lot of pain in your jaw... causing headaches etc. if there’s not enough room for them to come forward properly.

    28. @anonymous 11:59am: dentists (as well as doctors) in the US have people who know what they’re doing when they put people under so they don’t have to be traumatized by the surgery. Everyone reacts differently to the medication used during surgical procedures. From my experience with many different types of surgeries, gas is used in the beginning then (depending on the length & severity of the surgery) IV medication to keep the patient knocked out are given. It’s typically a “cocktail” of medications given by gas/IV injections etc.

    29. You aren’t high after gas in the dental office. They turn the gas off and leave you on fresh air til you are high anymore. You can use the gas during a cleaning and drive yourself right home.

    30. People in the UK and other certain parts of Europe have some of the worst dental care I've ever seen, so I'd say having your wisdom teeth out is probably a good thing, when nessecary😉. And many people go under anesthesia when their wisdom teeth are removed. And genetics play a role as well, so if one Duggar needs it, the others might as well.

    31. @Anon 01:45PM: I would disagree. European teeth are actually allright in terms of health (with some nations catching up quickly). But they don't straighten teeth if there is no real medical need. A little gap or some light irregularities are no big thing. The importance that the US puts on perfectly straight and snow white teeth is a beauty standard (with all sorts of underlying ideas about the social status)that Europe just doesn't follow. They also don't bleach their teeth. While teetging methods have improved, Eurpeans would rather have the more natural colour or some discolouring than risking to damage the enamel. It actually seen as very fake (like a boob job) and superficial. Pulling the wisdom teeth is a normal thing there too, but in general they wait till they actually bother someone. Why would you pull perfectly fine teeth? You wouldn't remove your completely useless appendix just in case.

  4. Now that his teeth are fixed, he can get married.

    1. I'm wondering if it's an insurance thing, and he had to do it while still on parents' insurance.

    2. Depending what kind of insurance, but possibility that with him being over 18, he might not be covered just cuz he’s still at home

    3. You can be on your parents insurance until 26, whether your married or not.

    4. He didn't have to, but probably wanted to so he didn't have to pay for it himself. I remember when Jill got hers out, poor girl was terrified, it was sad to me that they filmed her like that.

    5. So people with dental problems are not allowed to marry?!?!?!

    6. 9:43AM: You usually have to be still be in school to stay on the parents' insurance until 26. And that's not the situation in the Duggar family. Justin is probably covered while he's still 18.

    7. @ anonymous 1114 am not all insurance covers kids till 3l26, in fact I've never seen insurance coverage for that long.

    8. @11:23, no, there is no requirement at all, every child can be on their parents insurance until 26 if they want to. I started working at 24, even though my work offered insurance, I still decided to be on my parents insurance until I turned 26 last year.

    9. 11:44 The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer dependent child coverage to make the coverage available until a child reaches the age of 26. Both married and unmarried children qualify for this coverage. This rule applies to all plans in the individual market and to all employer plans.

    10. 3:47 You do not need to be in school to stay on your parents' insurance. The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer dependent child coverage to make the coverage available until a child reaches the age of 26. Both married and unmarried children qualify for this coverage. This rule applies to all plans in the individual market and to all employer plans.

    11. But I thought a married child would no longer be a dependent child and therefore not eligible for any parental coverage? If you can't claim them on your income tax return why would you be able to have them covered by your insurance?

    12. 2:53, I thought the same thing but I just looked it up and it’s true that children can stay on their parents’ insurance until age 26.

  5. They did this during a pandemic?

    1. It's possible that all the Duggars have been infected by this point and maybe they think they won't get it again or infect anyone else. They've been having huge maskless gatherings at their house since November, so obviously they're not worried. Unfortunately, their state is right up there with California and Arizona for new cases, and now the British variation is working its way across the south.

    2. My daughter had her wisdom teeth out last week with no problems! Everyone was masked (except her, obviously) and no problems! Despite what the media reports, COVID is not everywhere!

    3. Doctors and Dentist are doing minor surgery to help people still. My wisdom teeth caused a lot of pain. Hope they wouldn’t refuse help due to Covid for anyone with pain.

    4. 9:38, we can't all postpone procedures for years until this is under control.

    5. It’s already been confirmed by Joy that most the Duggar’s have had Covid. She had it when she was pregnant with her daughter

    6. I know, right? I can't believe their dentist would suggest such a thing during a pandemic. Because we know people don't just decide to have wisdom teeth taken out on their own.

    7. I think it’s insane that Michelle flew to LA area during a pandemic. It’s crazy they had a “fall party” and large Christmas celebration recently. Dental surgery is necessary.

      Don’t wait for your health needs! It could get worse. If everyone waits until this summer to have their non-emergency procedures when they call in July the place will be booked for months. (That actually happened to me with my dentistry.

    8. Why wouldn't they? Do you think medical professionals don't know what precautions to take when they work with the public every single day?

    9. Do you think the medical professionals who did surgery and work at the facility were just sitting around at home and the Duggars forced them to risk their lives to take out their son's wisdom teeth? What kind of a question is that? They were at work anyway. Why shouldn't they take patients?

    10. Joy Anna said they all caught it. They probably don't understand that they can catch it again ...

    11. 9:38, did you stop going to the dentist during the pandemic?

    12. I'm 9:38. I wasn't referring to the surgery. I was referring to Claire being there. She's not an immediate member of their household and you are NOT supposed to interact with people outside your household indoors unless you are an essential worker, going grocery shopping, or seeking medical care. We're almost a year into this and people still don't get it!

    13. When did Joy say they all had it???? I thought she and her husband just had it.

    14. Left untreated, there are certain dental problems that can become life-threatening. I had to have my wisdom teeth out late last year. The problem became so bad that I often had bad headaches. Thankful I got it done and can function much better now!

    15. It is important to be careful and responsible during a pandemic, but life goes on. If you plan on hiding in a closet till the world is safe, you'll be in there a very long time.

    16. 12:17PM: It is rare to catch Covid a second time, and there is indication if you do happen to have a reinfection, you don't shed the virus (you won't infect others).
      Ellie: Can you do a blog post about the Duggar family dealing with Covid? Who had it, when they had it, was anybody hospitalized, is anybody still suffering from lingering symptoms? Erin Bates suffered for a good 2 or 3 months. What about the Duggars? Jim Bob looks like he has high blood pressure, how did he cope? I think it would be good to let the public know, because right now, without knowing they've had Covid, it just looks like they selfishly defy public health protocols, and fans like me lose respect for them. It can be of service to the public to tell us what they've gone through. They're lucky no one died. The Bates family had Kelly's stepfather die of Covid. Why keep everything secret?

    17. The whole world can’t stop because of the pandemic, people still have to get dental work and go to the doctor. It’s not like this is the plague. Funny thing at my work, someone tested positive, so then other people went to get tested for piece of mind, well so far most are negative except 1, and no one has any symptoms even though we were around the positive person and sometimes that person would have their mask half down. The Heath department put us all on quarantine. I’m in my 2nd week now and it is boring. So either this virus is blown out of proportion or all of us at work were immune.

    18. 12:17 ----When did Joy Anna say they all caught it? It was only her and Austin.

    19. I’ve had two routine dental appointments since the beginning of COVID. It’s very safe with the dental office taking precautions.

    20. 2:25 : I have not had dental since COVID. Only went to the doctor once when something was drastically wrong. All routine appointment that can wait are waiting. I hardly ever leave the house because we wre all high risk. None of us have had the virus yet and we are keeping it that way. It's eady. You j6st prioritize your health and family member's health as most important and it's eady to do. I don't understand ehy people complain about doing something that is gor their own well bring and safety of others as well.

    21. @1:17 Were you all wearing masks? Likely they were doing the job of protecting you. I'm here to tell you that this pandemic is not blown out of proportion. People are dying and many have lingering health issues. Three in my extended family have been seriously ill with COVID for several weeks. One nearly died. Don't assume your experience means that this virus isn't a big deal.

    22. @11:54 You are misinformed. You can get it again. There are reports of people who have died from COVID the second time they were infected. It is rare now but that is because the pandemic is barely a year old.

      Scientists do not know long long the antibodies stay in the body (estimates are few months to up to 6 months) but they do expect that immunity will wane in time, like it does for other coronaviruses. Getting your Covid-19 shot will probably be a yearly event, just like the flu shot.

      If you are infected, even if you are not sick, you will shed virus. Even if it is not for a long period of time, you STILL can infect other.

      But I agree with you, concerning the Duggars' lack of transparency when it comes to Covid.

    23. @3:52 A recent CBS news report found that most people who are getting infected can't seem to think of where they might have picked it up "except at the grocery store." Most can't report being anywhere else. So not even going grocery shopping is safe.

    24. It's no prize to get Covid and get over it. Not only can it linger and symptoms relapse, research so far has shown it can leave lasting organ damage and hide in the brain, shortening life expectancy.

    25. @11:08 Many people are not necessarily "clear thinking" when it comes to where they were infected. If they actually made a list of all their contacts (family, friends, co-workers), they would soon discount getting infected at the grocery store. Of course, this is provided that the grocery store is following health guidelines.

      Here, we have had no reported infections of customers from grocery stores. We do contact tracing. The Covid measures are very strict.

    26. A dental appointment is safe as long as the dentist or hygienist are not infected with Covid. The same goes for haircuts, manicures, massages, etc. And since we know asymptomatic carriers can transmit the virus, choosing to engage in these activities is simply rolling the dice. Your right to choose? Sure. Smart and responsible? No.

    27. I won't go to the dentist, get a haircut, eat at a restaurant, and so on, because I have no way to tell if everyone else in those places before me didn't bring in the virus and spread it into the air. It can certainly linger long enough to infect others, especially if you'd have to take your mask off (dentist, restaurant, etc.).

    28. 4:52 PM : AMEN and well stated! I wish more people would use basic common sense like that.

    29. 9:53, I'm concerned that you're neglecting one area of your health because you "might" be affected in another area of your health. Besides dental and gum problems, neglecting dental care can lead to very serious health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Look it up.

    30. @Anon 01:13PM: if your have had no problems with your teeth and you follow a thorough dental hygine it is no big problem to miss a couple of appointments. Doesn't mean you shoud miss it for years, but many have missed the two (don't know about the US) reular check up a year for other easons (moving, illness, busy busines travel...). It is not ideal but an adult can make such a decision after weighing the facts. If your dental situation is more tricky or any problems arise you obviously shouldn't ignore it and go see a dentist. In my experience all surgeries have a very thorough hygiene concept. They have to be in that enviroment the whole day and will make sure to be as save as possible themselves.

  6. Poor guy. I feel his pain. My poor husband is having two teeth wisdom extracted on Tuesday which may be rescheduled due to a huge snow storm coming.

  7. Justin I am glad you got your wisdom teeth out. Those can be a nightmare. I can't wait to watch Clara and your courtship on season 12 counting on. Natashà b

  8. I wouldn't want a camera in my face when I was recovering from oral surgery. Those poor girls!

    1. Well they give birth on national TV, guess having their teeth pulled is just as exciting for the fans. I can't why anyone would watch to WATCH though.

    2. The girls didn't have a choice in the matter. I don't think anything is off the table when it comes to filming for the Duggars.

  9. Why did Claire need to be there?

    1. Need to? Wanted to. Cause she loves him.

    2. It didn't say she "needed" to be there.

    3. She didn’t, she wanted to.

    4. I think most fiances find any chance or reason to be together. Thats normal.

    5. To show her loyalty as a caring and supportive girlfriend and show that he can always depend on her when they marry,this is her opportunity to show she will be a good wife, not a good look to abandon a future husband on his hour of need!

    6. Did anyone say she needed to be there? No. Obviously she wanted to be there, and no doubt he wanted her there.

    7. Why not? She is his fiancée.

    8. Kind of wondering why she had to come from Texas for that too and how she got there. Who flew her there? Wisdom teeth extraction is a really common, every-day type surgery-fairly minor surgery unless you're in a high risk category (like an underlying heart condition, which doesn't seem to fit in this case). It's pain reliever with ice packs on the jaws for a few days, and keeping the sockets clean...nothing Michelle couldn't handle since she's already been through this with several other children. TLC probably filmed this one too and Claire got paid too for the appearance. Wonder if Claire was more likely there for wedding planning?

    9. She's probably in town to spend time with the future in-laws and do wedding planning.

    10. She didn't. That is a want not a need. And not smart during a pandemic.

    11. Here's a thought, maybe she was already there for another reason, maybe she wanted to help, or maybe, maybe it's no ones business to judge what her motives are.

    12. 11:53, It's everyone's business in a pandemic. Travel has an effect on all of us. It's the reason why this pandemic started, and it's one of the reasons why it's persisted.

    13. Well, with blue states deciding to open up again I guess we'll see another swell in cases.

    14. @3:43 Quite possibly a swell in cases of the mutations, unfortunately. They don't know the difference between state colors and they don't care who's in charge. It comes down to personal responsibility and if each of us is doing the right thing to stop this spread.

    15. 9:47, right? Why are the governors and Chicago's mayor deciding that magically it's ok to open up again?

    16. It's not OK to open up again, not with all the new strains. There needs to be a ton more people vaccinated before they should even think about opening anything. Even then, the vaccines are not 100% guarantees.

    17. @10:03- Because money talks and so do votes. The elected officials there will do whatever it takes to appease the voting majority, so they can stay in power. It's the Romans all over again, giving the people bread and circuses to keep them happy and occupied/entertained and believing their leaders care about them and their those in power can keep and expands their power.

    18. 9:31, you nailed it.

    19. Anon 9:31 I'm always taken aback by the negative views of our government expressed by conservative Christians. We are a large and diverse country with many conflicting wants and needs. For my part I think our government while not perfect does a pretty good job of addressing everyone's needs (not just conservative wants/needs). This strong anti-government stance has led to many problems including the unfortunate events of Jan. 6th.

    20. 12:45, our government is run by people who can be bought, so yeah, not a lot of confidence there.

    21. @12:45- Did you happen to notice that you projected two labels onto me that I did not claim in my post? They were conservative and Christian. A wide variety of viewpoints are regularly expressed on this page, by a very diverse audience. Taking a differing opinion on an subject does not equate to being negative or having a negative view, nor does it automatically mean someone is a conservative or a Christian. Nor was the "strong anti-government stance" that lead to the events of Jan. 6th exclusively conservative or Christian, as your post seems to imply. It was a diverse group of conservatives, progressives, Marxists, Antifa anarchists, White Supremacists, and people of no known affiliation. Surprisingly, it was also relatively small, given the numerous "Million Marches" (Million Man, Million Woman, Million Mom, Million Puppet, Million Worker). Large angry crowds of protesters at government buildings in DC is not a new occurrence. That security was so lax that such a relatively small group could infiltrate and penetrate that deeply into the Capitol building, particularly with post-9/11 high security protocols in government buildings (not to mention advance government Intel warnings), is major. As a citizen, I'm far more concerned about the lack of security allowing such a significant breach. This is supposed to be our nation's Capitol-I expect it to be highly secured, highly protected. I may not always agree with lawmakers (sometimes on either side of the aisle), but I respect the process, the building, and the history made there. I believe their safety to conduct business is absolutely essential. This wasn't an insurrection. With all due respect to the rank and file of the Capitol Hill Police, it was a major security fail from the top. DC's had far more security for "Million Marches"than for Jan. 6th. and there definitely wasn't anywhere near a million protesters. The people who regularly determine and estimate the size of those marches can't seem to provide a count for this smaller event? That doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

  10. I was lucky. And was born without mine

  11. Hope he heals in time for his first kiss, which should be sooooon...

    1. It doesn't take that long to heal. Days.

    2. Most people recover within a week.

  12. It looks like Claire had her braces removed in time for the big event as well.

    1. They have been off for a while.

    2. Braces off = time to become a wife.

  13. Hope you have a quick recovery. Glad Claire was able to be with you. Good practice for marriage in sickness and in health till death do us apart. One wonderful example of this is Grandma Duggar and how she with her husband Grandpa Duggar at the very end. I do miss Grandma Duggar.

    1. Having wisdom teeth is not a sickness nor is removing them. If he wants to act like a man and get married then he can act like a man and have his teeth removed. It's not a big deal. I had all 4 done at once and was fine in 2 days and didn't need any help for anything and I was only 21. If he still needs his hand held, then he's not mature enough to marry. Just my opinion.

    2. Um, he did act like a man and have his teeth removed.

  14. I hope that Justin's recovery, from dental surgery, is going well.

  15. So sweet that Claire was in town for fiance Justin's wisdom teeth surgery. Hope there's some footage for the upcoming season of Counting On to see. 18 seems young to have such a thing. I'm 21,almost 22 and have not had it done yet. Mainly because I've not seen a dentist since I was 18. Me and my parents have just procrastinated and put off finding a new dentist for me for the last 4 years and I'm hoping I can find one this year so I can get an opinion if it is time to remove my wisdom teeth. The back of my mouth has not hurt much but I know I should get it done before I am 25 and before they cause me a lot of problems for procrastinating to get it done. Anyone had their's done past age 21?

    1. I was 23. I only got mine pulled because they were causing a lot of pain, and at least 2 of them were totally sideways and would never have been able to come thru the gums. I had mine done at my dentist just with heavy sedation. I somewhat came to just towards the end and remember trying to get the dentists hands out of my mouth! Lol 😂 I didn’t feel pain tho

    2. I was 22 when I had all four impacted wisdom teeth removed at the same time 45 years ago. I was glad to be put under for it. It was not pleasant afterward, but I recovered. As an adult, you should find a dentist and take care of your own teeth. Letting years go by before you see one is not a good thing. If you're still on your parents insurance, that's great, but they shouldn't have to make arrangements for you. At your age, I was on my own.

    3. I was 23. My stepmother said I would have a horrible time recovering. I didn't. I took one pain pill, and bounced right back. The only issue was the stitches were annoying.

    4. You can have them done at any age. No need to if they don't cause problems though.

    5. If they don't bother you there is no need to pull them. Many people live fine with them till they die. I don't get why you would pull healthy teeth just in case they might make a problem later? That's like removing your apppendix just in case?

  16. I would love to know the real story behind them? I also wonder if these kids have any ambtion to really make it in the world. Jesus went out into the world to preach the gospel they also need to do that.

    1. @6:56 "they also need to do that" kind of bossy of you to tell them what they "need" to do. I hope they listen for God's calling and direction not yours.

    2. Um not really Jesus stayed closer to home though He did send many out into the world. Paul for instance, he did a lot of traveling.

    3. We all choose to our path in life, who are you to dictate what their path should be.

    4. 6:56 You're comparing them to Jesus? They're just a couple of teenagers.

  17. What does he need his girlfriend's help for? She can't make him heal any faster. LOL! Guess he wanted to get it done before he got married or he'd have had to pay for it himself.

    1. It's to make him feel better while he's healing. ;)

    2. Good grief. He is not a toddler needing his hand held.

    3. 8:33, obviously he doesn't "need" her there, but I'm sure having her there helped.

  18. Somehow mine was like a normal dental visit.. walked in, walked out, didn't hurt much but there was bleeding enough. It was super fast too.

    1. Nice! I was in a lot of pain for the first day or two, and my face was very bruised for a week.

  19. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not interested in watching the Duggars have dental work done.

    1. Not just you. It's bad enough to have to go through it yourself.

    2. Have to agree with 1:45 & 10:35! I've been in the ER more times than I can remember in my life with injuries (split my head open, knocked my front teeth out, broken bones, etc.), been the emergency on call person for many elderly neighbors (all kinds of things), and taught children for years. Blood and stuff doesn't bother me at all, but on the dental stuff, I call in the B-team! LOL When our child was little, I warned him that he'd be needing to handle any and all loose teeth/teeth pulling. By the grace of God (seriously), I did the aftercare for her Wisdom Tooth extraction. No way I'm going to volunteer to watch episodes involving dental work.

  20. I don't understand why the Duggars feel the need to announce every small detail of their lives??

    1. Why exaggerate?

    2. But this is a big deal. Justin is being prepped for marriage.

    3. If they announced every small detail for the dozens of people in their family, it would be 24/7 updates. A surgery is more than a small detail.

    4. Right? I can hardly keep up with their telling us what socks they wear, how often they clip their toenails, what they eat for every meal, every word they say. Too bad they think they have to announce every small detail.

    5. 3:03- That’s how reality TV celebs roll.

    6. Because their following "follows". LOL Their fans crave details of this life the fans wish they could have and live too. Through the magic of TV, the fans get to be a part of the Duggars' world...or so they believe (vicarious living)...while the Duggars make a lot of money so of course they're going to feed the fan appetite. Jim Bob would say it's good business-He's got a product people will pay money to "buy". LOL

    7. Anon 9:35. The Duggars are very careful about what they reveal. Fans may believe they are "part of the family" but IMO they really don't know this family as well as they think they do.

  21. Hopefully the tooth fairy leaves enough money for the final payment on the ring!

    1. yeah. The tooth fairy never left more than a dollar at my house.

    2. Priceless!!!!!!!!!

  22. Hope Justin has a quick recovery.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  23. So instead of a fancy proposal and a designer wedding gown, Claire gets to watch....oral surgery.

    1. She already had her proposal. They're engaged.

    2. The proposal already happened, and the dress is in the future.

    3. She already has the dress. Wedding in the next one, two, or three weeks.

  24. If you were in the military, you'd have all 4 teeth out and go back to the barracks by yourself to recover. No girlfriend allowed. You simply man up and deal with it.

    1. The Duggars pretend they're in the military at Alert but none of them will actually take the step to help protect and serve their country. They would be role models if they did.

    2. True. Are you suggesting we should all live like the military in everything we do?

    3. Join the real military they only help PEOPLE LIKE there own. Go to a REAL WAR to FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. Our veterans fought FOR OUR FREEDOM. Just my feelings.

    4. 8:57, are you forgetting how they help with disaster relief, like after tornados? Did they walk down the street looking for people in skirts to help? Or how they have done fundraisers for the NICU or an orphanage? Do you still think they only help people like themselves?

    5. 8:57 they might be your feelings but they aren’t facts. There is such thing as truth and that doesn’t get erased based on option and feelings.

    6. 8:57 It's my understanding that the Duggars (the boys, Jana, Abbie, Austin) have helped several times in disaster recovery situations, helping people regardless of their religion, race, gender identity, financial position, etc. I do understand what you're saying though: that they seem to espouse and highly value "military-style training" (via ALERT) and talk about honoring military members, but they never quite seem willing to actually step up and join the military themselves. It is offensive to me (with veteran and current military family members) that ALERT has styled itself after the military. Frankly, it comes off as playing soldier or weekend warrior, a wannabee type thing (not actually being willing to commit to go through real military training and potentially have to fight or die for our country). It can't be against Baptist/Southern Baptist beliefs- I knew a well-respected soldier that unexpectedly died while on leave (medical emergency) who was a dyed-in-the-wool Baptist.

    7. @11:47 You hit the nail on the head. They also use that private military-type mindset when they work disaster relief. It's not the mindset that other groups use when helping, and it's not the local government emergency response plan.

  25. Where is Jana? She hasn't posted, or been in any posts since Christmas!

    1. Likely busy helping plan and make decorations for Justin and Claire's wedding.

  26. Does anyone know whether they will live in Texas or Arkansas after they get married ?

    1. If working for her dad then probably Texas. If Jim Bob has his say, then probably Ark. Seems this poor couple has few choices of their own starting out.

    2. Perhaps Justin's just acquiring the necessary skill set before he begins his own construction company (at which point he can choose where to hang his shingle, so to speak). Maybe her father has more experience in a particular build type that Justin's interested in learning. Time will tell.


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