
Friday, January 29, 2021

Joy's Trip to TN

If you have been around for a while, you are probably familiar with the close friendship that the Duggars have with the Bates. Back in 2014, we shared a photo of the oldest kids from both families, who are now adults, taken in 1995. Carlin (Bates) Stewart and Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth have been best friends for years. They also both happen to be the ninth-born in their families and only six months apart in age, with Joy being the oldest. 

Joy and Evelyn just returned home to Arkansas after making a surprise visit to Tennessee to visit Carlin. 

Joy Forsyth and Carlin Stewart

Photo courtesy


  1. I understand that both of these young women have had COVID, as have other members of their families. They've been traveling about this past year, appearing to disregard the recommendations of public health officials. While they may think they're now immune, health experts do not know how long someone is protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. It varies from person to person. Some early evidence suggests natural immunity may not last very long. Once again, their desire for unnecessary travel in the midst of a worldwide pandemic does not speak well of the pro-life beliefs they so staunchly defend.

    1. Some people find the negative in everything!

    2. Are you also scared of getting in a car accident? Because you’re more likely to do that than contract Covid. Life cannot end. We cannot live scared. It’s been a year, get over it.

    3. How do you know they both have had COVID? I am sure they are careful and honestly what they do is their decision and we are not to judge. Their PRO LIFE beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with travel and COVID?

    4. Once you have covid, you are immune for up to 3 months..

    5. More up-to-date evidence suggests that immunity acquired from covid infection is 99% effective 5 months after infection.

      Five months might qualify as "not very long," but we simply don't have much data on longer timespans yet. That doesn't suggest that immunity drops to zero at 5 months + 1 day. SARS-Cov-1 neutralizing antibodies last 17 years or more, and that's the closest analog we have.

      If I had 95% vaccinated immunity or 99% natural immunity, I'd be taking 95%-99% less stringent precautions than I currently am. Although, of course, I'd keep a mask on in public so as to support that norm and not alarm others who wouldn't know I was immune. I see no shame in that.

    6. Moderator, didn’t you say you were going to keep the comments from straying off topic. Enough of the COVID rubbish comments.

    7. Maybe they're pro-enjoying life.

    8. Very, very, very, few people have gotten Covid-19 twice. But thank you for your concern :)

    9. Sandi Patty is also a Covid survivor; the first Christian singer I know of who got it. She had anti-body tests about every 2 months after she recovered. Hers lasted till Christmas and she got the vaccine.(first half of it anyway) I wonder if Carlin and Joy got anti-body tests too, and how easily Covid-survivors get them. Hopefully we get more info as time goes on. I want to know how to help the Covid survivors in my world, or how to interact with them

    10. Maybe they tested before getting together. Maybe they thought seeing each other was worth it. Who knows. But supposedly air travel is safe.

    11. 9:49AM: Your post is excellent. I agree with everything you said.
      People have to understand that we are not trolls just because we keep trying to remind others that Covid is serious and Public Health Protocols have to be respected and followed if we want to stop vectoring this virus. We will keep repeating our messages about Covid...we don't live in "fear", we're not "sheep", we're not "hating", we're not "off-topic", our comments are not "rubbish". We are responsible citizens who believe that wearing a mask, keeping 6 feet apart, staying home as much as we can, washing our hands, saying no to non-essential travel, no big gatherings, is the safest.
      Our daughter is getting married this summer and instead of 220 guests, they are having 20, socially distanced, wearing masks, no hugging.
      She is a nurse and like any other frontline worker, has seen A LOT this year.
      It's unbelievable that one year into this, we still have to remind people that this is REAL.

    12. At 12:19 your response was spot on. Thank you. Patricia

    13. If they're not sick, then they have every right to be out and about, and I'm pretty sure they're following guidelines. Some of our fuses are growing ever shorter with people like you who are always trying to stir up trouble. If you're at risk -- YOU STAY AT HOME and keep everyone in your household AT HOME. That's what I would do if I had your mentality.

    14. @2:57 The problem is that not everyone can tell in time if they're sick or not. That's one reason why this virus has spread. My friend was around someone she knew one day and the next day, that other person felt sick and tested positive. But it was too late, they had already infected my friend the previous day, before they knew they were sick. My friend then infected her husband, who didn't survive. I don't know why some people still don't understand how this virus spreads. It's been over a year now of examples literally right under our noses.

  2. It's great to have a best friend who will be there for you always.
    It seems like Joy flew to TN with Evelyn, so I guess the pandemic is fading away in that area as they travel and socialize a lot. I personally would probably just drive, as it's not far and you don't have to encounter many people.

    1. She flew in a private plane. One of her brothers was the pilot. I too would of driven. I like to drive.

    2. 3:59 PM Laura Reyes: Joy flew on a commercial airline, not private, according to her YouTube video.

    3. Its certain ages that get the vaccines. Right know its only people 65-75.

      joy& Carlin are still to young to get it.

    4. Anonymous @ 8:45- That's incorrect and very old information first published at the beginning of this pandemic due to very limited information at the time. Babies can and have died of Coronavirus, as have children, teenagers, 20/30/40-somethings, and few of them had underlying health conditions. It's all been well-documented with updated information on the CDC's website. It is very important that people have current information. Please review the current information so that you and those you love and interact with can stay safe. Thank you!

  3. I have been watching the duggar's since 2004 & the bates since 2015. I am glad Joy & Carlin are best friends. It is very interesting that they're 6 months apart. Joy being the oldest out of the two. I love the picture of Joy & Carlin. I can't wait for Joy & the entire family & extended family members on season 12 of counting on. I can't wait to see Carlin & entire family & extended family members on season 10 of bringing up bates. Natasha b

  4. Maybe Carlin’s ready to make a baby announcement! Her baby turns 1 year old Jan.31

    1. Maybe not every Bates or Duggar daughter wants a baby only a year after the previous one. Carlin's little girl had serious health issues waiting a bit might be advisable.

  5. All of the above comments about covid and the families not caring are completely rude and nasty. If you don't like them, why are you here? We're none of you taught, if you can't say something nice, then don't say anything???
    I for one love both families, watch their shows, and only wish my children turned out half as caring, sweet and wonderful Christian women as these girls.

    1. I think it’s ok to discuss the Covid issue here. It’s not about hating on these families. They are immune and can’t give it to others. This blog is a way to express our feelings at this difficult time. Last year at this time I figured it would be over in six months at the most. It gets depressing and sometimes we need to vent - not against the Bates or Duggar’s but about the situation. I for one respect that Ellie let’s us express our feelings.

    2. "They are immune and can't give it to others" Unfortunately, that has not been the case for everyone. You can get it again, it could linger in your system, or you could catch a variant. Not all immune systems work perfectly.

  6. Maybe Austin or one of the brothers flew her out.

    1. Nope. Austin stayed home with Gideon and Joy and the baby flew on a regular plane not a private one.

  7. I have traveled with my infant on the plane in June of 2020 due to an appointment with a Children’s specialist in Houston and stayed with my best friend. Not only did I feel safe doing so but the airline was extremely clean and helpful. Also my best friend pulled out all the stops to make sure everything was as clean as possible. Don’t judge unless you know what is going on.

    1. I doubt Joy would have been flying for a medical appointment since she exposed her children to a lot of people at Christmas (and likely New Years).

  8. That’s so sweet. I’ve done a bit of traveling lately to visit friends too :)

  9. I love their friendship!! The closest of other friendships of these families is Michaella/Jana and Zach/John-David. (which they were in each other weddings, at least what has been shown)

  10. This makes me so mad! I'm an essential worker and there was a COVID scare in my office this week. Thankfully, it turned out to be a false positive. We're not getting the vaccine anytime either, because my state messed up distribution so badly. I wear a mask for eight hours a day, haven't seen my friends and extended family in a year, and have only had two hugs since March. Yet, the Duggars and Bateses have been socializing and traveling (maskless for the most part) like it's 2019! Many of them have had COVID, so you think they'd take it more seriously after that, but clearly they are not! Their behavior is so unfair to people who have been following the rules from the beginning.

    1. They have both had it and should have immunity for now. Maybe you need a few more hugs.

    2. This. ❤️

      I can’t speak for you, but as a fellow frontline family- and not a person trolling- this comment moved me.

      I think some people genuinely love these families and are just disappointed in their current behavior. We check back, from time to time, for a potential change of heart. Some of us are deciding whether or not to continue supporting these families. We don’t wish to be “hateful trolls”. Not everyone disagrees with their behavior- and that’s fine, to each his own.

      Rather than name call- don’t read the comments, if seeing both sides of the spectrum upsets you- because obviously the moderator has no problem sharing impartially.

    3. @8:14 They didn't have the British or South African strains that are now in the US. They had Covid back in July last year so who knows if they would have any immunity left now. Their children might not have had it yet, so that should be a huge concern. Doesn't Carlin's daughter have a heart problem?

    4. Well, I'm an and it doesn't make me mad. It makes me happy that people are living their lives and not cowering in fear under their beds. Joy going in a private plane to visit a friend is less exposure to virus than people walking through malls.

    5. Wow, only two hugs since March - how extremely sad. I have had more than I could possibly count. Many of us are living our lives - you never know how long you have. Don't let fear rule your life too long, or it will be permanent.

    6. To 12:31 - Cowering in fear under a bed and choosing to be safe are two completely different things. No need to over dramatize. Lol

    7. You're a/an WHAT, 12:31?

    8. @6:57 There is no need to tell people to go ahead and do reckless stuff or whatever they want to do because "you never know how long you have." That's not how you respect the life you are given, and in a pandemic, that's not how you respect others' lives either.

    9. It’s calling not allowing Covid to control their lives and frankly it’s quite refreshing!

    10. What stands out is the difference between how the Duggars acted about the pandemic on camera and how they acted on other days. If the show was correct, then visits with other people were limited to drive-by dropoffs and waving through windows. Clearly, that has not been the case. The show has moved pretty far away from reality, and I think that's one reason why viewers react. You'd think the Duggars would be aware of this and be concerned about their image.

    11. 11:36, not necessarily. A number of people were more cautious in the beginning.

    12. @2:45 What good is being cautious at the beginning if you forget about all that when the worst of the peak is hitting?

    13. 7:58, I never said it was good, I just think that is what happened. Like all the extreme grocery cleaning in March and April, for example. Later people were told that wasn't necessary, but at first everyone thought covid was a death sentence and were being extremely careful. Some parts of the country didn't really get hit for months, so people let down their guard.

    14. @ 9:16- With a high risk family member and a very high risk elderly neighbor needing our help, I still clean every grocery item entering my home regardless of what those in authority say. I come from a nursing/teaching background and my family knows the cleaning protocols we have in place and why. We understand that information changes as they learn more about this virus and its mutations; we equally understand how easily viruses are transmitted and human beings (including medical professionals) sometimes make mistakes about relaxing standards.

    15. 9:55 Good job. You're not alone. I'm still unpacking my groceries outside into quarantine boxes that say shut for a week in the garage until they're unpacked to put away. Fridge stuff goes into clean plastic bags outside before coming into the house. Produce gets washed off (most actually stays fresher longer when washed first) then bagged in clean bags for the crisper drawers. Still following strict cleaning, hand washing, and mask protocols. We are high risk too. Some people don't get it that Covid IS a death sentence for a lot of people. Unfortunately, the more lax others become, the more strict we have to become.

  11. No one cares to read your unsolicited opinion! Either enjoy reading about the fun stuff the Duggars are doing or get off their website quit trolling!

  12. Glad to see friends getting together. Mental health is very important.

  13. Every single one of the early comments is about covid/pandemic. Please stop allowing these dumb comments. Authentic fans don’t post stuff like this, trolls do.

    1. Ellie & Lilly- Can we please start banning posts calling people trolls and accusing people of trolling (like containing the words "troll", "trolling", "haters", "hating")? It's grade school name-calling and adds nothing to actual discussion of topics on this board. Those type of posts escalate bullying and name-calling, fueling fighting-seriously detracting from why fans come here and devaluing your board. It makes the board feel like an elementary playground at recess sometimes. LOL Seriously, you all put a lot of time and effort into this and it's just not right. Posters need to learn to respect you, your time and effort here, and that we're not all going to always have the same opinion, but we need state them with respect to each other. If posters are unwilling to do that, then they can't post....easy fix. Thank you for your time!

    2. We don't want to start censoring opinions that we don't agree with like the Dems seem to love doing to us Republicans. Instead we should just stop responding to their silly fear mongering covid remarks. We know that we can't stay locked in our houses which is mentally, physically and spiritually dangerous to do for any prolonged period of time. So just ignore them when they go on about it.

    3. You CAN be a Duggar fan and have concerns about the pandemic. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

    4. 10:28 What you don't seem to understand is the more people go out and about like this BEFORE vaccinations and WHILE new strains are popping up, the more everyone else HAS to stay "locked" in their houses. Why do you think the case numbers and death numbers rose so much over Christmas? People have made the situation more dangerous and more wide-spread. People are responsible for this, Dem AND Rep.

    5. But the pandemic comments have become so tedious. We ALL know about covid, we've all heard what we are and aren't supposed to do (some of which has changed or flip-flopped), and we know the Duggars have to make their own decisions about how they are handling it as a family, just like the rest of us. Dwelling on covid constantly is NOT going to change what they do or not do, it just makes the comments more annoying to read as they go around and around and around the same thing for months on end.

    6. I am a duggar fan, I really love them and love hearing about them but I am truly frustrated when I see them act like we are not in a pandemic.

    7. "Troll" is not grade-school name calling. It's an actual word, meaning people who comment just to stir up trouble, create dissension. And I do believe many here are trolls. If you're a Duggar fan, then you come here to see what they're up to. If you're a troll, you come here to comment to stir up trouble and try to create dissension. I don't come here very often anymore because there are many trolls here nowadays, as opposed to true fans.

    8. I agree Anon 3:00pm. It's sad because conservatives do not waste their time tracking down leftist websites to harass their community. We work, care for our families, and what little recreation time we have, we like to see what a family that shares our values is up to. The "trolls" are not happy unless they are causing someone else misery. Normally, I would have put up with them because hopefully they can see by our example that joy that comes from living a Christian life. But now that they are trying to persecute and censor us, I have no tolerance for their bullying. I won't give up on the Duggars but I may have to give up on Ellie's blog because of the hatred that has been directed at the family and at us.

  14. Do we know [really know] if James Duggar is really courting Lauren Caldwell?????

    1. No, all of it is speculation

    2. Who knows what's going on with Lauren Caldwell. She's been rumored to have been dating Duggar males near her age for the last couple of years but nothing ever came of it. Then she announced her engagement to some guy who seems to have vanished. She doesn't seem ready to settle down yet.

  15. Oh how nice of BFF Joy Anna to visit BFF Carlin. Folks, please stop slamming Joy in the comments for traveling during the pandemic. It's alright to travel as long as you take all precautions:wear a mask,stay 6 ft. apart from others (best as possible), wash or sanitize your hands before and after eating and after touching high touch surfaces. I've known a few people who traveled during this pandemic and came back home well and did not get COVID19. And its because they took these same precautions. Even my parents traveled two months ago to a funeral out of state and came back well and healthy after their 3 day trip by plane. Thank You.

    1. 10:55 You are forgetting something important about COVID- you can be infected, not know it, be asymptomatic, but still able to pass it on to others.

    2. Grateful that your people and family members have not experienced COVID-19 symptoms. But you're overlooking one small, but wildly significant detail- Just because they all came back "well and healthy" doesn't mean they weren't asymptomatic and didn't give it to someone else (who may also have been asymptomatic and gave it to someone who did evidence symptoms/become quite sick). You (and they) have no way to know that. Not getting sick doesn't equal not having it or not having it and spreading it. Too many people have assumed that and that's part of the reason we're in this pandemic and continuing in it (except now we have a mutation to be concerned about as well). Pandemics are overwhelmingly spread by people, person to person. The only way to break the chain of transmission, contain the flow is to block the person-to-person transmission. Masks are only as good as the people wearing them every time they're with others outside their household, wearing them correctly (covering mouth and nose at the same time continuously, not removing them until you are outside of the store/office/work environment/medical facility, wearing a three layer mask with 2 of those layers being 100% cotton). Keeping that 6 feet (or more) from others not in your household and being mindful of what you (and your children/family members) are touching when you're outside your home and cleaning your hands before you touch anything else. Being mindful of what you're bringing into your home and where it's been. That's not fear- it's all perfectly doable. The truth is a lot of people just don't want to put forth the effort.

    3. Personally, I love my friends enough that I would never risk getting them and their families sick. Same7cwith them for me and my family. So we just email and we will see each other in person again when it's safe. It's not hard, people. It's called common sense and common decency.

    4. I hope all of the COVID police are chastising the people who don’t wear their mask over their nose. If you’re not doing that, then quit complaining here.

    5. @6:34

      I'm one of those "COVID cops" and yes I've had to tell people to wear their mask over their nose. It's part of my job. If they want to do business at my workplace, they need to comply with the CDC regulations.

  16. So glad these lovely young women who are best friends got to see each other. As I see it the only thing to fear is fear itself. Love these families, glad they travel as did my children to see loved in laws over Christmas holidays.

    1. When FDR said "Nothing to fear but fear itself", our country had been brought into a horrific world war. He went on to be completely upfront with the American people about the many sacrifices they'd be asked to make in order to win that war. We do not need to be fearful in this pandemic, however sacrifices are a part of winning over this virus. Leisure travel and visits with friends are things that can be postponed.

  17. All the serious pandemic comments again... let’s just be superficial for a moment and talk about their HAIR!!! Carlin’s looks so much like Katie’s with those highlights and joy has bangs now?? Seems like the bates girls do major hair changes whenever they get bored and they got ahold of joy on this visit! 😂

    1. I like this comment much better than the boring pandemic stuff. Yes, I wasn't sure that was Joy with those bangs! Looks cute.

    2. Katie, is one of Carlin's younger sisters.

  18. Such a sweet friendship

  19. I thought with the pandemic getting worse and worse and new strains now circulating that people would be being even more careful. I wonder why they are not? Do they think they are immune because they both had it? Do they take their kids out in it?

    1. At this rate, the new strains are going to win and prolong the misery for all of us. Doctors watched over 2 dozen mutations of the virus happen in a single patient who was hospitalized for 3 months this summer in Boston. That's how quickly the virus can mutate and start infecting anew.

    2. I don't think it's necessarily true that it's getting worse and worse. In my city, our numbers have been on a downward trajectory the past month.

    3. Yep. They take their kids out in it. Joy took Evelyn on a plane!

    4. 8:16 People were saying the same thing during the 1918 pandemic, that it was getting better. It lasted almost two years, with waxing and waning just like now. People get complacent and we’re back to square one.

  20. How exciting for Joy and Carlin! So happy they were able to spend time together.

  21. I'm sincerely disappointed that this family continues to model reckless and irresponsible behavior while so many of us are grieving losses and caring for sick family members. I look forward to the days when it's safe to travel to see friends again.

    1. How do you know it is reckless and irresponsible? Perhaps they quarantined and followed all the recommended guidelines prior to going and after she returned. You don't know. Of if you do know, please provide specific details. A picture and two paragraphs above doesn't talk about the minutiae of what Joy had to do to visit her friend. Why can't we just assume she acted like a responsible adult and this post is an outcome of that?

    2. You going inside a store filled with strangers is more reckless than going to see a friend.

    3. Not necessarily true 12:03. Most stores have mask regulations, sanitation stations, plexiglass at registers, covered keypads, capacity limits, and lots of air space and air flow. Some have installed HEPA air filters. Going to see a friend, you don't have those measures.

    4. Anon 12:03. You're comparing "apples and oranges". If you go to the grocery wearing a mask, you're there for a few minutes and have limited contact with anyone there. Visiting a friend means you're going to have long exposure to the people in the house you're visiting. Pontentially exposing yourself and your infant to the virus for a visit does seem to be unnecessary IMO. Their friendship will endure without the personal visit.

  22. Joy's hair!!! I almost didn't recognize her

  23. This blog was for fans before now there are clearly trolls.Lol it is ok for celebrities,politicians,and so many others to travel but not Duggars.Good for Joy & Carlin!

    1. I don't think it's wise for anyone to be traveling, politicians, celebrities or anyone else.

    2. I see you fall back on the old 'what-about' argument to defend poor choices. Sorry, it doesn't hold water. Two, three, four or more wrongs don't make a right. No one here is suggesting the Duggars follow rules and others are somehow exempt from doing the same.

    3. I think the point maybe directed to if those in power are doing it, chances are it isn’t as bad as they say 🤷🏼‍♀️

    4. 5:05, what 2:34 said.

  24. Two lovely ladies and good friends,too. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  25. I'm so glad that they took this time together!

  26. I like Joy’s bangs!

    1. I am also a fan, of Joy's current hairstyle.

    2. I think Joy looks better without bangs.

    3. I think the angs are too harsh shaped and nit soft and also childish, and the color too dark for her skin tone. IMHO

    4. I don't care for her new look. Her hair seems to have been dyed a very dark color that is harsh and unbecoming to her. But if she likes it, so what?

    5. Anon 11:51AM - I was thinking maybe you could post a picture of yourself so we can all critique your hairstyle, hair color, outfit, and every other aspect of your appearance. Clearly you must be a real beauty. No doubt as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside.

    6. Joy said that she's not a fan of her new hairstyle and neither is Austin, but she said she's "stuck with it" until it grows out. She critiqued her own appearance!

    7. She could eadily change color again. She is not "stuck" with the dark color. Just lighten it. Jinger did. Easy peasy.

  27. It's nice to see, that even as they have each gotten married, and had children, Carlin & Joy, are still able to enjoy some best friend time.

  28. How fun for Joy to take a little vacation with her daughter. She is blessed with a very supportive husband.

  29. I agree, during a Pandemic they should be more careful about getting together. Especially if they've both had COVID.

    1. If they have both had it, they should have some immunity to it right now, which would make it a better time to visit each other.

    2. 8:17 They had it last summer. We do not know how long you have immunity after infection, especially now with the mutant strains out there.

    3. They are not immune to all the other strains out there!

  30. That’s so sweet, Joy knows how special and exciting that first birthday of the first child is! And to help calm people down, this COVID thing is sensitive, people feel differently about it and so to help unify, let’s be respectful of that and not be so quick to bash. And let’s face it, the “science” of all the precautions seems to change monthly and it’s not insane to question all of it.

  31. Glad you both are living, loving and enjoying life. Sweet pic.

    1. You know....... it is completely possible to live and love life but also stay safe. I do it daily. And it's not difficult at all. Many people should try it, instead of being negative and putting others snd themselves at risk!!!!!!

  32. As I read the comments from those who respond to COVID concerns with dismissiveness and scorn, I am reminded of an old Native American saying, "Your canoe moves much faster if everyone is paddling in the same direction." We're in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, one not seen in a hundred years. As long as we have some folks convinced it's all a lie or that it's no big deal, we will continue to suffer the same consequences as in 1918 and it will extend the life of this pandemic far longer than it needs to. Our canoe will not move forward.

    1. It swept through our friends in the fall, they were sick, they got over it, they're not hiding in their houses. Friends who are just now getting over it were very cautious but still got sick. There are mental and emotional downsides to lack of social interaction too. Think about the rising number of suicides. Or all the quarantine weight gained when people are stuck at home. Obesity makes you higher risk. There are more things to consider than just "stay home."

    2. Exactly. Some countries such as Australia and New Zealand have gotten the disease under control because they took it seriously and did what was necessary.

    3. AMEN!!!! Let's all get to rowing the same direction to help each other!!!!

    4. A zillion groups: 1 get paid to work at home, 2 happily married and no young children to worry about, 3 good pension and nice home with hobbies etc. Then ... 4 work at a grocery store or warehouse so , 5 young children that have missed a second year of sports, 6 teens that struggle with online learning and will not get into college, 7 small business owners that are now close to bankrupt but can't even sell their vehicle or home to downsize and free up some money. Can't paddle together when we are all in different canoes. Completely ridiculous analogy.

    5. @6:57 I have relatives who were at death's door and took weeks to recover and a friend passed away. COVID is no minor thing at all for many people. It sounds as though you think that infection will happen no matter the precautions taken and that we should just go about normally, because "staying home" has consequences. The rub is that if you are out and about living life as you please, you don't just put yourself at risk but also anyone who comes in contact with you. I am a senior citizen and have been able to be careful without hiding in my house. I go on daily hikes, do strength training at home, and I've managed to intentionally lose weight during the
      pandemic. I communicate daily via text, phone, facetime with friends and family. Sure, it's not the same as pre-pandemic. However, whatever sacrifices I've had to make are small in comparison to the risks doctors, nurses, teachers, grocery clerks and other front-line workers take every day to make sure our needs our being met.

    6. @7:05 You're not alone in the precautions you're taking. A lot of people (seniors and not) have figured out how to adjust their routines to stay safe and still enjoy life. It can be done, without that dangerous idea of "I'll do whatever I want whenever I want it." Those who know when, how, and why to stay home make it safer for the essential workers you named to do their jobs.

    7. 7:05, illness HAS happened to people who did what they were told to do. I am aware that this is no minor thing. Several friends went to the ER, another elderly man we know passed away. A very good friend's dad died. I know that. But some people have to go to work regardless, others have lost their jobs and can't take care of their families. There have been many, many suicides. Cancer and other serious health problems are going undiagnosed because people are afraid to go to the doctor. People are withering spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. We have seen people go crazy selfish and go out and party after getting a positive test result, AND we have seen people screaming and swearing at strangers in grocery stores and turning people in to government authorities for breaking mandates (while government authorities do the same). Some people truly are living in fear and constant stress, which depletes your inmune system,, while by and large we are not hearing officials tell us that there are ways we can build our immune systems. All the while we're seeing people who locked us down go about their lives, flout their own mask mandates, run their own businesses, and otherwise act like little dictators. We were also told that people who went to DT rallies or rallied to come out of lockdown were superspreaders, while months of protests and rioting were not. Some of us are rightly suspicious, not of the existence of the disease, but of how we are being played.

    8. 12:02, exactly. Some of us have to be out and about. I find it interesting that possibly blood type influences how covid affects you. I'm type O and didn't get sick when many people I knew locally did, and I was exposed to several of them. A friend had it, then two months later her kids had it, and her husband, who travels for his job, has not had it once. Why not? I've also read that Vitamin D level plays into it as well. Wouldn't it be lovely if they could figure out a panel of factors that would determine a person's chances of getting sick so that people could mitigate those factors, if possible? I guess the vitamin D one is something we can all address, along with limiting sugar, exercise, stress-management, sufficient sleep, and all those other things that boost our immune systems.

    9. New Zealander here... Don’t hail our leaders as heroes. We have hardly any freedom now.

    10. @New Zealander But you're alive and not sick. That's the most important thing. The rest will be restored ASAP.

    11. 8:25, if you read up on The Great Reset, you will see that there are global plans afoot to take away our freedoms permanently. This is not a conspiracy theory; global leaders are openly talking about The Great Reset. Check out Klaus Schwab's book of the same name.

  33. Has Joy's hair always been that dark ?! Did she color it or is it just a weird effect from her new bangs ?

    1. I don't think her bangs would make her hair a different color. Looks like she colored it.

    2. Joy colored it darker a bit ago and had the bangs done then too. I think it's too harsh a shade for her coloring.

    3. And I think you should not worry about her hair 1:30

    4. I think Joy's always had a beautiful smile, eyes, and face. I've always loved her adventuresome personality too. Not to be mean, but I don't think this is her best look because I think the thick bangs and darker hair color actually age her (at least from this picture). I think she'd look cute with a softer fringe bang and a lighter hair color (1-2 shades lighter than her natural color or 1 shade darker would really emphasize her lovely eyes). But hair grows out again and can be dyed a different color. :)

    5. That's funny how we all see things differently. I think it makes her look younger, as it strikes me as a child-like style.

  34. I love U Joy, and I think U are amazing women ever!!!!!!!!!! U are 100% Joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Carlin and Joy probably are lovin’ all the comments their little visit generated!

    1. I hate to think of what they have to put up with coming from on their own “fan blogs.” Shameful.

    2. Yes, I think they post on purpose to get more photo hits and to stay trending.

  36. Poor Joy seems like the only to keep a modest style this days ! All the Bates daughters have become much more modern, and many Duggar sisters have changed their ways too. Although I saw a picture in which she wore pants. Oh well there is still Jana, but maybe she cannot change until she leaves the big house.

    1. I find that all of the girls on both the Duggars and Bates are still modest. Don't be envious that they started their own company so they no longer have to wear clothes from thrift shops - and there is nothing wrong with that, either. They are all stylish and beautiful, kind and giving. I love them all and I love that they are all slightly different.

    2. @4:14 Have you seen some of the workout clothes Jill is wearing these days? Jim Bob would not have allowed it.

    3. 9:37

      Jill looks great! There’s nothing wrong with what she’s wearing. She’s an adult and is no longer under Jim Bob’s authority.

    4. I think the matriarch is the clothing police. Not JB.

    5. @9:37 - yes they are bicycle shorts with a skirt over them. How is that not still modest? What would you have her do? Jog in a prairie dress?

    6. 4:14 Long gone are the days of thrift shopping for the Duggars ! I bet the younger girls' childhood and adolescence will be strikingly different from their older siblings !

    7. Oh I miss seeing the trips to the thrift shops and what they could come up with. I go there myself for me and my kids because money is sparse, and they used to make em feel better about it...

    8. Anonymous @ 9:50- We also need to stretch our money and make every last dollar count (more so now with this pandemic). But I learned a number of years ago that I can get nice clothing in good condition (sometimes "expensive" brand clothing) pretty cheaply, so I'm really being a good steward of our resources. We take good care of our clothing and pretty much wear it until it wears out, then cut it to use for napkins or rags. In my area, those stores are mostly run by organizations to support homeless shelters, the underprivileged, or Church mission outreach programs (local/US/Third World). It's a win-win: my family gets clothing we need at prices we can afford, our purchases help people locally and abroad, and less items go to the local landfill. Please don't ever feel embarrassed or anything about buying at thrift stores. That's what smart shoppers do. :)

    9. @9:50 You shouldn't feel bad about going to thrift shops! I think they've become more popular with more people, including myself. You not only save money, but you're helping the planet by reusing perfectly good things and not being wasteful.

    10. Some of my favorite clothing I have worn for years were found at thtift stores. Some were even designer name that I got tor a steal. If you make donation drop offs, you can also get discounts on stuff you buy. That's how they do it at the store I go to. So you get stuff even cheaper! It's a great way to recycle and save money.

    11. I love a good thrift but am not doing any shopping like that during pandemic. All those germs from people touching things...eeek!!! I only buy my groceries and essentials and wear the clothes I already have. In fact, I haven't actually bought new clothes in about 10 years or so because I can't afford them. But when I did I found many nice pieces at thrifts.

    12. You could wear a pair of plastic gloves and then wash your hands and the clothes you buy (which should be done anyway).

    13. It's not the clothes that are the danger in a thrift store right now. It's the air, and what's been breathed out into it before you breathe it in.

    14. 8:54, then you shouldn't be in any public place. A thrift store is not more dangerous than any other store

    15. Disagree 5:55. Many thrift stores don't have the square footage to spread out and the air flow space of other stores. Some people have been able to make it thru the last year without going there or other public spaces. Some people are totally quarantining and only shopping online.

    16. 12:58, thrift stores around here aren't any smaller than, say, a drug store. Besides, some people, like my mom, don't have internet access. Not everyone can shop online or has a lot of money to pay extra for shipping or delivery/tips.

    17. 4:14 there are racks and racks of clothing in the house. They were left behind by the older girls. So there’s really no need for thrift store shopping anymore.

  37. 8:14 No, not that outfit. Different one. Not with a skirt.

  38. As a ER room Doctor why are we worried about going to thrift stores? Some of the above comment's break my heart let us move on stress, loved one still passed. This a COVID Duggar and Bates family too. Let us pray pandemic and ALL people can get

    1. You must be an ER doctor in a non-English speaking country, because your comment has too many errors to believe you're really a doctor!

  39. Wow ur not very nice anonymous February 10th 11:42 pm. Does it really matter about the English and where the Doctor is from? Heed the advice.

    1. How can we heed advice we can hardly understand?

    2. Thought the same thing, 12:56.

  40. Rude comment's about a Doctor.


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