
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Watch Evangeline's Arrival Episode

The return date of new episodes of Counting On still has not yet been announced. But there is a short, 30-minute special coming up on TLC, documenting the arrival of Evangeline Vuolo (listings below).

December 23
11pm ET: Another Girl for Jinger

December 24
3am ET: Another Girl for Jinger

Photo courtesy


  1. No thanks. Watching women giving birth doesn't appeal to me. I wish the Duggars would just STOP having TV crews on hand when they give birth.

    1. Then don't watch, but don't judge those of us who delight in seeing new life come in to the world.

    2. Actually, a lot of people enjoy birth stories, or they wouldn't devote whole tv shows to them.

    3. People watch all sorts of crazy things on TV, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to air them. It just means that someone's making money from it.

    4. Given that for many years TLC had a show called “A Birth Story”, I think you’re on weak ground for criticizing the Duggars for allowing TV crews. Also, their are thousands of birthing videos on YouTube.

  2. That explains Michelle's presence. TV crew was filming. lol

    1. Well, she IS the kid's grandmother, isn't she? I'd kind of expect the grandparents to be there.

  3. Why so late or early. I hope I can watch it.

  4. A birth should be private. For their eyes only.

    1. Stay off YouTube. There’s thousands of live birth videos. Also long before the Duggars allowed TLC crews into the labour room, TLC had a series called “A Baby Story” that ran from 1998 to 2007.

    2. Alberta, people post anything and everything on YouTube and a lot of personal things such as births and weddings that they post are purely a indication that they are in desperate need for attention. There is no logical reason to film and post the birth of your child for strangers to see. The Duggar s do it for attention and money and most of us wonder why getting a job so that your child does not have to become the breadwinner in your family seems to be such a problem for them. Being a hard-working man or woman is an example to the younger generation to be a good responsible man or women. That is being a good testimony and witness for Christ. We don't need to see yet another Duggar birth, we need to see them showing the younger generation how to love and serve God which is what this world needs more of.

    3. Agree. To this family, almost nothing is private or sacred.

    4. Anonymous 4:36

      You good just skip those episodes and live by the rule if I fon't have anything nice to say. I'll be quiet.


    5. AnonymousDecember 11, 2020 at 4:36 PM If I understand your reply correctly, you think the YouTube people are desperate for attention, the Duggars do it for money and attention, but all the people who were part of TLC’s “A Baby Story” from 1998-2007 do not deserve to be trash talked since you didn’t mention them in your rant.

    6. No offense people but you have got to be really bored to find entertainment in watching one women after another in labor and then giving birth on a reality show. LOL

    7. 10:05PM Really. Several places on my body ache just thinking about it.

  5. I hate it when they do this. They'll show it again as part of a regular season, so there's really no sense watching it twice.

    1. Actually, there is sense. These shorter ones are for the many people who used to complain that they had to wait months to see the birth stories. Just pick one or the other to watch, it's that simple.

    2. TLC only uses this again as filler for a season. They don't need to air it twice.

  6. They were worried about going into labour by themselves, what's the point in going to hospital then,I understand there's a pandemic going on,but aren't the birthing team kept separate from the Covid patients,I went to hospital a few months ago (in the Uk)and it was the same as usual apart from everyone wearing face covering,and patients got a Covid test as soon as they entered,looks like they might have been better off having a home birth,and then there's Kendra having to either keep her baby in or have to give birth without a doctor in hospital,if hospital births are so bad looks like the Duggars did well originally believing in home births where the obstetrician concentrates on you solely,my sister in law gave birth on her own in hospital because it was new year and they left her to labour on her own as they went to celebrate,the things that can happen in hospital are astounding!

    1. A large number of people who would normally pick a hospital without thinking about alternatives are now choosing to birth at home or a birth center, because the hospitals are full of covid (in addition to the MRSA, C. difficile, etc. that normally plague them).

      I birth at birth centers. One of the local ones I inquired with was already fully booked for my birth month! I'm glad more people are discovering the benefits and joys of out-of-hospital birth. WHO reports have long tried to convince people that midwifery-led models result in better outcomes than OB-led models: better for the mother, better for the baby, and better for them both postpartum as well. Still, as those reports conclude, one of the reasons the US has such an abnormally high maternal mortality rate compared to other developed countries like the UK is because there are too few midwives compared to OBs. Although the pandemic is stretching midwives even thinner, hopefully the increased demand now will boost both supply and demand for midwives over the long run, and we'll start to see a safer, more natural, more respectful birth culture in the US.

    2. @12:08pm
      Birthing centers and home births are a great option for many, but not all. I have two young children (1 & 3) and I had to birth at the hospital because I’m high risk. I was on injectable blood thinners throughout both pregnancies to prevent clotting and I’m AMA. Unfortunately, I was not a good candidate for a birthing center nor a home birth.

      As for higher maternal mortality in the U.S., that’s in large part to the lack of postpartum follow up care. Perhaps midwives are better at that but the awareness in the importance of PP care in hospitals is increasing. And it’s also the responsibility of the mother to follow up with her care, as well.

  7. Why don't they just stick to selling stuff on their web site and NOT sell the birth of their daughter to a TV show?

    1. I don’t think they are selling the birth of their daughter. They probably have a contract in place with TLC, that they have so many episodes a year to film. Yes, they probably get paid by TLC, but they are already on a contract. Also, look at all the Instagram and you tube people who do the same thing. I like the ones where they promote a brand with their baby announcement, now that’s just strange to me.

    2. You can bet your last dollar that any TLC contract includes first rights to any courtships, engagements, weddings, honeymoons, pregnancy, pregnancy announcements, and births that may occur while a Duggar is under contract. It is indeed about selling their life and somebody's getting paid well. Let's be honest here.

    3. What TLC doesn't contract, People and Us do. It's a shame when your income is based on selling your private life for others to view.

  8. Would like to watch the show but what hard working person can stay up that late to watch tv?
    Oh well!

    1. 11 pm Eastern
      10 pm Central
      9 pm Mountain
      8 pm Pacific

    2. It's called a DVR. 🙄

    3. What do you mean? Most of the people who post on here don’t work outside the home, so they can stay up and sleep as late as they want!

    4. 12:32AM: It's not called a DVR. It's called reality, people can't stay up that late if they work and not everybody has a DVR. Be a little less smarty-pants and a little more understanding.

    5. @11:05 I guess I'm the weirdo here. I work fulltime outside of my apartment. I head to bed *early* at 9:30 so I can get up at 6am to go to work and I don't have cable or a DVR. I didn't realize I was an outcast here.

    6. @11:05 One of those “don’t-work-outside-the-homers” here. It’s 8:17 pm as I write this, and I am just now getting a chance to poop for the day, now that I have my five children in bed. In a minute I will take a quick shower. Then I will stay up finishing laundry and prepping schoolwork and probably delivering water to one or more coughing children and then let the dogs in and then finish dishes and fall asleep. Then I will get up between 3 and 8 times tonight to nurse, soothe, water, or tuck back in a child. Then I will wake up at 5:45 with my children, have 1 minute to wash my face and brush my teeth, and then make breakfast. I don’t know who the ladies are that you know who stay home and watch at their leisure, but they sound retired.

    7. 7:21

      You chose to have five kids. If you had used birth control, maybe you'd have more time for yourself. Also, your entire family should be getting COVID-tested if your kids are coughing.

    8. 7:21, lots of love and respect to you! Thank you for what you do.

    9. 11:03 wow....really. That was pretty rude to go off the way you nice. She wasn't complaining, simply explaining her day is not sitting and watching TV at her leisure.

    10. @7:21 Are you married? Where's the father of those children and why isn't he doing half that stuff?

    11. Thank you @7:21. I was going to post something similar. By the way, I have 2 kids. I’m still exhausted and not able to stay up as late as I want!

    12. I’m happy to have 5! I’m pregnant with my 6th currently. I wasn’t complaining. I was bringing reality to a very false statement an above commenter made.

      Thanks for the covid advice. Unfortunately my physician husband disagrees with your uneducated opinion that covid testing is necessary at this time.

    13. If your physician husband has been around patients all day and then back home around you and the kids, he shouldn't be dismissing the idea of testing. Some health care workers aren't going home at all after their shifts. Some have been staying in RV's all year, some in rental houses by themselves, and there was one in Texas who was living in the kids' treehouse in the back yard. We are also wondering why your physician husband isn't getting up to check on the coughing. Seems he'd be more qualified since he's educated in these matters.

    14. 7:21 You call out someone for making assumptions about your life, yet you end your comments with doing the same about retired people. I'm retired. While I no longer have kids at home to care for, I can assure you that I'm not sitting around watching TV all day.

    15. 6:46, you made me laugh. I have 5 kids also. It is crazy busy, but life with my kids is so worth it!!

    16. 2:05, how about you let her doctor husband do what he feels is the right thing to do? Goodness, the keyboard nannies!

    17. 2:05, I think the medical staff you're referring to who don't go home are ones who are working with covid patients. Her husband may not be working with covid patients.

    18. Some of your comments are just so nasty and uncalled for. Shaming people for not having DVRs, assuming everyone here just sits around at home (as if being a homemaker isn't working)... Makes me wonder if many of you are unhappy and lashing out makes you feel better? I'll pray for the critical ones.

    19. And I'll pray for the ones who pray for the ones they deem critical.

  9. What no return date yet? Hopefully this means Counting On is finally cancelled!!

    1. No chance, they've got Justin's courtship and marriage to film to keep things interesting or at least to have people criticize about a boy being allowed to marry which I don't understand as he will only be one year younger than Joy and two years younger than Josh when they got married and the other siblings were just a little older.

    2. Doubtful. Three months ago they had 1.2 million viewers.

    3. 1.2m viewers is nothing. There are cartoon shows with that many viewers.

    4. That's really not a high rating. @7:23

  10. I can't wait to watch the birth of Evangeline 🤰 with my dad. Jinger and Jeremy are my favorite Duggars. ♥️👶 Natasha b

  11. Won't be watching. I'm so sick of hearing about the Vuolos!

    1. Me either. I'm growing a bit weary of them myself. I don't know if it's Jinger's over done hair or just their general attitude of claiming they're some sort of "break out stars" which IMO diminishes the rest of the family.

    2. I'll watch it, but I agree that I'm ready to spread the attention around to other family members.

    3. I think people are seeing the vuolo's trying to fit into the Hollywood life and come off as people who are full of themselves. People liked the Duggar s because they were down to earth, frugal, God fearing people who we related to, so to see this shift to big spending, self promoting people it is a turn off. These two have saturated the web and every social media outlet with all their business and it's just too much. They should step back awhile and just live an authentic life instead of living out their lives for the public.

    4. 12:36, I agree. I’m also saddened to see so many Christian Instagram influencers who seem to spend large parts of their day photographing everything from their morning coffee to their manicures. I realize that these young woman aren’t allowed to work outside of the home and are just monetizing their “fame” but it seems very shallow. I really don’t see how so much online exposure can be a good thing in the long run and doesn’t seem to mesh with their constant talk about modesty. My mother taught me that modesty is more than just keeping certain parts of your body covered.It’s also about not flaunting your looks, wealth or popularity. I’m not picking on just this family; there are many of these Christian influencers, some of whom have been married 15 minutes giving marriage advice or child rearing advice as soon as they have their first child. I know I’m old fashioned but the over exposure can’t be emotionally healthy & seems to lead to an exaggerated sense of worth and importance.

    5. Poor Jinger and that hair.

    6. 6:30Pm I agree. If those people had their internet cut, they wouldn't know what to do. "Influencer" is who they've become, and it's very vain.

    7. 1:56 is describing the very image TLC and the Duggars wanted viewers to believe at first. Unfortunately, some viewers are still holding onto that image although that lifestyle is LONG gone.

  12. I won’t be watching as I expect that most of the footage will be repeated next season.

  13. There should be a new show called "Moving On", featuring the Dillards. I'd watch that.

    1. I don't think Derrick and Jill WANT to be on a TV show. IMO getting off the show was the best thing they did for themselves and their children.

    2. @4:18 So was hiring a lawyer to get paid the money owed to them for being on the show.

  14. So much negativity, as if 2020 isn't already full of that! Congratulations, Jinger and Jeremy! You have a beautiful family, can't wait to see the special <3

    1. I agree, can’t wait to see it either! The Duggers are such a blessing!❤️

    2. I don’t understand why the Duggar’s are a blessing. What are they giving back that is so valuable?

    3. Sis: Apparently some people consider watching them on TV some sort of "blessing". I'm not sure why watching their staged "reality" show is a blessing, but if some see it that way, it's fine with me.

  15. Who said that they had a film crew. Jeremy could of filmed it himself since the hospital probably has restrictions of how many people in the delivery room due to COVID19. And also I'm not very interested in watching it. I haven't watched a Duggar grandbaby be born since Jill's son Israel before TLC pulled the plug on 19 Kids and Counting due to the scandal. After that show ended and they started Counting On,we stopped watching the Duggar family due to the scandal.

  16. Man, the pandemic must be hitting you guys hard. There's a lot of negativity on these blogs lately. We are all struggling one way or another. Please be kind.

    1. Based off the Duggars’ behavior during the pandemic and the lack of precautions that many of the posters on here are taking, the negativity is very well-deserved. There, I said it!

    2. Hah! The negativity is about everything, not just masks.

    3. 10:12PM The pandemic is hitting everyone hard or hadn't you noticed? It doesn't help when people in public view, whether TV people or politicians, set bad examples or try to downplay the seriousness. There, I said it too. (Thanks 11:09AM)

  17. Agree with most of the comments so far that say won't watch it because it will repeat and won't watch it because you shouldn't sell the birth of your baby. The Vuolos are too interested in being celebrities.

    1. Yeah. They seem to think they're "break out stars".

    2. All those here who always said "They're not the Kardashians!" might want to reconsider that notion. I see little difference when it comes to publicity and promotion.

      I can't imagine the pastor of the church I grew up going to having time to take selfies, making podcasts, or selling hats and candles. He was too busy writing profound sermons to inspire the congregation on Sunday, visiting the sick and shut-ins, making sure the church building was being taken care of, and ministering to those in need at any hour of the day or night - all while dealing with a wife who was ill must of her life. Somehow I have a hard time picturing Jeremy in that type of role.

    3. 2:00, Jeremy is NOT a pastor right now. He's a student and works someplace, because Jinger has referred to him coming home from work, so he is busy, but obviously must have some free time to do these other things.

    4. @11:18 Jeremy was doing stuff like filming the show and posting pictures of himself when he WAS a pastor, remember?

    5. I will watch it, but obviously this family is too interested in the spotlight. Selling a candle for $18 in their online shop is insane.

    6. 2:00, he was filmed doing stuff he would have been doing anyway, and it takes seconds to post a picture.

    7. 5:50 It means you've taken your focus away from your family and your job and put it on what the public thinks of you and what you think they want to see of you. It may be "seconds" of button pushing time but it's a whole lifestyle of thinking like that behind it.

  18. Maybe people should go elsewhere to put their focus on what's their interest and not waste their precious gocus time here. I like the Duggar videos about having their babies. I don't even know why are we seeing negative comments like this on a fan page? I think people's interest waxes and wanes if they find it educational, informative, inspiring, entertaining, curious etc. I find it to be good news about a new life in a world that's not showing enough pure love anymore. More power to this loving family. They can teach us a lot about their lifestyle.

    1. Criticism comes with TV territory and not everyone is sold on the idea that the Duggars' way of life is an example for us all to folllow. They've certainly got their own problems, to be sure.

    2. @12:26 I don't call it loving to openly disregard or ignore COVID precautions and CDC recommendations. The Duggars set a very poor example, IMO.

    3. 12:26AM I thought at first the Duggars were a loving family too but then the Josh scandals broke and the curtain was drawn back on the truth about what goes on in this family. I was horrified that such a thing could have been covered up for the sake of an image or a TV show. I don't need such "lifestyle" lessons from the Duggars. What you think you're learning is only what you want to see. It's like standing out in the rain with an umbrella and claiming it's not raining because you're not getting wet.

    4. @4:08 you probably don tell have anything else to do Covid-19 is just a common cold

    5. Sh, COVID-19 is NOT just a common cold! Try telling that to the families who lost people.

    6. 12:01 PM -- I believe Covid is real, and I feel for the families who have suffered. But the high survival rate doesn't justify the damage that the shutdowns have done to this country -- to real people, their businesses, their families. Suicides, businesses totally wiped out, domestic violence off the charts. It's tragedy on top of tragedy.

    7. @10:56 Did you ever think that the survival rate is what it is BECAUSE there were shutdowns? That there would have been MANY more virus cases and deaths if we hadn't? Sweden tried not shutting down and it didn't work - they are now shutting down, and their economy is no better than the rest of shut-down Europe.

  19. Aww i cant wait ..... i hope we can see it soon here in The Netherlands .

  20. I am looking forward, to watching Jinger's birth special!!!!!

    1. What in the world is the excitement in watching someone in horrible pain and then finally give birth? This is a total stranger to us, how is her giving birth any of our business? This seems weird to me.

    2. If you follow and care about the family as real people, if you think babies are a gift, if you enjoy seeing the joy on others' faces when something wonderful happens to them, you just might enjoy a birth episode.

  21. Good morning haters out there.....if you don’t like the VUOLO’s then don’t follow.... you never see Jinger’s birth showing the full birth ... this is in good taste..... if you don’t want to watch in your time slot.. then don’t or record it if you wish ... stop complaining and whining like a child put your big girl pants on and deal with it! The VUOLO’s are a beautiful young Christian family spreading the gospel of Jesus.

    1. You sound hateful too, and not at all like a beautiful person "spreading the gospel of Jesus". Are you aware of that?

    2. Spreading the gospel one hat and one candle at a time? Seems anyone could open a storefront with merchandise and take the money for it. How is that doing the Lord's work?

    3. Which Vuolo’s what?

    4. Anon 9:56 I think people are just pointing out the fact that if you have to make money off your newborn child then perhaps you should look for a better and more respectful way of earning a living like actually holding a real job like the rest of us do. I think getting up in the morning and going to work is putting on your big girl or boy pants and so your comment should be directed to the ones who dont.

    5. People who proselytize turn me off. Believe what you wish and set a positive example in word and deed. Trolling for money and using your religion to justify it doesn’t meet the smell test, IMO.

  22. 11 pm or 3 am? I guess this is not a popular show to watch, or it would be shown when people are awake and watching TV.

  23. I won’t be watching due to the timing which is very strange.

    1. Can't u record and. Watch it at a convenient time?

  24. Thanks for listing the showtimes. Very helpful.

  25. Hope it was fast and easy delivery for Jinger.

  26. Y’all have nothing else to do then to comment hateful stuff on a blog?

    1. I agree...when did this change? This used to be a blog with pretty positive and uplifting comments and now its just changing. I have been thinking about just going to the bates blog. So sad.

    2. I think the comments are interesting. I don't see people being "hateful", they just have opinions. Dismissing opinions you disagree with as "hateful" or "negative" seems pretty small minded.

    3. @3:33 I think it started changing when the perfect image of the Duggars started to unravel about 5 years ago. Suddenly everything wasn't sunshine.

    4. Anon 2:57 - I think you are right about the timing of the criticisms. It did seem to begin when we discovered that the Duggar’s were hiding truths about themselves that were very contrary to the initial image they tried to portray. If they had been honest, without a tell-all but just by admitting they had serious family issues but were trying to do their best, people wouldn’t have come down so hard on them when the truth was revealed. They made themselves look the the ideal Christian family that everyone should try to emulate. That’s what made the downfall such a shock and generated all this criticism. They are just a family struggling to overcome adversity and live in the love and forgiveness of Christ. They just need to be more humble about it.

  27. A birth is not modest!

    1. I agree 4:22. Even if it's filmed from across the room or from the head of the bed, it's not appropriate to film any bodily functions.

    2. At 1105, I agree with you. Although this is the family where Jessa showed when Spurgie peed his pants when she was potty training him. Jill

    3. Filming the top half of a covered woman is not modest. Huh.

    4. Not appropriate to film bodily functions ... yeah like breathing lol come on people !

    5. Well, I don't agree, and I'm a pretty modest person. You are not seeing anything immodest or inappropriate, unlike TLC's old birth show, which actually showed the babies being born.

  28. I'd like to see videos of Felicity talking or singing or playing or something, and not so many staged photos. Have we even heard her voice?

    1. Yes many times I’ve heard Felicitys voice....they do post ... and if you watched the new episode you would have heard and seen how precious Felicity was with baby Evie Jo😍

  29. Evangeline is beautiful! Seeing a new life coming into the world is such a blessing❤️😊 Congrats Jinger, Jeremy and Felicity on baby girl!

  30. I enjoy watching the Duggars. Personally I am not a fan of birthing shows. I will skip watching the birth of this precious little baby. Congratulations to the Vuolos. They have a beautidful family.

  31. Did any of you listen to their podcast where they interviewed 11 year old Jordyn? I feel bad; she sounded so uncomfortable. She asked twice if they could be done.

    1. I didn't listen, but it's sad that they're making her do stuff she doesn't want to do. If the adult women want to give birth on TV to pay their doctor bills, by all means they should. However, exploiting an 11 year old child is wrong.

    2. Actually, Jordyn wasn't really uncomfortable and anxious to finish the podcast because of that. She agreed to sub co-host the interview in Jinger's place IF Jeremy would secretly tell her (and only her) the baby's full name when they were done the podcast. LOL

  32. Jinger and Jeremy remind me of Harry and Megan ("royalty" from the UK). It seems like they're desperately trying to make money off the Duggar name. What, exactly, have they accomplished on their own? (I refer to Harry and Meghan too).

  33. DEcember 20th is a Sunday, they have 90 Day Fiance on Sundays.

  34. Some Duggars do 90-day fiancé too!

    1. So true! Even less in some cases...

  35. I try really hard NOT to read all the comments.. however I just cant with some of these comments... If you do NOT like the Duggars; if you find everything they do offense - Then go away... Why spend so much time hating.... TURN IT OFF; skip this page.. If I find things disturbing, I dont watch.. I just keep moving. This world we live in is NASTY.. We are so quick to be anonymous.. to post hate... STOP... Go away... Go find what you enjoy... And if you really are strong with your convictions.. then dont post anonymous...

    1. 👆 Yes, this. It gets depressing reading all the contentious negativity. Like our lives aren't stressful enough.

    2. Ya I hate the way they treat Jessa, it makes me mad!!!!!


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