
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Duggars #10 and 11 Turn 22

Happy 22nd birthday to Jedidiah and Jeremiah! They are Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's second set of twins, and they are the oldest of six brothers who sit between Joy-Anna and Johannah in the Duggar family lineup.

Jedidiah Duggar and Jeremiah Duggar

Photos courtesy


  1. Time to go a-courting.

    1. I think it would be fun if one of them married Kendra's sister. How fun would that be to have your sister for a sister-in-law?

    2. No, his sister in law would again be his sister in law.

    3. Anon 11:18. Kendra's sister Lauren announced her engagement to someone other than a Duggar a while back. They would have to wait quite a while before any of Kendra's other sisters would be old enough to get married.

    4. Their children would be double first cousins.

    5. 5:37, that's right. I forgot she was engaged. 3:33, your sister, not his sister-in-law. 1:14, I guess the fun would depend on whether you like your sister. Both of my sisters are awesome, and I'd love to be at family gatherings on both sides with them. But if you don't get along with your sister, I can see why you would think it wouldn't be fun.

    6. I heard Lauren is no longer engaged.

    7. Kendra's sister's engagement is no longer on.

  2. Wishing you a day of joy and a year of happiness and blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  3. Blessings and happiness throughout your birthday year.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  4. Does anyone know if they're still in the "bachelor pad" or have they moved back home to Mom and Dad?

    1. Going by the amount of furniture that house ever had, I'd say they weren't planning on putting down roots there. I thought it was borrowed from a friend so it could be used for election purposes.

  5. 😀 Happy 22nd 🎂 birthday Jedidiah & Jerermiah Duggar. I hope you both had a great day🎈 May God bless you both. I've watched you guys since 2004. It's very exciting to watch you guys & your family even still to this day & hopefully beyond in the future. I ♥️ love the Duggar's. I can't wait for season 12 coming in 2021. Natasha b

    1. Aww, what a sweet comment Natasha,happy new year to you.

  6. Happy 22nd Double Birthday to Jed and Jer. Your my favorite guys in the Duggar family and you two are 4 months older than me (as I am 9 months younger). I admire you two for breaking the tradition of living at home until your married. I wish I was lucky like you. I'm the eldest of 3 girls in my family and have always wished I could try living alone,but 2020 helped me be thankful for a family to live with during this pandemic,otherwise I would of been sad and depressed to of been apart from them for 1 1/2 months during lockdown last Spring.

    1. 9:47PM: What does that mean, they are 4 months older than you, but you are 9 months younger than them.

    2. You have the right to try living alone if it is your wish. There are associations that could help you. Good luck with it ! (But I have to say, There's either 4 or 9 months between you and the twins, but not both. You may need to revise your maths -no irony intended- to be able to deal with the rent, the taxes, etc.).

  7. Happy birthday to ththe twins!

  8. 22!!! That's nuts! Happy Birthday Boys!!!

  9. Here's hoping that Jedidiah & Jeremiah, enjoyed their 22nd Birthdays!!!!

  10. So was Jed required to move back in his parents' house after losing the election? Many of us out here in the real world have suspected that that 'house he moved in to" was just an address in the district sham so he could run for office. Where is he living now? Please let us know.

    1. His parents didn't 'require' him to live with them before the election, so, NO, he isn't required to move back. All of the adult children over 18 years old, can choose to live on their own or choose to live at the family home. And that statement has been made by Jim Bob.

    2. Just because Jim Bob says the socially-acceptable thing, doesn't mean it's true. We don't know what happens behind closed doors, but it seems as though the kids are expected to stay at home, because they all do.

  11. To each his/her own, but I would never want a tree that size in my home, even if it fit. I just don't see the point, other than maybe it was just a TLC idea for the show. Michelle didn't even seem pleased with it.

    1. I think it would be so festive! It's crazy big, but this year I'm kind of wanting extra Christmas/holiday spirit because so much normal and fun and joy were sucked out of this year.

    2. I'm with you, 2:06, and I think their tree was very beautiful, size and all. I thought it was very touching that they put an ornament on the tree that had a photo of Grandma Duggar on it. I love the Duggar Christmas videos, my favorites.

    3. Yeah. I don't think Michelle was on board with that huge tree. What a mess with heavy equipment being used to bring it inside the house.

    4. What does the size of the Duggar Christmas tree have to do with this particular blog post.

  12. I'm confused. On their official birthday greeting to the twins, the Duggars congratulated Jed on "most recently" passing the realtor exam. But wasn't it Jer who did that last month?

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BOTH🎂🎈🎈🎈🎈🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁

  14. happy birthday Jedidiah and Jeremiah i hope you guys have a wonderful birthday :)

  15. They don't seem to have any individual pics of either young man. Always in a group. How sad to grow up without anyone wanting to take a picture just of you. I guess that's how it is in a mega family.

    1. I have no idea for sure on their situation but I have friends who are twins (both guys as well) and they are always together because they choose to be and have admitted they have their own friends but when they really want to have fun they do it together. So it is possible that the pictures are always the both of them because Jed and Jer they are that close and want to spend a lot of their time together.

    2. 7:30, that's what I was thinking. They always seem to be together on the show.

    3. No one ever said, "Let's get your picture, Jed." or "Let's get a picture of just you."

    4. 11:51, don't think any of us know what was never said.

  16. Nicest looking boys!

  17. Happy birthday Jed and Jer!
    Lovely new header, Lily and Ellie!

  18. Wait, the new header already has Justin and Claire as a couple? They're not married. What if you would have put Marjorie up there prematurely?

    1. I don't think Marjorie and Si were engaged. They broke up at the courting stage. Justin and Claire are engaged, so they were added.

    2. Justin and Clare are engaged. They were happily dating for over a year, Justin lives in Texas where he moved for Clare. It's a very different situation than with Josian and Marjorie who went out couple of times together and that;s it.

    3. Did they get engaged or just courting?

    4. Marjorie wasn't engaged to Josiah, only courting.

    5. Justin and Claire will be getting married soon,the header will stay like this for about a year so if they just put up a photo of Justin people would have complained and urged to have the header changed and add his wife especially if she gets pregnant and are soon going to be a family.

    6. Could they be married already?

  19. Thank you, ladies, for the work you did on the new header but it way too small and sort of 'floats' out there. Please work on enlarging it. Thank you.

  20. Happy bday to them and I super love the new banner Ellie and Lily. Very clean and professional looking. Super awesome.

  21. Off topic, but the new banner looks great!

    1. I also, like the new banner.

    2. Claire should not be on there. She is not a Duggar or married to one yet.

  22. Yes. Banner looks great. Some thought and work went in to that! Good job. Good to include Claire now instead of having to do that work later. Anyway, she and Justin are likely married already.

  23. Love the new header. Nice to something different for a change. I love the Gold color. Gold’s my favorite color!

  24. I hope they both find loving and caring spouses and start families soon.

  25. Since it's the last post of the year my predictions for the next year :) :
    Justin gets married in January-February and has a baby on his birthday.
    Kendra gives birth on Valentine's Day.
    Anna, Abbie, Jessa and Lauren make pregnancy announcements earlier in the year and give birth by the end of the year.
    James gets engaged to Lauren Caldwell.

    1. I hate to rain on your parade but Lauren Caldwell recently announced her engagement to some guy who is NOT a Duggar.

    2. And I predict Lauren gets married to the man she is currently engaged to, lol, but the other predictions are realistic enough.

    3. 9:58 11:30 - you should keep up guys lol, Lauren broke off her engagement a while ago

    4. @9:58 and 11:30 Lauren Caldwell is not currently engaged. She was, but she isn't now. There is no ring, no pictures with a fiance, no talk of a wedding. She is available.

    5. Lauren Caldwell never made a statement that the engagement is off, that's just online gossip because the announcement on insta was deleted, but she obviously deleted because she realised she was getting too much media attention, she could be afraid that paparazzi will follow her every move up to the wedding and at the wedding, she is probably right, when you are related to celebs you risk getting the same attention.

    6. The ring is off her finger. No girl takes an engagement ring off unless it's over.

  26. -Looking forward to Jackson’s courtship. Maybe later this year..

  27. Replies
    1. I would guess, that Jim Bob & Michelle, still have twelve of their children, living in their home. The twelve children are: Jana, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Tyler, Jordyn and Josie.

    2. Justin doesn’t live there. Josh lives out back.

  28. I’m curious why you all didn’t post a birthday wish for Jinger?

    1. Missed Jana & JD too. Something's up.


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