
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Duggar-Sized Christmas Tree

James Duggar, Michelle Duggar, Jim Bob Duggar, Jana Duggar

When you hear the term "Duggar-sized Christmas tree," what comes to mind? Perhaps a nice 8-footer? Or a 10-footer? Or maybe, since the Duggars' living room ceiling is so tall, they would be able to pull off a 12-foot tree. 

Well, this year the Duggars went BIG, and by big, we mean 20 feet tall and 400 pounds in weight. While Michelle and Jordyn were in Los Angeles helping Jinger and Jeremy with baby Evangeline Vuolo, the rest of the Duggar clan executed a gigantic surprise, in the name of Christmas cheer. Below is the link to the TLC video highlighting the process of transporting the tree from the great outdoors into their home. 

Video: Duggar Christmas tree 2020

Photo courtesy


  1. Replies
    1. Feels kind of showy, like maybe made to impress a TV audience...especially with the professional photographer (dressed down in jeans & t-shirt) stepping in to take numerous shots. What's really sad is that if you watch Jessa's video all the way through, the guys all look pretty bored and disconnected most of this visit and even the kids were bored most of the time. Lots of fake polite smiling and feigned interest as everyone opens gifts. All that effort with the tree, Uncle "Santa", and the photographer seems like they missed what Christmas is really about altogether...kind of sad.

    2. They need something to film.... So they think of new challenges...

    3. I didn't think putting up the tree was a TLC thing. The credits say duggar family. Same with the Christmas video. That was Jessa leading it. It included Josh. Maybe they were just having fun. James likes those kind of projects and is quite creative. He did it with the Duggar wood sculpture in the dead tree in front of the house. One year my dad put up an outside Christmas tree, put lights on it and sprayed water on it. It was cold enough to produce beautiful icicles. The lights shone through. It was all just for fun. It brings back memories. It was beautiful.

    4. The video seemed more joyful and fun to me.. I loved it. We have had big family gatherings too and of course there's going to be down-time where you're sitting on the couch a bit bored. But watching everyone else is still fun and you get to talk to someone after a while.

    5. Because it's beautiful! Why decorate at all for Christmas or other holidays? Beauty! And the novelty of seeing familiar spaces transformed.

      I think it was a great idea. They had plenty of land, trees, heavy equipment, and cooperative know-how to get it done. What great memories.

  2. Come on, you have to admit, that’s pretty cool!

  3. I find this to be very wasteful. The tree belongs in the woods, not cut down and placed in the house.
    I'm not a fan of "real" Christmas trees. We've had a small artificial tree for many years.

    1. So you're more a fan of the environmental pollution produced by manufacturing artificial trees?

    2. I’ve had the same 6 foot artificial tree for 28 years. It worked just fine and provided many memories as we raised our 4 kids.

    3. They own the property and there are probably plenty of other trees. I don't think one tree is going to make a difference.

    4. @Dec 31 11:26 You hold onto an artificial tree for a long time, so the impact divided by the years you have it is minimal. Plus you're providing a job for some manufacturer.

    5. They make good mulch afterward for the yard.

    6. They should have left the tree outside and decorated it with natural elements for the wildlife. They could have decorated it with berries, nuts, and made bird feeders too. Watching the animals stop by to feed would have provided great viewing for all, especially the grandchildren.

    7. @12:22 We did that one year with a live tree that we later planted. Never brought it in the house - decorated it out on the deck. After Christmas, we drove around the neighborhood and picked up discarded cut trees at curbs, brought them home, set them upright outside, and made the best little forest for birds and squirrels you ever saw! We had tons of birds that used the trees for winter shelter and for feeding with what we hung on the limbs. The trees lasted til spring, when we wood chipped them for mulch. You're right, it's wonderful watching the birds at feeders in trees. We love it as much as our cats do!

    8. 12:22, that is something nice they "could" have done, not "should" have done.

  4. Wow that’s crazy. Like really? I think a 12 foot or even just a wimpy old 10 foot would do

  5. Why does that remind me of Christmas a squirrel is going to jump out of the tree haha

  6. What a shame that they killed that nice tree. Should have left it where they found it.

    1. Agree. If they left the tree where it was, they could have looked at it for decades to come. Instead they ended its life so they could laugh at bringing it in the house.

    2. 🙄 Their tree, their decision what to do with it.

    3. It may have been their decision but it reflects what they think of the environment.

    4. 5:17, so no one is ever allowed to cut down a tree because "the environment"?

  7. Time 8:55PM Tues 12/29/20
    Wow pretty cool Christmas tree

  8. I love real Christmas trees but am allergic to them. So is my daughter. Their tree was beautiful.

    1. Oh I didn't know that was even possible ! Sorry for you and your daughter !

    2. Allergic here to (all three of us). Not as uncommon as people think, actually. Fortunately for us, both sets of grandparents went to artificial trees years ago to make it easier on themselves (but none of us visited each other's homes this year and we all survived it).

  9. On My Goodness that video was awesome!!! I absolutely love Christmas trees and that one would be my dream tree, it was so beautiful! My kids wouldn't want me to ever take it down. lol

  10. Who did they have to blur out on the sofa?

  11. Amazing surprise!
    But my first thought was - why cut such a beautiful tree from their property?

    1. Maybe they have other beautiful trees?

    2. To make a beautiful Christmas tree?

  12. It's a gorgeous tree but lots of needles to sweep up. When my daughters were young children we would look forward to cutting down our Christmas tree.

  13. Way over the top like anything they do or don't do, IMO. Instead of posting this video why not have them explain WHY NOW it is OK for them to have a non-religious symbol of Christmas in their home. One of the excuses Michelle gave was that they had too many small children at home who would want to pull the tree down...this doesn't seem valid at this time due to the large number of small grandchildren they have and seem to always be over their house. We also see footage of them some years ago having a tree in the rental house; then explanations of the no tree policy because it isn't about Jesus's birthday. So, what is the truth here?

    1. Well stated - I completely agree.

    2. People can change their minds.

    3. I had that same thought why was Santa Claus (uncle) and a Christmas tree there. When I also remember Michelle stating that they don't encourage Santa Claus or Christmas tree in their home. I think we all deserve a Duggar explanation.

    4. Was TLC filming this special?

  14. They put the tree in a bucket with water? I wonder how long the tree will stand, and also -what will they do with it? They don't have wood fireplaces in the house, I don't think so.

    1. Maybe they'll build something with the trunk later.

    2. Maybe they'll grind it up and use it for mulch after Christmas. Not much else you can do with a dried out Christmas tree.

  15. My dad & I were amazed how big the Duggar's Christmas tree was. When we saw the tree in their living room we couldn't believe it but it turned out beautiful. It was a great surprise for Michelle. We're definitely ready for spring & counting on season 12. Natasha b

    1. I couldn’t believe how tall their ceilings are that they could have a 20 foot tree!

  16. They went big for TLC filming purposes. This stunt comes across to me as showing off, certainly contrary to their promotion of modesty and humbleness in all things. It's also contrary to their past statements about how mainstream Christmas traditions take away from what they believe is the true meaning of the holiday, the birth of Christ.

    1. Huh. It comes across to me as something young men might do because they think it's cool and fun.

    2. 2:42 - agreed! Besides, isn’t this Jessa’s video.

  17. Seems a bit excessive to me but guess they like showing off for the TV cameras, so why not?

  18. This is really excessive on their part. Many of us had have had a very tough year thanks to the pandemic raging in the country and it's a slap in our faces to see this vulgar display. The humble and frugal Duggars? Hardly

    1. Not humble and frugal anymore. Fame has changed them. Especially JB.

    2. They literally used one of their own trees. It's hardly a slap in the face. What other people choose to do with their own property is up to them and does absolutely nothing negative to me. It's ok, even healthy, to let other people live their lives and not take it personally.

    3. Oh, please. They didn't go out and buy the tree. They used a resource they already had. When you choose to be happy for other people, it improves your own mental outlook and frankly comes across much better than bitterly complaining.

    4. Yikes. I'm sorry their tree bothers you so much.

    5. Anon 9:27 The tree was free because it was cut down on their own land. I can see thinking it would excessive if they had paid for a tree that big, but they didnt. All around my neighborhood people put up Christmas lights and decorations and a lot of them never did that before. We all needed something to lighten all the stuff we all went through this year so what the Duggar S did is no different then what most over us did this year. Life is short and life is tough so seize these precious moments and enjoy what time we have with one another.

    6. You can have just as precious moments without going overboard on anything.

    7. I don’t see how it’s a vulgar display. People are still living their lives, do you expect everyone to sit around depressed? Yes, the tree was over the top, but it’s not a slap in the face to anyone

    8. 12:58, of course you can, but we should let people make their own memories their own way.

    9. And you can also have precious moments when you do something big and crazy.

    10. Maybe BECAUSE of Covid, we all need a little fun and change of pace. Good for you, Duggar’s!!!

  19. That's crazy big, but I'm sure it's gorgeous to look at. The kids could play hide and seek under it, if it's securely stabilized!

    1. Yeah I was thinking, what if it tipped over

  20. I am glad I don't have to sweep up after the take down that tree!

    1. Haha I was thinking that, all the nettles

  21. Did the Duggars win the "Who has the biggest Christmas tree in the living room" contest? lol

    1. Since no one else was competing, it's hardly a contest.

  22. Here is another example of how extreme the parents are in their emotional personality makeups..either they have no tree at all OR they get a Rockefeller Center sized the TV watching..they had a tv, watched it for hours on end, then they threw it in the closet and no TV at all for years...They dated, were alone, kissed, etc....then turned extreme in religious social customs and banned their children from any type of normal adolescent social growth..chaperones, etc. It really is sad.

    1. @1:13 Spot on and I think you just described narcissism too.

    2. What makes you think this was their idea? Michelle wasn't even there.

    3. When did they watch TV for hours on end? And please think about the fact that they might be stopping these things because they realized how bad they were for them. Have you ever changed a bad habit? Hope we all have at least tried to do so.

  23. Nothing like some conspicuous consumption. lol

  24. Here's hoping that Jedidiah & Jeremiah, are enjoying their 22nd Birthday!!!!!

  25. It was a fantastic tree. Loved the white lights!

  26. I was wowed by the tree! So majestic and lovely!

  27. Love the team work! The Duggars are so good at cooperating! No matter what people say or think Michelle and JB created a very warm house and ll the married ones are willing to come and visit. Minus Jill, obviously. Her loss, imo. Her kids are missing on so much fun :( Does Jessa look pregnant on the video? She is my favourite Duggar girl :)

    1. I don't know, but Anna was clearly expecting or very far? Jane

  28. What a shame to take that tree out of its environment, bring it inside for a few weeks, and then trash it somehow. Even if they use it for a fire pit, it still didn't need to lose its life over a holiday the Duggars supposedly don't put up a tree for. Tree-farmed Christmas trees are one thing - they're responsibly grown, harvested, and replanted like a crop - but to go out on some property and kill a tree on purpose, without replacing it? Not right.

    1. How do you know they didn't plant a new tree or don't plan to?

    2. You know you can always grow more trees, right?

    3. Trees are a resource with many different possible uses. I don't get being upset by this one tree.

    4. I don't think it's right to dictate what other people should do with their personal property.

    5. @2:15 No tree is going to grow that big again in Jim Bob or Michelle's lifetime. I'd feel bad killing something that had probably been around for longer than I had.

    6. But I think it's ok to be allowed to have an opinion about what you see... The Duggars themselves have very strong opinions about what others do....

    7. Of course we can "dictate" what other people do with their property. It's called zoning regulations. Every town has them. In my hometown, there's a tree commission that tells you what kinds of trees you are allowed to plant at the curb and gives you permission to cut down trees, especially on town right-of-way. HOA's also have powers like that and then some. Nothing wrong with watching out for the trees and the appearance of property. Without oversight, you can get chainsaw-happy neighbors who clear everything.

    8. 12:56, that's great, but I highly doubt, from the video I saw of their piece of land, that any zoning commission is regulating it.

    9. 12:56, if you watch the video and see all the trees on their property, you'll know they aren't chainsaw-happy people who clear everything.

  29. I hope Jana had some help decorating that behemoth.

  30. I am scratching my head about the amount of comments from that “Here’s hoping” poster. The comments are so repetitive and off topic. The poster wants us to know they track all the Duggar milestones. We are not impressed. We get a “Here’s hoping” post from them 38 X a year re birthdays and 9X a year regarding anniversaries. And the frequencies are only going together worse.

    1. I am the "here's hoping," poster, and I don't do them to annoy people. I do them, because I don't have much in my life, that makes me happy, but I do get a bit of happiness, when I am celebrating the happiness of others. I hope you feel better, now that you have been a jerk, to a random stranger.

    2. Anon 12:59 I wouldn't take their negative response too serious because almost all the rest of us posters on here don't see anything negative in your posts. I have had people on here comment real negative on some things I post and I just read what they say and realize opinions are like belly buttons we all got one. lol You just keep doing what you are doing my friend because what you post is actually very informative.

    3. Dear Here's hoping poster, you do not bother the rest of us so keep posting, keep sharing your feelings and keep enjoying this family's milestones ! I wish you a happy year 2021 !

    4. Dear "here's hoping" poster,

      We apologize for allowing the negative comment critiquing your comments. We always enjoy what you add to the blog. Please continue to post. And what a great attitude to gain happiness out of celebrating the happiness of others. That is something we all should do. :)

      Happy New Year!
      Lily and Ellie

    5. I appreciate when "here's hoping poster" posts so don't you dare stop posting! I agree with Lily and Ellie. I enjoy your posts. It's way better than the negative and mean spirited comments I see here.

  31. Materilistic family. See who can have the biggest tree. Yikes , have the forgotten the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS? WE all need to treat everyday like Christmas. Just my thoughts. Mary Keim Hambden Twp., Ohio

    1. There was no competition to see who can have the biggest tree. Why begrudge someone else's Chtistmas tree?

    2. Being charitable in our thoughts and words about others is one way to help make every day like Christmas.

    3. Anon 2:47 - very well said! Thank you for the reminder.

  32. That's very cool. Might as well enjoy all the Christmas fun you can this year. I have a feeling next year is going to be a pretty bleak one for all of us.

  33. Christmas isn't about who has the biggest tree or the most presents. The Duggars' behavior sure has changed.

    1. I don't think so. They wanted to do something fun and different this year and have a big tree. So what? They still drew names for their gift exchange and don't give presents to everyone, to keep it down. That hasn't changed.

    2. There is the darkness of greed and pride in their hearts that has been growing for quite awhile and shaping their behavior. They need to pray about this until they come to that realization.

    3. Then there's the darkness of meanness and pride that manifests itself in judgmental and nitpicky blog comments about other people, justified in one's mind because they are in the public eye, never mind that they're real people with feelings.

    4. Thank you, 12:20, for your post. The Duggar’s put up a tree for fun and celebration. How can someone say they have darkness in their hearts?

    5. 9:42 Believe what you want but actions speak louder than words.

    6. It's not that they put up the tree for fun and celebration that's the problem, it's that they felt the need to publicize it that's the problem.

    7. 8:51, it was something fun they did for Christmas that they wanted to share. Honestly, people do that on Facebook all the time when their family does something fun and different. I think it's ridiculous that there are so many who think this is controversial.

  34. Lovely tree. Nice lights.

  35. Yes. Sadly it has changed.

  36. What a lot of grinchiness. It doesn't matter to me what someone else's Christmas tree is like. That just seems so petty.

  37. Michelle's reaction did not fool me. She wasn't pleased with that huge tree, really. She acted a bit cool about it but knew she was being filmed. These people are so fake it's not funny. That tree was oversized even for their two-story roof on that house.

    1. I agree. It was one of their "made for TV" thingys.

    2. She might not have really liked it, but I think she was at least trying to like it for the sake of all the work they put into it, not because she was being filmed!! She just happens to be a very nice person. I'm sure she did like it by Christmas time. It ended up looking perfect with the huge amount of presents and people that attended.

  38. Good luck with getting that tree out of the house! If my husband had "surprised" me with a tree that huge, I would not have been happy.

    1. It sure looked like some paint got scuffed in the process didn't it. My first thought would have been "where did you get that" and the second "why did you bring that in here." The live bugs, too! Ugh.

    2. I can't imagine driving heavy equipment into my living room for any purpose. That has got to mess up the floors, or in the case of that house, the under-floor heating system. Where do the exhaust fumes go from that equipment? No thanks!

    3. Anon 12:51. Yeah. Who cares how much damage you do to your house when you can have such an epic tree for a couple of weeks?

    4. Maybe they kept the door open for the exhaust to go out. And I hardly think Jim Bob would be standing there letting them do it if it was going to ruin the floor.

  39. I doubt they would have chosen this tree had it not been for TLC cameras.

    1. Was this for TLC? I thought the putting up the tree segment and Christmas segment were family pieces. How was Josh able to get into a TLC segment? I thought they did it for fun and probably didn't get paid. It was Christmas and they just wanted to share it.

  40. It used to be all about Jesus' birthday. Now it's Santa Claus and a Clark Griswold Christmas tree.

    1. Tue, but that was then, now it's about a huge tree and a big party. For my part I don't expect people who are having a lean year to be supportive of this Duggar activity.

    2. 5:57, it's ok to not begrudge other people happiness.

    3. Anon 9:10. It's also OK not to be thrilled when you see people doing over the top stuff when you're in need of the basics.

    4. 1:27, but even if they didn't do something over the top, it wouldn't make a difference whether you have the basics. Begrudging someone else something you don't have is a form of jealousy, and really not healthy.

    5. 10:22 While I agree about begrudging, there is such a thing as being self-aware. There's no way anyone living in the U.S. (or the vast majority of the world) can be lacking awareness that may people have lost family members and friends, many people have lost jobs, many people have lost their income (retirement fund investments, stock portfolios, etc. have taken a hit), the economy is down because of the pandemic, and huge numbers of people who have never needed government assistance needed it in 2020. Everyone's had a hard year in some form or fashion. I have no issue if they want a 20 ft tree in their house; it's their house, their tree, their right. But they should have had enough wisdom and maturity to know how it would look and feel, especially to others who have not been as fortunate. If it wasn't showing off, it evidences an incredible lack of awareness and empathy. This wasn't something they did to encourage everyone else and make their year a little better.

    6. Even if my family had lost loved ones or livelihoods this past year, I wouldn't care if they put a big tree up. I would probably think it was cool and be glad for them. There is always going to be someone who gets upset by something, and you can't build your life around what others might think or be offended by.

    7. When you've gone through hard times, you choose what lens you look through. Are you going to let it make you bitter or better? There is always going to be someone who has things nicer or easier than you (at least from what you can see). Should everyone sink to your level so you feel better about your situation? I just don't think that's realistic. They weren't flaunting some expensive object. It was something they already owned.

  41. Well, now the Duggar’s just need a cousin Eddie and a moose mug full of eggnog

  42. Their tree was epic!

  43. Regarding the size of that tree inside their house...I think it was a dangerous thing to do. Such a massive tree like that especially in that small bucket of water certainly could have fallen over...then what? Major damage or injury to someone in it's way. I agree that bringing in heavy moving equipment in the living room brings with it tire tracks and a mess. That house by now must be in terrible shape. The outside front door looks like it has been through a war. This was unnecessary and Michelle was not pleased; it showed on her face and in her reaction. Jim Bob needs also to stop kissing her in front of the cameras as it's evident she doesn't like it and is standoff-ish. These people must be bored out of their minds.

  44. When are you going to post about the Duggar-sized New Year party?

  45. I have lived through many Christmases and have never seen such a lengthy discussion about a Christmas tree. Nor did I ever expect to see such a plethora of negative comments about Christmas trees. This is the time of year in our hemisphere where the hours of darkness are long. Maybe it’s the pandemic, but darkness seems worse this year. Christ was born to bring light into the darkness. Why not celebrate Him with a 20 foot tree, gloriously lighted.
    Amen and Alleluia!!!

    1. Thank you @9:52 PM. I love your comment. I personally saw no problem with the Christmas tree. I thought it was gorgeous. 2020 was a over the top year and if the Duggars want to have a giant over the top tree then good for them. The tree will make good mulch and fire wood if they have a wood burning fireplace or if their family members have fireplaces.

  46. Nice tree. Beautiful with the white lights! Point of info: Goats love eating downed Christmas trees.

  47. Watching the Christmas day video, I didn't see the large "Happy Birthday, Jesus" sign they always hang up just below the upstairs railing. I also didn't see the birthday cake they always have. Did I miss them?

    1. Maybe they put it elsewhere because the tree was there?

  48. I’m sure Happy Birthday Jesus sign was there somewhere. BTW, how old is he? That’s a lot of candles!


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