
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Another Girl for Jinger

Jordyn Duggar and Evangeline Vuolo

TLC just uploaded a mini episode featuring Jinger Vuolo's latest delivery. To watch online, you must have login credentials from your TV provider (link below). The show is 20 minutes long and will also air on live TV in the coming days. There were previously four separate slots allocated, but the TLC schedule has just been updated to remove two (listings below).

TLC Mini Episode: Another Girl for Jinger

TLC Listings:
December 23
11pm ET: Another Girl for Jinger

December 24
3am ET: Another Girl for Jinger 


Photo courtesy


  1. Congrats my parents & I can't wait to watch it on the 23rd & 24th. I'm sure it will be in the new season coming in 2021. We can't wait to see it in the season. Natasha b

  2. Sorry, but it is just too much trouble to sign in, have them email password (because all passwords are different and having to look them up all the time is just ridiculous) and then watch a short 20 ninute show. They need to simplify.
    What happened to to just turning on and off? Things used to be so simple.

    1. If you have a TLC provider it has been on the schedule and guess what you can turn it on and off๐Ÿ™‚

  3. It is just too difficult to get in and they want to use my voice print. We are currently under cyber attack. I will never use my voice print to get in. There could very easily be identity theft. Sorry to be so negative but these companies apparently just do not want us to watch. Thanks for trying.

    1. Thank you for this warning. You're not being negative. We need to be helping each other more during these difficult times. God bless you!

  4. Thanks, but not giving TLC the clicks or any provider info. It's a shame the Duggars still think that a birth is something to make money from, especially in a year when so many other families are struggling with job loss. Filming your birth for cash sends the wrong message.

  5. Time 5:58PM Sat 12/19/20
    Love the photo of Evangeline &
    Auntie Jordyn

  6. Evangeline looks like a doll. Also looks like she has lipstick.

    1. She's so tiny being held in this pic with Aunt Jordyn. And most newborns have very red lips like their wearing lipstick because their still getting their color after birth. Normally in a week or two,they turn lighter.

    2. I agree with you on both. She looks so tiny.

    3. 9:27 : I have seen a lot of babies in all my years and never once seen one looking like it was wearing lipstick. My money is on photo shop, not make up.

    4. 9:32, they didn’t photoshop her face to look like she’s wearing lipstick, give me a break. It is very very common for new babies to have dark lips, sorry you haven’t seen any for yourself.

    5. 9:32, both of those are far-fetched possibilities. I think it's just her newborn coloring.

    6. There's no photoshop, no makeup, just a God-made baby, and a pretty one, at that.

  7. Love the show and your family, praying 4 u all, people can be so judgemental and say mean things, man sees the outer part but God sees the heart, hope u all continue the show. Tia Diana your fan

  8. Love your family and the show, plz stay on don't quit.

  9. The link doesn't appear to properly work. I get a Watch Now red button, I press it, and nothing happens.

  10. Is nothing private for this family? Mary Keim

    1. You're right. How dare they show a picture of a proud aunt with her new niece.

    2. Mary, some of us know exactly what you mean. And some of us agree.

    3. No, Mary Keim, nothing is private with this family. Although it should be. Non Mennonite

    4. December 20 1:59 pm I was talking about the birth feeling the need to show it to the public . Please be kind. It just voiced my opinion. Mary Keim

    5. Anon 1:59 posting a picture is one thing, having.your labor and birth experience filmed for the public for money is another thing. How is someone who is on a reality show having a baby and filming it any of our business? That's their families business.

  11. Big baby flowers so cute!

  12. So sweet! So glad baby and mama did so well ❤️

  13. What a lovely photo of Jordyn and the baby. I remember when Jordyn was born!

    1. Me too! I started watching their show that fall, when Josh got married and Michelle was expecting Jordyn.

    2. Yes me too, I remember when Josh & Anna got married. It was nice to watch but at the same time Michelle was expecting Jordyn. The kids were choosing baby names, Jordyn Makiya others said Jordyn Grace. Justin who is now 18 & engaged to Claire Spivey said Julie Grace. Jim Bob liked Julie Grace however ending up with Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar. Yes I've watched them since 2004 & I still watch them today. I also enjoy old seasons & new seasons of counting on I can't wait for season 12. Natasha b

    3. Jordyn should dress like the young beautiful girl that she is.

    4. 9:31, and she does.

  14. I thought it was interesting that they pronounced her nickname Evie the same as Joy's girl Evy. I was expecting it to be Ee-vee, but that's because I knew an Evangeline growing up who pronounced the name differently than Jinger & Jeremy. I suppose that duplicate names (or nicknames) was inevitable with how many kids & grandkids there are. Probably won't even be that confusing since they won't be living near each other growing up.

    1. In my family and husband's family we have two sets of people with the same name. You have to clarify who you're talking about, but it's not a big deal.

    2. The ones I get concerned about are the Forsyths. Neither Jinger nor Jeremy mentioned either Joy or Austin's daughter's name being the same as Joy's. That birth had to have been a tough one for Joy since she lost her baby at 20 weeks. J and J didn't care. Didn't even bat an eyelid at the same name. At least Joe asked Joy's permission when he asked to propose to Kendra at Joy's wedding. J and J are just into themselves and apparently noone else.

    3. 2:42, it's possible they asked the Forsyths first. We don't know.

    4. Unless I missed it, nowhere does it say that Jinger didn't ask Joy's permission. From what I've seen, Jinger has always had concern for her sisters. And, I don't think Joy has a patent on the name. My opinion is that it's unfair to say that Jinger and Jeremy are selfish and care about no one else.

    5. @2:42 Look, I in no way worship at the altar of Duggar, but how do you know Jinger didn't have a private conversation at some point with Joy about the name? Don't assume the worst without some facts.

    6. I think it is in extremely poor taste to name the baby the same, whether they asked Joy or not. Would Joy object even if he thought it painful. Sometimes they can be totally thoughtless. With all the names in the world, why pick one that every time they say it, would be painful for Joy and Austin.

    7. 9:41, Joy seems to be the kind of person who says what she is thinking. I'm sure she would have said something to Jinger if it bothered her.

  15. Congratulations!! She is so adorable and Felicity is amazing!

  16. I'll bet there isn't a single picture of Michelle holding Jordyn in that way.

    1. You lose that bet. See December 10's post.

    2. Sorry, read that too fast and thought you meant Evangeline. I'm not sure why you would think they wouldn't have taken any pictures of Michelle holding Jordyn, though. Seems pretty standard for moms and babies to have pictures taken.

    3. I think because Michelle didn't have time for her kids... She even breastfeeded while walking around... Not holding the baby herself... She had a cloth for that...

    4. 3:31, why are you shaming sling wearing? Other cultures have been doing it for centuries.

  17. I really liked the episode. Loved how Felicity and Evie were wearing the same matching outfits when they brought Evie home. Seems like grandparents did everything for Felicity to enjoy the arrival the new baby sister into the house too!

  18. I just watched this on my cable On Demand then go to TLC and this south going thru hoops to watch or waiting for day and time.... watch now ..... I loved seeing how excited Felicity was seeing her baby sister Evie Jo.... this was about Evie Jo’s birth ... didn’t like how they took time away from Jinger to show Joy and Jessa’s hate for Joy and Jessa... it wasn’t their story line. Jinger’s births stories are never in poor taste ... you never see any or hear any moaning like you do with the other Duggar birth scenes.... Jinger and Jeremy are a first class act... loved how sweet they were with Felicity and Evie Jo... Beautiful family๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜

    1. The "moaning" is probably edited out.

    2. Does moaning in pain mean you are in poor taste? I thought it meant you were in pain and deserved compassion.

    3. Moaning in pain while giving birth, and then airing it for viewers to watch and hear, can trigger unpleasant feelings and reminders for some people. That's being insensitive to others. Who wants to watch or to listen to someone in pain anyway. If it were a news story, they'd warn viewers first before airing it, if they aired it at all.

    4. 10:04, most people who would be triggered by moaning would know better than to watch a birth episode.

  19. Would love to see Michele bond with 1 of her kids like she is holding a new grandbaby

    1. And what makes you think that she was not holding all her 19 children the same way?

    2. ? Not sure what you mean. Do you think she didn't hold her babies?

  20. I loved it! Jeremy was so sweet with his new daughter.

  21. Here's hoping that Jinger, is enjoying her 27th birthday!!!!!

  22. I wonder why Felicity was at first: "Baby Joey". Did she think that's the baby's name?

    1. I think maybe grandparents told her that the baby's name is "Evie Jo", so Felicity kind of paid attention to "Jo" part more. She really liked saying "Jo" later when she said "Evie Jo".

    2. Maybe Felicity will convince them to call the new baby "Joey" which I think is a cute name.

    3. I find it interesting that Jinger was very close with her brother Joe who is just a year younger than her, and now they are giving the baby a middle name Jo...

  23. Gasp! Can you believe Evangaline isn't wearing a mask and is insisting on laying on her aunt's lap instead of social distancing! Especially after coming from a place as COVID contaminated as a hospital. What is this world coming to?

    1. @1:48 Your sarcasm is lost on the many people who have been tragically affected by COVID, including the countless frontline medical professionals and caregivers who are on the front lines, sacrificing to care for the sick. The Duggars have earned the criticism they're getting, due to their blantant disregard for the seriousness of this pandemic, alarming increases and deaths, and placing their own desires ahead of what's best for our communities and country as a whole. I've witnessed far too many evangelicals like them who seem to think they are more important than anyone else and openly buy into extremist conspiracy theories about COVID. BTW, unless Jordyn had quarantined along with her mother prior to greeting this new baby, it is reckless and shameful to not be wearing a mask while in close contact with a newborn, or anyone else for that matter.

    2. I don't think Evangeline is "insisting" on doing anything. As for masks, new born babies don't need them, but the people that are not the parents sure do.

    3. Anon 8:37. I agree with you. Furthermore their current behavior is at odds with the episode that they did with the disinfectant wipes. Obviously that episode was totally insincere and didn't reflect their beliefs regarding the pandemic. Actions speak louder than words.

    4. 1:48, could you be any more mean-spirited?

  24. It’s not true your 2nd labor is quicker, Atleast in my case! My first one, I went from 2cm to baby out in 3 hours! My 2nd labor lasted 24 hours, it was way slower, and pushing was way harder because baby was sunny side up. So just making it clear to people who haven’t had a baby yet, what that midwife said is not always true!

    1. My second and third were fast, but the two after that were not. Yeah, that's an old wives tale.

    2. Barring complications (like baby being sunny side up) your second delivery is typically quicker. When a baby is faced the wrong way it takes longer to make the decent as baby can get kind of stuck.

    3. Mine either. I have 3 kids and it was my longest and hardest labor.

    4. Even though my 2nd baby was sunny side up, it was still a way longer labor than my first! I’m talking about how fast I dilated. Also my daughter in law, the first one with her was quicker than her 2nd. So it irritates me that that midwife is giving wrong advice, also jessa was giving that same advice as well. So for women that have not experienced labor yet, they should just know, every labor is different and there’s no guarantees your 2nd one will be quicker! I remember thinking that with my 2nd one, that it was going to be quicker, and it wasn’t, so I was discouraged through the whole thing.

    5. My second was the quickest. First was 13 hours, second was under 3 hours and my biggest baby, and third was the longest labor, 20 hours, and was the smallest baby. So I thought she was stating a fact, lol!

  25. Will you be able to post a recap by chance?

  26. Can't wait for a new season !

  27. Someone buy a new jacket for Michelle! Same out of date denim jacket in most pictures!!

    1. Oh, goodness. Maybe she likes that jacket.

    2. Sigh. Do you have people who look at your pictures and videos and tell you what you "should" be wearing?

    3. @11:46 Most of us don't feel the need to post pictures and videos of ourselves, so in answer to your question, no.

  28. I find it cute that Jeremy's mom decided to buy a gift that Felicity would give the new baby sister and that it was little baby shoes! Just like Jinger and Jeremy gave to the grandparents when whey announced their pregnancy with Felicity.

    1. I agree! My daughter and I choose a gift to give to her baby brother when she visited in the hospital and he had one for her. Such a thoughtful gesture...especially from the grandmother ๐Ÿ’œ

    2. Was that the same pajama top Jessa wore in the hospital that she wore home?

  29. Felicity is just precious.... it melted my heart to see how excited she was to see Evie Jo... Felicity’s personality is so adorable.... loved when Jeremy’s mom and day helped Felicity put up the decorations and she said “I did it”!! She is too precious... can’t wait to see the two of them growing up together .... Felicity will be a sweet big sister... I just adore Jinger and Jeremy and their little family๐Ÿ™❤️


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