
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

'The Best Duggar Christmas Pageant Ever' Recap

Counting On "The Best Duggar Christmas Pageant Ever"

  • The Duggars throw their second annual ugly sweater party. Some family members go all out and wear full “ugly” outfits. Everyone votes for the weirdest costume (James wins), cutest costume (Jana wins), most creative costume (Josiah and Lauren win), and ugliest costume (Justin wins).
  • Jim Bob is proud to take a photo of the three newest babies and their moms. Addison and Bella arrived in early November, and Maryella is just a week old.
  • “I hope this tradition will continue, which I think it will,” says Jana. “It’s just a fun time bringing all the family together. You can’t go wrong with that.”
  • In California, the Vuolos cut down a Christmas tree at a farm outside Los Angeles. Growing up, Jinger’s family only had a live tree one year, and they planted it in their backyard at the end of the season. “We try to keep the focus on the birth of Christ, but we definitely like to pull out the lights, the Christmas tree, big wreaths,” says Jessa.
  • When the Vuolos make it home with their tree, it’s time to decorate. The finished product is beautiful.
  • The older kids, who grew up doing Christmas plays in their front yard and at their church, are organizing a pageant for the grandchildren and younger kids. The play is two days away, and they are just starting to rehearse.
  • Jim Bob gets down on his hands and knees to play the donkey. Jackson and Johannah are Joseph and Mary. Jordyn and Mackynzie are the angels. Tyler is the king. Michael is the scribe. Jason, James, and Justin are the wisemen. Jennifer, Josie, and Mason are the shepherds. Spurgeon starts off as Gabriel, but he asks to join the other toddlers as a sheep because they get to eat graham crackers.
  • On the night of the pageant, family and friends gather to watch. The performance takes place at a one-room schoolhouse/church building that Jana renovated. It was built in the 1800s, and this is the first event to be held post-renovation.
  • The play goes pretty well. The scene where Johannah rides Jim Bob the donkey down the aisle is a bit choppy, as Johannah steps on Jim Bob’s costume. “I think I found my niche in life,” says Jim Bob. “I love making people laugh.” The snacks left for the sheep on stage help them stay in one place for a short time, but they do end up wandering.
  • Joseph leads a carol singalong, and then Jessa presents Jim Bob and Michelle with a gift that all the kids have been working on. Jessa took pictures of all the grandkids using white backgrounds and then edited them to look fancy. Jim Bob and Michelle are tickled. “Pops and I have said…the greatest joy is to watch our children have children, and so this is definitely the multiplication process right here, y’all,” says Michelle.


  1. When you have to keep your son off camera and blur out 2 of your grandkids, it may be time to pull the plug on your entire show.

    1. Who were the two that they blurred out?

    2. That was awful how they blurred out Israel and Sam!

    3. I noticed the 2 kids blurred out also....

    4. I can’t watch the show in line with America as I’m in a different country. What grandkids were blurred out? Jills boys I’m guessing?

    5. Well, we don't know who made those decisions about the kids - TLC, Jill and Derick, or Jim Bob and Michelle. In any case, it is difficult to make a reality documentary when you have to purposefully remove half of reality every time. Now that Jim Bob and Michelle are allowed to appear again on the show, it might be time for Anna and Josh's family to take part in the show again. Not in the way everyone else does with interviews and so on, but the constant cutting out wherever they come up is ridiculous. After all, everyone knows that they attend many events. You have to be clear: It's all about quota. Normal from the sender's point of view. But a family who wanted to demonstrate the Christian faith with this project - i.a. content like forgiveness, a new beginning, etc. - should then, for your own credibility, consider whether this is still the right way.

    6. Yes, the cover-up was so obvious on this episode. Jessa mentioned "16 grandchildren" but the names of the Dillard family were never mentioned. And of course, Josh is never shown. Just waiting for the other show to drop...

    7. I tend to agree with you. It's getting a bit awkward to say the least.

    8. It really made me wonder what else in this family is blurred out so to speak and not able to be shown on camera.

    9. Since when is having gray hair something to make fun of and something to include in your ugly sweater party? At least they didn't come in with canes or walkers, which would have been a huge insult to the elderly. You'd think the Duggars who place "others second" would know better than to use physical appearance for a joke.

    10. Exactly! That's horrible to blur the boys out of the portrait on the show! How will that make Isreal and Samuel feel someday?

    11. Right!!!!...everyone is just popping out babies left and right at least the other shows with multiple kids and grandkids show what else they doing,schooling ,renovating their homes, traveling..duggars just been "expecting " and being surprised ..goodness just say pregnant

    12. Jills kids were blurred out

    13. Yes. These games with not showing Josh and blurring out certain grandchildren is simply wrong IMO. Regular viewers know what's going on and it's silly to pretend Josh doesn't exist any longer.

    14. Well wait a minute people, Derick and Jill have said they don't want to be on the show and so of course that would mean their kids wouldn't be on it either. Israel and Sam weren't left out of the picture, just blurred out of it while it was being filmed. Derrick is studying to be a lawyer and so he might have told the family to keep him and Jill and the kids off the show or he might sue, so the family blurred their pictures. I wouldn't blame the family for respecting Derricks wishes of not wanting him or his family to be filmed.

    15. Israel and Sam will someday find out a lot of truths about their own family, including why they got blurred. It's sad, especially within a family who was presented as so wholesome, but it's inevitable.

    16. Yes, it is so sad. After what Josh did, his kids were not blurred out. It shows there must really be some animosity, whether Jim Bob and Michelle, TLC or Jill and Derrick made the decision.

    17. I miss seeing Jill, Derick and their sons on the show. I hear Jill but can't see her, how odd. I think it's about time to bring Josh, Anna and their children back also, we need some normalcy.

    18. I agree that this "wholesome" better than thou family ride off into the sunset when they have to keep their oldest son hidden and the camera has to blur out Jill and Derrick's two boys. If it was a matter of TLC not allowing the boys to be on camera in a PHOTOGRAPH they should have given the pictures to JimBob and Michelle privately to avoid such a slap in the face to two of their grandchildren. Terrible.

    19. Rather than blur out the photos of Israel and Samuel, they should have skipped showing any of them. They are just kids, why put them in the middle of family squabbles? Are the Dillards excluded from all family get-togethers and events, or just the ones that are filmed for TLC?

    20. I would love to see Jill and Derrick and the boys. But the parents chose differently.

    21. 4:33, Derick has said he didn't want his family on tv. No one else is giving a slap in the face to his kids.

    22. @4:33 So true, and it says a lot about the dynamics of your family if you have to hide and blur. It's not something to be proud of or to flaunt. Why it doesn't seem to bother the Duggars is puzzling unless you look at the paycheck factor. I can't help but think of 1 Timothy 6:10. "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." Many sorrows indeed.

    23. 3:22, Derick is the one who didn't want his family on the show.

  2. Love the Vuolos even with Jeremy dressing like a Grandpa, lol. Felicity is so cute! The grandkids photo canvas was good... The play was cute.

  3. Time 10:35PM Tues 8/25/20
    I hate see mean comments on the
    Blog about this family. It's not
    Right to bully & judge others if
    U were on a reality show that could
    Happen to u. So anybody who read
    This comment please be a role model
    To your kids etc. I hate hearing
    Why dont they go to college etc.
    Please think before u speak.

    1. I wonder if Neddy has ever read her own comments that she's left for other TV shows? Language you could never print here.

    2. In the first place, I would not sacrifice my children's privacy and subject them to possible public ridicule by putting them on a reality TV show.

    3. I’m sorry, but what’s wrong with asking “why don’t they go to college “? It’s an honest question.

    4. I want my kids to go to college, or learn a trade, or develop a skill based on their own interests, and not expect their parents to provide them with a job and a home. Just because people point out flaws in this "perfect" family that does not mean bullying. Truth can be hard to hear.

    5. I don't think anyone is being mean or bullying the Duggars. When you put yourself in the public eye and invite comment there will be varying opinions about what you do. That's only a natural thing. I'm sorry that it troubles you so much.

    6. YOu may hate hearing it, but it is a valid question. I don't see why we need to censor ourselves if we have valid questions posed politely.

    7. I agree with you, Neddy. You're very wise. It's one thing to express an honest opinion, and it's quite another thing to do it in a mean spirited, nasty way. There's too much of the latter here lately, IMO.

    8. People have the right to say what they want to say

    9. Neddy. No one is being "mean" or "bullying" this family. If they didn't draw attention to themselves there would be no public comments regarding them. IMO they shouldn't sell their children's privacy in the way they do but that's what's going on.

    10. Time 6:36PM Wed 8/26/20
      What Iam saying here is why do people
      Ask this family they dont they go to
      College etc. To me when someone ask
      That question they think the girls cant be housewives. Yes Everyone has
      Their own opinions but u guys have to
      Realize that the women in this family is happy being housewives. FYI college
      Isnt for everyone. Iam tired of see
      Mean comments on to this page.

    11. It saddens me that this blog upsets you, maybe this blog is not for you.

    12. I don't think you need to feel sorry for the family. The money they make from TLC must be worth any negatives. Part of the "reality" of being on a reality TV show is that you invite criticism. If the heat is too much for the Duggars, they can retire from media exposure. I doubt they read these comments anyway.

    13. If you appear on a reality TV show, people are going to make comments. That's how it works. You're selling yourself when you agree to be on those shows and are fair game to comments IMO.

    14. Time 11:33PM Thurs 8/27/20
      Actually Anonymous this blog is for me
      U dont need to be sad for me. It's a
      Great blog.

    15. I think its only smart to get a good education. If this women divorse or loose their husband, how can they take care of themselves and all of the children. Im happy i went to university and i dont rely on my husband financially.

    16. Neddy, even housewives need a good education. If anything, they learn how to express themselves, including how to write clear and grammatically correct English.

      They can more effectively help their own children in their education. They will be more able to make thoughtful and intelligent decisions about their lives and that of their families.

      Education IS for everyone.

    17. It doesn't make sense to put yourself on TV and then expect nobody to say anything about you. It really doesn't make sense if the purpose of your show is to tell how unusual and different your family is supposed to be.

    18. 10:04 -- That's a big accusation. On what other blogs is Neddy commenting? Let's see the proof.

    19. @1155 Look it up

    20. 11:55 - It's not baseless.

    21. Time 4:55PM Sun 8/30/20
      Well for one This blog & The Bates.

  4. Time 10:38PM Tues 8/25/20
    What I love about the episode was
    Everything great Christmas episode.

    1. This is better, Neddy. Instead of being critical of the people who have just as much of a right to blog on here as you do, you found something positive to say about the show. That much nicer’

  5. Really well done performance!
    Christmas tree shopping was cute; love the matching father-daughter outfit! And Jeremy has a beautiful voice!

  6. How come they can include Josh and Anna’s kids and not Jill!schildren in the grandchildren’s portrait?

    1. Derick and Jill aren't allowing their sons' images to be shown. It's fairly recent since Israel was briefly shown during John and Abbie's wedding episode. Josh and Anna want their kids to be included in filming.

    2. I think if you look those were the kids that were blurred out on the picture when they held it up

    3. Jill's kids were included in the portrait. TLC did blur the images, likely because they did not have permission from the Dillard's to show them.

    4. they did, just blurred

    5. I was wondering that too and at first I thought maybe Jill and Derrick didn't want themselves or their kids to be any part of the show but that can't be true because Derrick just remarked how they left them out of family night that was filmed and shown a couple weeks ago. Maybe Jim Bob and Michelle shunned them like some religions do to a family member that did something they don't agree with. I have no idea what is going.

    6. I would think they had to be blurred because both their parents are no longer under contract to be on the show, and as minors, Israel and Sam could not appear without parental consent. In Anna's family, only Josh is not allowed to be shown. If Anna can appear on the show, she would be the consenting adult for allowing her children to be aired or shown in that picture.

      Derick was probably referring to the fact that they weren't invited to that family night, which was being filmed. TLC manages to film at other family events like weddings without showing the adults who are no longer under contract (Jill, Derick) or can't be shown for other reasons (Josh). So I have a feeling Derick & Jill weren't invited to the big house that night where the other family members were, and where Josh was probably carefully filmed around or edited out.

    7. If TLC didn't want the Dillard children's photograph to be on camera or if it was Jill and Derrick who prohibited their photos being shown, it would have been in better taste for the Duggar children to give Jim Bob and Michelle the pictures PRIVATELY so as not to create that demeaning situation.

  7. I loved this episode. Watched it twice!

  8. If each Duggar child has 4 kids of their own, Jim Bob and Michelle may end up with 80 grandkids! I realize it'll likely be much lower, but it's possible.

    1. Do not believe in "much lower". Kendra is well on the way to have 10-15+, Jessa will not stop with 3, Anna will have 2-4 more. They have 16 in about 5 years! JB's target of 100 looks realistic.

    2. I suspect it will be more. Probably a few of them will have large families of 8 or 10 children; perhaps a few will not have any, due to singleness or infertility.

    3. I would look at it and say it’ll likely be much higher. A median number of four a piece would be low for this family. It is crazy to think about how many grandchildren they could have!

    4. They can easily have 100 grandkids. Anna already has more than 5.

    5. Other than Josh and Joe, I doubt any of them want more than 4. That's the way it is in big families, the kids usually grow up wanting small ones!

    6. In the future someone might say, "I can trace my lineage all the way back to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. My great-great-great grandfather was their 100th grandchild."

  9. It’s doesn’t make since to me that Anna can be on the show from time to time, but when the eldest son comes on they have to blur him and his kids faces out!?

    1. Because no one wants to see Josh

    2. josh & anna's kids are never blurred out. they are often shown in the big house with the other kids. jill's kids are being blurred out because she and derick do not want them on the show

    3. @5:12-Anna did nothing wrong!!!

    4. Agree. They all should be off the air. It’s past time!

    5. The kids don't get blurred.. just Josh

    6. I don't know why they do that either. Seems rather silly as most viewers know who Josh is and the kids are.

    7. Josh's multiple moral lapses probably violated some clause in the contract and he was permanently suspended because of that. Anna can be shown. Her kids are not blurred out, only Josh.

    8. Anonymous August 27th, 2020 at 10:14 am:


    9. They don't blur Josh's kids out. They were shown on Tuesday night's episode and have been seen in several other episodes. Jill's kids are the ones blurred out and my understanding is because Jill and Derrick decided not to have their kids as part of the show. They stopped filming before their youngest, Samuel, was born.

    10. Oh Josh! He has a great wife at home but trifled with others. Anna forgave Josh. Many a celebrity has been forgiven for their indescretions and they went on to continue on TV. I don't like Josh because he comes across as snobbish to me.

  10. They obviously cleared the tree farm of people, made arrangements for a personal escort from the owner and staged the whole thing. If they wanted reality, this wasn't it.

    1. Because the Vuolos are Special.

    2. Of course arrangements were made. A reality tv show can't just show up with crew and film at a location. There are scouting agents who work with sites to determine how and where scenes are going to be filmed. This type of segment has been done many times on Counting On and 19 Kids.

    3. Really 6:03... you need a life.... of course it was filmed for’s a Reality TV Show!

    4. A lot of people don’t want to be in the background of reality shows.

    5. @3:12

      No, they’re not.

    6. How much integrity is it to pretend this staged "reality" and family events are this family's everyday "real" life? Wasn't the whole premise when JimBob and Michelle began filming was to show their family's real life? smh

    7. 3:15- There really is no reality to “reality” TV shows. It’s all scripted and staged.

    8. 9:32 - You have a problem with the whole genre of reality TV then. Do research on what you're watching before taking anything at face value. Reality TV was never reality. It's a platform for the Duggars to share their values and entertain the audience. They agree on the locations and general content before filming. They view themselves as having integrity in their beliefs, remember the show is a ministry to them.

      6:06- Exactly. There is staging and, depending on the situation, a level of scripting in all reality shows. This isn't unique to the Duggars. It's not a documentary.

    9. Agreeing with Anonymous @6:06-So, if there's little to no reality to this "reality" TV show, how honest are the Duggars?

    10. The premise of this show being a ministry went by the wayside a long time ago. What sort of ministry shows happy smiling people when in fact dark and serious family matters are going on behind the scenes? No ministry I am familiar with. The beautiful Proverbs 10:9 applies. "He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known."

    11. Sep 1 2020 at 0939: And we sure did knoweth what Josh did! LOL

  11. I loved everything about the show. I really liked all the family time. I wonder what the future holds for them. I really enjoyed the show. Natasha b

  12. Wish they would’ve shown more of the Christmas party. I was looking forward to it.

  13. I recall the Duggars through the years saying they don’t erect Christmas trees because they distract from the true meaning of the holiday. How, then, is an ugly sweater pageant honoring of Christ’s birth?

    1. That is a good point and valid question. A tree is much more symbolic as an evergreen than an ugly sweater.

    2. Good question. I guess you can say that the Duggars' convictions have been modified over the years in order to generate content and accomodate filming for their show.

    3. @6:20 Either that, or what we were told on the show at first was a stretched truth that sounded good at the time and fell in line with their church principles at the time, so they wouldn't appear to be any different from the rest of the church. They don't have that same home church congregation any more. Whatever the cause, the "nothing worldly at Christmas" rule seems to have disappeared.

    4. I welcome them loosening up a bit. They were far too strict, unnecessarily so, in the early years. The ugly sweater contest was more about a party with the family than anything else, and nothing wrong with that.

    5. I always thought it odd but it's their thing. We have a tree up but we focus on the true meaning of Christmas

    6. Weird thing about our family maybe-we've always put up a tree and our daughter always knew Christmas wasn't about the tree. Somehow it wasn't really a big faith problem for us. Same thing with Easter baskets-they were (and still are) fun, but she always knew it wasn't about the baskets. We just taught her the difference from the beginning.

  14. That episode was so fun! I love wholesome parties and thought the Christmas party was just perfect. Jeremy's dry sense of humor is great, too!

    1. Yes, Jeremy cracks me up. I love his humor.

  15. I enjoyed this episode more than any I've seen in a while. The little sheep were so cute.

  16. I loved the show and seeing the family celebrations. The ugly sweater contest was fun. Seeing Jessa take pictures of the grandkids was encouraging. That was a wonderful surprise gift to give to her parents. Plus I learned some photography tips. The Christmas play was a riot. Jeremy really pulled it together being the narrator. Also I thought that was genius of an idea Jana had to make a feeding trough of treats for the lambs so they'd stay on the stage in one spot. Very clever! I think the good things about this family far out way the bad. This show is about a family, warts and all, who are doing their very best to live a good life. No family gets away without any bad things happening to someone in the circle. This family shows their family spirit and going on with their lives like we all have to do.

    1. Jeremiah was narrator. Jeremy is Jinger's husband

    2. Lauren did a great job singing.

  17. I loved the episode. It was fun and festive. Since I'm an only child, I love to see the things this family does.

  18. I really enjoyed, the Aug. 25th episode, of Counting On. I especially enjoyed, getting to see, some of the grand-children, performing in the Christmas Play.

    1. Couldn't stop giggling at Little Miss Ivy in that sheep costume, with those chubby little cheeks sticking out of the sheep head. Hysterical

  19. Oh My goodness, Josie has such a cute personality!! She stood out so much to me and her cute smile with them dimples had me saying, 'aahh" such a cutie!!

    1. I hope people focus on just being a human and not on features because everybody is different but equally important. It is character that comes from inside.

    2. Nice show and liked the pageant. Shows very certainly the angel visiting Mary, well done!

    3. Anon 11:01 I w
      I understand what you are saying but I was just commenting on Josie because I never really got to see her personality in the show as much as I did on this episode. She is starting to really show her personality now that she is getting a little older, which is a cute personality.

  20. I found James, Jason and Justin to be talented, the type of voices you can stand hearing without them being buried in music. Ivy was cute as ever and Johannah is growing up. It was a nice episode.

    1. I thought they had such nice voices too.

  21. I've always loved the Duggar Christmases.

  22. Lauren is becoming one of my favorites. She is so well spoken and chooses her words carefully. What stood out to me was her gorgeous voice. O Holy Night is difficult because of the range of notes, but she carried it off beautifully. Josiah singing with her made it even more awesome. I just wish they had let her finish before the sheep scampered up there. The sheep were adorable but quite distracting.

    1. Lauren voice was so beautiful singing that song. I notice there were a lot of good singers in the family. I was thinking if Jana made her Church building a Church for the whole family to hold services at and with all the good singers in the family they could have a beautiful choir.

    2. I love Lauren's voice too. I don't know if Josiah has a good singing voice because he can't be heard.

    3. 1:54, the two of them sang a duet at one of the weddings, and you could hear that he has a good voice also.

  23. I loved hearing the "3 wisemen," (AKA James, Jason, and Justin) singing! Such beautiful harmonies.

    1. "The 3 wise guys" as they said. LOL

  24. This episode was not among the best. I was bored to watch it. The reason Anna and kids still appear on the show is because her household is financially dependent on Jim Bob and they need the money. No one knows for sure what Josh does for a living OR where they live...not the exact address, but if they even have their own home somewhere or do they live on the Duggar property. The Dillards live financially independent of Jim Bob so they can tell him they don't want their children associated with the show. It's all about money, honey. I agree that this show has been dishonest with it's viewers. Jim Bob and Michelle need NOT be on this program. I am amazed at how TLC has sneaked them back on little by little. Now they are commenting on things in TH segments, etc. They need not participate. This "Counting On" program was supposed to be about the (some of the) married adult children. There are enough of them to not have to include the parents. TLC, please be honest with your viewers.

    1. Time 11:40PM Thurs 8/27/20
      I guess u have a problem with JB &
      Michelle being on the show. Where is
      Your prove the show has been dishonest
      With viewers. Where us your prove?
      If u dont like JB & Michelle being on
      The show then dont want it. They have very right to be on the show. How
      Would u know if TLC sneak them back in? For a person to write a comment
      On this blog about JB & Michelle
      Should not be on this show is rude..

    2. Well said, I agree with you 100%. Come on TLC, make Counting On, about the married couples, live up to your words. Please no more Jim Bob and Michelle.

    3. Neddy, TLC said in a statement that Counting On would not feature Jim Bob, Michelle, or Josh. They wrote this when 19 Kids was canceled and they announced the new show would follow the lives of Jill and Jessa's families.
      Jim Bob and Michelle weren't in the first couple of seasons of CO and then were slowly brought back. With the amount of screen time Jim Bob and Michelle get, it's now pretty much 19 kids without Josh.
      The OP isn't being rude to point out that TLC went back on its word. I personally preferred CO when it focused on the married and adult Duggar kids.

    4. I completely agree. I love this show but this episode was one of the most boring ones I’ve seen yet.
      It’s sooo much better when they focus on the younger couples!

  25. Are Derrick, Jill & their 2 children excluded from being part of the family fun? I understand their choosing not to film anymore but it's sad to think that they are not invited to be part of family gatherings just because it's being filmed for episode content.

    1. I don't think the Dillards are "excluded" but if some family activity is being filmed for an episode, they are not going to be involved in the activity. I don't blame Derrick and Jill for not wanting their children to appear on the show. I wouldn't want MY children appearing on a reality TV show either.

    2. Choosing to have family functions filmed, knowing it will exclude the Dillards, is a choice JimBob and Michelle make.

  26. The show was enjoyable. As far as making fun of the elderly. The Bates did the same thing last year. It is insulting and disrespectful. Love seeing the younger Duggar children on the show. After a while it gets boring just seeing the married couples.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. I agree, you should never make fun of someone's appearance, especially if it's something normal like being older or having gray hair. It's demeaning and I'm surprised the Duggars can't see that, given how much they've studied the Bible and supposedly think of others before themselves. At least they didn't use canes and walkers, which would have been making fun of disabilities too.

    2. Opinion. Not every older person thinks it's offensive.

    3. Agree with Joan, Marion, and Marilyn 100%. Making fun of the elderly is NEVER ok in any form. There's nothing funny about all the physical and mental changes an aging human being goes through (and the corresponding loss of mobility, abilities, and freedoms). Jesus isn't in that type of humor and isn't glorified or honored by it.

    4. 8:24 You don't need to be an older person to see when someone else is making fun of them. It's not honorable. "Honor thy father and thy mother," but if they're not YOUR father and mother, it's OK to make fun of the way they look? No.

    5. I’m an older person. I was very offended. It’s hard enough being elderly without the Duggar’s and Bates making fun of it on National TV.

    6. I don't know, I've heard older people who had a sense of humor about all the unfunny things about aging. It's better to look for the humor in life than always being negative. When this has come up before, there have been older people who commented to say that it didn't bother them.

  27. This show was wonderful! I am so happy to see Jim Bob and Michelle featured again. A family is not a family with the parents cut out of the picture. There was a desperate, lonely atmosphere,(in my opinion), when the shows were trying to be only about the generation moving on to be on their own. The whole family featured is what the Duggar shows have always been from the start and it is great to see it more the same again. (And I can't crititize the younger generation for playing dress up and portraying themselves as they might be in 50 years, way down the road. Play is how even young adults learn and become more empathetic and thoughtful people. It is to their credit that they good naturedly step beyond their comfort zone and explore life as it is as an elder. Those who have finally come out the other side of life's years stages but still are on this side of the final stage of death. That should not be considered wrong for youth to wonder about and act out.)

    1. If this is about the WHOLE family, some of them are MIA.

    2. No, what's desperate is when terrible things are going on in your family and you know about it, yet you keep the things hidden because you are desperate to keep your TV show. Then when everyone finds out what was going on and you get your show taken away from you, you find a way to have another show and get back on the air anyhow. This is as much TLC's fault as it is the Duggars'.

    3. They weren't "exploring" life as an elder. Are you kidding? If they wanted to explore what it's like to be elderly, they could all use their free time (which we know they have because we see them taking trips, visiting spas, having date nights)volunteering weekly at retirement homes, delivering Meals-On-Wheels, advocating for the elderly, volunteering as monthly cemetery caretakers (many elderly are unable to keep up a loved one's grave site), volunteer in their community driving the elderly to Dr. appointments/grocery deliveries, and as Hospice volunteers. All of those activities are guaranteed to stretch them beyond their comfort zone, their social circles, and their limited life experience. All of those activities will develop their empathy, deepen their understanding, grow their compassion, strengthen their patience, enhance their thoughtfulness, and change their lives far more than playing dress-up.

    4. 11:51, well said.

  28. This was a fun episode. I loved seeing the kids and the young babies at the party. Just a great episode all around.

  29. 8/26 @ 9:13...the correct phrase is 'so MUCH fun'. Please use proper English grammar. I don't know how this trend of 'so fun' came about but it is incorrect.

    1. I don't know how the trend of using apostrophes instead of quotation marks happened either but it is also incorrect when quoting something.

    2. 6:57 LOL. You are correct.

  30. What a ridiculous waste of money. Why don't they go clothe those in need instead? Now that is something I bet people would want to watch.

    1. They won't dress up for Halloween (or even acknowledge its existence) but they'll do that for what is supposed to be one of the holiest seasons in their year. I don't get it either, OP.

    2. Lighten up. A Christmas pageant is very much a tradition that is used to celebrate the birth of Christ. I doubt that they spent much on the costumes which are very simple.

    3. 2:42 - This is the OP - I was actually referring to the ugly sweater clothing, not the Christmas play.

  31. Who was the heavy set, somewhat balding man at the far end of their dining room table shown during the ugly sweater party?

    1. That was Josh.

    2. That was very not Josh. It was someone I'd never seen before.


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