Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Duggar Grandchild #20

Addison Duggar and Garrett Duggar
Addison Duggar and Garrett Duggar

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar will soon have more grandchildren than they have biological children. That's right, the 20th Duggar grandchild is on the way! Who is the lucky couple? We will give you a hint: This will be the third Duggar sibling to have a family of five. Okay, that doesn't narrow it down all the way. We'll just tell you: It's Joe and Kendra! 

Garrett Duggar was born in June 2018, and Addison Duggar arrived almost 17 months later in November 2019. Joseph Duggar, who will turn 26 before the due date, and Kendra Duggar, who just turned 22, are expecting Baby #3 in February 2021, so this time, there will only be a 15-month gap.

Will this little one be a boy or a girl? Stay tuned! Visit the TLC website to watch an announcement video from the expectant parents and see their photo shoot

Photo courtesy


  1. Not a big surprise. I was expecting Kendra or Jessa to announce another pregnancy at any time.

    1. I was hoping they'd all take a break for a few years and you know, parent the kids they already have. Or adopt!

  2. I'm glad to hear the announcement. It will be great to hear the announcement on counting on as well as the gender reveal and birth. I'm so excited for them. I hope for a happy and healthy baby. It was definitely a surprise to me. Natasha b

    1. Natasha b I don't know if you will see this but want to say, I just love your comments. They are always so kind and respectful. Thank you for always making me smile.

  3. Very exciting and Kendra looks absolutely beautiful in their maternity photos! I especially love her hair.

  4. Poor Kendra, she is just like Michelle, a baby machine

    1. I don't think she would appreciate being pitied. I'm sure she's excited.

    2. Yep, and she started earlier.

    3. So you had to go to their blog just to insult them? Shame on you. What a miserable life you must lead.

    4. I do not think she has a problem with it. I seem to remember Michelle didn't like the idea she had possibly caused a miscarriage taking birth control. So, they elected to let God decide the
      number of children. The only thing is one was miscarried anyway. And Josie was premature.
      But, look at Joy they have.

    5. It is all she haves and know. As many as she can.

    6. At this rate she will have more than 19!

    7. Children are a gift so she is blessed.

    8. I think they are happy to be sprouting number three. They know where babies come from and if they don't want more or want more spacing between them they can certainly do that in this day and age.

    9. 9:27 -- Her body, her choice. Or does that slogan only apply when a woman wants to ABORT her baby?

    10. Doesn't sound like bedfordsbabe's life is a bedford of roses either, if trying to shame people is what she goes to a blog to do. How about thinking about the OP's remark and acknowledging that they could be onto something true, or that they have a point? Even if you don't happen to agree, you should be presenting your opinion on the topic, not attacking the poster.

      My opinion is that the OP has made a valid point, this girl is keeping up with her MIL in the baby-making department. Does she want Michelle's life, where you're constantly pregnant, nursing, or handing the younger kids to the older ones because it's all gotten to be too much for one person to handle? Is that a quality life for mother or children? Quality not quantity is what counts.

    11. @5:15 9:27 is expressing an opinion, not advocating legislation that would limit of the number of children you can have. This is unlike those who claim to be pro-life and are determined to pass laws that would completely take away the right of a pregnant woman to determine what's best for herself and her own body.

  5. Very big congratulations Joe and Kendra!!!

  6. Congratulations! Kendra is my favourite woman on the show!

    1. Mine too :)
      She is an example to all girls of a good Christian woman. Modest, kind, loving and mature enough at her age to be a good wife and mother of 3

  7. that is not unexpected at all. happy for them who else is in the family way?

  8. Who didn't see this one coming? I rather thought they'd wait until after Joy gave birth before making the announcement though.

    1. When is Joy due?

    2. They are making this announcement actually right on Joy's due date, but before baby Forsyth is born, and right after Jinger and Jeremy's miscarriage episode aired. Perfect time to announce.

    3. Kendra is probably at safe 12-13 weeks, and they announce before Joy's baby is born so Joy will have her own reflection if the media when her baby arrives. I'm sure they checked with Joy is she is in labor or not. At least now Joe and Kendra get a lot of feedback. Then it all will move to Joy's baby.

  9. Congrats Joe and Kendra!

  10. But since “life starts at conception” shouldn’t they say they have 21 children and at least 24 grand children?? Seems a little hypocritical

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if Jim Bob and Michelle do consider themselves parents to 21 or at say least 19 on earth and 2 in heaven when asked how many kids they have. They haven't been shy about sharing their losses and that those were their children, fearfully and wonderfully made. Lauren and Josiah consider themselves parents to two with Asa being the first in their alphabet naming theme.

    2. Lol i agree! They talk the talk but don't seem to walk the walk.

    3. Most people refer to still-living children.

    4. We don't need to share the private pain of loss indefinitely. I'm sure they hold them in their hearts but to constantly have to explain would be crushing to them and a downer to others.

    5. Anonymous 10:46 am, yes MOST people refer to still-living children but the Duggars are pro-life. We believe that life begins at conception, and that every life is the same. What pro-abortion people consider a "fetus" we consider a living real child. It is disrespectful to ignore the babies lost in miscarriage, as they are in heaven waiting for their families.

    6. @11:41 it is not disrespectful to not speak of lost babies. They will be in heaven and we can pray about them and talk to them, but to include them in every conversation about your children makes people uncomfortable.

  11. Congratulations👶❤🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  12. Wow, that was fast. I'm glad and so excited. Joe and Kendra are my favorite Duggar couple. I can't wait to watch the birth announcement and gender reveal on Counting On. Natasha b

    1. I agree Natasha b !
      They look at each other with such love and tenderness in their eyes. They are a team :)

  13. Wow 22 and 3 kids, I am glad I am not her

    1. Exactly, she was pregnant with her third at 21.

    2. Same. When I was 22, I was traveling and applying to grad school.

    3. Me too... That's a little much, but hey it's not our life or body!

    4. Usually kids are pressured to go to college so that they could get a good job, buy a house, car and provide for their kids. If Joe and Kendra can go straight to it now, why not? They already have a house and it all. Now they just can bring up family. She loves her parents and siblings, she can safely leave her kids there for them to babysit. Everything is good.

  14. They never use birth control so why do they always say that these pregnancies are surprises? The real surprise would be not getting pregnant.

    1. I know. They MUST know how this baby making thing works by now. lol

    2. Because pregnancy isn't an automatic given. That's why.

    3. Well, 11:07, I can tell you as someone who didn't use artificial birth control that our surprise was that it wasn't nearly as easy to get pregnant as we thought it would be. I think children come when the Lord determines it's time for a child to come into the world. The trouble with artificial birth control is that it's not only unnatural, but it gives people a false sense of control over life.

    4. Debbie- I don't see anything natural about having 19 children. I am a senior citizen and always practiced birth control when I wanted to prevent pregnancy. I can assure you, it gave me a very real sense of control- unlike my grandmother, who lived in a time before women had any control at all over their bodies. She went to an early grave because she had one child after another. This was the case for many women before effective contraception was available. Their bodies simply wore out from many pregnancies and childbirth, they died from risky abortions, or they simply lost their minds.

    5. @Debbie The Lord has no say what happens to my body like that. I control that by my own actions. If it worked the way you said, there would be immaculate conceptions left and right as it was determined time for you to have a child. Now that would be a surprise and would even make at least one "history" book.

    6. 5:30, you underestimate God. An immaculate conception is referring to a virgin birth, which has only happened one time ever, when Mary conceived Jesus. God doesn't have to do a miracle every time, because He created a natural process that sometimes results in pregnancy, but not always. Resulting in a pregnancy IS out of our control, or infertile couples wouldn't be infertile.

  15. I wonder how Kendra’s parents feel? Their daughter who just turned 22 last week is pregnant with her third child while her second isn’t even 1 yet and her first is only 2. If it were me my family and friends would be very concerned.

    1. Since Kendra's parents have babies as often as they can, I'm sure they're happy she's following in their footsteps.

    2. Kendra's parents are a big family too, Kendra is the oldest of 8 siblings and maybe still counting, since the youngest one is same age as Garrett. And their mother had just turned 19 when Kendra was born.

    3. Concerned about what? She look stunningly beautiful and happy! Plenty of help and no financial problems. Yes, they are not you!

    4. Her mom has eight kids and was pregnant at the same time as Kendra.

    5. Why? She is young and healthy. It is a good time to have children when you have the energy to run after them.

    6. They are probably happy for her, praying for her, and excited to have another grandchild.

    7. Since they believe that parenthood is a beautiful and wonderful undertaking g for a husband and wife, Kendra’s family and friends are probably very happy for the couple.

    8. Here parents are the same.

    9. If I’m not mistaken Kendra comes from a big family herself. I think her Mom is still having babies too.

    10. She turned 22 in june! Sometimes I feel we are waiting for a serious serious serious medical emergency surrounding pregnancy. You know how big the risk of a uterine rupture is when you get pregnant this fast?!

    11. Exactly! With the mess the US is in economically, they're setting themselves up for a lifetime of poverty.

    12. Well 22 is an adult and as an adult and a mother herself she is old enough to make her own decisions and it is not for anyone else to choose her life for her .

    13. They probably think that is the way it should be, based on their "culture".

    14. @6:43 uterine rupture is very rare in women who have not had a prior C-Section. I think Jill had some sort of complication after Sam although they have not disclosed information. American college of OBGYN recommend two years between C-Sections and a total of three.

    15. Her parents have 8 kids, and her mom started having kids at 19 or 20. They probably feel too young to see themselves as grandparents, but other than that it's the same as the were doing and having at Kendra's age.

    16. 6:43AM: Kendra turned 22 on August 11th, not June

    17. She is 22 years old, people. That is an adult! So many of you are acting like she's only 16 and has 3 kids. Now that would be concerning.

  16. 3 kids under 3 and only 22 years old! She will be burned out soon. Kendra won't be able to enjoy her kids.She will be tired and no time for anyone especially herself. I wish her luck.

    1. I agree, I feel very sorry for her and the children... There is so much more to life than kids. Besides, she has a responsiblity not only for her own physical and mental health, but also for her children's.

    2. That’s what I was thinking. It was hard for me to have my kids 26 months apart.

    3. @1:29: Every person is different. Kendra probably loves to be married and have a family. It's much easier than torture yourself with studies, job, competition.

    4. There's nothing better in life than love and family. She is so blessed!!!!!!!!!!

  17. She's going to damage her body. She is having pregnancies faster than Michelle.

    1. Of course but that doesn't seem to be a consideration in this family.

    2. That’s an Old OB’s tale that got started in an attempt to reverse the effects of the Baby Boom from 1946-1960.

    3. It doesn't help the kids growing up either. I was the oldest of 4. The oldest of my brothers was born 1 year and 3 days after I was. My sister was 15 months later. My little brother 17 months after that. We were raised like quadruplets not as individuals. We were too close together.

    4. I agree, this is as much as possible. It seems like a contest between the woman.

    5. @Alberta Rose
      Huh? it’s not an old wives tale at all.

      From the Mayo Clinic:
      “ Research suggests that beginning a pregnancy within six months of a live birth is associated with an increased risk of:

      Premature birth
      The placenta partially or completely peeling away from the inner wall of the uterus before delivery (placental abruption)
      Low birth weight
      Congenital disorders
      Maternal anemia”

  18. That is really fast. And she is just 22. Why not enjoy the childeren they have. And not have as many as possible?

    1. @12:08 so true. Kendra at 22 you are so young. You have 2 beautiful and healthy children, why keep having babies? Enjoy the ones you have. Think of what you are doing to your body, think of the children you have they need you too.

    2. Why not let them do what they want?

    3. They do enjoy the children they have. You don't stop enjoying one child when you have another.

    4. Because that is not what God wants otherwise she wouldn't be pregnant is probably the answer they would give

    5. I am sure this was a surprise not a planned happens, may as well be happy about it.

    6. Well, none of them are planned as they say it's up to God so they just go on about their marital business and wait for surprises.

  19. So excited for the growing family!!

  20. Congratulations to Joe and Kendra! How exciting that Jim Bob and Michelle will now have as many grandchildren as children!

    1. With Jinger they already reached number 19 (of living grandbabies)

  21. Very happy and exciting news!! Congratulations Joe and Kendra! You are fantastic parents. A beautiful couple with gorgeous children. Wishing you the best.

  22. Poor Kendra. She is a lovely person, but It's clear what her life path will be, and she doesn't know any better.

    1. I feel the same way OP. She went from childhood straight to parenthood. No time to learn about herself as an adult. It's sad that neither her parents nor Joe's sees anything wrong with this.

    2. Not a choice I would make but if she's happy then let it be.

    3. Ever occur to you that might be exactly the life she wants to live?

    4. Sigh. Such a narrow-minded comment. Some people enjoy large families.

    5. Your crystal ball has probably never experienced the joys of marriage and children. It doesn't know the future, either.

    6. @1:15 totally agree. @12:25, I have experienced the joy of marriage, motherhood and even being a grandma. I feel sorry for Kendra and most of the Duggar girls(not Jinger or Jill). I couldn't imagine being told the only thing I could be in life is a wife and mother. Both are great, but you should be able to experience life before you get married and start popping out babies one after another. Also, your children deserve your time before you have another baby. I'm sorry, but I feel having more babies then you can physically handle is a sin.

  23. I am so happy for you guys 💗 congrats on baby number 3 😚 I vote girl👶😘❤️

  24. I think this little one will make #20! Congratulations to Joe and Kendra!

  25. My sister is the exact same age as Kendra and she just started medical school last week after graduating from college with honors. I am very proud of her.

    1. Congratulations to your sister. She sounds like a wonderful person.

  26. How exciting!!! God knows exactly when to place a little one in the homes of those who trust Him. So glad to see their home being filled with joy!

    1. What about all the babies who are born into dysfuntional or abusive homes? Was God absent in those situations?

  27. So many grandkids so fast that not even the blogger can keep track if it's 19 or 20!

  28. They're on track to outpace Jim Bob and Michelle at this rate!

  29. Oh My Goodness their kids are gorgeous!! I just love them little smiles on them faces. lol

  30. I'm curious - is it because these young women don't seem to know anyone in their immediate environment who has chosen a different life plan that they all take the same path? Or is it really their own, original heart's desire to have one child a year, startig with 19? It's hard to imagine. It seems like most of the family members are just doing what their parents did. Only with Jill and Jinger you get the impression that they have emancipated themselves. And I assume that Jana also consciously goes her own way.

    1. I was wondering the exact same thing!

  31. Welcome to Duggarville where at least one of the women is pregnant at any given time. lol

    1. Literally true, only 2 times with no pregnancies since Jill with Israel (between Spurgeon and Henry then Felicity and Ivy)

    2. after Felicity was born in mid July, Jessa was pregnant with Ivy already at the beginning of September.

  32. Maybe they want six kids or so and just want to have them all really close together. At this rate she could have her 6th at 27, and then by the time she’s 35 she’ll have it pretty easy

    1. Or maybe they want to have as many kids as God gives them, so by the time she is 35 (in 13 years) she will have 12 kids.

  33. I am confused as to why it was ok to have baby Addison outside, but baby Bella had to be behind glass. They are both vulnerable babies.

    1. Maybe they had colds or something

  34. Congratulations to Kendra and Joe on baby #3. Maybe a Valentine's baby.👼

  35. Well, this is exciting news!!!! I was very curious to find out, which of the married Duggar couples, would provide Michelle, & Jim Bob, with their 20 grandchild, which would shift Michelle, & Jim Bob, into officially having, more grandchildren, than children.

  36. Very happy for you Joe & Kendra, you have a beautiful family... Kendra you look gorgeous!

  37. Give her a break after this, Joe!!

    1. It takes two people to make a baby. Kendra is just as much to blame as Joe is.

    2. There is no "blame" in a married couple enjoying their physical relationship and being willing to accept the possible pregnancies that might result.

  38. I am so happy to hear this!! I Love this family! I admire their Christian roles that the family has.

  39. There's bound to be at least one more pregnancy next year, so it will be 21 in 21. They're going to have to expand the "big house".

  40. Life is always a gift!!! I’m so happy for this absolutely beautiful couple! God is blessing them abundantly!!

  41. I thought Jessa and jinger are expecting too witch would make Kendra's #21

    1. Jinger is pregnant, but there hasn’t been an announcement that Jessa is pregnant, just a teaser that she might be soon

    2. Jessa isn't... Joy's will be #18 any day now, then Jinger in November

  42. Kendra can pass on her beautiful smile to another little one. She is always so cheerful and that's a great thing for kiddos to learn. They'll all do well. Congratulations!

  43. Congratulations, Kendra. Better lay off the teeth-whitener. I read it leeches into the bloodstream and the fetus.

  44. Congratulations to a sweet family.😊

  45. I know the families Joe and Kendra come from both have a lot of children. And I see people feeling sorry for Kendra but, some people are just meant to be Mothers and Fathers - Kendra could be (and I hope so) someone who just will be happy and fulfilled having a bunch of kids. And Kendra has a support system that people dream of - all the baby sitters you could ever need.

  46. Y’all it’s her life and their marriage if they want to have multiple babies one after another then so be it. We should lift one another up and not tear each other down.
    I personally have a friend who is 20 single and has 3 kids under 2. She supports them all by herself and wouldn’t change it for anything. So to each their own. Not what I would pick but happy for them.

    1. Just curious, but why aren't the babies fathers helping her support them??

  47. I find it amazing people who are making negative comments act like Kendra's pregnancy is affecting them personally and think it's any of their business how many and how close she has her babies.

    1. I don't think pregnancy is affecting her personality, but it's hard on her body to have so many babies in such quick succession.

    2. Agree. I find it kind of offensive.

  48. Those kids need a refresher course in biology if this has come as a "surprise."

  49. Babies are lovely but it sure would be nice if they could enjoy each child for a couple of years before having another.

    1. They probably enjoy the fact that they have many children. I don't understand the expression "enjoy each child" because it's really feedings, poop, naps and diaper changes for small babies, so if they want to have a large family it's easier to go through it all together during the first years. You don't want to drag the diaper stages for many years.

  50. I'm surprised! I thought Jessa would be the next one to announce a pregnancy.

  51. Yay! Congratulations!!

  52. At this rate and her age she can definitely surpass Michelle.

    1. I doubt she wants to. I suspect they'll be done after this.

    2. 9:24 - what makes you say that? I have seen no indication that they want to stop. I think these two will be the most like JB and Michelle

  53. It is always seemed Joe and Kendra were the most like Jim Bob and Michelle. If this makes them happy then good for them. 3 under 3 is a challenge I would not want to try

  54. Exciting news! I have noticed that when the couple is not using birth control often the third child has a little more space between the 2nd child so I thought Lauren, Jessa, or Jill would announce next. I realize that everyone's different but often it's two kids in quick succession and then maybe the third about 2 years after. Not Kendra and Joe thought. Happy for them!

  55. With the age of the current babies it seems like there will be a lot of 2021 babies!

    1. It's pretty much a guarantee there will be a couple more in 2021.

  56. Im so excited for them💗💗💗 its amazing that they will be having baby number 3

  57. That is such a cute photo of the kids. Garrett's like Joe and Addisonooks like Kendra. I think JB and Michelle will wind up with at least 50 grandchildren, when all is said and done. God bless them all.

    1. If each child has 5 children of there own then there will 95 grandchildren and so only 5 children will need 6 children to make 100 grandchildren

    2. I also think Garrett is like Joe and Addison looks like Kendra. I see a lot of Kendra's mom in Carrett as well.

    3. Jim Bob has said he wants 200. That will make a nice voting block.

    4. They already have 20 grandkids, and only 8 of their kids married, and only Josh is married for over 10 years, Jill was 2nd to marry, and she is married for only 6 years. In 5 years they might have 15 to 20 more grandkids. And in another 5 years they might have like 30 more grandkids, because all their kids will be married. Some can have twins as it runs in the family.

    5. @4:45 Sometimes I really do wonder if that's the underlying reason these families have so many children.

  58. I hope it is twins! That way they can get a big family as soon as possible.

  59. Love all this family!! Congratulations!!!!

  60. I was so surprised! I thought Jessa would be next. Congratulations Joe & Kendra!

    1. I'm not surprised at all when any of them are pregnant. It's their brand.

  61. What cute kids! He looks just like Daddy and she like her Mommy! I am hoping this new pregnancy and birth goes more easily for her.

  62. Because the sign says tiebreaker, I think it would be funny if they had twins 1 boy and 1 girl and it would still be tied!

  63. I think Garrett looks a lot like Israel and Addison looks a lot like Meredith.

  64. How many times does this happen before it's not a surprise any longer? Especially when it is your primary goal in life?

    1. Always a surprise. Not their primary goal.

    2. Really. It's not a surprise at all.

  65. How is this a congratulatory thing?

    1. Because some people value children and are actually excited to have them in their lives. Each child is unique and special.

    2. How? Psalm 127:3 -- Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.

    3. How is it not? They’re excited about it’s

    4. Agreed. Most of the 22-year-olds I know or know of are being congratulated on their college graduation, not on having their third child in less than three years.

    5. Why would you think it's not? I'm not sure if the op is anti-child, anti-choice, or what.

    6. @2:34 if she valued her children she would be looking after the kids she already has instead of depriving her baby of breast milk

    7. 11:45, exactly a 22 year old graduating from college is a congratulatory thing. Being pregnant with a third child less than three years into marriage is not.

    8. @2:34, if kendra’s parents valued her they would not be letting her do this at just 22.

  66. Congratulations to Kendra,Joe,Garrett and Addison on baby #3. God Bless. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  67. Joe and Kendra are two of my favorites, but I wish they would allow their babies to be babies before adding another. She is so young. Lots of time to add more.

  68. How do they afford this lifestyle?

  69. I think 2021 will be another big year for Duggar grandbabies. I think Jessa will be pregnant soon as well as Lauren and Abbie.

    1. Don't count Anna out. She has babies in odd numbered years.

  70. I would only be surprised if a Duggar did not have more children. Their show is called "Counting On" for a reason, after all.

  71. The children are really cute. I m happy for Joe and Kendra, because they are happy with the pregnancy.

  72. This blog article is incorrect - Jim Bob and Michelle actually have 24 grandchildren. Anna, Lauren, Joy-Anna and Jinger have all had miscarriages. Those babies they lost count as children and should be included in the total of grandchildren. The Duggars also keep saying they have 19 children - they actually have 21 children, since they had two miscarriages.

    1. At what point do you stop counting miscarriages as grandchildren because you could have the miscarriages very early and not fully realize it? Who hasn't had a weird month or two and wondered?

    2. They clearly like to refer to living children only when doing the children and grandchildren count. It’s their choice and it isn’t right or wrong.

  73. That baby doesn't look old enough to be weaned, yet the mother is pregnant again. Not really the best idea for all involved. Didn't her mother or her health care provider talk to her about this beforehand?

    1. She can just stop breastfeeding if she did not already.

  74. U 2 make the best cutest kids Jo and Kendra!!!!!!! WOW, soooooo cute!!!!!!! Can\t wait to see the 3nd, Kendra take good care of U, and put your feet up,OK!!!!

  75. So Kendra will be a mother-of-Three by the age 22. That is insane.

  76. I had 3 children before I was 21.Congrats

  77. I agree that "her body, her choice" goes both ways. A woman can choose to use birth control OR not and have that choice of the outcomes..however, these types of families like the Duggars don't educate their children that there are CHOICES in which they may make about NOT having double digit children. Kendra and Anna are perfect examples of blindly agreeing to have baby after baby. The issue is that they have not been exposed to other alternatives. Sad, but true.

  78. Alyssa Webster is due February 17th, and she is 13 weeks now, so Kendra is probably similar, 12-13 weeks, regular time to announce. So she got pregnant when Addison was like 6 months only! It's possible of course, just breastfeeding one baby and nurturing another inside you may be quite exhausting. Especially if Kendra is sick the same way as with her first two kids.


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