
Sunday, July 26, 2020

A Keller Family Wedding

It has been a busy weekend for Josh and Anna Duggar and their kiddos. They traveled up to Ohio for a Keller family wedding. Anna's brother Nathan married Nurie Rodrigues. Their nuptials took place yesterday, which was also Anna's parents' wedding anniversary. Mike and Suzette Keller have been married for 40 years! On their way home, Josh and Anna stopped at the ARK Encounter.

Meredith Duggar and Grandma Keller
Meredith Duggar and Grandma Keller

Photo courtesy


  1. Wow! Traveling and going to a wedding during a pandemic, especially with how large all the families involved are?! Talk about selfish and irresponsible.

    1. It is surprising what people will do. My nephew's June wedding had to be scaled down to just the parents and witnesses in an outdoor venue. I am glad they were responsible. The bright side is they saved a lot of money!

    2. So judgemental. The counts are so unreliable. It's a real thing, but not nearly as everywhere present as some present it. We continue to head stories of erroneous, inflated case and death numbers.

    3. Agree. And then they took their kids to a tourist site, where they could spread the virus!! I am speechless.

      The US is in serious trouble, with the pandemic out of control. And yet these people travel to a family wedding, across state lines, with 6 children.

      What part of STAY AT HOME do people not understand. No wonder the US is in deep trouble. The infection rate is out of control; the "known" death toil is over 150,000 and climbing; countless people are left with damage lungs.

      Only leave your home for essential reasons. Keep at least 6 feet apart from people not living in your household; wear at mask ALWAYS indoors in public places and outdoors, when social distancing is not possible. Wash your hands frequently.

      In other words, act like you are infected to protect others. Be responsible and caring of others.

      A family wedding is NOT a good enough reason to travel. Last weekend, my daughter was a virtual guest at a wedding. Only the immediate family (parents and the couple) were actually at the wedding; all the other guests were virtual.

    4. Anon 9;32 I feel bad for you. If the media every night gave an update on the deaths of the flu, (which is thousands), telling what state had the most deaths from it, telling how many were in the Hospital from it, and how many died from the cold that day and what state they were in some people would be scared to death to ever go in public. Do you understand what is really going on?? You see politicians in public with protestors, you see politicians allowing protesters and anarchist to fill our streets walking shoulder to shoulder and are allowed to burn, destroy property at will. You see business owners being locked up for opening their businesses even with all the safety precaution measures and some even did contact tracing and had zero covid cases. Through this whole last 5 months myself and everyone I know have been working in factories, stores, in gas stations, restaurants, UPS offices, Doctor offices etc.and out of all of us we have seen 5 people who got covid and quarantined for 14 days and are back at work with no problem. Do you also know that a lot of the old folks in nursing homes who had died, had conditions that killed them but because they caught covid, their cause of death was listed as a vivid death? I could go on and on but I have worked in the public through this whole last 5 months and I will tell you that the American people are being lied to, that's not my opinion, that is a fact.

    5. I agree with you, 11:18 AM.

    6. @11:18 Five of you with Covid? In your other post you said there were only four. Which is it? Better keep your numbers straight with these stories if you want to get your point across.

    7. On the contrary, COVID death numbers are likely significantly underreported. Mortality from all other leading causes is also up since the disease arrived in the US earlier this year. What this means is that allegations that unrelated deaths are being classified as COVID deaths is unlikely if not impossible. In this same time, deaths from heart disease and cancer also have risen. Yearly deaths from the flu on the other hand are over-estimated with true counts being much lower, sometimes by 50%. There is plenty of data available on all this. But who needs data when you can read a misspelled meme reposted by your Aunt Thelma, amirite?

    8. @12:14 If anything, the cases are undercounted. There are many more cases that never get tested because the victims either don't know they're infected carriers or they don't bother to wait in long lines to get tested. What is important is the percent of tests coming back positive (climbing) and the ICU bed count (climbing). Hospitals are not faking their case numbers, if that's what you're implying.

    9. 11:18 Through this whole last 5 months myself and everyone I know has been staying at home as much as possible and social distancing and wearing masks when in public. And out of all of us we have seen 0 people who got COVID. And that is a fact.

    10. @11:18 I can't believe you're trying to say that cases of people who died in nursing homes of what's being called Covid proves that the rest of the world is safe from this virus. You want facts? Go talk to your doctor. Go read a medical journal. You will never hear from them that people are being lied to about the severity of this virus. Quite the opposite. They know things you don't know and they've seen things you've never seen.

    11. Wow -- the comments here are so disappointing. So many koolaid drinkers. Florida, for example, was discovered to have inflated their fatalities by a factor of TEN. But don't let facts get in the way of a good scare!!

    12. Anon 4:11 So it's a matter of not believing my lying ears and eyes. Well if facts that we have witness being in the public and all of us working in the public and seeing the small amount of people who got covid and recovered with no problem means nothing then you go ahead and believe all that the media is feeding you, but in the meantime me and everyone I know will go ahead and work and live our lives.

    13. Anon 1:29 You are absolutely right and when my husband read that I wrote 4 he promptly reminded me that the number was 5 but it was already posted on the earlier blog. Out of all the people we all work around 5 is not a lot of people and we all have made up our minds that we are going to tell people what is really going on out here so they aren't living in horrible fear like some people are living.

    14. ....And this is precisely why the US leads the world in Covid-19 cases and deaths. Twice as many as anywhere else. Aren't we a great country. Aren't our people so responsible and smart. Don't we care about each other so well. SMH

    15. Covid is real....the counts are real and the nearly 175,000 deaths in only five months are real. Yes, the flu kills many each year but we have a vaccine that helps reduce cases. You don't hear of hospital ICU's being overwhelmed by the flu. As a pandemic the illness effects the international supply chain, all the medical equipment needed to battle this illness are in short supply. We all need to do our part by listening to the professionals not the politicians, wearing masks, social distancing, limiting travel outside of our home area and postponing events with guest list numbers over the guidelines. God created all that is, including our beautiful world, Covid 19 and medical science to learn the path to treat it.

    16. You know, if we actually have way more cases than reported because people are asymptomatic, then that actually brings the mortality rate way down which makes it less dangerous. This makes people way more likely to think this whole thing is overblown and mostly go on with close to their normal lives.

    17. Replying to everyone but mostly to 4:03. I was in the same boat. Staying home, changing my life completely while watching others almost scoff are the stay home order in our state. Many of my friends were saying the same, that we don’t know a single person with Covid and things are just being blown out of proportion. In a period of 2 days, we then learned of well over 20 people I or my close friends knew well who all got it. Some who have mostly recovered now or had milder symptoms, some who made it to ICU. We hear extremists on both sides, undercounted deaths from one end, overcounted from the other. Masks don’t help, masks are the answer. It’s hard to discern what is truth, but my husband also is in a unique position of working closely with the Medical Examiner in a large county and when the ME says that what he is seeing in covid autopsies that he performs is scary, then we listen. It may not be breathing issues from covid that kills all victims, but it is causing things like blood clots in major organs and bleeding on the brain. It is easy to think something isn’t a big deal because you don’t know anyone affected, but two weeks ago I realized how quickly that can change. A large event exposed and infected many people I know, who then brought it home and spread it to more of our friends. At the same time, I learned of several people I know out of state who also tested positive, two having to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance and one being admitted to ICU. The virus is no joke. Unfortunately it’s also a major election year, which means everything turns political and things are said and done to help elevate the status of candidates. It’s really sad.

    18. These are facts: I live in the UK. I personally know eight people who have had the virus since March, ages from 30's to 80's, ill with all the symptoms, tested and verified. Three tragically died, five are fully recovered, thankfully. I don't imply that these are typical numbers, represent a trend or political point just that covid 19 is real and can affect anyone, ANYONE. Don't be complacent, take precautions to protect yourself and others, don't be selfish or terrified.

    19. @12:35 Thank you. Your post was very informative and holds a lot of truths. Everything your ME friend says is exactly what I've read in medical journals.

      I found out today that the brother of a friend recovered from the virus but is now on dialysis because his kidneys were damaged. He is in his early 50's, otherwise healthy when he caught the virus. We're all wondering if a transplant is in his future. The family was told that roughly 20% of Covid patients who end up in the ICU come out with kidney damage. There is starting to be a shortage of dialysis equipment in the US because of all the new patients.

      This is no simple "sniffles" or "flu." This is a whole other beast, and most people are unaware of what the long-lasting effects can be.

    20. I recently returned to work, and the 1st day I had several dizzy spells from wearing the mask. I just pulled it down under my nose so I could breathe. And my glasses kept fogging up. Tried the dish detergent and the shaving cream bit, but absolutely didn't work.

    21. Get over it people. People have to live their lives we cant stay cooped up forever. Mind your business.

    22. @3:42 @3:59 Case numbers are messed up because in early July, the current administration ordered that daily hospital numbers be sent to the administration's own Department of Health and Human Services instead of to the CDC. There's been what's described as a "hot mess" at HHS with all this new daily data and the problems the switch caused. If things had been left alone, if the administration hadn't wanted to take control of that data away from the CDC, things wouldn't be in such a state.

    23. @9:13 Your mask is too big and too loose if you're getting dizzy and if your glasses are fogging. Go with a smaller, tighter mask, or adjust the ear loops on the mask to fit it tighter and closer to your face. You may have carbon dioxide building up behind your mask if it's too big or too loose. Wear it like surgeons do - snug up against the face. It works.

      Put a long piece of paper medical tape across the bridge of your nose on the mask to seal it to your face and keep your glasses from fogging up. Another medical trick.

  2. Are folks in Arkansas and Ohio not practicing physical distancing because of coronavirus? Yikes! Seems risky, especially with so man generations together.

    1. Two new hot spots, both of those states you named. Both governors are very concerned, taking new measures, or considering taking them soon.

    2. It's a little late to close the barn door after the horses are out. Glad I don't live in either state, seriously. Not crazy about my governor, but glad he did start locking things down early. My state reopened recently and people *thought* they didn't need to mask up anymore and our numbers are rising. Now, he's decided to put some teeth to those executive orders (finally).

    3. @10:53 It's the same story other places too. Personally, my family didn't wait for any elected official to tell us what to do or what not to do. By the 3rd week of January, we went to Defcon 1 with our virus defense strategies. We were way ahead of the TP, Lysol, Purell, and mask panic buying. We're been taking safety precautions that no TV doctor or politician has ever mentioned. We've been using plain old common sense, which seems to be in short supply along with the Lysol and Purell, as well as medical knowledge of any type of viral transmission. So far so good, but there's no such thing as being too cautious. What I really want to do is wear scuba gear in public, or maybe those masks and oxygen tanks that fire fighters wear. Laugh, but it would work!

  3. Anna/Josh kids definitely take after their GMa Suzette usually when they're little but the older ones are starting to look like Duggar side.

  4. I'm glad it was a nice wedding. Glad the parents got a visit with Josh, Anna and kids. Anna probably got to visit with a lot of her family. Congratulations to Anna's parents celebrating 40 years of marriage. Natasha B.

  5. No mask. Park rules state that masks must be worn to enter and also indoors when you're unable to maintain 6 feet of distance from those not in your household. It's the governor's orders to wear masks, too.

    1. Thank you, mask police.

    2. Yes, thank you because WE NEED MORE MASK POLICE. People aren't getting how serious this issue is. Police in Miami FL are now writing $100 tickets for not wearing a mask in public. Obey the law, people. Stop spreading the virus to innocent people. You have no right to do that. The rest of us have the right to be protected from you, and that was upheld by the judge in a FL court this week.

    3. I cannot wear a mask because I have a chronic lung condition. There are sure a lot of busy-bodies on this blog.

    4. You can't go out in public to a place like that and ignore their posted rules, pandemic or not. The rules are there to protect everyone, including the business. Nobody has the right to ignore the rules.

    5. Why would you get a ticket when there is NO law on the books in ANY state that says people have to wear a mask?

    6. 12:39 If you have a chronic lung condition, you are at risk for serious illness if you're infected with COVID. Not a good idea for you to be out and about.

    7. Anonymous @4:27- Likely there's a Emergency Executive Order in effect (via the state's Governor), carrying the same authority as a law passed by a state legislature.

    8. @12:39 I'm older and have lung, heart, and other health issues. I wear 2 layers of masks in public (once a week to pick up groceries only), a 3-layer surgical grade mask with a lighter weight disposable mask on top. My blood oxygen level has stayed 96 or above with the two masks on. I keep a pulse-ox meter with me to check. If everyone here is a "busy-body" then at least we're alive and well busy-bodies who are following our states' rules, protecting ourselves and others. Wish everyone were.

    9. @4:27 Since you asked:

      Kentucky (home of the Ark Encounter) Executive Order 2020-586
      Ohio (site of the Keller wedding) Department of Health Director's Order 7/8/20 on top of Executive Order 20-01D
      Arkansas (home of the Duggars) Executive Order 20-43
      Colorado Executive Order D 2020 138
      Hawaii 9th Supplementary Proclamation
      Indiana Executive Order 20-37
      New York Executive Order 202
      Tennessee Executive Order 54
      Alabama Order of the State Health Officer 7/15/20
      Connecticut Executive Order 7BB
      Kansas Executive Order 20-52

      And so on and so on. No executive orders interfere with the separation of powers under the states' constitutions. All executive orders must be followed by the residents or visitors to those states.

    10. Anon 4:27. What leads you to believe there are no legal rules regarding masks? Public health orders by governors and local officials are laws and some of those orders include fines for non-compliance.

    11. 4:27...not true...I live in Washington and it is a misdemeanor here.

    12. 4:27 Why is it such a problem to put on a mask? If health care and essential workers are required to wear them, why wouldn't you? Businesses have every right to require them. Their signs should say "No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service".

    13. Here in VA, our local grocery stores all have large prominent Mask Required signs. We've gone from one way traffic flow (one entrance, separate exit) a few months ago to mixed traffic flow in the last three weeks, back to one way traffic flow this week. The VA Health Department has undercover employees making surprise checks on restaurants and other businesses,making sure their employees are masked. Businesses have every right to protect themselves and their employees and customers have every right to choose not to go to a business requiring a mask (including grocery stores if a person has the ability to order online). It's simply selfish not to mask up, unless you actually do have a medical condition (like Asthma/COPD/etc. impairing your lung function or breathing). My very independent elderly neighbor (on oxygen with Diabetes and Congestive Heart Failure) firmly believes that as long as she's wearing her mask, she'll be fine. I wear my mask for myself (I don't want Covid-19 and a lot of people depend on me-like my husband with asthma), my family, my neighbor, and all those other people needing groceries and supplies who have health issues or take care of someone who does. Is it comfortable, especially in this heat? NO But it beats trying to breathe on a ventilator any day. The rescue squad, the ER, and The ICU don't need me; other people do.

    14. Anon 6:12. Good for VA. In my state KY the governor has done a pretty good job of selling wearing masks and has again closed the bars because people refused to wear them there. If I with my chronic bronchitis and impaired lung function can wear a mask when I go out in public I really don't know why people without breathing problems think it's "awful" which it truly isn't. You get used to it and it really does help curb the spread of an awful disease.

    15. Nobodys business if others choose to not wear a mask. If you are worried wear one yourself.

    16. @9:16 It's everybody's business if people are going around without masks in defiance of government orders. Private businesses like stores can set their own rules too. Why do you say that people should "choose" not to wear a mask? It isn't a choice in most places, it's a rule. Why are you or some others above following rules? This one is easy - cover your mouth and nose with a layer of cloth. They're not asking you to put a dry cleaner bag over your head and seal it!

    17. I agree 8:18. I have lung damage from many previous infections and have worn masks for years. They work, and when I started wearing them all the time, my number of new infections went to zero. Masks completely stopped the cycle. I've been able to go about town doing what I need to do and have been able to do air travel (in years past, not this year) thanks to these masks.

  6. The Ark Encounter is open? That's nice. They explain how two of every kind of animal fit on the ark and how animals from North, South and Central America reached the ark. Lovely experience.

    1. So how did the kangaroos get there, lol!?

    2. I’ve always wondered about polar bears. Where did Noah find them? How did he keep the ark cold enough for them? So many questions.

  7. Thanks for posting an update for Josh and Anna. Miss seeing them.

  8. Interesting there are no pregnancies besides joy and jinger. this year

    1. When the time comes, I will be very curious to find out, which of the Duggar Daughters/Duggar Daughter-In-Laws, will be carrying Jim Bob & Michelle's 20th Grandchild. With the arrival of the 20th Grandchild, Jim Bob & Michelle, will officially have, more children than grandchild.

    2. Don't forget, Grace (Abbie and John's daughter,) was born in January. This means, that Jim Bob & Michelle, gained three grandchildren, in 2020.

    3. Jessa looks pregnant in recent photos!

  9. I guess they reallybdon't believe in the pandemic ... seriously is there a worst place to go than a wedding when there is a pandemic in the air !

    1. For everyone criticizing them about not social distancing or wearing masks, worry about yourself. Shame on you all.

    2. What about a massive street protest with people shouting at the top of their lungs?

    3. Cmon...we were at a family reunion last week and no one has come down with corona.

    4. Yes, there are worse places. Try the masses of people chanting profane words in the streets while they burn, steal, assault, and destroy. I would say that was a worse place to go than a wedding.

    5. @12:56 Have you all been tested? "Last week" could be too soon to have reported cases yet, or you could all be asymptomatic spreaders now and be giving it to people who could be in serious health trouble because of that. No harm done from your reunion? You'd have no idea, would you. Is that what you want?

    6. @8:37

      How this virus spreads is everybody’s business!

    7. @8:37 We ARE worrying about ourselves, which is why it's so maddening to see others ignoring the mandates to wear masks. Arkansas has that mandate as well as 29 other states. What's the excuse for people not following the mandates? That they're too special for any mandate? That they know more than any ICU doctor? Shame on those people for not complying.

    8. 9:24. Two wrongs don’t make a right!

    9. Just because you and yours don't want to wear masks doesn't give you the right to asymptomatically carry it to countless other people. If you or any of yours are not sticking close to home, how will you remember every place you've been without a mask for the past 14 days and every person who was withing 6 feet of you for 10-15 minutes over that 14 days (including strangers who may stood behind or in front of you in line at any stores). You all have just created a contact tracing nightmare if you're asymptomatic. I'm going to call it what it is-plain selfish behavior.

    10. @12:56 Saying you went to a family reunion last week and nobody contacted Covid, is like saying your aunt smoked for 50 years and never developed lung cancer. Lucky! That's what I say.

    11. I think the entire Covid picture would change if people were allowed to sue someone for passing the virus to them. Can you imagine the change of heart if unmasked people were held legally liable for causing illness or death to others they were in contact with? Will there be such a precedent set in some court somewhere before this is over? There have already been arrests of people without masks who purposely coughed or spit on others in stores. Will that eventually include breathing on them while not wearing a mask too? An interesting concept to ponder. Meanwhile, act as if it could be happening, and be responsible.

    12. The funny thing is that you could pass this on even if you are wearing a mask. Life is a risk. You choose to live it or hid from it.

    13. I’m 12:56: and you all can comment what you want but we know what we did and interestingly enough, not one in our big ol family has contracted covid from getting together. Everyone was precautious before and worked with their bodies, taking stuff to boost the immune systems etc. We took stuff along to help in case anyone got sick, I have a sister-in-law that is a self taught herbalist-she can count on one hand how many times she has taken her 7 children to a real Dr. I wasn’t worried about getting sick with her in attendance, I knew we were covered. We were loaded down with natural, herbal stuff and common sense among the families. I’m not bragging but I think we did a whoppin good coming out of being together with nobody contracting the virus. NOBODY still today and that’s a good week and half ago, going on 2 weeks. And there was 20+ children there! That says a lot. Thankyou. A lot of it is common sense. I feel for y’all that have had it or have lost loved ones and we don’t look forward to contracting it but somehow we have to go on with our lives and not sit a whole year out , waiting for what? Till something else comes along that takes you or you die in a accident? If you believe in God, there is no worries, He will be there in your time of difficulty helping either way He sees best for your situation.

    14. @12:14Anon Giving your kids herbs and never taking them to the doctor is not a good health plan and not good parenting.

      "Natural herbal" or "all natural" always makes me laugh. You can't get any more "natural" than hemlock, castor beans, rhubarb leaves, foxglove, lilies, daffodils, and a slew of other "natural" plants and substances I could name. You know what they would "naturally" do if you ingested them. "Natural" is a dangerous buzz word that has turned up on drug and herb store shelves as a selling point. Most of that stuff isn't under FDA control as drugs but the vague category of "dietary supplements." Ever heard of the old patent medicines? I did a thesis on them and their dangers. Some could cause that woman's procedure to happen that so many of you here are against the government allowing. Yet it was "all natural."

    15. people are getting killed over this.. masks infringe on our freedoms and it is ABUSE!! There are suicides on the rise over unemployment and businesses closing!!!!!

    16. @1:27

      A Florida court ruled that requiring masks does not infringe on any freedom. "Freedom does not include the right to make other people sick" was their ruling. I don't see how trying to keep yourself and others from getting sick is ABUSE. That would be the case if there were a known threat to your health and nobody did anything about it.

      Most unemployed and laid off people are not choosing suicide as a solution. That's what you do when you refuse to get help and aren't brave enough to face your problem and do something about it. I had a family member choose that route years ago instead of getting help that could have solved the problem, a problem that wasn't worth ending life and putting everyone else through grief. If more people stopped spreading the virus by stubbornly refusing to wear masks, then we could get businesses open again sooner rather than later. If you don't want to wear a mask, then stay home. Otherwise, you need to follow your state's rules about masks and the rules posted at businesses. They have the right to require whatever is in the best interest of public health, and a court upheld that.

    17. @1:27 I'm convinced you're posting this stuff and other stuff like it just to yank chains. Nobody could possibly believe that stuff.

    18. 1:04, at least they are alive and got through without contacting any sickness. Have you got through ok? If you rely always on meds, something will catch up to you eventually, just even the side symptoms will take you down before the original thing a lot of the times. You have to have common sense when you use natural things. Everything you mentioned is hilarious as nobody uses those things. You must not know much about the natural world. There’s a beautiful positive side that God created for us to use. It’s even mentioned in the Bible that He created herbs for the healing of our bodies. I’d much rather try herbs first before resorting to all the “extras” medications bring on to our bodies. But go ahead if that’s what you choose-just don’t blame others for your choice!

  10. 12:56 Because you went to a gathering somewhere and you don't think any of you had the virus then or now, that means it's safe for the rest of the country to do the same thing? What kind of sense does that make? This is exactly why the case numbers are climbing and why more people are dying.

    1. how do you explain the riots??!! The masks are a form of control!!!!

    2. Nope, was the best thing ever. It’s the 9th of August now and nobody at that reunion has gotten sick yet!!!! If we ever do, it won’t be because of the reunion anymore but of something else. It’s a mighty testament to what prayer and prevention does...

  11. Happy Anniversary to Suzette and Michael. Congratulations to Nathan and Nurie. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  12. 12:56 - You were just lucky. My Goddaughter was at a family reunion last week and she did get the corona virus.

    1. My extremely fit brother-in-law and sister-in-law have had it too. Laid him pretty low for weeks; she fared better. My mom's friend barely survived it two months ago and is dealing with long-term recovery issues. Social gatherings and running all over creation without a mask is like playing Russian Roulette with your own life and everyone around you. This is NOT the flu, please stop comparing it.

    2. Why did your goddaughter go to a family reunion during a pandemic.

    3. I agree with you wholeheartedly 11:05. Spot on! Long after this pandemic is over (please let that be soon...) doctors will be frustrated trying to keep their recovered patients alive, with all the damage the virus is doing to body organs. I have a heart arrhythmia after recovering from Lyme, and there is no drug that will cure that. My cardiologist can only keep ordering more 2-week monitor tests to see how this is progressing. Meanwhile my heart goes tock tick instead of tick tock, all because of a disease I never thought I'd get. My story is no different than countless Covid survivor stories to come...damage with only so much you can do for treatment. You DO NOT want to contract this virus!!!

    4. Anon 8:35. I wish you all the best with your health problems. Survivors of Covid also face these sorts of long term problems. Unfortunately those who don't want to wear masks and social distance ignore reality and the virus continues to spread.

    5. @8:35 There was a teenage girl on the news last night who was in the hospital with one lung completely ruined by the virus. She said what they all say, that she never thought it would happen to her or be that bad. :( Young people whose lives will never be the same, because we can't seem to stop sharing this virus.

    6. its the flu... you rest, take vitamins, etc... jeez..

    7. Yep, you rest, take vitamins, then you lose one or both lungs, your heart is inflamed and won't beat properly, your brain is inflamed and you can't think clearly, and you're on dialysis because your kidneys decided to shut down. That is, if you don't throw a clot somewhere first and have a stroke or a pulmonary embolism or lose fingers or a whole a limb. Or your life. No amount of rest or vitamins could save the 700,000 dead worldwide so far, and we're only 6-7 months into this.

  13. I went to a wedding last weekend between two medical professionals with a whole lot of other medical professionals in attendance. Some wore masks except to eat and take pictures. Some didn’t wear masks at all. Just sayin

    1. 12:11PM: That's hard to believe. My daughter is a medical professional, working front line with covid patients, and she has postponed her wedding from next month, to June 2021. The wedding you went to couldn't have been front line workers. No way!

  14. For everyone so concerned about masks, do you use yours properly? Do you wash it or wear a brand new one every time you take it off? Do you take care to avoid touching it when you take it off? If you reuse it, which was only recommended because there was a mask shortage, do you properly store it in a paper bag? I’m not trying to call anyone out, because I typically don’t. Six months ago all research said cloth masks are basically ineffective against viruses less infective than Covid-19. Five months ago masks, when reused, handled, or stored improperly, were actually said to increase the likelihood of infection. A month ago WHO said asymptomatic people were unlikely to spread the infection. The CDC says differently. Forgive me for being skeptical about masking, especially with reusable, cloth masks.

    1. Thank you anon 12:19 There is so much misinformation going on right now that people are really just fed up with it all and some wear masks, some dont, some wear them below their nose etc. I say let Americans use their own discretion and they will usually make the right choice that works for them. Most people I know think they had covid-19 back at the end of January, early Feb, including me. We all had every symptom of the covid including the lack of taste in food we ate. We were all sick for about a week and a half but just assumed it was a nasty flu. We all came through it and are doing fine.

    2. 12:19 - Seeing as how I've been wearing masks effectively for many years, I'd say yes, I'm aware of how to safely wear, remove, and store them.

      Look at it this way. If you're in an area contaminated enough to make your mask endanger you later while you're removing it or storing it, think of what being in that same area would do to you if you had no mask on at all!

      Cloth masks prevent direct spread of particles. Anything acting as a barrier for air will make it harder for something floating in that air to spread as far or as directly. The weave of a cloth makes air take crooked paths to escape, not a straight path right out of your mouth or nostrils into someone's nose or lungs. Ever notice the difference between looking through an open window and a screened window? Ever try to throw water through a screened window? Same basic principle as a mask, but with light or water, not air. Or think of the difference between running across an open field and trying to run through a forest full of trees and underbrush. The second one slows you down.

      Look at how long medical personnel have been wearing masks - well over a century, after European doctors discovered that they stopped the transfer of bacteria. There is definitely something to masks if they're so widely used as protection in medical settings. That's easy to figure out. You don't need the WHO or CDC to tell you to wear a mask, just good old horse sense. I used to get laughed at for wearing a medical mask in public but suddenly in February, I started getting asked where I was buying them because everyone wanted one. (I wasn't buying them, I kept a supply of them on hand for years. It's a good thing I did, because I ended up sharing them this year.)

      I'm walking testament that masks work. I had bronchitis or the flu every year until I started wearing masks, after my doctor recommended them because my lungs were getting so beaten up. I haven't caught a virus since. I'm definitely not skeptical.

    3. I prefer to get information from reliable sources rather than from some random post on a blog. I'll follow Dr. Fauci's recommendations.

    4. You cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, don't you? It's to mitigate the fallout, right? It stands to reason that a mask will do the same and tests have proven that to be the case. It doesn't completely stop particles from spreading, but it limits them a great deal. Even if they were only 10% effective, I'd still wear a mask. Also, we're dealing with an unprescedented pandemic. It does not surprise me that the infectious disease experts will have to change their recommendations as they learn new things about this virus. At the outset, they were trying to preserve the mask supply and other PPE for frontline medical workers.

    5. Fauci the alleged doctor keeps changing his stories..

    6. Anon 1:20. "Alleged doctor"? You mean the epidemiologist who is highly respected by his peers and keeps telling us to wear masks and social distance. Just because you don't like the message doesn't mean you get to shoot the messenger.

  15. The problem with going to these events, not wearing masks, etc. is that if YOU catch Covid it doesn't just affect YOU, it affects everyone you've been in contact with as they are in danger of falling ill. If you're hospitalized from the illness then health care workers have to risk THEIR lives to care for you. Don't be selfish, comply with the public health guidelines. Thank you.

  16. This episode was filmed before covid was an issue........

    1. The wedding Josh and Anna (with their children) attended took place July 25th. I'd say Covid was an issue then. Cases are spiking because people are doing that sort of thing now.

    2. That's not an episode. That was a wedding last weekend and what they did before, during, and after.

    3. Yall watch TOO much CNN. Just at the doctor in ohio, she said there are NO cases of covid at local large hospital, not to say there are no one with virus, but it's way over exaggerated!

    4. Right 9:05. If it's not raining at your house right now, it's not raining anywhere. There's no need to own an umbrella or have a roof on your house, because it won't possibly rain there at some point in the future either. Rain is hyped and probably a hoax. If CNN would stop talking about rain, it would go away and we could all get on with our lives as usual.

      P.S. It's currently "raining" on 2.2 million active cases and 19,000 ICU patients in the US. If you have none at your local hospital, it's either pure luck or only a matter of time.

    5. Anon 9:05 You are right. There are so many things being told to the American people right now. My sister lives in Texas and went to the Hospital for a horrible sprain in her neck and while there she asked the Doctor in the ER if there were any covid patients and he said just 2. She then asked him, then why are they saying all these people are in the hospital with covid in our area. He looked at her and said, I don't know. She asked him, why are they making this up, he again said I don't know. But according to CNN there were people dropping like flies in that area. He careful about believing what CNN tells you.

    6. @12:24 I want to move to where your sister is because my area is one of the worst in my state for case numbers and numbers hospitalized. My nurse friend who had a baby in May left her job in March because it got too risky for her to be in that hospital. Last baby, she was able to work until 2 weeks before her due date. Not this time. Your sister's experience is not the same as what others are experiencing and I don't know why you think CNN is making that up. It could be that all BUT 2 Covid patients had been discharged from that hospital. If so, then those doctors did wonders.

  17. Replies
    1. We can't discuss that here because that would compromise the privacy of the Rodrigues family.

  18. Now Duggar family members are at Big Sandy TX in a huge group. How close will this virus have to come to their family or others before they realize what they've done wrong? How many more will have to get sick first? All that talk of staying at home and wearing masks on the season premiere went right out the window.

    1. Texas is in the midst of a huge spike in Covid. Why would there even be a conference there? Even if they don't come down with serious symptoms, the Duggars CAN carry it back to there home in Arkansas. Are they really that arrogant?

  19. No Caina they had 2 family weddings in a row . So SOCIAL DISTANCE PEOPLE Want to get on with my life

    1. then get on with it! What is stopping you?? The virus will either never go way (like flu) or will magically disappear with a Trump reelection

  20. Sorry to say anonymous August 1 9:05 am. As a Nurse in a MAJOR CLEVELAND,OHIO HOSPITAL we are having people die DAILY from covid 19 .. All u have to o is WEAR A MASK SOCIAL DISTANCE. Please do ur home work BEFORE U POST. RN on the front lines Duggar's also r not any different or immune to this. This does't disciminate covid19. I thank Mr. DeWine daily

    1. Thank you. Some people seem to think that just because no one in their social circle has gotten the disease it's not necessary to put themselves out by wearing masks and social distancing. No one is immune and WHEN someone in their family gets the disease they will sing a different tune. Thank you for your work at the hospital.

    2. are you positive it's covid? Lol

    3. Actually, there are 4 previous viruses that provide antibodies against coronavirus. Dr. berg on YouTube has a video about it. And anyone who's already had it is technically immune.

  21. Hard to believe people who hate this family so deeply dedicate moments of their lives to watching, reading about, and commenting on them. You’d think they’d have better lives with better things to do, But no.

    1. I don't think your comment was particularly productive either 4Me2Know.

  22. Wow, people. This is not the first pandemic, the world will go on. Like it or not the point is population control. Only difference is we have social media & news 24/7 screaming fear at us. The point of this blog is an update on the Duggar family, not to be a coronavirus smack down or political battleground.


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