
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

2 Duggars Move Out...Before Marriage

You're definitely going to want to tune in tonight for this week's new episode of Counting On. The title, "A Duggar Bachelor Pad," says it all. Twins Jedidiah Duggar and Jeremiah Duggar have just moved out of the big house into a home of their own. You'll get a tour of their new place and see some of the challenges that they face as they navigate life without the rest of the family.

Jeremiah Duggar, Joy-Anna Forsyth, Gideon Forsyth, Jedidiah Duggar
Jeremiah Duggar, Joy-Anna Forsyth, Gideon Forsyth, Jedidiah Duggar

Photo courtesy


  1. I don't believe a word Jim Bob says in tonight's episode about everyone being allowed to move out if they want. Notice that the boys had to go together. Notice no girls have gone. This reinforces what they've said about having to have an accountability partner and also the fact that girls have to stay accountable to their fathers before marriage. Plus I think the only reason Jed moved out was because by law, he has to live in the district where he's running for office. Otherwise he'd still be at the big house.

    1. Maybe you are speculating too much dear.

    2. Well I do believe him. I think Jana wants to stay. I think it would be awesome to live at the Duggars' house!

    3. Maybe just maybe the twins CHOSE to go move in together and did not HAVE to.

    4. I don’t know why everyone is so suspicious of JB. Not one of us knows the family personally. The boys are twins and best friends. Of course they would want to live together. Plus it’s cheaper starting out when you have a roommate.

    5. I will bet that if Jed loses the election, both fellas will head back to the "big house".

    6. Yes, there's a lot more involved than what Jim Bob said in that short segment. A lot.

    7. Spot on with every point!!!

    8. I second every word.

    9. Mary, haven't you been following everything Jim Bob has done since this show started? What happens when the cameras are off? Please tell me you don't watch the show and figure that's 100% reality.

    10. Twin beds,same room even though there is a second bedroom....other than that looked like a typical first and toys before real furniture.

    11. What Jim-Bob said literally describes the way I feel at the stage of life I am in right now. I don’t see anything incredulous about it.

  2. Good for them. Does this mean that the OTHER adult unmarried Duggar offspring (including Jana) will be getting their own places? One can always hope.

    1. Living on your own as an unmarried female is not all it's cracked up to be. I graduated from college and moved into my own apartment. It got broken into while I was gone and I had to move back home. Police were involved and there was a trial. It's true, "A man with experience, is no match for a man with an opinion".

    2. I don’t understand why Jana hasn’t gotten her own place. I completely get living with your parents to save money, it’s very common in my country, but usually by the time people here turn 30 if they’re still with their parents they will start looking for their own place.

    3. I've lived alone as a female in apartments and never had an issue. Does my experience not count?

    4. Unknown- Your unfortunate experience does not translate as being true for others. I loved being on my own!

    5. Same here @ 1:09 pm. I guess some people think us women can’t be capable on our own.

    6. There’s no reason a woman is less capable live on her own than a man. Of people I know, single women actually have much better standards of living than men. They have good jobs, have nicely decorated and clean homes, eat well, travel, spend time with friends, date, and on and on. Sadly, anyone can be burglarized. Being a woman has nothing to do with it. Every person should know the independence of supporting and caring for themselves as they transition into adulthood.

    7. I get the saving money angle completely and that is important, But, it's a very good feeling to be working and paying the rent, utilities, car insurance, health insurance, and setting aside savings strictly on your own. There's an immeasurable sense of satisfaction because you own all the responsibility. Likewise, it's very valuable life experience when life throws you a curve (and it always will) and you're the person having to figure out how to solve the issue(s) yourself. Those are important developmental milestones every young adult needs to experience for themselves.

    8. It goes to show how few people feel really connected to their own parents. A friend of mine is almost 50, never married. She has her own apartment but stays with her parents every weekend. Our area's lockdown started early March this year and she immediately moved in with her parents. They love board games and walks and are very close. Her other siblings are all close, too, although they are married and have their own homes.

  3. Does this mean they are going to have to pay their bills (utilities, rent, etc.), cook, clean and do laundry all by themselves? How difficult. lol

    1. No, no it doesn’t.

    2. Yes it does and you would know that if you had truly watched the show

  4. Two grown men sharing twin beds in one bedroom is hardly a "bachelor pad."

    1. Those twin beds were in the girls bedroom ... probably Jessa and Jinger’s old beds ....they should have painted the beds a different color as the cream is too feminine for those young men

    2. Grown men sleeping in the same room in kiddie sized beds just strikes me as odd. They are not in a dorm. They need their own space for once instead of still living like kids.

    3. Too feminine? It's just a color...who cares.

    4. It worked for Bert & Ernie. lol

    5. Or bought new beds for themselves along with a TWO bedroom apartment!

    6. Looked like that house had 3 bedrooms. One they shared, one that's Jed's home office (so he can deduct that for tax purposes), and one that had bunk beds.

    7. Yeah, I don't get why aren't in their own rooms. That's very weird.

    8. It's not THAT weird. Maybe, being twin brothers and all, they like being together.

    9. They just moved into that house like a week ago. They used to be very close, so they put their beds into one room. They might see how it goes, if they like it, and get each other a separate room. Maybe they just did it for the show, and will move those beds back to the "big house" as it seems like these beds were there originally.

    10. Long ago, I babysat two sisters. The parents showed me that they each had a room but said they just preferred to bunk together. I thought it was cute. They continued that all through their teen years.
      I also know many families who are now in their 60s & 70s and the siblings always shared a room and many, to this day, have fond memories.
      Additionally, I know several sets of twins who've stayed extremely close, sharing an apartment even into their 30s. How lovely to be so close to family.

    11. Having 31 year old twin sons who still live at home with me, I would not be in the least bit surprised if they shared a room with twin beds as this is typical twin behaviour especially if they are close.

  5. Oh my goodness just watch the tonight episode thru my cable co. On demand TLC.... sorry but this was just awful!!! The only decent scene was Lissy’s swimming lesson... that was adorable!! The corn field maze was just stupid.. so sad... it was just awful... Ben and Jessa not watching Henry😳 literally fast forward 95% of the show.... Even Austin thought the corn field was crazy...Jim Bob and Michelle need to move on this is not their show anymore. The Duggar’s are not living in reality. PLEASE GIVE THE VUOLO’s THEIR OWN SHOW 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    1. 4:21pm I agree ... the shoe is getting same old stuff .. just no growth with the adult kids ... they do what Jim Bob and Michelle tell them to do. The VUOLO’s are the normal ones .. Jinger has truly blossomed into a beautiful young woman

    2. I don't understand why you people are saying that the Duggar s aren't living in reality!? My family gets together with our kids and friends and our parents come with us and go to corn mazes too and we also go to Apple orchards together and have the best time. We love getting together and doing things like that. We also meet together at our metro parks and barbeque and then walk the trails together. Family is important and I can't believe how some of you underestimate the love and fun that a family is to one another. I would never trade the life the Duggar s have for what Jinger now has. What the Duggar s and my family have is the meat of life and nothing takes the place of having your family with you to share your life with, or the moments in your children's lives of them having their extended family around to share all the milestones in their lives with. You said there is no growth with the adult children?, what is growth to you?, walking away from family?, Why? We can have it all, we can have our family near us and share life with them, we can have friends to do things with, we can have things we do with just our spouse and children, but I don't think we have to give up anyone or move away from anyone in our life and think that somehow that's going to make our life more fulfilling. Nothing takes the place of family.

    3. Jeez people it’s Vuolos not Vuolo’s. It’s a plural, not a possessive. It’s so sad that I see this mistake basically every day now.

    4. Anon 4:21 The Vuolos don't have family local so of course TLC shows them doing things like traveling, getting swimming lessons etc., what else can TLC film them doing? It doesn't mean the other Duggar s don't do them same type of things, but people like family oriented shows and so filming the Duggar s doing things all together is what most of us like. My husband and I enjoy getting together with family and doing things together. It's awesome!

    5. Jinger does what Jeremy tells her to do. It's no different for her now than at home.

    6. What exactly would the Vuolos do on the Vuolos' (see, I know the difference) own show?
      Shop for clothes
      Wear clothes
      Take pictures of themselves wearing clothes
      Shop for food
      Eat food
      Shop for a place to stay
      Get a house given to them
      Put books on shelves in said house
      Drink coffee (not roasted at home)
      Not feed a cat they don't have
      Gender reveal games
      That about sums it up.

    7. I would rather watch the Vuolos drink coffee, eat food, and explore southern California than another Duggar family competition. Enough with the corn mazes and couples competitions. I wouldn't mind seeing a day in the life of the individual families, preferably without commentary from JB and Michelle.

    8. Anon 8:09pm I just read your post and it's so hilariously accurate!! They don't need their own show because they can't get their heads through the door now.

  6. They should have had Jana move in with them. Jana is my favorite Duggar of all times. Natasha B.

    1. Why should Jana move in with them? To cook and clean for them?

    2. So that she can cook and clean for two boys instead of 10 siblings?

  7. Let's be honest - the only reason they are showing this is because when Josh was under investigation again, Jed had to separate himself from his family in order for his political campaign to thrive. People started asking questions about what should have been a private situation. Good on him for moving out but it's sad that he had to use it as a storyline.

    1. Jed had to move into a different district to run against a democrat incumbent. That’s the reason he moved where he did.

    2. The reason why he moved is because the Duggar house isn’t in the district he’s running in, and he has to live in that district for at least a year before the election.

    3. He HAD to move out and get an address in that district or he couldn't run for office there! The timing of that happened before the Josh stuff. Jed had to have that address before the deadline to file with the election board. The house belongs to a friend of the family, doesn't it? Like everything else, there's a back story that is not discussed on air.

  8. Oh my. Now JB and Michelle will have the other adult unmarried Duggars clamoring for their OWN pad.

  9. Isn't one of them running for public office? Probably wouldn't go over too well with voters if he was still sleeping in a bunkbed at his parents' home.

    1. I don't think sleeping in the same bedroom when there are two in the house is any better!

    2. Yet there will still be voters who see nothing wrong with a man who lives like that. Sure, there's enough maturity and experience there to help run an entire state!

    3. I think this whole moving out on his "own" was to make Jed appear less dependent on his parents. Also he needs to live in the district he's running to represent. I'm not sure that this will be helpful since he's sharing a bedroom with his brother for no apparent reason.

    4. Something tells me they're going to be sledding down the hill next winter on the used campaign signs...

    5. Anon 9:42 There is a big difference between living at home and living on your own no matter what the sleeping arrangements might be. Having to pay utilities, pay for food, for rent, buying furniture a much bigger responsibility then having everything provided for you while living home.

    6. I wouldn't vote for someone that isn't capable of living on his/her own. And sharing a room with a twin does not count.

    7. What does Jed! do other than run for office?

    8. If a candidate's values aligned with my values, I wouldn't care WHERE he slept! For pete's sake, what's wrong with you people -- voting based on whether a candidate shares a room???

    9. I wonder if this is just for show and the election rules. I bet they still go home to the big house every night, even if this is their new legal address.

    10. Where is he getting the money to run for office? He has to disclose his donors, by law.

    11. Being fully capable of supporting yourself and doing so (financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally), without your parents "helping" behind the scenes or openly, is the single measure of adulthood. If you can't or won't be independent and self-sufficient, you're not qualified to lead anyone else anywhere any time.

    12. Jed's donors were disclosed. They're mostly himself, his father, and a few friends. His opponent has many more contributors, including local businesses, organizations, and even one big business that the Duggars frequent.

  10. What about Jana??
    I hope these fellows can cook, clean, and do laundry.
    All 3 of our kids (2 girls and 1 boy) could do these household skills by the age of 12.

    1. Well pin a rose on your nose....🙄🙄🙄

    2. Anonymous @5:16-Thank you for teaching your kids essential life skills (cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, managing money, etc.). They can not only fend for themselves, but your son is also well equipped to step in and man things (pun intended) when his future wife gives birth (as real men should). My mom was absolutely adamant that we each be able to completely manage the house as teenagers, not only looking to our future, but if she should die while we were still at home, we would be able to carry on easier. I really appreciated those life lessons moving into my first apartment and later when I got married. You're actually blessing their future roommates/spouse.

    3. I know, 5:16. I thought Michelle said that all her kids, boys and girls, learn to cook and do housework. These 2 guys act like they'd never seen a kitchen or raw food before. I can only imagine the laundry situation at the "bachelor pad." I remember that chore being presented as "women's work" on the old show. So I wonder if they take their dirty clothes back home for Jana to do.

    4. They all grew up having chores or jurisdictions as shown in the show since the beginning. They have known how to do all of those things since an early age. Probably even earlier than most kids.

    5. 😁😁😁😁

    6. @6:39 Don't you remember John David telling us that laundry was for the girls to do? I don't think the guys got any jurisdiction that included food prep or laundry.

    7. I wonder what happened to the “chore” packs the kids would wear? The system can from Terri Maxwell’s Manager of your Home book (I think). I never spot them on the younger kids now.

    8. I recall for a fact Josiah saying the boys had to clean toilets!! I'll cook any day over that!

  11. How come Jana wasn’t the first to move out? The twins moved out together so technically they aren’t on their own. They aren’t furthering their education trying to better themselves for a job outside of working for their father. What will they do once the money stops coming in from counting on? How will they support themselves once the other moves out for marriage?

    1. @6:41; maybe Jana doesn’t want to move out. Would that be so bad?

    2. Jed is running for office in the area they moved. That's why he moved. (Into a place JB owns I heard)

    3. How many times does Jed have to say that he owns and runs a car dealership before people stop saying they don't work? I am sure Jer works hard but his jobs seem to vary more but Jed's is quite clear. It sounded like the house was bought by Jed.

    4. 9:05- I don't think it's a healthy situation for any adult child to live indefinitely with their parents. It's impossible to learn how to be independent or learn how to be your own person under those circumstances.

    5. Why Jana would move out from a huge house with tons of common areas, 9 bathrooms, acres of land, her own garden -- to a small house or apartment??? It would not make any sense.

    6. @12:00 Let's have the name and address of this car dealership.

    7. @5:02 - some people prefer apartment living. I include myself in that group. It’s less cleaning, super cozy, and you can have a small garden in a terrace or balcony. Also, why would ONE person need 9 bathrooms?

    8. Well, @8:16 it cracks me up you think they would lie about something that could be so easily verified. Plus, do you think they staged those scenes with Jed at the car dealership to the point that he doesn't work there? Finally, if this blog let's it be posted the name of the dealership is not a secret as it was stated in a video that Carlin and Evan Stewart posted about her getting a new car. They bought the car from Jed and the name of the dealership is Champion Motor Cars according to the publicly posted video.

    9. 5:02, the best reason I can think of is so she can learn to be independent & make her own way in the world. My daughter was always very shy and hesitant to do things on her own. After college she got the opportunity to move to a foreign country to work. She’s blossomed into a confident, secure young woman who isn’t afraid to live on her own or travel by herself. Sure, her apt. is tiny & our home much larger & nicer but I’m so glad she was brave enough to move, not only out of her childhood home but across the world.
      What if Mr. Right never comes along? Will Jana live in the Big House for the rest of her life while life passes her by?

    10. Jana would be foolish to move out! She has a very private bedroom, no longer with the littles, she has a cool job and does exactly what she wants to do, when she wants to do it!

    11. @8:16 If you google Champion Motorcars, Springdale Arkansas, their website and address will pop up. I dunno if this is the same one that Josh had, but his younger brothers do work there. Looking at their inventory, they sell a lot of high-mileage older cars. It's definitely a situation where it would be a good idea to have your own mechanic look it over before buying.

    12. Jana is an adult and can make her own choices. She isn’t locked up or held at gun point. She seems to genuinely love her siblings and enjoy spending time with them. She will move out if and when she gets ready.

    13. @ 9:29 - I lived in an apartment and in a house, and house is so much better! An apartment for the space of a house would be extremely expensive, and it's always people around, in elevators, on the street... House gives so much privacy. That's of course if you live alone. But the big Duggar house has so much space, everywhere, so Jana can find privacy there. Definitely her garden would not fit into a small balcony.

    14. 10:47: why do you think that if a person does not live on their own, it means they are afraid to live on their own? In many situations it's just not efficient, something breaks and you need to fix it, always better to have someone around for that. You never thought that it's just more convenient for Jana to live in that huge house? Huge kitchen, 2 kitchens actually, tons of rooms, tons of land for the garden... Why would she lower her living situation and live in a small apartment, no place to garden, and just small and isolated?
      Your daughter is probably is professionally oriented woman, but Jana is not. Like, if I had great family, parents who lived in a huge house and I could live there for free, I'd go for it right away!

    15. @4:18-Jana has here own bedroom? How? What’s her “cool” job???

    16. Jana has the nook where the 4 little girls used to be. The four “littles” have taken over the space where the 5 older girls used to sleep. It’s all one big bedroom however. Jana probably has a shower curtain or something to give her some privacy.

  12. That's cool for the Twins!

  13. I wonder if Jana and John David ever thought about moving out in their early 20's and living with each other?

  14. Finally!!!!!!!! I hope they enjoy themselves and their semi freedom!!!!!

  15. I really wonder what Jimbob and Michelle would have said if Jana and Jill would have wanted to move out when they were 20 in a house of their own.I highly doubt they would have let them.

  16. I hope Jed wins in the election!

    1. Have you ever look at his opponent's track record in political service? She is awesome! Jed's experience is...????

    2. I don't. He lacks the experience to adequately represent the district. His opponent on the other hand has a world of experience to offer.

    3. I hope he wins, too! Megan's record is terrible - for one thing she will not protect the unborn and believes in abortion without exceptions. ALL lives matter, people.

    4. Well I don't. When someone moves into a district simply to run for political office, they should not be elected. They don't represent the long term residents of the district. It used to be called "carpet bagging".

    5. @4:55 - you know that being in politics entails so much more than the abortion issue, right? There are so many policies, laws and proyects out there, why do some people only focus on abortion??
      I don’t know much about Jed’s district but what if his district has a lack of funding for education, or for security, or for roads? I’d rather have a representative that focuses on the issues that specifically affect that district instead of just pushing their anti abortion agenda.

    6. 4:56 -- Did you say that when Hillary moved to NY to run for the Senate? And if Jed's opponent is pro-choice, then I'd vote for him even if he has zero experience.

    7. @ 4:56; You mean like Hillary Clinton? The truth is, it's done all the time so that wouldn't bother me as a voter.

    8. Oh no no, Lori. Let’s not twist things. You decide what to do with YOUR body, and other grown adults decide what to do with THEIR bodies. No one tells you what faith you can practice, do they? What would you say if you were told you couldn’t be a Christian anymore.

      You don’t want an abortion? Don’t get an abortion! Someone else believes an abortion is best? She should be able to make that choice safely, as is her RIGHT to do so as decided over and over again by the SUPREME COURT.

      You absolutely, positively DO NOT get to tell other people what to do just because you personally don’t believe in abortion. It may hurt you very deeply
      To think of abortion, guess what? That’s where it ends! In your own head.

      Now leave other people alone and find other ways to protect babes—like contacting your lawmakers and asking them to expand Medicaid if they haven’t already, and begging them to allocate substantially more funding for schools, among many other things.

      You can talk, talk, talk all day long about “saving babies,” but have you ever walked the walk and actually made positive changes through your legislative body?

    9. @ Lori Choice is that - choice. You have lots of choices in your life that you don't choose to do, but the choice is still there. Let other people decide what to do too. Because you're against something doesn't mean that right has to be taken away from everyone. Do you realize what women did before they had this legal choice? They did exactly what you think, secretly, and it was terrible.

    10. @10:23 Jed's opponent is the incumbent Democrat and a woman. She did not support a bill that was going to ban abortion in Arkansas without any exceptions for "unusual circumstances of becoming pregnant" (not going to spell that out) or for medical necessity. So although her website doesn't say pro-choice, I would say that yes, she is sympathetic to women who need such a procedure. Last I heard, the bill/law got challenged and tied up by some federal lawsuit. I don't know where it stands now.

      That state rep is amazing, BTW. School teacher, co-director of ESL classes for her area, a mother, an award winner in her first elected term, stands up for women - she does it all.

    11. Lori- It's interesting that these conservative southern states that harp about being pro-life and banning abortion, have some of the worst health care, social welfare, and education systems in the country. Perhaps their lawmakers should devote more time towards protecting living children, rather than focusing solely on telling a woman facing an unwanted or unhealthy pregnancy she must give birth under any circumstance, and either keep the child or place it for adoption.

    12. KitKath, why do you not acknowledge that abortion involves two bodies?

    13. For those who are responding as if "choice" is the most important issue, you are wrong. LIFE is. I have the right to drive my car down the road - that is my choice, but that "right" or "choice" goes away if someone is standing in the middle of the street. I volunteered in a pregnancy crisis center for 32 years and never did I hear of any client being sorry she gave birth. But there were some extremely sad stories of dads who wanted their child and fought for them, but the moms aborted anyway. The dads had no choice. The children had no choice.
      We need to remember the baby is IN the mom, not part of her. Separate DNA.

    14. If Jed’s opponent believes in women’s choice, then I would vote for her!

    15. We aren't going to tell you to not get a tattoo or get your wisdom teeth out. That would be your body. A baby during pregnancy is a living human being and is not just a body part for you to do with and kill at will. Please just be honest about the debate. It's not what you want to do with your body but what you want to do with the body you are carrying.

    16. Kitkath, Oh no no, how about you not get things twisted. There was once a time when people thought it was ok to own slaves, ok to beat their wives, ok to prohibit women from voting etc., but people fought against these things because some good people knew that ALL people have a right to LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS and that no one had the right to deny another person of these GOD GIVEN RIGHTS. So to think that we Christians are going to make an exception for the unborn and not speak against the horror of what abortion is and stand by and allow this holocaust of the unborn to go on unchallenged is not going to happen. It might be legal now but we will fight until every child is given their God given right to life. You said leave other people alone and find other ways to protect babies by asking lawmakers to expand Medicaid and ask for more funding for schools? I don't even know how you can say that with a straight face!! If you have no problem with people killing a child why in the world would Medicaid or school funding FOR A CHILD be of any importance to you??? As far as talking the talk and walking the walk, well you have no idea what we are doing out here to help the unborn until we see abortion end. Here I'll give you some of what we are doing, we are taking in young pregnant girls who are runaway girls and bringing them into our homes and my latest runaway Kim is 14 and has given birth 2 months ago to a beautiful baby girl. We are also placing pregnant girls who have no where to go in Bethany House a wonderful and safe place for women. We have women who work with the college girls who have gotten pregnant and we have warm wonderful homes for the babies to be adopted. So yes we ARE WALKING the WALK. We will fight until abortion ends!!

    17. I'm astonished at some of your flippant attitudes about the suffering and horror of a baby in the womb who is being slaughtered all in the name of choice. Well like it or not there are two people involved in every abortion, the women and the baby and since we Americans are given the right to Life, then that right should extend to the child also. Google images of aborted babies and take a look at what you pro-choice people are ok with. You should be ashamed of yourself and one day each one of us will stand before the Lord on judgement day and what will you say then??

    18. Outlawing abortion is never going to make it stop, just like outlawing drugs hasn't stopped them either. Women found ways around the laws for 100 years, took widely-advertised but dangerous herbal formulas, or found doctors willing to risk everything to help. Desperate women died for the right to have a safer medical option for all women, no matter what their circumstances. Do you want all women to go back to those times because of something you wouldn't do yourself?

    19. Lori, I suggest you look up why the term "All lives matter" is offensive and should no longer be said. I say this because you might say it to the wrong person someday and the situation could turn bad.

    20. Why is it that when people are clamoring, marching, protesting, lobbying to prevent a developing baby from being killed in it's mother's womb, halfway outside of her body, or fully delivered, that they're accused of having "an agenda they're pushing"? But the people clamoring, marching, protesting, and lobbying to kill that same baby don't have "an agenda they're pushing"? Right. C'mon, who are you kidding?

    21. Abortion isn’t a choice. It is murder. The Bible says thou shalt not kill. It also talks about how God knows us and forms us in the womb. I won’t support any form of murder or vote for anyone who does.

    22. Lori, it is not only woman's body but also woman's life if she is thinking about a choice between carrying a pregnancy to term or aborting the fetus. There are very many situation when a woman just does not want this pregnancy, but what if she is forced to have the unwanted child? 9 months is a long time as well as a damage to woman's health, to carry the baby and then just put it up for adoption. And what if the woman is just forced by beliefs of people around her to marry someone she did not love just to have this baby, and then have emotional breakdowns, not being able to study or have her dream job? Duggar women don't study and they don't work, so it's an easy choice for them being brought up in this environment. But other women might want to live for themselves and enjoy studying, travel, jobs...

    23. @10:16—-so “all” lives don’t matter??? Just specific ones???

    24. Murder has been outlawed but people still commit it. Should we do away with the laws just because people are going to disobey them? Abortion should be outlawed, because a baby dies each time one is committed.

    25. 10:44- The lives of white people have always mattered more than others. Others not so much and that's why there's a distinction with BLM. When you say all lives matter, you're basically saying that racism doesn't exist and you're discounting hundreds of years of discrimination.

    26. 11:59, 9 months is too much to sacrifice to allow another person to live? Our society is so selfish and uncaring, it scares me. There are people who would love to adopt those babies.

    27. @10:44 They said to look it up - I did - they're right, it's not the right thing to say. Google it.

    28. Of course all lives matter but what is meant by BLM is that black lives ALSO matter. Sadly many people feel that black lives are inferior. Right now in this moment in time the focus is rightly being focused on the injustice that is perpetrated against many black lives.

  17. I love the Duggars!! Very refreshing change from the other garbage on TV that I cannot stomach.

    1. Like the commercials that run during the Duggar's show? Doesn't that tell you what company they keep on that network?

    2. I always wonder if they know what other kinds of shows are on that network..❗️❗️

    3. I’m not sure what commercials you’re referring to, but if it’s the advertisements for the other shows on TLC, you’re right — some of them ARE disgusting. However, those nasty shows would still be on TLC whether the Duggars were or not. In line with their missionary spirit, Duggars may be trying to be a ray of light in the darkness of that sad channel — they certainly are that.

    4. ALL lives matter!!!

    5. Not buying that 9:16. It would be like the Pope showing up on the Kardashian's show to "be a ray of light." Not going to happen, and the people watching are not going to be impressed.

    6. Thanks for the laugh. That will be the day when someone turns on a reality show to receive a moral upgrade.

  18. I loved the show. It was very interesting to watch. My Dad and I liked the activities and outings. We look forward to each episode and new season. Natasha B.

    1. I also, enjoyed the July 21st, 20 episode of Counting On.

  19. I'm noticing a trend that comment sections are starting to disappear on news sites (i.e. CBN news) and blogs (i.e. Pioneer Woman). Comment sections are typically a festering mess of strife and mean, snarky people these days - seems like it shouldn't be allowed by a Christian hosted site. Just a bunch of darkness continually allowed. Maybe it would affect ad revenue?

    1. I agree. I also feel that a lot of posts make valid points, both positive and critical. I also feel that they help keep the news stories on track, presenting supporting or critical comments. Having said that, some get out-of-line and can be nasty, which is not a good thing.

  20. If you’re just going to make nasty comments about them, I’m not sure why you visit this page. Is it better if they let you dictate their lives than for them to listen to advice from their parents? Does anyone making comments about Jim Bob and Michelle not “allowing” their adult children to make their own decisions have personal knowledge that this happens? So much judgement.

    1. The reason for comment sections is to have a discussion. I think it’s interesting to hear about people’s opinions and thoughts. Even if I don’t agree with them, i try to listen and learn from their perspective. It’s always good to listen to different opinions on things, it keeps you unbiased and it helps you become more open minded. Also, not every comment is going to be nice because not everyone is going to agree with them. I’m a leftist, feminist, atheist so I obviously don’t agree with them in lots of things but I find it interesting to learn about them and discuss them.

    2. Agreed. Let’s say a prayer for everyone who visits this page. :)

    3. @9:42 But disagreeing with them doesn’t mean one must be rude or overly judgemental. ;)

    4. I don't see any of the comments as nasty. They're just opinions about what the Duggars say and do. I find them quite interesting and sometimes entertaining. Like the angst over Jinger buy the $300 jacket. Opinions you disagree with really aren't "judgmental".

  21. I thought Michelle was in pretty good shape, running through that corn maze. She did very well, she's pretty tough!

  22. Like when Arkansas resident/ Washington resident Hillary Clinton decided she was really a New Yorker at heart?

    1. Yeah. Like when she and Bill BOUGHT a home in New York after leaving the White House. They didn't just move there to run for political office.

    2. You mean the home she STILL lives in?

  23. Except for the corn maze part; I really enjoyed this episode and the show afterwards highlighting past moments!

  24. Hi Ellie. I’m here yet again. None of my comments are being posted. What’s up with that? I think we should all strive for equality. I’d like to all my comments posted on both the Duggar’s and the Bates blogs.

    1. Queenie-I understand your frustration but are you sure you're pushing the "Publish" button firmly and squarely in the middle? If you don't push the "Publish button" exactly right, your comment won't go through. That's just a suggestion. I enjoy your comments.

  25. Something I've always thought about watching the Duggars in their huge house -- where do the introverts in the family go when they need alone time? They have the "prayer closet" but that is not a personal space really. I would feel so stressed with all the noise and lack of privacy! I would move out and into my own place at the first opportunity!

    1. They have so much space around, just sit on some sofa and be by yourself. They also have tons of land, some tree house, basketball court... and I'm sure others in the family will totally understand the desire to be alone for sometime. Just imagine how Ben is suffering in a small 2-bedroom house with 3 kids and a wife! That's really lack of space and privacy.
      And at least they don't have to go to school where there is no privacy at all. Like, in modern life, people value their privacy at home, but most jobs don't allow people really have it, and then you have to have really good living conditions to enjoy your privacy, not having family members around. How college kids live in dorms? No privacy.

    2. We know a family similar to the Duggars with 10 children and every Duggar book on their bookshelf. There is no private, quiet space for the quieter, more introverted children to escape the hustle and bustle of a large family (the Duggars stated on-air that the only time their children are allowed to be alone is in the bathroom and the Prayer Closet). Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, that set-up isn't healthy. It's sensory overload for those children and stresses them, leading to documented stress-disorders. Just like a parent needs time away from his/her children (and every working parent gets a break from their co-workers), children need breaks from each other too.

    3. @12:15 Privacy is not the reason you go to public school or college. Many people meet their spouses there through all the opportunities for socialization, including myself.

  26. Jana has a very beautiful garden including a greenhouse. When I think about the dingy one bedroom apartment I lived in, I totally understand why she is staying at home. Also, where I live multi-generational families are not uncommon. Grandparents, parents, children under the same roof. It also has nothing to do with denomination. It’s just how they have chosen to live life. Respect, accept and carry on.

  27. I don't get it why people try to push Jana to move out and make a pity on her that she is stuck with that gardening... People, some of us do have hobbies and things we love, and it's not having children one after the other! Gardening in itself is an amazing hobby, and look what Jana did, with help of her family! Literal "gardens", with little paths, greenhouse, flowers, vegetables, benches to sit on... I have a decent yard, but it won't compare with what Jana has at that house.

  28. Good that they are independent.


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