
Thursday, May 28, 2020

New Season Preview

The Vuolos move to Los Angeles

Counting On has been off the air for six months, but that's about to change. TLC announced today that new episodes are slated to return on June 30th. The Vuolos start their new life in California and reveal some big news with a pregnant gingerbread, the Arkansas Duggars take part in a series of competitive challenges around their town, Jana and the girls sew masks at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the family looks forward to new babies arriving in late 2020. Take a look at the preview video below, and be sure to tune in to TLC for the new season.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. this looks fun but also seems like ancient history w/ the pregnancy shoot w/ 5 pregnancies. Why are they so far behind? Jessa's baby just turned 1 year. Catch up please!!!!

    1. ?? They already showed the pregnancy shoot last season.

    2. The only explanation I have is maybe they will recap the births of Addison, Bella, Gracie (that were shown in special episodes already) and Maryella, and then move on to show how these babies are growing, Maybe also will show Joy's grieving and how she got pregnant again. But yeah, I hate when a new season is recapping the previous season for half of its episodes.

    3. The Bates seem to have plenty of activity to feel a half hour; their fans are begging for hour long episodes!!!

    4. My goodness 1:32. I most certainly Do Not want them to show how Joy got pregnant again!

  2. Yay! Already looking forward to the new season!

  3. Can't the boys sew masks? It could be part of a homeschool project for the younger fellows.

    1. "Woman's work." Like laundry and cooking and grocery shopping and diapering babies and.... Oh wait.

    2. Perhaps some of the boys are like I, a woman, who has 5 thumbs when it comes to sewing. Trust me, you wouldn't want me to make a mask. (But, if you need a letter written, I'm your person!) There's enough real problems in this world today; can we focus on the fact that someone is making masks; male or female? Thank you Duggar ladies who are able to sew for providing masks that many need and cannot find or afford. Bless you.....Ruth

  4. I'm so excited!!! The new season preview looks like happy enjoyable times. I didn't see Joy-Anna and Austin or Gideon. My parents and I love the outings and activities they're going to do. I'm glad I'm going to see gender reveal and births. We're so excited 😀 Natasha B.

    1. Joy and her family aren’t filming for anything other than events.

    2. Why aren’t they filming?

  5. This new season, looks like a good one.

  6. Nice hat, Jinge.

  7. Can hardly wait! Love watching Counting On, best show on TLC. I'm glad to see more of Jim Bob and Michelle, they are the backbone of the family.

    1. Grandma Mary, the older daughters, and John David really are the back bone of their family, but ok then.

  8. Soooo excited for a new season. Can't wait :)

  9. I am so excited! Can't wait for the next season.

    1. Yes. We'll get to see Kendra, Lauren and Abbie have babies.

    2. I don't think Abbie allowed filming at her baby's birth.

    3. They have already showed the birth specials.

    4. 2:52 PM: we already saw Kendra, Lauren and Abbie have their babies! In specials or full episodes!

    5. Anon 11:54 and 1:34. You really think they're NOT going to rehash those births? They had rerun every other birth so why would it be different this season?

  10. Looking forward to watching!

  11. How many new season previews have featured the question "Jana, do you have a boyfriend", and her response is always the same "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". If Jana ever does want to find one, she has to participate in the search!!! Perk up, wake up, get a little more lively, interesting, active, exciting, and get out there! Staying at home gardening isn't going to help you find somebody.

    1. Dad is going to help her find somebody. He laughingly likes to try to do that at their public speaking engagements, with Jana standing there looking mortified. I've seen it.

    2. Jana isn't going to DO anything else but what she does now. The claim there's a bunch of guys interested in her seems unlikely as nothing ever comes of their "interest".

    3. Jana comes across as rather melancholy to me. I think she could benefit from getting a regular job and moving out on her own. Never experiencing any level of independence must be stifling. I hope there isn't some kind of IBLP doctrinal expectation that she live with her parents until she gets married. That's just bizarre to me.

    4. I hope Jana doesn’t suffer from depression or suppression. Every interview she does seem melancholy like the poster said above. I feel like something is off with her.

    5. 4:16 - There is that expectation and it's plainly diagrammed for them. The "umbrella" of protection for a girl is her father, until the wedding day when she goes under the protection of her husband. She can't be without some sort of protection from one or the other. It's that old patriarchal system, and you're seeing exactly what happens when a woman becomes an adult but doesn't marry. It's a shame, because those kids supposedly got raised to know right from wrong and should be able to be independent. Beyond that, Jana may be plain fearful of being on her own? Or afraid to go against her parents' wishes? You're right, it is stifling, and I think infantilizing too.

    6. Well, staying at home gardening is all she can do during this pandemic, and I'm sure she gave it all to find a partner as much as her sisters but wasn't as lucky as them, after all she does have to marry a man of the same religion and baptists aren't very common so it can't be easy,anyway she's been quite graceful about it, and what's wrong with uhhh, Jinger did it too when asked if she was pregnant by her sisters after getting married, she'll find someone eventually even if she has to compromise on age but she won't compromise on religion,and there's nothing wrong with that, it's their most crucial belief.

    7. Poor Jana gets asked the same teasing questions about marriage over and over. By now, she must be thinking that it may never happen and considering what else she can do with her life. Here are some better questions to ask-- "If you do not get married, what else do you see yourself doing in life? Will you continue to live with your parents or eventually move out on your own? What about a job, owning a business, etc?" Jana has initiative and she must have thoughts about her future what she wants to do in life, since the usual path of marriage
      and babies does not seem to be happening.

    8. 4:16 : John David used to come across quiet like that but look how he did change when he fell into love!!!! The same could surely happen for Jana someday.

    9. I was reading it after I came back to the house after gardening, ha-ha. And unlike Jana, I don't have a wonderful father like Jim Bob who would try to find for me suitable candidates.

    10. Anon 1:25. JB may try to be a good father but I think he should knock it off with all the "rules". Jana is 30 years old and men her age aren't going to put up with him.

    11. 1:25, her dad shouldn’t be trying to find her “candidates” she should be able to go out into the world as an adult and meet/fall in love with someone on her own.

    12. Questioning Jana about a boyfriend is rather uncomfortable and they should just STOP doing it. All the siblings near her age are married, in their own homes and have children which leaves her on the island of not fulfilling family expectations. JB's blatant and clumsy matchmaking efforts makes the situation worse. The oldest of her brothers who are still at home are just now reaching the age when they will want to get married. Perhaps we'll see some courtships and marriages among them soon.

    13. What if Jana had a man interested in her, they got along well, but he doesn't want to be filmed? That's what I wonder if happened before

    14. Jana doesn’t need to have a husband if she doesn’t want one. She can still have babies. She seems to be so good with kids.

    15. Anon 6:57. Unmarried Jana getting pregnant and having a baby? That would be worth watching just to see JB and Michelle's reaction. lol

    16. @ 12:16- I wouldn't be surprised if young men aren't scared off by Jana's controlling father. That questionaire that he gives his daughters' boyfriends is ridiculous. I can't blame the Vuolo's for moving as far away from Arkansas as possible.

    17. Jana is very talented and ventures out alot, follow her personal channel. John David was older when God placed Abbie in his life why is everyone giving Jana a hard time. God has a plan for her and no one else should be gossiping about what they think her plan should be, it's a waste of time. Everyone's story is different.

    18. Sure have a lot of people who know exactly what the Duggar girls think & how they feel. Well, they aren't you & you are not them. What busy bodies you all are.

    19. @7:51 Jed will probably be next to court. Can't run for or hold public office without a good helpmeet to round out your all-American picture.

  12. From the previews, it seems like a lot of what we already saw (last November babies' deliveries, Jinger's move to LA) might be repeated again. Too bad. I'd like to see how Joy is settling in a new house, how Joe and Kendra are handling 2 kids, how Josiah and Lauren are handling parenthood. I also would like to see more of younger Duggars who still live at home.

    1. I read online that Joy won't be filming any main storylines anymore just maybe be in some group shots.

    2. I didn’t realize Joy and Austin would not be filming their own storylines. Does anyone know or have any theories why? I will miss a glimpse into their lives.

  13. I don't get it - they said Jinger had a miscarriage last Fall. Now she is 15 weeks pregnant, so she got pregnant sometime in mid February. Gingerbreads are usually done for Xmas. When did they announce her pregnancy with gingerbread?

    1. I would imagine the announcement is for the pregnancy they lost, not the current one. They have said the miscarriage happened the day after they announced to the family.

    2. 1:58PM: Maybe mid November? And then she miscarried the day after they shared the news. November is still Fall.

    3. She had the miscarriage in November the day after she told the family with the gingerbread house.

    4. They announced to their families they were expecting last November and they lost the baby that night/the next day so they got pregnant a second time in February

    5. I think that was for the November pregnancy announcement.

    6. I’m pretty sure they announced the pregnancy they lost with the gingerbread house.

    7. You can bake ginger bread any time if you just buy the right ingredients.

    8. Maybe they visited for Thanksgiving and made gingerbread houses then, at the end of November. Then she had a miscarriage. Then got pregnant again in February. Though yeah, for Thanksgiving it would be more appropriate to make a pumpkin. Gingerbread is for Christmas.

    9. Who knows why the Duggars do ANYTHING? They "announce" pregnancies with a bowl of ice cream too. Mostly they seem to be playing to the cameras with these kinds of things.

    10. They once announced Anna's pregnancy with a baby pumpkin in some sort of a pumpkin carriage. Don't remember what baby it was. Michael or Marcus, the announcement was in the Fall.

    11. Even if it was November, it is close to Xmas than let's say July. And gingerbread house is great because of Jinger's name.

  14. WHY are they wasting time doing silly challenges again?! Can't TLC think of anything more interesting? Sit them down and start asking them all the unanswered questions viewers have had. Ratings would soar.

    1. I agree. The silly challenges are just fake, made-up activities to fill the time. Please just film various Duggars with their families and doing daily activities. And please don’t do the “what’s coming up” segments. We are watching. We will see what’s coming up. Don’t be such a lazy TV producers.

    2. If you'd actually get straight answers, not more laugh-it-off remarks. @2:27
      We certainly would like to hear more than what kind of cheese someone is, or if they can name a Greek god.

    3. I enjoy watching the whole family doing challenges, they are fun to watch. It sure beats watching women in hard labor and giving birth. Those labor shows are so uncomfortable to watch and I can't figure out why they would want that type of thing filmed for total strangers to see. The goings on in LA is not anything I'm interested in either and is such a stark change in the lifestyle that a lot of us found endearing about the Duggars. No not a fan of an over materialistic lifestyle that Hollywood already fills are tv with. Simplicity and frugality are what's needed in this country that already suffers from "Look at me, look what I got" syndrome. I think some of the married sons and their wives still live simplistic which I hope there is more of a focus on their lives. I would love to see more of them.

    4. Agree! But... no one wants to answer and watching day to day life of ordinary people is boring, so... challenges! If they came up with clever ones then it could still be fun. Like redocorating a room for another couple

    5. Not going to happen because the unanswered viewers' questions are a lot more challenging than running all over town. LOL

    6. TLC has to do something with the family. Watching them do household chores would be even more boring than the "challenges". They aren't going to answer any questions that viewers have either. They just tell us what they want us to know.

    7. @2:27—ratings would soar only if they answered our questions honestly!!!

    8. They don’t so everyday “stuff” as us mere morals do, (i.e., work, stress about vet bills, meal plan). They [TLC] present these families as low budget, low key, low intelligence and a sense of anyone out side their beliefs/culture as odd or wrong so we tune in to snark, call it “old news” or defend their lifestyle.

      Would be great to see some genuine life experiences aside from marriages and babies.

    9. What happened with Ben working with inner city teens?

    10. @2:48 In Ben's own rap words, "Does anybody here believe it?"

  15. We already seen the births... need new ... otherwise it’s re-runs..... can’t wait to see mire of Jinger, Jeremy and Felicity... they are the favorites 😍

  16. Watching challenges is fun! It’s really great when your family is big enough to do team challenges without having to figure out who to do them with!!

    1. Doing team challenges in a family accomplishes nothing but instilling competitiveness. It can be harmful. Families shouldn't be about who can win against the others.

    2. If you are happy for other people when they win, then there's nothing harmful about it. It's actually a good test of character to see how you handle disappointment.

    3. There's nothing wrong with healthy competition. It'll be useful your whole life.

    4. Pitting family members against each other seems like a bad idea to me. There's enough sibling rivalry in families without that sort of thing.

    5. 7:53, there is such a thing as healthy competition. If you don't take losing personally, it can be a lot of fun.

  17. I truly feel sorry for all of you complainers, judging and not allowing for this family to possibly do things a "different" way than you think is "right". Like Jana living at home. Enjoy our differences,God loves us all.

  18. Anon 5/29@ are exactly right. This is what viewers want to know and see on this dying show. Wake up TLC. I think TLC would like to do that but the Duggar family resists being called out and questioned about these issues. They like the show just like it is...easy money, no stress or controversy.

    1. To be honest, I would rather see positive television. I think our world has enough stress and controversy right now to last until the end of time.

  19. More tabloid TV. Another season of money being more important than anything. This is no longer about how a large family copes. This is about doing anything and showing anything to get paid. Anything but reality.

    1. Agree. Staged (probably always had been) and old news.

    2. Yeah. They even showed a funeral for a miscarriage in order to gain ratings.

    3. Wow, 4:00, it's amazing how you were able to peer into their brains to see their motives.

  20. Wow! These Duggar women are better people than me. If I had gotten pregnant in my 20s, I would have gotten an abortion at the first possible opportunity!

    1. Same here, if I had married as young as them and gotten pregnant immediately after I would have too.

    2. MO- You must live in Michigan where our nut-job Governor thinks abortions are essential but dentist offices and surgeries are not. You have a very cynical view of human life. Your mother gave birth to you lucky girl! Adoption is always an option- the gift of life. :o(

    3. That statement scares me. If someone posted that they want to murder someone just because they inconvenience them, we would be appalled. But for some, abortion is just another quick fix and don’t see it as the killing that it is.

    4. @ 11:33, I am not the OP but I am pro-choice and so is my mother and I am glad she choose to give birth to me. I am glad I was born to a mom and dad who wanted me. I am glad my mom wasn't forced to give birth by you nut job pro-lifers.

    5. @11:33, abortion is essential, it’s a time sensitive procedure. I am not the op but I am glad my mom chose to have me. If my conception was unplanned I would prefer she had an abortion than knowing my mom was forced to have me by one of you nut job pro-lifers.

    6. 9:14. I just prayed for you. You sound like you could use some prayer.
      One never knows how we would respond to another’s circumstance until we are in their shoes.

    7. Don’t let 9:14 get to you. She knows that nothings gets a rise out of conservative Christians faster than the word abortion. She is just trying to see what replies she can instigate. Don’t stoop to her level and give her the satisfaction of replying.

  21. Lauren, Kendra and Abbie giving birth is OLD footage from last season. Why would you bore viewers repeating the same stuff? We’re looking for *new* footage for the *new* season - hello?!? Don’t repeat stuff for your loyal fans!

    1. That's not going to happen. Just think we'll get to hear Michelle tell Abbie how to moan. I can hardly wait. lol

    2. Actually, last season, included the short version, of Addison, and Bella's, birth, so this season, will include the long version, of these births. Last February, TLC, aired, the short version of Grace's birth, for people, who could not wait, for the long version of Grace's birth, to be included, in the new season, of Counting On. Thus, all three, of these births, can be counted, as new footage.

    3. Anon 12:17. I've seen more of these young women giving birth than I ever wanted to. I don't watch those segments any longer.

    4. Old footage is old footage whether it’s short or long. Bor-ing....

  22. I dont mean any disrespect when I say this but I wish Jim Bob and Michelle would get off the show! I really enjoy seeing the young people and their families we have seen enough of them!

    1. Actually I would rather see them than the young people - I feel like I learn so much from them.

    2. I agree, Jim Bob and Michelle should not be on any episodes of Counting On. They had their time on 19 kids and Counting, the show now needs to focus on the young couples and their growing families. I hope TLC, will do what they said, that the new series Counting On, would follow along with the young couples and their lives, right now, we only get a small glimpse. Jim Bob and Michelle, are taking away time from what the viewers what to see. Hopefully TLC, will listen and no longer film Jim Bob and Michelle.

    3. Personally, I'm glad JB and Michelle are back on. After all, it was THEIR show originally and you cannot hang what happened over their heads forever. I find them to be more consistent, genuine in their beliefs, and in their convictions than the kids are. I think some of the kids have strayed from the original teaching and foundation they were raised on. Just my observation.

    4. @ Unknown, what's the difference between not hanging "what happened over their heads forever" and not hanging something like the use of a knee on a police officer forever? Why would you call for everyone to forgive one, but we don't hear anyone calling to forgive the other? Can you maybe see now why some people don't ever want to forgive the Duggar parents or Josh for what happened? Can you understand how some people feel about this? Why it still triggers upset to watch?

      Are Christians supposed to pick and choose who gets forgiven and who doesn't? If you're forgiving the Duggars, then do you forgive all others too? Or do you only forgive the ones that are popular, or the ones you want to see back on TV?

  23. My guess is that the Covid 19 virus came at a time when TLC would have been getting their new footage for this season. They may have been forced to go to a plan B for the summer 2020 season of Counting On, which would be using parts of old footage pieced together in the best way possible
    at this time. If that is the case, I give them a pass for this season only and will look forward to the show in June. I miss the Duggar’s, all Of them!

    1. Covid-19 or not, they always reuse/rehash all the previous marriages/births for each kid and their experiences in an individual’s/small grp format, (e.g., Child #8i is getting they show footage and “remember” the Vuolo’s, the Seawald’s, Josiah and Lauren...etc...experience with their catch phrase “whenever I was courting/engaged/pregnant/birthing” and compare it to the new sibling.

      Its’s a family experience but cheapened by the way it’s produced and edited. Also as some one mentioned, they begin each segment of with a small recap of what you just watched and end with what’s to come. Poor, poor production and editing decisions. It seems no one cares as long as the money rolls in or at least breaks even.

    2. How to fill an hour with only 27 minutes of actual footage. Add those ridiculously long commercial breaks for other TLC programmes, all of which the Duggars would forbid their children to watch, and you see what you have there - practically a vacuum.

    3. And Jeremy will be front and center. Have you noticed how much he LOVES the camera? Compared to the others who came in to the show by marriage, he totally makes it look as if TLC has been following him all his life and Jinger just kind of hangs back.

    4. I'm not impressed with Jeremy anymore, or the way Jinger has changed so much. Sure, hair and clothes are great, but, for me, it's her attitude change I don't care for.

  24. Ho hum more of the same, they need new producers, I can even think of more interesting shows to make.Glad they are back though.Still watching😐

  25. When TLC airs special birth episodes there is no need to re-air the same footage from that event. It only wastes time and keeps this program too far behind.

    1. They've been doing this EVERY season. I have no expectation of this season being any different. I just hope they stay away from Joy's miscarriage. Rumor is that she and Austin aren't going to be featured during the upcoming season.

  26. I hope Vuolos stay safe...LA is in flames...

    1. I’ve been concerned for the Vuolo’s safety from the first mention of their moving to California. “ It’s not what it use to be“ is an understatement.
      I wish Jeremy would finish his education on line and they could move
      to a safer location.

    2. 11:20 California isn’t the only place that is experiencing chaos right now. Pretty much all of America is.

    3. We all need to be concerned for everyone. How many readers besides me have a loved one in a city with this rioting going on? Ellie herself is in one. We all need prayer. Can you imagine what it will be like during Mr. Floyd's funeral? The Lord Jesus is the only hope we have in this world that is getting darker and darker with evil. The book of Revelation tells us what the world is headed towards, but there is hope for a new heaven and new earth after this one is destroyed by fire. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

    4. What an exaggeration. They are safe as long as they don't go out and protest.

    5. Los Angeles is a HUGE city. Rioting is in small pockets in the major downtown areas. If you've never been here, you don't realize that the media is making it look like the entire city is in trouble. MSNBC was even caught using a movie still from the Brad Pitt movie "World War Z" to depict Los Angeles. Yes, they do that. I'm sure Jinger and family are fine. Let's pray for peace and justice.

    6. Yeah thank God Detroit has proven to be above all that! No burning buildings!

    7. Anon 11:20. I'm baffled by that sort of fear mongering. They aren't in any sort of "danger". I've lived in 4 different cities (2 large and 2 small) and never feared for my safety in any of them. Calm down.

    8. I’m in the vicinity of the Vuolos and am fine,as they are! The worst of it was Hollywood & Santa Monica. Today I went to the eye doctor and the market. Normal activity though the market was very busy for a Tuesday at 3pm. Then I remembered- curfew at 6 pm!! Also, shelves were emptier since people are panic buying to some extent. This is crazy. You can’t convonce me that the protests- especially in the big cities- hasn’t been organized by radical groups. Pray for the USA! And each other🙏🙏

    9. I’m really wondering why Jeremy had to go to LA for his theology schooling. It can be done in many places. Something is up with this decision.

    10. 2:39, it's no mystery. He wanted to go there because he wanted to be at that particular school. I wound up at a college 14 hours from home because that was the school I wanted to go to.

    11. @2:39 Inexpensive big house and chance to network and sell your brand. J&J are heavily into that right now, brand building.

    12. They would do better elsewhere.. the mayor is cutting police budget so people there better start exercising 2nd Ammendment rights!

    13. It bothers me when people worry so much about and pray only for the Duggers when there is a crisis anywhere near them. Be concerned for and pray for the Duggar’s and all the people of God who are in frightening or dangerous situations. The Duggers are no more vulnerable or in danger than anyone else in the area. In fact, right now, I think we all should be praying for our entire country. It’s a mess. Let God know we need His guidance and forgiveness and love to get through this.

  27. I think it's very unkind to keep asking Jana if she has a boyfriend. She's obviously uncomfortable with being put on the spot like that. I know she hasn't fulfilled family and fan expectations but she really isn't required to get married. JB's heavy handed matchmaking on her behalf is making her situation worse IMO.

    1. I agree. Leave her alone!

    2. Yeah.. she should have 10 babies by now!

  28. "The Vuolos' start their new life in California"-- they have been there nearly a year! Why would we want to see what was happening last summer? We've already seen tons of photos/videos/sm posts from their time in California. Their life there is not "new", but OLD NEWS. It is just amazing to me that this family can support themselves with such boring material.

    1. The amazing thing is that people are willing to WATCH this rehash of old stuff. The Duggars get paid no matter what is run on the TV show.

    2. The Duggars seem to think they're feeding viewers what they want. They're not. I get the feeling TLC wants to change things up, but I think Jim Bob overrules it. However, we've seen many instances where TLC actually seems to be making fun of the family in the way they edit and those silly questions they ask. It seems even TLC is restless with the content and wants to point out exactly how silly it is.

    3. Exactly. I will not be watching!

    4. Anon 8:50. I think you've hit the nail on the head. Some of the pranks that the crew played during the honeymoon episodes spring to mind. Apparently the Duggars don't mind as long as the $$$$ keep coming in.

    5. The reason they ask the silly headshot questions is to fulfill the requirement that in order to be paid, you must appear and speak on the show. It’s in most reality show contracts.

    6. I agree with 8:50. Sometimes I think they are setting family members up when they ask a question that they know the Dugger kids won’t know.

  29. Anonymous May 31 2020 11:20am . I feel your comment very offensive . There is crime everywhere, am sure the did the research and it appears the place they live is lovely. Please worry about others too. In theses trying times in our world lets not judge OTHERS! We are all in this together say a prayer for the homeless in our country people who who have lost jobs , home and loved ones to the virus. Businesses too. Pray for all. Alot of people dont have anyone to love and protect them. Also am sure when Jana is ready if she wants she will and should choose her own boyfriend she is not a child and doesnt need Jim seeking 1 for her. Thats just strange. Mary Keim Mennonite Ohio

  30. Dear Marcus: I hope that you are having, a fantastic 7th Birthday!!!!!

  31. My opinion is that Michelle does not really want Jana to ever marry. She would lose her housekeeper/cook/babysitter. So, efforts to matchmake for Jana by Jim Bob are not encouraged...Jim Bob does what Michelle wants. She's good at disguising that.

    1. Michelle doesn't have any small children any longer. They're all old enough to do their share of chores. Regardless, I do find it sad that an intelligent 30 year old woman still lives with her parents and has never had an opportunity to make her own way, or have any kind of identity other than the "unmarried oldest sister." Family closeness is one thing, but there is much more to life and she doesn't need her parents or a husband to experience it. If JB thinks it's his job to be the authority for Jana, that's just plain disturbing.

  32. How irresponsible can Jinger be to get pregnant during a pandemic? The effects of COVID-19 on unborn fetuses is largely unknown.

    1. Aww she will be fine...

    2. What a to do over nothing. There's no reason to think that Jinger will be exposed to the virus much less catch it. Should EVERYONE avoid getting pregnant out of fear or just Jinger?

    3. Based upon when the baby is due, she would have gotten pregnant beforehand. Getting pregnant or not pregnant isn't something that's totally within someone's control.

    4. Trying really hard to keep my eyeballs from rolling . . .

    5. That's a very personal decision and completely up to Jinger. She seems to be an excellent, doting mother. I'm thrilled for her and I am sure many, if not most, people feel the same way I do.

    6. She’s not the first to be pregnant during this scary tome. She’ll be fine.

  33. Why are Jim bob and Michelle back on the show is called Counting ON not 19 kids and counting

    1. They’re still countin’ on the TLC bucks is why. 🤣

  34. I hope that if they show any footage of Jed running for office that they give his opponent equal time. Doesn't the FCC require TV networks to do that?

    1. I'd love to hear Jed try to debate his opponent. She's a powerhouse!

    2. This is a reality TV show, I don't think they have to give "equal time" to his opponent.

    3. @2:00 It's a gray area because it's a cable show, not a broadcast TV channel. But the opponent could complain or request equal time. In any case, it's somewhat unethical of TLC to promote one candidate for office.

  35. Jana has her best friend, Laura. She will probably never marry, and that’s ok. I wish she could go out on her own but it won’t happen.


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