
Saturday, May 23, 2020

Jackson Turns 16

Wishing Jackson Duggar, No. 15 in the Duggar lineup, a blessed 16th birthday!

Photos courtesy


  1. In the middle right picture, who is the baby with Justin and Jackson?

    1. I think that’s Meredith.

    2. I would guess, that the baby, in the middle right picture, is either, Mackynzie, (Justin and Jackson's niece,), or Michael, (Justin and Jackson's nephew.)

    3. Looks like Mason

    4. No idea who the baby is. Since most babies don't "look like" anyone at that age it's impossible to say.

    5. To me it looks like Mason, but Mason is 2.5 years old now, so Jackson would be 13 and Justin 15. Justin in the picture looks younger.

    6. Definitely one of Anna's kids, not sure which one

    7. 10:31, I beg to disagree. Maybe some people have a better eye for detail, but I and others I know can tell babies apart and see family resemblances in babies' faces.

  2. Happy Birthday JacksonπŸŽ‚πŸ¦πŸŽπŸŽˆπŸŽ‰

  3. Oh my! 16! We watched that first show when Jackson Levi Duggar was born. Can't believe that's 16 years ago

  4. Jackson is one of my favorite Duggars! He was so cute as a small child, I remember how he and Johannah were always together. Happy 16th birthday, Jackson!

  5. He and Johanna gave the best interviews!

    1. I always thought so, too, 9:55. They were very funny together. Another combination I always enjoyed was MacKenzie, Josie and Jordan, but you didn't see them together often. These Duggar kids have sure grown up fast.

    2. Yes they did 9:55!πŸ₯°

    3. Agreed! I miss those unfiltered interviews! Their joy was unbridled and contagious.

  6. Dear Jackson, I hope that you are having, a fantastic 16th Birthday!!!!

  7. The family seems to be stepping out if the light. Doesn’t seem to be that much family info publicly shared lately. I’ve kept up with them for so long. They’re all grown and moving on I guess!

    1. I think you are right, but really that would be the normal thing to do. They are growing up and seeing the down side of living in the media where your life, and the life of their little ones are scrutinized by total strangers. It's like being on display at a zoo. The money might have been good but there are better ways of providing for your family other then selling their privacy for an income. It always seemed like they were selling out their children.

  8. Jackson, great brother, uncle & friend, blessed wishes on your 16th birthday! You & Johannah were a favorite "pair" growing up! ❤

  9. If it weren’t for birthdays; the Duggars would have no news!!!

    1. I know! How could there be no news with a family so large! They just might be done sharing their lives and slowly weening us πŸ˜„

    2. That would be fine. I think we already saw all we needed to see about large evangelical families. It's not just about making your own clothes and your own laundry soap. There's a lot more going on, and a lot of it not TV worthy. Or worthy in the sense of a warning about what not to do and what to watch out for.

    3. I think it's reflective of the times. A lot of us don't have a lot going on right now because of things being shut down and canceled.

    4. To 8:03 - I read your comment and thought how strange?! I have even more going on now than I did before thing shutdown not less! Because now I have time to do more things since I got laidoff. I am treating it like an opportunity to get caught up on the things and people in my life and to get healthier and work out more. For me the break from stress has been a real God send.

    5. 1:41, you misunderstand me. There may be more going on at home, but most people have not been going to places or events or hosting events. No missions trips, parties, showers, concerts, recitals, vacations, going out to eat, getting hair and nails done, church events, graduations, weddings, ministry outreaches, and so on. Those kinds of things.

  10. Happy 16th birthday Jackson Levi DuggarπŸŽ‚
    I hope you had a great birthday 🎈
    I remember your birth as you were the first one born on TV. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you. I can't wait to see you on Counting On. Natasha B.

    1. Who knows. Maybe in 10 years HIS children will be born on the TV show.

  11. Time 3:18PM Sun 5/24/20
    Happy late BDAY Jackson

  12. He was First of the Duggar births broadcast on TV, in the 14 children and Pregnant again special

  13. Hope he had a good one.

  14. Why does it appear that Jackson is shunned by his brothers? This guy is 16 years old now and is still lumped with a 12 year old boy (cousin) and the younger girls? Doesn't that seem to be 'not a loving family thing to do'?

    1. The closest by age brother to Jackson is Justin who turned 17 last November, and we don't know if they are close or not on a friendship level. James and Jason seemed to be close together, Jed and Jer are twins and also close, and close with Jason. Jackson was more close with Johannah when they were growing up. Many kids in large families "pair up" with close to them sibling. Like Jessa and Jinger are very close, but Joy was not included much until much, much later.

    2. I don't see that there's any reason to think he's "shunned" by his brothers. Family relationships are not cut and dried and if he has different tastes and interests than his older brothers then he might not spend much time with them. That's NOT a bad thing.

    3. Huh? What examples of shunning have you seen?

    4. 5:05 How do you know he is shunned? Maybe he naturally gravitates toward a friendship with Tyler. We have not seen many pictures of Jackson recently, so maybe his hanging out with them when and it just has not been in the public eye.

    5. I think it has more to do with who he's always hung around than "shunning" and "not loving." Why can't he be good friends with his sisters?

    6. Tyler and Jackson are really close in age. I think you're thinking of the age when Tyler came to live with the Duggars a few years ago. Plus, I think he's lumped in with the kids he feels most comfortable with. He's always been great friends with Johannah and has always been on the immature side. So, while his older brothers are now graduated and moving on with their lives, he's still in school and hanging out with the siblings/cousin that are doing the same.

    7. Jackson was assigned to buddy up with Tyler when Tyler arrived. Otherwise Tyler would have been smack in the middle of the little girls’ grouping and might have absorbed too much girlyness.

  15. He’s more handsome than most of his brothers. And seems so nice.

  16. Wishing you a year of happiness and blessings.God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  17. Lily and Ellie I love your blog. And I love the birthday tributes. One thing I would like to see added is a very, very recent photo of the birthday person. From what I can tell the most recent photo in the collage is the middle photo in the top row. We have not seen a recent picture of Jackson in a long time. I am sure he is growing into a nice young man. I love the collages. Just saying it would be great to see a second very recent photo. Thanks.

  18. I know the virus shut things down, but can we we ask the Duggar family members what they have been doing to pass the time; what suggestions they have for keeping children entertained; if Jana is getting ready for spring planting. I’m really am eager for some actual news on this family. Just birthdays gets tiresome, with the same happy birthday wishes ( it’s lovely, but repetative.). Also, posters go off on a tangent like they did on Jill’s birthday post. I miss them on tv so this blog is all we have for news. Thank you Ellie.

    1. Why do people seem to just want to pass the time and waste it away? Why not use the time for good and look at things more positively? Spend more time with family. Relax. Work out more. Get caught up on you to do list. Help people in need. Etcetera

    2. Anonymous @ 1:44- I was regularly fielding complaints from my mother, my in-laws, my elderly neighbor about how bored they are, how long their days are, etc. I compiled a list of things they could do with their time and began reciting it when they complained. They rarely complain to me now. LOL I think people are just so used to being entertained (by TV, shopping, eating out, gatherings) that they've lost the fine art of being able to entertain themselves. This stay at home time is a great time to learn a new skill like sewing, cooking/baking/cake decorating, painting/water coloring/drawing, household painting/repairs/deep cleaning, gardening, a foreign language, board game,take a free online college class, etc. Read some good books/ watch some movies together, go for a walk together or do a Youtube exercise video together. Pray for others, starting with your family, friends, neighbors and work you way out and up (people suffering from COVID19/who have passed from COVID19 and those who love them, anyone who's suffered a loss, people dealing with stress/anxiety/depression, your community members, healthcare workers, first responders, police/fire/EMTs, grocery store/factory workers, local leaders, state leaders, federal leaders-and all of their families). It's a great time to invest in your relationship with God and get to know Him better personally. It's time you can invest in your personal relationships. Our young adult will likely be leaving the nest in the nest 2-3 years. I'm trying to make the most of this unexpected time with her. But what if we treated our spouse with that same mindset? What if we spent more time on that relationship, realizing none of us are guaranteed tomorrow? What would that look like? How can we make today count for something?

    3. 1:44- "Pass the time" is just an expression. It's not an indication that someone is just wasting time away.

    4. @12:04 A housewife's workday has not changed. If anything, we have MORE to do now, more cleaning, more sanitizing, more worrying about whether or not we can get supplies and how to plan meals around whatever we might find in the meat case at the store that particular week.... If you have kids home from school or a spouse home from work, there's even more things to keep up with. Bored? What's that??

  19. Dear Ivy: I hope that you are having, a Fantastic 1st Birthday!!!!!

  20. Here's hoping, that Joy & Austin, are enjoying their 3rd Wedding Anniversary!!!!

  21. happy birthday jackson i hope you have a wonderful birthday :)


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