Wishing Ben Seewald a very happy 25th birthday! He's a father of three, and he and Jessa have been married five-and-a-half years.
Photos courtesy theseewaldfamily.com
Jessa and Ben Seewald
Ben Seewald, Spurgeon Seewald, Henry
Jessa Seewald, Henry Seewald, Spurgeon Seewald,
Ben Seewald, Ivy Seewald
Easter 2020
Spurgeon Seewald, Ben Seewald, Henry Seewald
Photos courtesy theseewaldfamily.com
Didn't realize Ben is that YOUNG! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!
ReplyDeleteHappy 25th to a fine young man.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Ben!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for these great pictures of the family.
I didn't know Ben is so young. 3 kids at his age is a challenge. I advised my adult kids to wait until at least the age of 25 to start a family. (Yes, they asked my opinion.) There is so much personal growth and maturity that needs to happen in those years out of high school and you can't get them back again. I realize there are many who find themselves as parents at a young age and manage to have it work out fine. I'm sure the Seewald's are in that category, but they are likely relying quite a bit on JimBob and TLC revenue. There's no harm in planning as best you can. I don't think God expects couples to start having one child after another if they don't have the means to support them.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know if he can afford his kids or not? TLC is a job for them don't you rely on your job for money to support your Family? WOW some people so judgemental
DeleteI so agree with you, 11:29. I got engaged at 20, married and had the first of our 4 kids at 21. I now have counseled my kids to wait to marry and have kids when they are at least 25. I don't really have much say-so about it, but I hope they take my advice. Between 20 and 25, go out and enjoy life. You have the rest of your life for heavy responsibility. Buy a car, get your own place, go to college, do some traveling. I lost those precious years because I married and had kids too early. My family is a huge blessing, but I missed out a lot on personal growth and life experience.
Delete25? I advised my children not to even consider getting married until their late 20s. One is married, at 31. No kids. Another is 29, not married.
DeleteGet their education done first. Get some work experience, after graduation. Stand on their own two feet, travel and see the world. And then, only then, get married and start a family. They will have less financial problems, will know themselves better and will be in better position to pick a life partner.
I hear people say that marriage is hard work. It does not have to be, if you pick the right partner.
Actually, studies show that married people do better financially. This is because of two paychecks as many women work now but it is also due to the emotional support of a spouse to help people through difficult times. There was a study that showed married people bounce back from job loss faster. I got married later and I didn't save a dime in my 20's. I actually feel that I wasted many years in my 20's. I am certain that if I had gotten married earlier I would have matured faster and been better off emotionally and financially in my 30's. It's just my opinion and if you want to wait a little while to get married go for it. However, don't assume those who married earlier are missing out on anything that important.
Delete2:04, the reason it can be hard work isn't entirely about who you pick. Maturity has a lot to do with it too, which you also mentioned.
DeleteMarriage is hard work no matter what. Some people are definitely ready to get married at 18, 19, or 20. Others are not ready until much later. It's not a one size fits all. We shouldn't act like we know what is absolutely best for other people, especially ones that we don't even actually know.
DeleteI advised my kids to follow the Lord and get married when He allows them to meet the right one. I married at nineteen and have been happily married for almost thirty years. I don’t regret one minute of it! There is no magic age to get married and be successful in life.
DeleteBen entered into his adulthood willingly. His choices may not be for everyone, but if he minds, he hides it well.
Delete10:39- Young couples also have higher divorce rates. Financial hardship is one of the reasons. I was single until I was 35, got a Master's degree, had a good professional job, saved my money and owned my own home. I enjoyed being independent and making my own way. Many of my high school classmates who married right out of high school also had kids right away. The women had no higher education or job skills to speak of. It was tough when some found themselves looking for work after a divorce or their husbands lost their jobs.
DeleteNo, marriage is not hard work if you wait until you are mature and financially secure enough to have an adult relationship with another adult. That is not when you are 18 or 19 or 20.
DeleteI have been married for over 35 years.
I waited until 34 to get married and it was still hard work. It doesn’t matter what age you get married, it is always going to be hard but that is what makes it worth it.
Delete9:09- Interesting. Glad things have worked out well for you. I'm awfully glad I didn't marry the guy I thought was the "right one" at 18. I've also known more than a few people who were convinced they were following the Lord's will by marrying a certain person, but it turned out disastrous. I really don't think God is sending a certain person for us to marry. He certainly doesn't put a sign on him/her with big letters stating "This is the one for you!" In the final analysis, we have to rely on our own good judgement and intuition, something that teenagers are still lacking.
DeleteI married my high school sweetheart at 21, but we both had dated other people after high school and while in college, until we both knew what felt right. We both had jobs and the start of a career by then, too. Our marriage has lasted. I can't say the same for others who married young that we knew. In fact, the situations we saw were scary enough to keep us all the more convinced about not failing. We had planned to wait awhile before starting a family but "surprise" and the decision was made for us. No regrets though. We might have dragged our feet about that for a long time otherwise.
DeleteThe girls I worry about are the ones (Duggars/Duggar brides) who get married very young, have no dating experience, have little or no education, and little or no job experience. If they fall, if marriage isn't what they expected, they fall hard. Look at what Anna got herself into (or the families got her into), for better or worse. Lauren and Kendra both seem very young and naive, too. It also feels as if Jinger found a father replacement (or a manager?) more than a husband. Jeremy is molding her into what he wants her to be, and she seems very eager to comply. They also seem to be forming some sort of PR-driven relationship, and someone is following them taking professionally posed pictures and writing captions. What sort of image empire (or influencer empire) are they trying to build, and is that a wise thing to do to a marriage? You, me, and our brand? Could get crowded. Just as you build your church upon a rock, literally or figuratively, you should build your marriage on one too - one that is strong and doesn't shift with time.
Happy 25th Birthdày Ben, I hope you have a great day. I can't wait to see you, Henry, Spurgeon, Ivy, & Jessa back on counting on this next season. I hope it will be a long season full of surprises. Natasha B
ReplyDeleteThe next season doesn't seem to be in the immediate future. Each "season" gets shorter and further apart. Ben is a handsome young man, but I think he should prepare for a better career than appearing on reality TV.
DeleteIt has been awhile since there have been any courtships. Joy-Anna is currently the only one pregnant, but it is starting to be long enough since the November 2019 baby boom and maybe Jinger or Jill possibilities that there could be some surprise pregnancies. There could be some interesting things happen in the next couple of years careerwise, especially with Derrick and Jeremy as they finish school. I'm not pushing, just that you never know.
DeleteHappy Birthday Ben! You're a great husband and Dad
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Ben!!!
ReplyDeleteWishing you a year of blessings and joy. God Bless.
Joan,Marion and Marilyn
HB, Ben! Lovely family, great father & husband! Blessed wishes for a Happy Birthday! ❤
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping that Ben, is enjoying his 25th Birthday!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Ben!! You and Jessa are my favorite couple,
ReplyDeleteBen really seems like a great husband and father. I think he is the nicest of all the Duggar sons-in-law. Happy Birthday, Ben!
ReplyDeleteI’m curious if Ben or any of the Duggar husbands celebrate their birthdays by doing something with their friends (in addition to family celebrations)? Maybe a round of golf or dinner or to a sporting event (during non Covid times of course!)???
ReplyDeleteIt's really not your business to know how they celebrate their birthdays. If we are interested in their lives, we should just be happy for the glimpses that they give us into it instead of always wishing to know more than they have shared with us.
Delete@12:25- just an innocent question!
Delete12:25 VIewers have a right to be curious, even though they may or may not get a response. If TLC would actually listen to viewers opinions, it may actually help the show in a positive way.
Delete9:21-That’s exactly right!
DeleteI hope he has a good birthday. I wonder what sort of job he'll get now that the TV show has petered out.
ReplyDelete@9:10-At one point, Ben was in some type of college. I don’t recall if he was learning to be a pastor or something else. Definitely, didn’t hear of any graduation . So, he probably does not have a degree at the moment to pursue a specific career.
DeleteWho knows? There's no indication that he's ever taken any college level course or gone to trade school to get job skills that would enable him to support his family. He'll probably just "work for JB". It's a safe bet that more Seewalds will appear at regular intervals.
DeleteUnless they share information with us, we have no clue what is actually going on in their lives. The show has not petered out. And if it does eventually end, they have probably though ahead to what they will do to support their families. It's none of our business.
DeleteAnon 12:26. So if the show hasn't petered out, why isn't there a new season being hyped? Ben has another 40 years to go before he reaches retirement age. You really can't expect people to continue watching various members of this enormous family get married and birth babies for the next 40 years.
DeleteThere is a new season being hyped. Here we go again. 90 Day Fiancee Duggar Style?
DeleteJessa has mentioned Ben going to work a few times, but we have never been told where he works or what he does-- could you pleasae post about his job and let us in on the secret?
ReplyDeleteI agree ;)
DeleteOnly time I heard of Ben "working" was when he was helping Michelle with home schooling. He did volunteer as a "coach" with a youth football team. I'm not sure how that relates to earning a living to support his family. We all know the Duggar woman don't work outside the home.
DeleteIf they wanted us to know about Ben's job, then they would have told us. Until they decide to tell us, we should just be content with the information that they have given us.
DeleteMaybe he doesn't want to broadcast where he works?
DeleteI agree, curious as to what he does for a living.
DeleteAnon 12:27. When a family sets up in the public eye as a role model for Christians IMO they have a responsibility to explain how they support their family. None of the rest of us could live like the Duggars do with no visible means of support. None of them appear to have any sort of regular job. The Bates family adults have actual jobs that they talk about.
DeleteWhat ever happened to his rap star friend???
Delete12:27- When the Duggars remain silent on matters that viewers are curious about, it appears they have something to hide. Asking about Ben's employment is not exactly an unusual or controversial thing to do.
DeleteWhen the family only gives snippets of information and then never addresses the topic again, it leave people asking quesitons. We were told Ben was taking college courses... it is logical to ask about his goals or end result.
6:29, he's still recording. His 10th studio project released in January.
DeleteThat's because Ben does not really have a job. He used to help Jim Bob with some "chores" and also was doing homeschooling of younger Duggar kids. I think teaching was very suitable for him.
DeleteWow, Ben is only 25? And already 3 kids. Though Ben is so good with kids.
ReplyDeleteYeah. Ivy is almost a year old. I wouldn't be surprised if there's another pregnancy announcement from Jessa in the next 6 months.
DeleteI’m guessing Jinger and Jill will have announcements soon as well. Maybe even Kendra and Lauren
Delete7:53 PM: I agree, I think Lauren will be happy to have another baby as they really enjoy Bella. Not so sure about Kendra, she had Addison 1 year and 5 months after Garrett, maybe she would want to have a little break. I think Jill could be pregnant soon. Jinger though might be just enjoying California living.
DeleteI'm surprised Duggar kids are not in a competition have to have a grandbaby #20 in 2020 :).
DeleteNot Jill. They use birth control. Have moved towards living Dericks upbringing. Not Jills.
DeleteHappy birthday Ben, you and Jessa are such a testimony as Godly parents and spouses!
ReplyDeleteHope he had a good one.
ReplyDeleteWould this family please clearly respond to two things that they have avoided and been evasive about: Did Ben or did Ben NOT complete his college education by receiving a Bachelor's Degree? We know he graduated community college with an Associates but never heard any update on him completing his Bachelors. Secondly: Exactly who is Ben's boss at this elusive JOB that he's mentioned 'going to'? Does Ben work for Jim Bob or not:What does this young men do for a living besides the TV show? Do they get paid (in $$$s) for their appearance or does Jim Bob dole out 'shares' in payment either in cash or gifts? These are general questions and need to be answered as the public wonders just how this growing family supports itself with no apparent traditional jobs?
ReplyDeleteRemember; the Duggar married kids really don’t require very large incomes. No mortgages because they are gifted/loaned their homes, no day care, tons of hand me down clothing!, a plane & pilot at their disposal and any home repairs/renovations can be done by family. So, basically they pay for energy costs, food, cell phones and maybe insurance.
DeleteThey don't "need" to be answered. Wow.
DeleteWhoa. This sounds like one of Jim Bob's applications to date his daughters. 😂 Any other personal things you want to know while you're at it?
DeleteAnon 8:16. As long as the Duggar family continues to present themselves to the general public as Christians serving God, then these are legitimate questions. They have a very affluent lifestyle with private planes, frequent vacations, nice homes and nice clothes. If they weren't in the public eye no one would question them.
DeleteThey're well paid entertainers. The "frugal hardworking" is part of their brand. Appearing on a TV show IS their job. The rest is window dressing IMO.
DeleteThe TV show is the family's livelihood. Who cares how the money is distributed among them? Sadly only Jeremy and Derrick seem to realize the show won't go on forever and they are preparing for long term careers to support THEIR families.
DeleteBen's job is the TV show. He gets money from being part of a TV show. We need to stop comparing the Duggar families to our families. They are definitely not the same.
DeleteJim Bob has a tremendous business sense and has invested wisely in many different venues, such as real estate, land leases to cell phone companies, etc.
He has probably invested for the long-term, as well.
These families also receive sizable income tax refunds each year.
I think we are "barking up the wrong tree" if we continue to ask about their education or employment.
If you're aware of what Derick has said, you'd have the answer to your question about the kids getting paid to be on the show. "We were basically unpaid volunteers" or some similar wording. One of the many reasons why they stopped being on the show.
DeleteAnon 8:51. IMO if JB was a "wise investor" for the long term he would invest in a college or trade school education for ALL his children so they could support themselves without having to rely on him and/or the TV show to live in the style in which they're now accustomed to living. At the rate this family reproduces any money invested will NOT cover their needs long term.
DeleteWise investing can provide for families for many years. It appears the Duggars invest in real estate, which will endure for the long term. Apparently, this lifestyle works for them. Maybe later on we will see if any children or grandchildren pursue higher education.
DeleteKeep in mind; Michelle and possibly Jim Bob make speaking appearances and are probably paid. The Duggars "choose" to allow us into their lives; none of them "owe" us anything. They, like any other TV/Movie actors have a right to privacy as well. Personally, I'm glad to hear they're coming back on June 30th. There is so little worth watching on TV and I've watched their shows from the beginning and enjoy almost all of them. I record some and watch them again. The adult girls are all responsible women and mothers. The Duggar family does not NEED to tell us anything about their finances. Just as an afterthought, would you like to share yours?
DeleteAnon 4:51. I don't think the Duggars "owe" us an explanation but since they've sold their privacy to appear on national TV it would be nice if they explained HOW they support themselves in the manner they do without any of them having any sort of regular job. The rest of us don't get to live like they do and have our own private planes with no visible means of income.
DeleteI agree @7:59. It gets old when they want you to watch them or follow them but they won't be up front about things. Finances are just one of those things. They want you to believe somehow that all those material goods just kind of come to them because they're such good Christians. It would be a better lesson to all viewers if they told the bare truth about where their wealth came from and who does what for a living. You know viewers have those questions - who wouldn't.
Delete7:59, I don't have to live like them to enjoy watching their show, and there are options when it comes to learning how to live and work in such a way as to have a nicer lifestyle. They don't bill themselves as financial advisors, although they do promote Jim Sammons' Financial Freedom materials. Maybe you could learn from him.
Delete@7:59 The rest of us didn't make a conscious decision to sell our privacy and our children's privacy and our grandchildren's privacy. I'd rather have that than a fleet of private planes!
DeleteAnon 9:91. Exactly. I don't see any need to ask questions. The Duggars are simply being paid for their appearances on TV and at conferences. Evidently they like the financial rewards and feel the loss of privacy is worth it.
DeleteIf my memory serves, Ben has an AA degree but I cannot remember in what subject it was. They filmed his graduation on the show. Over the years since, Jessa once posted he was taking some religious/theological type subjects on line. I don't remember hearing more about that. Maybe he is still doing that (?) Also, I believe he works some with Jim Bob. Does anyone know anything about whether the show is coming back or not? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteAnon 8:43, not sure you will see this but I wanted to help. Jessa said Ben did finish his Bachelors degree but didn't say what area of study. (It was recent, maybe IG or You Tube video). The new episodes will air June 30. Last we heard, Ben teaches Jessa's siblings, it was shown last season. Have a nice day:)
DeleteI keep forgetting how young some of these kids are. Such beautiful children they have. Although I do wish they would cut the older boys hair more like the younger boy. Such big bright eyes on the baby girl!
ReplyDeletehappy birthday ben i hope you have a wonderfufl birthday :)
ReplyDeleteDear Ben, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! I know U are young, but U handle it well, U are great parent, and as a husband!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMO- Ivy looks so much like Jinger to me... Is it just me or does anyone else agree? :o)
ReplyDeleteWhy Ivy would look like Jinger?? Ivy looks 100% like Jessa, her mom. She does not look like Jinger at all.
Delete8:35-maybe ivy resembles Jinger because she is her aunt AND her mom and Jinger look so much alike!!!
DeleteI think ivy looks a lot like felicity. Same eyes.
Delete8:35, why wouldn't she? They're blood relatives.
Delete8:35, why wouldn't she? They are related, you know.
Delete8:35 My daughter doesn't look like me or her dad. I have a pic of my great-grandmother when she was about the age of my daughter, 30's, and that's who she looks like!
DeleteDear Jackson, I hope that you are having, a fantastic 16th Birthday!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know how Henry's speech is coming along . . .