
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Parenting Gracie Duggar

John-David Duggar, Abbie Duggar, Grace Duggar
John-David Duggar, Abbie Duggar, Grace Duggar
Gracie Duggar has already passed her three-month milestone! And tomorrow is her mom's 28th birthday. In a new clip from TLC, John and Abbie talk about their life as parents (link below).

John-David and Abbie Duggar on Parenting

Photo courtesy


  1. Unfortunately the website is not accessible from the Netherlands. I would love it if you could describe what Abbie and John are telling about being parents. Best wishes, Suzanne from Holland.

  2. The link won’t open for me :( possibly because I’m from Canada, but it’s frustrating as I would dearly love to hear from John & Abbie! Any chance you could write out a summary, Ellie?? Thanks for considering...

  3. Duggar activity is at a low ebb. No trips, family get togethers, courtships, pregnancy announcements, etc. I hope things pick up soon.

    1. There have been family get togethers. Some of the family members have shown them.

    2. The virus may have something to do with bigger gatherings, maybe also courtship announcements. My nephew had to postpone his Memorial Day Wedding. Princess Beatrice has postponed her wedding. Who knows, pregnancy announcements may pick up.

    3. Abbie looks great in the video. Enjoyed hearing from both of them. (I agree with an earlier poster, John looks better without the beard. I think all the Duggar men do.)

  4. Why are they "out and about" (as they said) with a tiny baby right now?! They're in a recording studio too, with that sound baffling on the walls. Duggars can't seem to stay home, executive order or not.

    1. Arkansas does not have a stay-at-home order. The entire country certainly should though!

    2. Sorry. We have no "executive order" to stay home. It's been left up to individual states and in some cases cities. Federal government has been slow, contradictory and ineffective.

    3. Stop criticizing and mind your own business

    4. I’ve seen people out with their babies. Babies need fresh air. Second, John-David’s parents have a small recording studio built in their house. Last, I’d like to think that as an LPN Abbie knows what’s she is doing regarding keeping them safe.

    5. @7:49 It most certainly IS our business when people are out and around getting sick, spreading the virus to others, then over-taxing our medical facilities, pharmacies, first responders, and mortuaries. This virus is everyone's business and we all have to do our part to stop its spread because WE are the spreaders! How many people did you breathe on in the last 2 weeks? How many people breathed on you?

    6. @11:55 LPN's and nurses and doctors are coming down with the virus and dying of it. Some have moved away from their families for the duration, as precaution. A 33 yr. old nurse in FL made the news when her husband found her unresponsive one morning, after she was home from work with symptoms. Nobody is immune, no matter what education they have. Nobody can really be sure that they're staying safe, not until time has passed and your luck has held out and you're still alive. You can't see this menace so you don't know where it may be. If we could see it, the precautions our leaders have told us to take would have been stricter and put in place sooner!

    7. @7:49

      Maintaining social distancing should be everybody's business right now. Do it for the good of your family, neighbors, and country.

    8. Maybe none of us except the vulnerable should be staying home. Less than one percent of our population has the virus. Instead of listening to all the hype and panic, do the math. Yes, this is a contagious virus, but did we actually need to close down our country for this? Over 95 percent of people who get it recover just fine. Stop the panic!

    9. @12:50

      Maybe you should read the news from NYC and NJ. I live in NJ and my state is being devastated by the virus. It is certainly not hype and panic here. The shutdown was absolutely necessary for that part of the country. Hospitals had to turn patients away on some days, because they were so overwhelmed.

    10. 12:50 Have you considered that the infection rate would be much higher if we were not staying home? Furthermore, we do not have the testing capacity to begin to identify everyone who may be infectious, but showing no symptoms, so the numbers you may hear are likely not accurate. There's no vaccine and no treatment for this highly infectious virus. After seeing what's going on in some of the hard-hit areas of the country, I'm more than willing to make some sacrifices for the health and safety of everyone. Rolling things back will have to be done slowly, and with enough testing to identify who is infected and who isn't.

    11. For real. Have you heard about the suicide rate climbing, the people who can't plant a garden to feed their families because they aren't allowed to buy seeds, the children who are dead, not from CV, but because of child abuse (also climbing)? Unless things are adjusted, there will be many more deaths as months go on. Some serious action needs to be taken to halt these causes of death.

    12. 12:50
      Not to start a discussion, but there are still people dying that are young, and do NOT have underlying health conditions. Its not panic, its caring for ourselves and others. And, even if you do recover, many people are suffering from organ damage. Lets not pretend that over 146,291 people haven't died from this virus.

    13. 12:50 It's very hard to "do the math" when there's no way to know for certain how many people have been infected and are walking around asymptomatic, but still very infectious. Testing has been sparse, at best. Panic? No. Move forward with caution and listening to the advice of infectious disease experts? Yes!

    14. 4:49- We have had no problem buying seeds or other gardening supplies, either online, or drive up service at our garden center. Certainly, we should be concerned about mental health, as we would during any crisis. I am concerned about the recent sharp uptick in gun sales. Most completed suicides are done by firearm. Perhaps we should ban guns.

    15. I can see why the virus is still spreading at the rate it is, if people are denying how bad it can be and how easily it spreads. If you have lungs and you breathe, you can consider yourself one of the vulnerable. @12:50 if you don't wear a mask in public, then you can thank all the others around you who are wearing them, because they're helping protect you. You should help them back. BTW, over 150,000 people so far aren't going to be doing math ever again. That's a bunch of unfortunate deaths from just one type of virus that can get you. If we had a vaccine or a proven treatment, we probably wouldn't be talking about this. But til then, every day brings more misery for a lot of someones and their families.

    16. @4:49 How is anyone "not allowed" to buy seeds? All hardware stores and home improvement centers have stayed open as essential businesses. All agricultural businesses, including garden nurseries, are also essential and open. Wal-Mart is open. Target is open. All those places carry seeds. Even some grocery stores have seed displays or plants outside. Ferry-Morse and Burpee sell seeds online. My neighbor ordered live plants and had them delivered. Some garden centers are taking orders for curbside pickup if you don't want to leave your car. You must not be talking about the USA when you say people "aren't allowed to buy seeds." I had no problem getting some this spring (under stay at home orders) and even used some packets from last year that were still OK to plant. I had flower seeds and herb seeds from when mine went to seed by themselves last year, too. There are seeds left and right here. Everyone I know is planting and digging up and dividing and sharing plants. Our neighborhood online bulletin board has almost daily "Free Plants At Curb" posts. I'm not a Covid denier, but gardening seems to be the least of the problems in this pandemic.

    17. Seeds are not "gardening," they are food. Also, the CDC in its written guidelines (you can look it up) ordered death certificates to attribute cause of death to COVID even if the person had not been tested. So we do not have accurate numbers.

    18. @10:19 Hardware and nurseries are NOT open in every jurisdiction. Here, they are open only for curbside pick-up and good luck trying to order from these stores on-line. Their web sites have been crashing from the volume. And seeds are sold-out.

      Wal-Marts are only open if they sell food and not everyone does that here. There is no Target stores; expansion into this country failed.

      Seeds in grocery stores? Nope, the stores that may carry them are sold-out unless they source their products from this country. They are only stocking essential goods; seeds and plants are not essential goods.

      Garden centers and nurseries are closed/ will not open this year. All community gardens are closed so unless you have a large enough property on which you can have a garden, you are out of luck.

      I usually buy my veggie plants in May for planting. But this year, I will have to hope that the seeds I ordered on-line will get here. Those seeds are not Ferry-Morse and Burpee; that would require cross-border shipping which is impossible these days.

      They were still expensive, with the added shipping costs. Not everyone will want to spend the $$ to ship seeds; not everyone has a stash of seeds from last year; not everyone lives in an area where seeds can survive outside over the winter.

      Gardening may be the least of your problems where you are but it is not considered essential here. This year, most of my neighbors will only be doing maintenance gardening when the weather permits.

    19. @9:58 You must not be in the US. Michigan is the only state that has stricter restrictions on nurseries and greenhouses. The other states are open for business for food-producing plants, whether the entire retail nursery and garden center operation or curbside. It all falls under essential agribusiness. Seed catalogs arrive in December and January, so it was possible to order then. Dedicated gardeners usually plan ahead and do that over the winter anyway. Wherever you are, it sounds like someone created problems by having restrictions that are too tight and excluded agriculture for some reason.

      There's also the phenomenon of people being at home and wanting to garden more this year. It's like the baking phenomenon, making yeast and flour hard to find. That's not anything the shut-down itself caused - that's just the human reaction to being at home more whether it's a snow day or a virus. Opening up a country won't make things magically appear on the shelves again. Nor will it make deaths go down - probably the opposite, as people mingle more. This is happening in China right now, and they've had to start closing places like gyms again.

    20. I Love this couple and all the Duggars - don't kno why everyone on here tries to tell them what to do! They live out in the big country there!! Wide open spaces!! They are all "family!" They kno how to space themselves, and handle all this virus stuff. Just read and enjoy their pictures and articles - no need to critize them at all!!

  5. She's such a cute baby

    1. Absolutely gorgeous baby. She's not old enough to have the features that Felicity has but I bet she grows up to be beautiful baby

  6. Nice family! Happy Birthday Abbie. Please shave John!

    1. No please! He looks so much more handsome with a light bit there!!! A big beard, NO, but a little one makes him look “manly” :)

    2. Disagree!! He looks scruffy is all! Josiah does too. Glad Ben got rid of most of his facial hair too.

  7. It is interesting that they are wearing college gear, when they are so anti-college.

    1. I don't get that either, OP. They go to games, they wear the gear, but they would not set foot in any public college class. If you want to appear to support a school, then actually support it including whatever kind of thinking they teach there. Otherwise, it's hypocritical.

    2. 1:44PM: Abbie probably went to college for her nursing designation.

    3. Seewalds do that a lot, too.

    4. Not Abby; she’s a college grad.

    5. “Parenting” a three month old? Caring for, loving, comforting...

    6. I think it's the college sports that they're a fan of.

    7. They are not anti-college. I do not recall John-David or Abbie ever saying they are against college. Both of them have post-secondary education.

    8. Yes, that's all included under the umbrella term of parenting, 7:26.

    9. Alberta- what post secondary education does John David have? I don’t recall any of the Duggars going to college except Joseph who quit after a year

    10. To 7:26: Parenting, in my opinion, starts the moment a child is born. I started to read to my children before they were 2 months old; had to help them establish good sleep habits (at night). Many women still wash diapers and bottles; I believe that's all part of parenting.

    11. He’s a pilot. Also, post-secondary education isn’t just about going to a building. There are lots of ways to obtain education once you are an adult.

  8. Isn't judging Something that only God should do? It is a terrible Thing telling people they Will go to hell!

  9. So the gays who believe in Jesus Will not go to hell?

    1. I think we should stop with the preaching and condemning people to hell.

    2. The Bible says that unless you repent of your sin, ask forgiveness, and make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, you'll spend eternity in hell.

    3. Could not have said it better, 1:10. WE have no right to condemn anyone. God and only God has that authority. Like you, I think that particular subject needs to be put to rest.

    4. If you believe in Jesus and love Him and want to serve Him you will not be gay because you would have to live the way He wants you to live! God strongly condemned gay in the Bible, just so you know.

    5. God loves everyone! He/she does not care about sexual orientation! I know some people who are gay and also Christian.

    6. @7:56- I really don't think it's anyone's responsibility to tell others what they should believe about the Bible. In my experience, too often the people who are gung-ho about proselytizing are the same ones who aren't practicing what they preach. Worship as you please and afford others the same consideration.

    7. 11:19 Just so you know, many people do not share your beliefs about the Bible, specifically about GLTB individuals. Unfortunately, there are evangelicals who have a hard time accepting and being tolerant of that. Yet they also are very quick to cry discrimination and intolerance if they're called out on it. Live your life and follow whatever rules you've laid out for yourself. Just don't expect everyone else to follow suit.

    8. I'm not sure why people are saying someone is condemning another person to hell when in fact they are quoting what God says in His Word, which would be in this case warning about homosexuality.
      We all know that when we come to the the Lord we come just as we are and any lifestyle that is contrary to God's Word will begin to change. As we grow deeper in our relationship with Christ we will start living a more Christ -like lifestyle because we have become a new creation in Christ and we now won't be satisfied living in a way that offends God or our own new conscience. We now live holy and pleasing to God and we find peace and joy in living like this.
      THere is nothing in this world worth holding onto that is against God compared to what we will get for all eternity for surrendering our will for His will. 🙏

    9. He is no fool who gives what he can not keep to gain what he can not lose.....Jim Elliot

    10. @11:48- It's really none of your business how other people choose to live their lives, gay or not. You are free to practice your religious beliefs, but you need to accept the fact that others will not agree and it's not up to you to change their minds. I wish that people could be not only tolerant of others, but completely indifferent to their belief system. OUr world be a far more peaceful planet.

    11. Figure this one out. I can't. A prominent evangelical leader just told an entire city that he "doesn't believe in homosexuality" but he's "not anti-gay." This was in reply to his organization's response to Covid-19 in that city. That kind of double-speak can't be justified no matter what your religious beliefs are, or even if you're simply talking about the subject. It makes no sense!

    12. 9:54 -- Stop telling other people not to share their faith. You're not practicing what you preach, are you?

    13. 8:37- Some people don't know the difference between "sharing their faith" and telling other people how they should be living their lives.

    14. I have always thought there seems to be a double standard when someone says they don’t believe in marriage, don’t believe in religion, don’t believe in parenthood but as soon as someone says they don’t believe in homosexuality they are anti gay.

  10. Happy 3 months old Gracie. I also wish Abbie a happy 28th birthday. I can't wait for things to pick up. Natasha B.

  11. I am wondering if John and Abbie are using their skills and knowledge to help others during this pandemic. Abbie could answer family members' questions(over the internet or phone) regarding their health and safety. John could use his piloting skills and plane to fly protective equipment and supplies to small out-of-the-way communities. (I've read of other people doing these things and I was wondering if John and Abbie were helping out too). Maybe on one of the episodes they could discuss their experiences during this pandemic.

    1. Since they are “out and about” anyway, they could be of service to the vulnerable.

  12. Love your hair on this picture, Abbie!

  13. Aw-w, sweet family! I know this is off-topic, so I hope no one will mind if I ask: In one of the early Duggar shows (I'm pretty sure it was before Josh got married) the family was driving in one of the smaller buses that they owned at the time, and Michelle was leading the children in singing a hymn. I did not recognize the hymn at the time, but remember thinking how pretty it was. Does anybody remember what the hymn was, and could you please tell me the name. Thank you!

    1. I remember one time they were singing "Little Is Much When God Is In It" while riding on the bus.

    2. Thank you, 11:20. I am not sure if that was it, but it might have been. Either way, thanks for the reply.

  14. I’m curious where her beautiful brown eyes come from! Both John and Abbie have blue eyes, and Michelle’s eyes are blue and Jim Bob’s are green. I wonder if one of Abbie’s parents has brown eyes?

    1. I don't know that Gracie's eyes will stay that color. Babies' eyes often change color as they get older. Even Abbie's eyes look brown in this picture.

    2. In other pictures of Abbie, her eyes are definitely blue, so I think the lighting in this photo is just dark. But every photo I’ve seen of Grace looks like she has brown eyes. Maybe they will change, it’s just fascinating to me!

    3. If each parent has blue eyes then the baby would have blue eyes too.

    4. It might be just lighting, they don't have a very close up pics to see the baby's eyes that well. They look brown for sure. But also, felicity sometimes had blue eyes in pictures, while it's impossible, and now her eyes are dark brow n color as Jeremy's. Babies eye color change during the first year.

    5. Her eyes have always appeared to be blue in previous photos. I think it's the lighting. John and Abbie's eyes also look brown in this photo and they don't have brown eyes.

    6. Gracie’s eyes are blue, Abbie just doesn’t use a brightening filter on her pictures so you can’t tell. Also 2:57, Felicity’s eyes are actually still very blue/green (I think they’ll end up being hazel) you also just can’t tell in some of the pictures because of lighting. Jeremy has hazel eyes as well actually.

  15. Here's hoping that Abbie, is enjoying her 28th Birthday!!!!

  16. What a darling child! Her eyes look darker than both her parents'. Those cheeks are just precious.

  17. Abbie isn't a college graduate . She a LPN which is only a 10 to 11 month course it's a vocational school. Also she can't do alot of nursing skills that a RN can do. By law u also have to keep your nursing license up todate to continue to be a nurse. Leabeth RN in Arkansa working the front lines

    1. @ 8:32 Thanks for clearing that up. Too many people think that Jill is a midwife, Abbie's a RN, Jinger's a photographer, Jana's a pianist and an EMT, John is a police officer and could fly commercial planes... There's a tendency to inflate actual qualifications and education.

    2. Anon 2:06. There does seem to be a lot Duggar fans that overstate the accomplishments of the family. I don't think the Duggars themselves have made any attempt to mislead people regarding their accomplishments.

    3. 2:06, you can 100% be a photographer without going to school, same with being a pianist. Those are both learned talents.

    4. 6:03 Yes, it has happened. I've read their own words on this.

    5. @1:31 The point was that the fans purport that the Duggars are more trained in certain fields than they actually are. None of the Duggar kids are professional photographers or musicians, despite what you might have read. Those are hobbies at most.

    6. 3:12. I get what you’re saying but they’ve never claimed for them to be more then just hobbies, and I’ve never seen fans refer to those two things as more then just hobbies. I agree though that fans exaggerate in all other areas.

  18. Not show how you can do "parenting" of a 3-month old baby. It's just taking care of its needs, feeding and changing.

    1. Parenting is referring to "the intricacies of raising a child." It starts from the first time you hold that child in your arms.

    2. I am now 3 months pregnant and already consider myself a parent (and my husband as well), as I am taking good care of my baby. I am resting well, eating well, do medical check-ups. My husband and I are preparing our house for our bigger family. Taking care of a child, in whatever way, is parenting. A baby is not a pet, therefor it is called parenting. Suzanne from Holland.

    3. Yay, Suzanne! Well put.

  19. Maybe when Jana and all the little girls move out in eight years (when Josie marries at age 18), John and Abbie will move in and Abbie will be assigned to nurse Michele and her husband in their old age.
    Abbie could perform the basics even if she’s not an RN.

    1. Are you serious? Unless JB and/or Michelle has some unexpected illness like a stroke it's unlikely they would need to have nursing care in their sixties.

  20. Oh come on, delete the anonymous negative troll. Nobody is interested.

  21. A bit off topic, but is there any indication a new season will start soon? I don't see how this huge Duggar clan is going to maintain their current lifestyle without the TV income.


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