
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Duggar Christmas 2019

To celebrate Christmas, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar hosted a big gathering and gift exchange at the "big house." Some of the couples were away for the holidays, but many were able to come. (Josh and Anna Duggar and their kids traveled down to Florida to visit the Kellers, and Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo hosted the Vuolos in Los Angeles.) Below are a few snapshots from the Duggar Christmas extravaganza.

Ivy Seewald and Jennifer Duggar
Ivy Seewald and Jennifer Duggar
 Bella Duggar and Jim Bob Duggar

Josie Duggar, Ivy Seewald, Gideon Duggar, Garrett Duggar, John-David Duggar
Josie Duggar, Ivy Seewald, Garrett Duggar, Gideon Forsyth, John-David Duggar

Joseph Duggar and Addison Duggar
Joseph Duggar and Addison Duggar

Photos courtesy


  1. I always love seeing the Duggars get together for parties and holidays. They are such an inspirational family. Still, I am so sad that Jill and Derrick's family weren't there to celebrate with everyone.

    And why is everyone omitting the Dillard's nonattendance?

    Praying for the family to make amends :)

    1. I don't understand why you think Jill and Derrick are at odds with the rest of the family. I've never seen any indication that is true.

    2. Dillards are not on Counting On show. I'm sure if they wanted, they would come to the Duggar's house to celebrate Xmas.

    3. No one is questioning why Josh and Anna chose Florida or why the Vuolos chose to stay in LA and host Jeremy's family. People want to make something out of nothing....and if there is a falling out between some family members I respect that they are keeping it to themselves. No family will agree on everything or get along 100% of the time, including the Duggar's.

    4. 7:43 AM: Anna has both parents and a lot of siblings in Florida, so it is natural for them to visit Anna's family on holidays. LA is way too far to travel, and also Jeremy's parents came to LA on holidays. Also and Anna and Jinger were shown on TV numerous times together with the family. Jill lived minutes from the Duggar house, and they did not even come to respect their parents? I find it strange. Jill's kids could enjoy the company of their cousins for sure.

    5. How do you know Jill and Derick weren't there? It doesn't say they weren't, and just because no pictures were taken of them, doesn't mean they weren't there.

    6. What part of Derek has family too, don't you get? The boys have grandparents, uncle, aunt and cousin on the Dillard side; possibly more relatives also. How obnoxious to try to manufacture a drama based on which side of the family they visit on which day.

    7. That's kind of mean, Anon 6:21. I don't think the post was obnoxious at all. It was just an innocent remark. I think we are are all pro-Duggar and pro-Dillard here.

    8. They didn't have Christmas with either side.

  2. This is one time a bow or a cap would have looked good on Bella!! The babies are all cute.

    1. What are you talking about? There's no reason to think the Dillards "weren't there". Jill is NOT on bad terms with her family. Every time one of them goes into labor Jill drops everything and arrives at warp speed to give support and encouragement.

    2. I also found Bella's head either big or just the picture taken at such an angle that it shows her head too big.

    3. But I thought bows took away from a baby's cuteness?

    4. Bella is beautiful just the way she is.

  3. If you go on YouTube and put in Duggar Christmas 2019, Jessa was kind enough to post about a 15 minute video of their Christmas on YouTube! I just love to watch the Duggar family together. There’s nothing but love and peace and fun and Praising the Lord! Thank you to Jessa for posting that! It is evident how much she loves her family and her husband and her children and the Lord!

    1. They praise the Lord by opening a ton of gifts? How nice.

    2. It truly is a family who knows why Christmas is so important.

    3. 3:14, I’ve never thought of home videos or a TV show to be a reliable gauge of how much someone loves the Lord.

    4. They show nothing but that.

  4. They are a blessed family! Wishing everyone a happy 2020!

  5. Do they not realize that "big house" is slang for jail?

    1. It always makes me laugh when they say it 😂

    2. I never thought of that aspect. Too funny

    3. The Big House slang is appropriate I would use it as well. I am not one who thinks of prison when I hear this term.

  6. Why is that baby wearing a bracelet? How unsafe.

    1. Agree. It’s a choking hazard. Plus it can’t be for teething, I think, since she is still so young.

    2. I agree. An accident can happen so quickly.

    3. I imagine it was a gift and they put it on her for the picture. They will make certain she doesn’t choke on it.

    4. I wouldn't do it but it's fine. They are at a party and the baby is so young she is being held and with someone all the time. As long as they are not leaving her alone I don't see the big deal. Stop not picking everything.

    5. It could be a teething bracelet. Maybe she had just gotten it for Christmas.

    6. It could be a choking hazard, or it could be a one-piece plastic bracelet. If that's the case, it's more of a licking toxic chemicals hazard.

    7. Nothing wrong with bracelet, as long as your a conscientious parent that is! Bella being so young, bracelet doesn’t grab her attention like it would if she were a 6+ month old. I imagine Lauren doesn’t take her eyes off that baby girl, even if Bella is in the hands of the most trusted, responsible person...

    8. 7:50, Addison is the one with the bracelet

    9. That baby is old enough to put her hand to her mouth. It isn't Lauren's baby, it's Kendra's. She handed it off to one of the younger boys to hold. There was a picture of that. Christmas is distracting enough without having to worry about watching a bracelet on a baby! Babies are not dress-up dolls.

    10. Why does everyone feel the need to criticize other people's parenting choices? Worry about your own kids. So tired of seeing.criticism about this family at every turn. Contrary to popular belief they havent asked for your opinions.

  7. For a family who supposedly focuses on Jesus at Christmas, there sure is a very conspicuous humongous amount of material presents at the house. It looks like they bought out the entire toy department and sporting goods department of the local Wal-Mart. Not to mention the deli department, where everyone got their own gigantic pickle.

    1. Keep in mind the number of people that go with the "conspicuous humongous amount of material presents". If they wanted to, they could have not put them in the photo. They're not hiding anything. I am so glad to see the family together on Christmas. The Dillards, apparently, have made their own decision(s).

    2. That’s only because there are so many of them. It just looks abundant.

    3. That's what happens when you have a large family and extended family. I can relate
      Brings back such fond memories😊😊😊

    4. Your complaint is ridiculous. They have a lot of people so even if everyone only got one gift there would still be a lot of presents. Are you saying that Christians shouldn't give gifts? Or... Are you just wanting to attack them for anything? My bet is on the second option.

    5. They shop at thrift stores

    6. Did you see something besides what is posted here (two or three presents on the couch)? You do realize that there are dozens of people, and that only one gift apiece would already be dozens of presents, right? And that even deli pickles are not that expensive? Do you not eat favorite foods at Christmas? If you're approaching this logically, it seems that your problem with them is that there are so many of them.

    7. It would look like that just to get everyone one present with as many people as are in their family.

    8. So you can’t have food, presents, AND focus on Jesus? What box do you live in?

    9. With lots of family members and as Jessa said each gets about three gifts, it's going to look like a blow out Christmas. If you really look at the gifts they were not extravagant. They prayed and expressed thanks for the greatest gift of all...the son of God...Jesus. Focusing on Jesus does not mean no presents.

    10. More people = more presents. S.

    11. My goodness...Large family= lots of gifts, it doesn't mean they are greedy or whatever you are insinuating.Ho ho ho!

  8. Lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  9. No Jill and Derick, again.

    1. They may have been there and just weren't in the pictures that are posted here.

    2. Yes, I think Jill & Derick should have respected their parents and come for this celebration. It looks very disrespectful on their part to drop parents just like that.

    3. Maybe they weren’t invited.

    4. Maybe they are there; but are not legally allowed to be in published photos.

    5. 11:11AM: We all have no idea why Jill and Derrick are not seen at the Duggar Christmas gathering. We don't know whether Jill and Derrick can be called disrespectful...maybe they weren't invited.

    6. So any couple with parents on both sides is being "disrespectful" to one set, any time they visit the other set? What a childish attitude!

    7. Oh for crying out loud. Are you all personally friends with the family? How do you know what is going on behind closed doors? Could it be possible that they just wanted to spend Christmas day just the 4 of them? Is that not ok? Heaven forbid it doesn't suit you.

  10. Adorable pic of 4 kids in red flanel!

  11. Do babies have such huge foreheads like Bella? Addison is 6 days older but her head looks different.

    1. Well maybe because, they’re different babies, with different genetics? Their moms aren’t related

    2. Addison has a bow covering part of her head, so it's hard to compare. Once Bella gets more noticeable hair, I'm sure her forehead will be less prominent.

    3. All babies look different. Just like all people.

    4. They're not identical twins or even sisters. Why wouldn't they look different?

    5. People don’t all look the same.

    6. Um, different people have different head shapes.

    7. I hope they look different, they have different parents 🙀

    8. Did you consider that it could be the lighting, the fact that the baby has no hair, or one is wearing a headband? In any event, your comment isn’t kind at all. Don’t make fun of children.

    9. Babies usually have "cone heads" right after birth because they had to squeeze through the birth canal. Head changes later, becomes more rounder. Bells looks different in different pictures, maybe it was just position. But yeah, looks a bit too long of a head.

    10. I vowed to be kinder this year, but I think this is a mean comment about an innocent baby. I trust no one will ever make a comment such as that one to your child.

  12. When did Spurgeon got his first curls? Ivy looks like she has straight hair, it really would be amazing if she had curly hair like Spurgeon!

    1. I remember Spurgeon at first, as a baby, had just straight hair, and then when his hair was growing longer he started getting his amazing curls. When Henry was born (Spurgeon was 15 months) Spurgeon had pics with full head of curly hair. We shall see about Ivy! Curls would look great on a girl!

  13. Love the plaid! How fun to have all those babies around.

  14. Why does that baby have a pearl bracelet...that’s a choking hazard

    1. That could be a teething bracelet. Maybe they put it on because she had just gotten it as a gift.

    2. I really like Kendra, but not a fan of bracelets or jewelry on babies...that's strictly for mom's benefit. A baby is a tiny little human being, not a prop or a dress-up doll, not an extension of mom or an expression of her fashion sense. I don't like when moms objectify their babies.

    3. Only if she can put it in her mouth.

    4. How do you know it's a pearl bracelet?

    5. No it’s not, she’s not old enough to break it.

    6. ....And my son wasn't supposed to be old enough to unscrew a jar lid but he did and nearly choked on the contents, when my MIL was watching him.

    7. 7:32, should Mom dress baby in plain white, shapeless garments until the baby turns into a child with fashion sense so as to not impose her own taste on her child? That is so not realistic.

    8. 4:47, that’s not the same scenario, and if he was old enough to be crawling around he was old enough to unscrew a lid.

    9. 7:32, um, until a child is old enough to express their own clothing wishes, a mother DOES get to express her own fashion sense with their clothing.

  15. So much for buying used and saving the difference. They unwrapped enough gifts for 10 families.

    1. Well they are about the size of 10 normal families so I guess it wasn't excessive.

    2. Would you want a used gift for Christmas? Perhaps they "buy used and save the difference" throughout the year so they can buy new gifts for the children/grandchildren for Christmas.

    3. Exactly just enough for them.

    4. They are fortunate enough to have earned some money and want to share with one another. Gift giving is a blessing for the giver. . Don’t be so sarcastic.

    5. When you save up then you are able to buy new things.

    6. it did seem like most of the stuff was new... but i enjoyed seeing Abbie. We haven't seen her much because of her rough pregnancy, looked alright there

    7. That's because some of the kids are now adults with families of their own, therefore so many gifts for all the families in attendance . S.

    8. It's a one time a year holiday! They have several members assigned to each of them, so each gets 3-4 presents min. Plus parents give their kids presents.

    9. JimBob and Michelle are now millionaires; hence the buy new, new philosophy!!!

    10. If I hear some snarky person say, “So much for ‘Buy used. Save the difference’ ” I will scream. We’ve addressed that so many times. They are older now and in better financial situations. So what!!!

  16. And the Dillard’s??

  17. I think it would be fun to visit the "big house" with the Duggar family.

  18. Everyone looked well and the kids cute... but Love John's pic with his sister and niece/nephews.

  19. Very nice pictures. It looks like a good time was had by all.
    (I think the Duggar men would look more handsome without their caps. Just my opinion).

    1. This may rank as heresy but I don't think ANY of the Duggars males are at all handsome. IMO JB is better looking than his sons but not particularly handsome.

    2. The Duggars wear flip flops to weddings. They’re a casual bunch.

    3. 1:42- Maybe not heresy, but certainly rude. I am not a registered Duggar fan, but deragatory comments about someone's appearance is never good form.

    4. Everyone had own taste :), but Jeremiah is considered extremely handsome with his curly hair. Jed also is nice looking, tall and quite presentable. Justin was very cute as a kid, and now he grew into a handsome guy as well.

    5. Jeremiah and Jed are good-looking young men.

  20. What about Jill and Derick? They seem to be absent from every family event.

    1. I think Jill and Derrick and their boys visit the Duggar's quite often. They just don't publicize their visits with photos.

    2. Maybe it was filmed by TLC, and since Jill and Derick are not on the show, they were not present.

  21. Looks like a great time. What a full life they lead.

  22. Someone should explain to John that putting on lots of gel doesn't add hair. lol

    1. Aww yeah the Duggar men were not blessed in the hair department like the girls

    2. I’m here to explain to you that your appearance isn’t perfect and you ought to worry about that instead.

    3. Too bad no one ever explained to you that making fun of someone’s appearance is mean-spirited and just plain nasty.

    4. He didn't start putting all that grease on his hair until after he married Abbie. It probably was her idea. It makes him look his hair needs to be shampooed.

    5. 9:29, it's called hair gel. It's a gel, not grease.

  23. does Michelle ever travel to see her family? I'm curious why my question about the Dillard's wasn't posted? It wasn't a bad question...just wondered if they were there as well.

    1. A few have posted that question too. I wonder why also

    2. California wouldn't be a place to travel... homeless, possible ebola due to feces all over the streets.. someone is organizing a huge cleanup is san Fran area which is good.LA probably needs it too

    3. They have mentioned travelling to see them before, but never show it. My guess is, after the one time they were featured, they asked not to be filmed anymore. As for the Dillards, they may have been edited out of the video Jessa posted

    4. Jill and Derick posted that they did not spend Christmas with her family.

    5. Anon 11:13 I'm sorry but your lack of knowledge of viruses is spreading false information faster than any "feces all over the streets" could ever spread Ebola. Healthy skin is an effective barrier against Ebola. You have to get the virus onto a mucus membrane or into a skin cut to catch it. Any Ebola "all over the streets" would be exposed to sunlight, which kills the virus. I don't recall any cases of Ebola ever being reported in San Francisco or any other US city from contact with anything on the street. In fact, only 11 people were treated for Ebola in the US during the 2-year outbreak (2014 to 2016), and nobody has ever contracted Ebola in public the US. The cases were travel related or limited to people who had treated other Ebola patients and therefore had direct contact with a sick person. Your statement (11:13) needs to be clarified before anyone starts worrying.

    6. The Dillards were not edited out as they were not there in the first place. They spent the day at their own home celebrating with friends.

    7. Anon 9:03 Ignore the troll. I'm not sure why they like to post that sort of nonsense in the first place.

    8. Um what did California have to do with Michelle travelling to see her family? Doesn't her family live in Ohio or somewhwere closer? I live in California and I don't see what you're talking about.

    9. 5:10 - Can you provide a direct link to her post? I'm a faithful follower of hers and I see no such post.

  24. Heartwarming; thank you for sharing your family Christmas & blessed wishes for the New Year 2020!<3

  25. Ivy has the eyes of Ben!👌👶🏻🎀

    1. Yes she certainly does! Ivy looks very much like her father!

  26. They had like 7 babies there - Ivy, Addison, Bella, then bigger boys Gideon and Garrett, Henry and Spurgeon. So nice. That red flanel pic is classic! They should have had a pic with all visiting grandkids like this.

  27. What a lovely family. It is nice to see them get together at the various holidays. The babies and children look so sweet. Love the matching plaid outfits. God Bless the Duggars.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  28. Is Jill's family not included anymore? You didn't mention them in your post.

  29. Lovely pictures of all the family but I especially love the one of John David & Josie with the little ones, he doesn’t have long to wait before he will be holding his own little one, bet he can’t wait to become a father himself.

  30. The new baby girls both look like the mothers! Jill and Derick missing again!!

  31. Where were Jill & Derick?

    1. Perhaps they chose to have a smaller quieter Christmas celebration instead of attending this huge blow out. Considering the ages of their children I think it would be the better option.

    2. 6:46, Derick said that they are no longer welcome at the big house since they aren’t filming.

    3. Responce to 3:15 AM. MO- Good answer. Haha! It does seem like the Dillard's are not included in anything anymore. I see Derick's sweet Mom on their blog a lot. The boys are cute and getting big!. :o)

    4. In my opinion only, Derick is putting many non-Christian comments about the Duggars on his blog. When most people talk about sin, adultery and cheating are on many lists. one ever mentions the sin of gossip. Just a thought. I watched a local pastor last week who said his goal is to be kinder this year. Amen!

    5. @11:30 How is telling the truth "gossip"? I think it's more of a sin to withhold the truth and try to make everyone believe that everything is perfect when it's not. I think that's called lying. That's another good goal to have for any year - not to lie or bend the truth.

    6. It isn’t gossip to talk about yourself.

    7. Anon 11:30 This is a very large family. Not everyone is going to get along ALL the time. I think the Duggars are pretty much like the rest of us and it's not always "perfect harmony" within the family no matter how hard they try to make it appear like that. My guess is that Derrick wants to opt out of that sort of thing and be a bit more realistic about what is going on in the family dynamic. I don't see that as either bad or wrong on his part.

    8. And, how do we know for a fact that all he says is truthful. I thought if there was a problem, as a Christian it is a person's responsiblity to go to that person to settle the issue....not put it on a blog or tell other people.

  32. Jennifer looks to me a lot like Jana. And Ivy looks just like Jessa. Addison just like Kendra. And Bellas face has changed a lot already. They are all just precious! Did anybody see Jessas video on you tube? It was mayhem to me, very chaotic, playing in house that should have been outside, way too much noise, screaming over babies cries or with a blowhorn in the house, poor guys trying to ignore it all and play chess in the midst of it. It seemed pretty strange and exhausting and materialistic not peaceful and honoring the day imho.

    1. You have dozens of people, including a number of babies and children together. They purposely built their house large to have lots of room for kids to play. They are used to the noise of lots of children playing. It's ok if they're used to one way of family living and you're used to a different way.

    2. I'm sure it was overwhelming for the small children and babies. They probably got cranky and needed to go home for a nap.

    3. I just watched the video with your comments in mind, and I think maybe you're judging it based on your own family's ways of doing Christmas. There was a lot going on because there were dozens of people there, but that's their family! I would find it creepy to have that many people gathered for a holiday and not see people enjoying themselves or hear noise. No one was wild, the girls were picking up wrapping trash as they went, and people looked like they were relaxed and enjoying their time together.

  33. Replies
    1. Um, no. She looks a lot like her dad, but also has some resemblance to Jessa. I don’t get a grandma Mary vibe from her though.

    2. I agree Ivy looks à lot like Ben especialy her eyes💝

  34. When they moved into that house in 2006, Joe was 11 and Josiah was not even 10. I remember how Joe was helping Jim Bob along with John-David who was a young teenager. And girls, Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger were around in their long homemade dresses. Now Joe has 2 kids, Josiah 1, all girls except for Jana have kids, and John-David is expecting.

  35. ivy looks just like spurgeon so cute!!💗 bella is soo cute and so is addison when they get older they will play together and it’s said that annabell won’t grow up with her cousins since she is now with our heavenly father and it’s also sad that grandma duggar isn’t there celebrating this holidays but she is with annabell and with our heavenly father and they will see them again one day in heaven so sad but so sweet at the same time and sorry if this sounds werid but I had to write bc I thought it was cokl

  36. You forgot to post Jed & Jeremiah 21st Birthday yesterday! Dec 28th....

    1. Perhaps the writer was celebrating Christmas with her family.

    2. Their birthday isn't December 28th. Their birthday is December 30.

    3. It’s on December 30th..

  37. I just loved Josie's Christmas nightgown. It would have been fun to see everyone else in Christmas PJs too.
    Natasha B.

    1. Pajamas don’t belong on TV or public social media. Kids don’t belong on TV or public social media. Give them some privacy.

    2. 5:09, pajamas are literally clothes that you sleep in, chill. And why are you on the Duggars page if you don’t think kids should be on social media? Aren’t you taking their privacy by looking at their posts?

  38. Ivy's eyes lookes THE same als Ben

    1. In these particular pictures of the three babies, going in order of pictures, I see Henry, a general Duggar look, and Kendra.

    2. Ivy is like Spurgeon's twin, and Spurgeon is Jessa's twin :).

    3. Spurgeon has Jessa's eyes and Ivy Ben's 👌🙂

    4. Yes I agree that Ivy's eyes look very much like Ben's. She very much resembles her dad.

  39. Why does Michelle always sound like she's talking to preschoolers when she's talking to her children regardless of their ages?

    1. LOL you're right!

    2. It's probably a hard habit to break. She's been doing it for almost 32 years, since Josh was born in March 1988. And now with so many grandchildren, no need to break the habit now!!!

    3. Habit from years of momming young kids and now grandmothering them.

    4. Because she has a sweet voice. I wish I had a voice like hers. I wish I was a mom like she is.

    5. Her children don't seem to mind, so...................

    6. I think it's how she keeps calm, especially with television cameras nearby.
      I certainly don't think I could ever be so patient with so many children, teens in the house.

  40. Who isthe guy on the coach in the picture of Joseph holding the baby???

  41. We had a wonderful time going to each other's houses and giving and receiving gifts for Christmas this year. We had a great time watching each other opening gifts. We also had great year we hope you had great year as well. We enjoy watching counting on. We can't wait until next season of çounting on. We can't wait to see the family and extended families. I love the pictures. I love the lil ones in matching outfits. I think Addison looks like her Mommy. I miss seeing Jill and the children. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's. Natasha B

  42. Happy Belated 21st birthday to Jedidiah and Jeremiah!!!!

  43. Where were Jill, Derek and their kids?

    1. They stayed home and celebrated with friends.

    2. It has been said that they decided to celebrate Christmas at their own home.

  44. What a wonderful Christmas celebration! Next year they might have new additions - I'm sure that Joy will try for another baby, and I think that Jed or Jer or maybe even Jason will get engaged or married.


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