
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Jeremy Turns 32

Happy 32nd birthday to Jeremy Vuolo! Jeremy is the oldest of all the Duggar children and spouses.

Jinger Duggar, Felicity Duggar, Jeremy Vuolo
Jinger Vuolo, Felicity Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo
Soccer game in Los Angeles, July 2019

The Vuolo family Chicago Cubs game
The Vuolo family
Cubs baseball game in Chicago, September 2018

Jeremy and Jinger Vuolo
Jeremy and Jinger Vuolo, 2017

Photos courtesy


  1. You totally skipped Siah's birthday?

    1. Yes, Josiah turned 23 on August 28th! Totally skipped him. Happy Birthday Josiah, so-to-be-daddy!!!

    2. If you also look at Ellies blog called you'll see shes been really busy with houseguests, plus her young son keeps her busy. I can understand things happen life gets busy.

    3. Ok it’s not the end of the world and people keep mentioning it. Stop please I’m sure Ellie does her best to keep up with so many things going on with the Duggars and Bates. Not to mention her personal life with her baby and husband and blog.She does a pretty fantastic job imo.

    4. Yup she did :(

    5. Too many birthdays. lol

    6. Maybe we should stop the bithday announcments. I mean everybody much saids the same thing ,Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, and Happy Birthday.

    7. It’s a wonder anyone can keep track of all these birthdays. Cut the admin. of this blog some slack. I, for one, don’t care about these TV family birthday announcements.

    8. I have that automatic negative response in me too. But I consider it to be malice and I try to not live in that. I hope I try to choose to live in the new life Spirit of Christianity rather than in the sin spirit of the flesh.
      As the Bible says the negative things the flesh does are plain to see. And there's no law against the good things of the spirit.

    9. But Josiah should come before Jeremy in this blog.

  2. I thought the same, there was no announcement for Josiah’s birthday. So happy birthday Jeremy, have a great day & a very belated happy birthday to Josiah, I hope your day was special to with your lovely wife Lauren.

  3. May God continue to smile upon you! Happy BirthdayπŸŽ‰

  4. Happy Birthday, Jeremy! Hope you had an awesome birthday with your family and friends!πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽˆ Hope this year will be the best!

  5. Happy 32nd birthday Jeremy, I hope you had a great day. In time I hope Felicity will have a lil sibling. Can't wait to see you guys on Counting On. Natasha B.

  6. Happy Birthday Jeremy. You are such a joyous positive person. May God Bless you.

  7. That first picture is so fake of both of them. Jinger's eyes and Jeremy's open mouth smile look so contrived. I liked them better in Texas. They were more real.

    1. That's their typical selfie pose. My mother would have said, "Close your mouth before you catch flies." She was a corker.

    2. They were purposefully making faces, for all you know they were trying to get Felicity to smile.

    3. I guess "Happy Birthday" has gotten passe?

    4. Half the time Jinger’s smile a super fake. Both in TX and LA

    5. 7:57 is there a limit on the number of selfies you can take a day? This one did not work out-elementary-do not post it, take another!

    6. Holy cow, people will complain about anything.

    7. If you have nothing nice to say.....

    8. 12:38, you clearly missed my point. It’s a cute picture and there’s no reason for them not to have posted it.

    9. Agree. Jinger is very attractive - that expression is not. If you look at the early picture of them, is is clear that Jeremy has had his teeth straightened and whitened so maybe is just proud of his new smile.

    10. 4:21 -- Why do you even waste your time coming to this blog? What difference does it make if they "fake smile" (as we all do sometimes) or not?

    11. I mean if you think about it any smile that someone takes for a picture is “fake”. If you’re taking it specifically for a camera then it’s not a candid smile so by your standards is “fake”

    12. Ha! I usually look contrived in photos. Hard for me to look natural cuz I hate having my picture taken.

    13. Anon 10.13. I’m exactly the same. If people think these pics of Jinger are contrived they should see some of the ones Iv took over the years. I hate having my photo taken & stand with such a forced smile I look like an idiot. I love all this couples pictures. I’m glad they are snapping away, enjoying life in LA, with their gorgeous daughter. Good luck to them.

  8. Happiest Birthday!! Hope you had a great one!

  9. They look so happy together! Jinger got a good guy!

  10. You two are awesome! I love how you do your own thing. Your daughter is beautiful and Happy Birthday to you!!!

  11. Hope you had a great celebration! Cheers!

  12. Happy Birthday! The best is yet to be❕πŸŽ‚❤

  13. I've been watching the episodes where they were falling in love and beginning their relationship. I love how respectful and tender he was toward her.

    1. Oh, yes, their 3 weeks of courtship.

    2. Haha, more like two months of official courtship plus their getting to know each other before that.

    3. I don’t know. There is something about him that bothers me that I can’t quite put my finger on. Something just doesn’t seem right...

    4. @ 8:36 I have always noticed the same about Jeremy and thought I was the only one!

  14. Wishing you a year of happiness and blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  15. Happy 32nd Birthday, Jeremy!!!!


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