
Monday, August 26, 2019

Vuolo Food Crawl

Felicity Vuolo and Jinger Vuolo

Over the weekend, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo (and Felicity, of course) went on a food crawl of Los Angeles. With a small group of friends, they spent an entire day experiencing some of the best culinary options that the city has to offer. A coffee shop that they visited is famous for its incredible latte art. (If you look closely at the photo above, there is a picture of Felicity printed on Jinger's latte.)

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  1. I'm so happy for Jinger and Jeremy.... They are enjoying life to the fullest ..exploring their new city ..great Christian friends.. Jeremy in seminary school and enjoying every moment with their sweet baby Felicity!!! God is good💕

    1. Can they have non-Christian friends? Just curious.

    2. @5:40 Sure. It makes you very cultured. You could dress like and hang out with someone from a non-Christian country (Nepal) or with someone you could potentially convert (Central America).

    3. 2:49 Hang out with someone so you can convert them? I don't find that admirable at all.

    4. 3:11, I'm pretty sure 2:49 was being sarcastic.

  2. That’s incredible!!!!! I would love ❤️ to do that!

  3. I love seeing pictures of felicity but wow the Duggar’s sure have lost their humble nature. The TV show really changed them all and not for the better.

    1. Curious to know how you have determined that they have "lost their humble nature"?

    2. What is wrong with you? People are allowed to enjoy their lives.

    3. I’m a huge fan but this move to California just seems a little off to me!

    4. 7:06. With all due respect I don’t think they lost what they never had. There is nothing humble about making millions putting your family on a Chanel (TLC) and in magazines (People) you claim you would never allow in your own home because your family has higher standards because of their Christian values. We used to call that “two-faced”.

    5. I agree OP. My family, we do lots of things but do not feel the need to post 3/4 of what we do. It appears to be bragging and showing off. We would rather not help feed any negative or jealousy in people who may not be able to do things like that. Yes, we are aware that people are responsible for their own feelings. However, just like the Duggar’s used to say “ avoid stirring up desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled.” I believe that goes for many other things.

    6. Anon 7:06am I totally agree with you, but I would also argue that ALL of the Duggars have changed, even the Bates family has. While they may not be experiencing the "reality show divorce curse", the Duggars and Bates have definitely relaxed on their convictions (i.e. clothing, hairstyle/color, family planning, etc). These changes are not necessarily bad persay, but, rather, contradicting of the values they once professed to and convinced all of us (audience/fans) that they ALL adhered to as well.

    7. They are not Duggar’s. They are Vuolos. They get to choose how to live their lives. I don’t know how it isn’t being humble to go try different kinds of food and to get coffee???

    8. I eat food because I enjoy food, and I share about it on social media
      = I am no longer a humble person.


    9. 10:18 am I think she means the hair, fancy clothes (not Duggar approved) and fancy coffee?

    10. That doesn't make sense. Before Jinger met Jeremy, she experimented with style a lot and she definitely drank fancy coffee. Go back and watch old episodes if you're remember or didn't know that.

    11. 8:47 i have 2 girls, never said a word publicly about how modest i am, but would put a T-shirt and shorts/leggins on my girls. I don't think about some "duggar modesty standards" i just treat kids as equals. Would you like to show you underwear to the world? Look at what Jinger herself is wearing: long sleeved denim shirt. It's not too hot for shorts or leggins, no excuse to share you baby's underwear with the world. I do believe that if you are a public figure you share PICTURES not SNAPSHOTS as duggars do.

    12. @2:48 - I am not at all surprised by what is seen as changes in these families. I think the initial emphasis on all the strict teachings was more for show and generating curiosity about their families..

  4. Does Felicity ever get to be with other children? Or is she carried around all the time for food and coffee with adults?

    1. I kept my one year olds with me almost all the time, with the exception of church nursery or the occasional babysitter. Felicity is fine.

    2. Felicity isn’t really at an age where she can go on play dates. I’m sure she sees other children but she’s not even one and a half yet, at her age most babies just want to be with their parents.

    3. At this young age, parents are most important & family more than "other children"! Interesting with the little girl cousins coming; Felicity will be the eldest & probably the leader! 💟

    4. Jinger may still be nursing....I’m glad they want to be with their baby and that Jeremy wants Jinger along with him....some would leave mom and baby home while they go out

    5. These people will complain about anything and make all sorts of unfounded accusations. It's so ridiculous.

    6. Just because you have kids doesn't mean you can never leave the house! You grab a diaper bag, hit the road, and live! It is good for kids to be out around people, in fresh air, in different environments, and not cooped up in the house.

  5. That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm glad they're enjoying LA.

  6. I really like Jinger's hair with the blonde streaks. It looks so good on her.

    1. I do too.. better than full blond

  7. Jinger and Jeremy seem to eat out every night of the week. I wonder how they handle Felicity’s nap times and feedings while doing that. Do they feed her restaurant food or does Jinger take something for her? Does she always nap in the car?

    1. There's no reason to think they eat out "every night". Going out to isn't going to interfere with naps and children Felicity's age eat regular food for the most part. You just use a grinder and presto they're all set.

    2. Oh, brother. Another comment full of negative assumptions. Most moms know what their babies eat and plan ahead. Since you are so concerned that they eat out every night (nothing to back up your idea that they do), let me assure you that babies usually nap in the afternoons, not at dinner time, so there would be no need for her to always nap in the car.

    3. They "seem to eat out every night of the week"? Do you have some secret source of accurate information we don't have about Mr. and Mrs. Vuolo's behind the scenes life?

    4. Takes picture of food and shares it online =
      They must eat out every night of their lives.

      How do people jump to these conclusions?!

    5. It seems like they eat out a lot, but it's likely they do this kind of thing in order for TLC to have something to film. That's why these reality shows are so silly- much of it is scripted and rehearsed for the cameras, far from the reality of most people.

    6. They are a modern couple in a big city. This is a normal lifestyle.

    7. 8:54--it seems like they eat out a lot BUT...I believe they choose to post these kinds of pictures for the blog so they have something to share. I think they are careful to keep the more personal things they do more private.

  8. I have to admit that when I read “food crawl” I thought it was a way to gather food for those in need of food. While what they did sounds like fun, and God knows they deserve to have fun, I was disappointed they weren’t addressing the homeless and hunger situation in LA. There are so many ways to do that. With a seminary in the picture it would have seemed a logical idea.

    1. Maybe they post pictures of the fun things they do and keep their good works quiet.

    2. Jinger and Jeremy are not in LA to end homelessness, Jeremy is there for school. I am sure they participate in outreach activities OR donate money to them, which they obviously wouldn’t tell us about. Just because people don’t brag about how they are helping others doesn’t mean they aren’t doing it.

    3. ??? Why did you elect the Duggars to help the homeless? They are not required to take up some cause you care about.

    4. That is EXACTLY what I thought!

    5. Excellent points 823 and 1037! Matthew chapter 6 verses 1 through 4. 😊

    6. But yet they brag about where they shop, where they are at the moment, what their eating, who they’re with. Go figure.

    7. God will reward you for your good works. If you brag about your good works, you have already been rewarded.

    8. They share photos of an evening out, and suddenly they don’t care about helping the needy.
      Going to seminary does not mean they have to actively address the hunger and homelessness situation in LA... especially by posting about it on their social media.
      And of course we all know that if it doesn’t get posted on social media, it didn’t really happen. I’m sure Jinger and Jeremy help others, but you don’t have to post about it all over social media. No need to be so judgmental.

    9. They are not responsible to end homelessness or rat infested cleanup areas. That is the fault of leftist policies. No one is safe in those areas due to 3rd world diseases showing up..

    10. They have so many homeless migrants there who need to go back to their homes!

    11. 6:26, what bragging are you talking about? Sharing a picture is not bragging. You cannot possibly know the motivation behind a picture post.

    12. I am the OP. I just honestly didn’t know what a food crawl was. I assumed it was collecting food for soup kitchens. I never said they should solve the hunger problems in CA. Actually a food crawl as they do it sounds like fun! Do they call it a “crawl” because you take your time to try and enjoy the foods?

    13. The Masters Seminary that Jeremy is enrolled in is in Sun City Calif in the San Fernando Valley and nowhere near the area of L.A. in it's downtown area that has the homeless situation with the rats, drugs, etc. It's easier to just say Los Angeles rather than say the actual burb's name. I live in a burb of Chicago, but people often say I live in Chicago which I do not. I haven't gone to downtown Chicago in a long time. You may have heard of the violence that happens regularly in Chi. It's down there, especially on the south side but sometimes in other areas of Chicago proper. The restaurant crawl might have occurred in the Valley and not anywhere near the homeless. The reason they are there is so he can attend seminary. Please don't assume anything unless you know for a fact something about their lives. I used to live in Playa del Rey, CA near the L.A. airport. Like Sun City it is a small town with it's own post office, within the bounds of the Los Angeles metro area. I often say I lived in L.A. because everyone knows where that is, but not Playa del Rey.

    14. @3:23 You sound like one of those people who would remove parents from the home while their legal, American-born children are at school. No other solution but to yank a family apart and deport. That works so well and solves so many problems, doesn't it?

    15. And a lot of the homeless problem, not all of it, but a lot is because of drugs, which is still sad, but a lot of these homeless people turned to drugs and that’s why they are homeless. It’s really sad, my daughters ex husband is a drug user, and she finally divorced him after giving him many chances and resources to clean up, but he decided the drugs, and hasn’t seen his son in almost a year. Something needs to be addressed about the horrible out of control drug problem in the United States. And since they made it harder to get a prescription for pain pills, it’s like the problem actually got worse. I don’t know, just an observation. I’m lucky that where I live, the city to my surprise, has made a big effort in cleaning up the drug problem.

    16. 6:30- Where I live, there's a high population of Native American homeless people. Where do you propose they be sent back to? I agree with the comments about drug abuse. That, along with mental illness, has contributed to the groundswell of people living on the streets.

  9. Wow. Jinger looks amazing. LA is the right place for her.

    1. Yup. Way far away from Arkansas and WalMart.

    2. But is she right for LA? I don't think so.

    3. 9:59, I’ve read your comment numerous times and I really don’t get the point you’re trying to make. Are you implying she will be a bad influence on the city? Honestly curious.

  10. Our girl is looking more hip with every passing day. She looks adorable.

  11. Why is Jinger suddenly acting like she's so Hollywood and sophisticated? This is the girl who thrift store shopped, slept on a pillow made from Jeremy's soccer jersey, bunked with her little sisters, and was mainly worried about getting her hair right. This drastic change seems so...hollow and superficial. Not in keeping with the humble and modest values instilled in her at home.

    1. So, Jinger being mainly worried about getting her hair right while growing up was humble and modest?

    2. I think it's wonderful that Jinger has grown up and is enjoying a more normal life than she did under JB and Michelle's rule.

    3. How is she acting hollywood? I just see a nice young woman coming into her own preferences and living her dream. Good for her.

    4. What??? So because Jinger grew up in a family that thrift shopped SHE has to? Jinger is an adult and is not acting “Hollywood” she’s acting like a normal, Christian twenty year old. There is nothing wrong with being “sophisticated”, I’m not even sure what you mean by that. If I were you I’d be praying that God would help change my very judgmental attitude.

    5. I agree - she's not who she used to be. She's trying to be like somebody Jeremy, for some reason, wants her to be.

    6. I think it also takes "a very judgemental attitude" to tell someone to pray to God to change them, and change them for how you think they need to be. @10:40

    7. Why do people call how Jinger lives normal insinuating that the other Duggar s are abnormal. I admire the other Duggar s who live a humble and modest life holding onto the traditions and standards that they professed all along. I get tired of seeing people post negative things about how the other Duggar s live. How they live takes faith and strength and a strong conviction in living for God and the refusal to live and look like the world. That's courage! That was the draw to watch 19 Kids and Counting, people who held strong to their beliefs. That's what being a witness to this lost world is.

    8. let's not forget that jinger is at least 10 years older, married and a mother. if she was still the same person, she wouldnt have grown up and matured

    9. Jinger enjoys a night at a restaurant with her husband, daughter, and some friends and tries a different hairstyle. Suddenly, Jinger is no longer humble.
      Are you actually serious right now?

      Also, do you have proof that she no longer shops at thrift stores? Even if she doesn’t, it changes literally nothing. Those who shop at thrift stores to save money are no better than those who buy their clothes new from stores and vice versa.

    10. Are any of us exactly the same as we were when growing up in our parents' home? Of course not. It's called being a person, unique in their own way. I was very reserved and unsure of myself as a child. As I grew up, left home, went to college, started my career, traveled, met new people, and generally had more experiences, I learned that broadening my horizons wasn't such a scary and intimidated process as I thought it would be.

    11. 11:49 ----- She is the same person. She's just growing up is all. Maybe she is being who she wants to be. How do you know her husband is her puppeteer?

    12. Yeah I agree.. have to be careful living in such areas as policies are very different and it's a fast world.

    13. She doesn't have to shop at thrift stores necessarily but I see your point. I kind of wonder if she's still in contact with her sisters

    14. Anon 6:42. What leads you to believe Jinger has stopped being in contact with her sisters? Her life may have changed but that doesn't mean she dumped her family.

    15. @3:36- I think the main draw to 19 Kids and Counting was simply the curiousity people had about a family with such a huge number of kids. BTW, I've never thought of someone as humble that exploits their children on TV and in tabloids. I also question their judgment when placing their privacy at risk.

    16. agree with you

    17. I see how everyone is thinking that she’s trying to be extra sophisticated and all, but these are just pictures, who knows what’s really going on. And mabye in living in that family with strict rules and modest clothing, now that she has her own life, she’s rebellious a little bit. That has been known to happen when kids are brought up with strict rules and clothing standards, then when they are adults they finally feel free to express themselves. Not that there anything wrong with strict rules and clothing standards, I like how the Duggar family has those rules and guidelines. Kids NEED structure and rules. They might rebel for a little bit but they will someday thank their parents for giving them that. That’s the problem with this country today, the family unit is being broken apart.

  12. Her little bow is so cute! ♥️

    1. I agree, besides it’s too hot for headbands. Sunhats are a necessity here for babies when outside. They are probably enjoying a day off which they’re entitled to. Felicity is so cute.

  13. Wow, they are livin’ it up out there😄

  14. I am glad she is trying different foods. Watching the Duggars over the years, some of them don't want to try new foods. There is so much good food out there, we just have to try it. Love the coffee art!

    1. I'm sure it cost quite a bit too...

    2. It's not gonna hurt anyone if they don't want to try something new..

  15. How fun. They act like a normal young married couple. They go to sporting events, out to eat, to the aquarium and do things with friends. I see Jeremy having a successful career as a preacher and conference speaker.

    1. Jeremy was a Preacher and even bought a Church but left the Church and all that behind. I don't think you become a Preacher and then leave and go to seminary to become a Preacher. You would just study online and Preach too, you don't just walk away from your flock. He must want to do something else from what I see.

    2. 1:38, where is your proof that Jeremy bought a church rather than his congregation? What is wrong with a pastor wanting to further his education, especially if he has never been to seminary?

    3. 1:38 Ministers tend to move around a lot, if not by choice, then their church hierarchy directs them to do so for one reason or another.

    4. Anon 1:38 Jeremy didn’t create the church in Texas, he was hired to be the pastor. It was a very small church with most likely a very small salary. Jeremy would probably like to do more with his life and career. He was very clear that they prayed about the decision and felt lead to LA for school and the next chapter of their lives. Jeremy does a live Sunday morning bible reading early before church, I like how he covers the material. He’s meant for more than small town and small church. I totally see him either in a mega church or how about a mega church with televised services...he’s got the good looks for that. Being a “good” Christian does not mean being meek and meager, poor or dreamless.

    5. 1:38, it’s highly unlikely that Jeremy personally bought a church building. The congregation may have voted to take out a mortgage on a building, or maybe they’re renting it (?). I wish that rumor would be laid to rest.

    6. 6:58, you're 3/4 right. The Bible actually teaches "blessed are the meek."

  16. Sounds like they are enjoying their life in LA.

  17. Wow that’s an amazing piece of art on the top of that coffee. I go to a nice coffee shop based in the hospital I work in & they do art work in the froth. Usually it’s simple things like flowers, hearts etc but a pic of a child, well never have I seen something so cool. Looks too special to drink. Hope the Vuolo’s enjoyed their food crawl & got to taste some delicious new things. Felicity is definitely going to be more knowledgable about food than her aunts & uncles were growing up. Those Duggar’s often thought many food odd while travelling the world. Wonder what they made of haggis in Scotland ?

    1. Fuzzyferet I don't think the Duggar s when they traveled to different places abroad were afraid to try the native cuisines of those places, but didn't try them because some of the cuisine was nasty looking. I wouldn't try them either. lol

    2. Anon 10:48 How is the cuisine from other countries "nasty looking"? I've never heard that excuse for refusing to try a new food before. You sound like my cousin who refused to eat kind of pie except chocolate until someone got him to try coconut cream pie. Now coconut cream is his favorite pie.

    3. Haggis is great. Of course some people won't try it because of what it's made of. lol

    4. Sadly I agree!

    5. Anon 10.48. To say some of the food was “nasty looking” is quite an insult to the countries they visited. Different maybe, but unless they were asked to eat pigs brains or very outlandish food in somewhere like Morocco, surly the fun of foreign travel is trying new cuisines.

    6. 5:25, did you see the episodes of them in Asia, where they were served things like insects on a stick?? Do you think that looked delicious? It did not.

    7. Fuzzy: In the southern part of the US people eat brains and eggs (usually cow brains). It was one of my dad's favorite breakfast foods. I thought it was awful and couldn't stand the smell of it. People eat all sorts of weird stuff no matter where they live. BTW my daughter took a summer class in Morocco while in college and loved their food.

    8. 9.48 I too love Moroccan food, the spices & flavours are gorgeous, however I couldn’t manage the sheep’s brain I was offered once. It actually looked like a mini brain 🧠. Funny you saying too about your dad eating brains in the southern US. I remember as a child, my father used to love braised brains in onion gravy, (my father was Irish), they looked just like meatballs though (well to me back then they did). My dad also liked a very strange dish called cod roe, some people confuse it with caviar. It’s the sperm of a male cod, now I couldn’t eat that either. However I love haggis & have it all the time in the traditional Scottish way with neaps & tatties.

    9. Did you see when they went to snack street in China. Fried robins, live scorpion on a stick

      Would you eat that ?

    10. @6:39 Yep. I'd eat that. A bird is a bird. We think nothing of chickens, turkeys, ducks, game hens, quail, etc. Bugs are the next big thing - good sources of protein, easily raised, little impact on the planet. There are "bug fests" (events) devoted to serving entire meals of bugs, to try to get people over the ick factor. Bugs are already in the diets of people in other parts of the world. Who was the first brave soul to cook and eat a lobster anyway?

  18. one of my cousins mom goes on the food crawls where she lives all the time and posts them on facebook. it looks like fun but i've never seen one where i live

  19. Jeremy is in seminary. How can they afford all this eating out?

    1. Because they are on a tv show?

    2. Agree with OP, how can they afford this in a high cost of living area? I doubt the tv show pays enough to cover all their expenses and then some.

    3. TLC and Jingers book royalties is their gravy train. He stopped playing professional soccer early on in his career. He had a meager salary from the church. Jeremy is the one who married into money.

    4. Because they budget their money so they can have occasional date nights/fun nights?

    5. AND... because he was a soccer player on a pro team and probably has a lot in savings. TV show, former pro athlete and you expect them not to have money?

    6. They are both paid to be on TV and maybe Felicity gets a paycheck too.

    7. I know, right?

    8. Anon 10:05. You seem to have an exaggerated idea of how much money a second string player (like Jeremy was) on a minor league soccer team is paid. He would have made a comfortable living in the San Antonio area but he would not have been able to have huge savings accrued during the 4 years he played soccer professionally. Most soccer players like him make about 35 - 40 K a year.

  20. Anon 6.59. Maybe TLC are filming them, in which case I’m pretty sure the network will be picking up the bill. A food crawl sounds a nice thing to do though, much better than a pub crawl as not every one drinks alcohol (I include myself in that). A food crawl would be right up mine & my sons street, we love trying foods & get fed up of friends who think a good day/night out has to involve wine etc. I know there was plenty wine around in Jesus time but it’s not so much a religious thing with me & my son, it’s more what alcohol does to people & how inappropriate their behaviour becomes after a few drinks.

    1. California has very strict filming laws for children and they’re always with Felicity, so I don’t think they’ll be able to film much

    2. California has strict filming?? Lol.. kind of a. Oxymoron when you think of Hollywood's poor child actors who grow up on drugs and become nuts..

  21. The art on the latte seems really cool, but also kind of dangerous to be holding a baby at the same time.

    1. You’re suggesting a grown woman can’t hold a drink in one hand and a baby in the other? How do you think most moms get through the day?

    2. I've had art on latte before. Doesn't taste good and very expensive. At least where I went

    3. Anonymous @ 6:00- The original Anonymous @8:09 was in no way suggesting a grown woman can't hold a drink in one hand and a baby in the other. He/she, however, was exercising good sense and wisdom, knowing babies and toddlers are prone to suddenly lean, reach for things, or just move around. He /she is also following sound parenting principles for baby/toddler safety. Any pediatrician, every parenting book with a child safety chapter, and thousands of ER doctors and nurses will tell you not to hold your child and a hot drink at the same time...and have told hundreds of thousands of parent that for at least the last 20 years. Our pediatrician told us, every baby book and parenting book I read 18 years ago said that, and I've heard enough horror stories from nurses to know. Accidental burns happen like this all the time. Anonymous @ 8:09 was right, voicing their concern. If Jinger doesn't know better, someone should just teach her so Felicity doesn't get hurt. Simple fix.

    4. Any mother will tell you, you learn quickly how to juggle holding your child in one hand and other items in the other. You also know if it comes down to it you drop whatever is in your other hand if you need too.

  22. I don’t understand why everyone thinks that Jinger and Jeremy should follow the “Duggar” rules. They are a married couple following and enjoying what they enjoy doing. Jeremy is a VUOLO!!! They are not going out and eating every they enjoy going out on the weekends and exploring... nothing wrong with that! Of course Felicity is around children... she is still a baby...13 months... so they don’t have play dates daily.... How they pay for things or go out to dinner is none of our business and they don’t have to explain this to anyone! I’m not rich but doing great; thanks to the mercies of Jesus.... and I don’t shop at thrift shops... but I have a friend that does .... let’s just stop judging people and be thankful for what Jesus is doing in your life! They are putting Jesus 1st in all that they do and our Saviour Blessed them😍

    1. When I see people make drastic changes that don't seem to suit their personalities or upbringings, I question it. More often than not, it turns out to be something that people can't keep up for long, since it's not who they genuinely are. It's usually an act for some reason, maybe trying to make up for something they felt deprived of, attention they feel they need, or some insecurity. When they come to that realization themselves, the aftermath is often painful to watch. That's when friends usually have to step in and help pick up the pieces. I've seen it many times. The unrealistic high, and then the crushing, humbling low.

    2. 11:46- Why question or analyze so deeply the choices someone else makes? Sounds like you’re desperately trying to find problems. People do that to make themselves feel better.

    3. But the changes we've seen in Jinger do seem to suit her personality, really well.

    4. What I see is Jinger breaking out and having a life that she and Jeremy choose. That happens when you get married, you get to set your own parameters. They seem to be thriving in LA.

    5. 11:46 pretty much described what happened to Josh.

    6. Jinger really hit the jackpot when she married Jeremy. They're in the big city and are enjoying life. Sure beats rural Arkansas and being under JB's thumb. I'm sure she counts her blessings every day.

    7. Perhaps this is Jingers true self and she was miserable growing up so sheltered from the world. Her smiles are real and no doubt she is having fun and totally in love with her husband and him with her, look at the way they look at each other.

    8. They say they put Jesus first, however these days we are seeing the world being put first. Let’s see some missionary work for a change.

    9. Whoo hoo, well stated, and AMEN to that! Like I have said before, there will always be people who judge and complain, and that's very sad for them.I,however am happy for others, it feels good.All we can do is just pray for those who feel the need to be negative, it's so unhealthy for the mind, body and spirit.Have a blessed day🙏🏼😇

    10. I hardly think trying new foods, wearing different clothes, changing hair color(which can always be done temporarily), and going to aquariums are drastic changes. Jinger is the same sweet person that she has always been. She hasn’t changed personalities! She isn’t acting wild. She hasn’t left her husband. She isn’t drinking alcohol or using foul language. She is simply exploring the area she is living in.

    11. @11:46- How do you know what suits someone else's personality, or if their upbringing was really a total reflection of who they are? Who do you think the genuine Jinger is, exactly? I was raised in a very strict fundamentalist religious environment and it was never anything I believed in. I left it as soon as I became an adult. It was a drastic change for me decades ago and I've never come to any crushing or humbling low. The fact of the matter is that it was one of the wisest decisions I ever made.

    12. Debbie Downer! Jinger and Jeremy are young and exploring new opportunities and experiences. Yes, JInger is living a different life than how she was raised, but her lifestyle with Jeremy seems to "suit their personalities" just fine. Eventually the excitement of their new home will fade and it won't be so thrilling anymore, but that's life, and it doesn't mean they made a bad, crushing mistake or were trying to "make up for something". Nothing wrong with trying new ways and expanding horizons.

    13. @ 11:46 whaaat?what was Jinger deprived of when she was with her family they ate out lots,maybe not quite as much as Jinger and Jeremy because it is more costly for a large family,there are no drastic changes,calm down,Jinger and Jeremy are a normal happy family enjoying their life doing what they want to do.

    14. I wonder what her parents think? Everyone has that daughter gone wild..

    15. She probably felt deprived of things she missed out on. On the show, she did get to experience lots of different ways of living. Nothing wrong with seeing how the other half lives, but you want to be careful you don't get sucked into a situation you can't handle later on

    16. Anon 6.35, are you for real “daughter that has gone wild”. Where on earth has Jinger gone wild ? She is an adult now & obviously has different ideas to what she grew up with, like most people do as they mature. Jinger is a lovely young woman who is living a normal happy life. Personally I wish all of the Duggar kids were so adventurous.

    17. That was a funny comment 6:35!!!! You missed the mark about Jinger, but I totally relate to having that one child...…..but never give up on them!!!!!!

    18. @6:35, you're kidding right?????? "Daughter that's a gone wild." Jinger's the most normal of all the Duggars. I am happy for her. From what I've been reading here she's still sweet and kind. Also, she looks like she's enjoying being a mother. Jill seems the only other one living a normal life. The other married Duggars could learn a lot from Jinger.

    19. But wait! Daughter Jill has been wearing pants and has pierced her nose. Daughter Joy has worn sleeveless tops. Jinger's doing her things. The entire Duggar girls' dorm is going wild!

    20. “Daughter gone wild” lol. I have only one child she’s 38 and all grown up. Our opinions on some things are very different. Some would say she went wild...I thought that for a while. She has many many tattoos, her left arm has what they call a sleeve. Every time she got a new one I was frustrated and would say, ok that’s the last one right? One day she told me that before the tattoos she had a terrible body image and did not like how she looked, the tattoos made her feel better about her body and now she likes herself. One persons “wild” is another’s therapy.

  23. can we hear something about their home, how they are serving in LA or actual seminary classes?

  24. I don't want to be negative but I don't see in her post nothing about our Lord and savior Jesús. Jinger have changed a lot since she got married. She focus her life in her family and social life. Don't get me wrong, family is a gift from God only that Jesús have to be the Center of out life in everything that we do.

    1. How negative!! People who are Christians aren't required to preach 24/7. They are allowed to do other things and talk about what they do. There's no reason to think that Jinger and Jeremy no longer are Christians and don't serve God.

    2. Why does Jesus have to be the centre of everything we do ? You can be a good Christian person & not talk about Jesus 24/7. Im sure Jinger & Jeremy have Jesus at the forefront of their life, just they don’t continually go on about it. I pray morning & night, especially atm as I have just lost my father in law & im praying more than usual as I get comfort from prayer. However I talk about my faith little, as not everyone I’m friendly with wants to hear me going on continually about Jesus & to do so would alienate my friends & colleagues who aren't as religious as I am.

    3. I'm not trying to said you have to preach 7/24 no one can do it. we don't need to said you are Christian.your attitudes, words, style of living,clothing, etc defines who you are to the lord.

    4. @1054 That's not what others on this board have told us. Once a Christian, always a Christian, and all your daily activities are supposed to be in line with Christ's glorification, not self-glorification.

    5. anon@9:58- Whose version of Christianity do you expect them to be preaching and does it require them to be declaring their love for Christ all the time? IMO, people who are always talking about how much they love the Lord are really just trying to build themselves up and not really an example of humbleness or a testament to one's spirituality.

    6. After reading some of these sanctimonious comments, I can see why churches are having a hard time hanging on to their memberships. People bickering back and forth about proper Christian behavior makes me sick to my stomach! I think that if you feel a need to preach to others about what a "true" Christian should do or not do, it is YOU who has the problem! Try a little more kindness and leave out the moral superiority.

    7. I don't think the poster ment someone should talk about Jesus 24/7, I think you people's response to their post is a little bit of a stretch. Maybe they can talk about Jesus a little since the guy was a Pastor about a month ago, sheesh. All we see is him and her doing everything but ministry of ministering.

    8. Fuzzy great point! If someone talked only about Jesus endlessly everyday it might drive people away. Being a shining example of Christianity, displaying your love for Christ by how you live your life and showing the peace and purpose that Christ gives you says more than words. Talk about Jesus by all means, just remember to show them who he is as well.

  25. Why does everybody talk about "foodies"? We are all human and we all eat food so no one is more foodie than anybody else. Everybody makes like foodies are special or something. It's no big deal and why is what they eat or don't eat so interesting to a lot of people?

    1. Food is a lot more interesting than you seem to think. You make it sound so boring. It's fun to try new types of food from other cultures and learn how they prepare it. That's what being a "foodie" means.

    2. You sound a little jealous, perhaps? There are people who go out of their way to try new foods, cook new foods, read about cooking, read cooking blogs, watch cooking shows, etc. It is a strong interest of theirs. That is a foodie, as opposed to people like you who are more nonchalant and utilitarian about food. That is the difference, and there is a difference.

    3. Why is "jealousy" brought up every time anyone says anything here? If people are jealous, they'll say so. You don't have to assume it for them or accuse them of it. It sounds so ridiculous. Even "A bank was robbed today and the robbers got away with $1M" would get "You sound jealous" in reply. See? It doesn't make sense.

    4. I don't think you understand what the term "foodie" actually means. Sure, we all eat food in order to survive. However, some people take it further and have a genuine interest in cooking for fun, trying new cuisines and recipes, and experiencing different food cultures. My husband is a foodie. Much of his free time is spent trying new recipes and researching the best way to make a particular dish. It's great for me, because although I love to eat, cooking is not really my thing.

    5. LOL 5:00 Yep I'm tired of hearing that word used here too.

    6. Jealousy was solely brought up because of the actual words of the original commenter, referring to foodies being treated as though they're more special.

  26. We don't know that they are putting Jesus first. Perhaps they are. We can't judge. It does seem a little strange and I don't wonder people are questioning their new lifestyles, but let's at least wait until we see the show.

  27. Im happy Jinger and Jeremy are enjoying their lives.

  28. Happy Birthday, Josiah!!!!

  29. So many hateful people on this blog. The cutest and most innocent post's get horrible accusations hurled posed as questions. Do they beat their kids, do they starve them, feed them food that is bad for them, are they breaking laws left and right to remodel homes that are secretly going to fall apart? These same people who are being so hateful probably preach tolerance and acceptance to other people or groups but it seems to be a one way street. The Duggars need to be taken down and demonized because their views can't get out there.

    1. It seems they're being fired upon from Bible-believing Christian conservatives as well, not just typical Duggar critics.

    2. Tolerance and acceptance of other people or groups who are good or harmless, yes.

      Tolerance and acceptance of people who practice intolerance towards others, control women, control children, no.

      It's not a bad thing to be able to discern the differences between those two groups.

    3. I don't think that moving to LA removed Jinger and Jeremy from the ranks of Christians. As for the home remodeling, selling houses to people without them being inspected and certified for occupancy is simply wrong no matter who does it. We can only hope the Duggars don't do that as they never mention anything about building inspections. I think that is the issue with the home building operations, not that they are doing a bad job.

    4. @12:23 Good explanation.

  30. Oh my gosh! Jeremy wasn't raised a Duggar, so I'm certain the changes aren't drastic for him. Jinger was always the "wild child" who always said she wanted to live in a big city. I'm sorry 11:46 am, that paragraph was a "downer plus one". Can we try to be a little more encouraging?

  31. Wow 11:46! What a dramatic comment. Maybe this is who Jinger has been all along, if she had been allowed to have her own feelings and desires that is.

    1. @7:24 Right, and you have to ask if this is who Jinger was all along, then why wasn't she like that when living at home? Were her parents suppressing it for some reason? Is it OK for parents to stop children from being who they really are and make them conform to the "family" way? Because if there ever was a family of conformists, this one is it.

  32. CUTE❗ Like Felicity is pointing to her picture "How did I get in the coffee"❓ ❤👣

  33. You people crack me up .... to see you know nothing about the VUOLO family.... Jinger is always encouraging people and giving and showing kindness... this is Christianity ... she is not a Minister... or Pastor!!!! Jeremy is in Seminary... he gave up his pastorship to study more and get into Gods Holy Word!!! Stop judging people you obviously know nothing about. Yes Jinger is wild about serving her husband and baby and most of all her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    1. How do you know? If you are an insider-you have no right to share, if you are not-just making thing up.

    2. Anon 2:57 You are acting like you know so much about the Vuolo family! From what we see Jeremy was once a Pastor of a Church and Jinger was once a conservative dressing woman. We now see Jeremy left his Pastor job, moved out to LA with a now sometimes blonde hair, sometimes pink and blue streaks hair wearing the latest fashion outfits, posting pics at stadiums, restaurants, attractions etc. etc. So if there is any ministry work going on with them they are sure keeping that a secret. I'm yet to run into a Pastors wife who is this caught up in the worldly dress like her. When's the last time you seen a pink and blue streak hair Pastors wife?!

    3. Seems like you are doing a lot of judging your own self. lol.

    4. It sounds like you know them. If so, it's nice you are sticking up for them.

    5. Anon 12:15. It seems you're doing the SAME thing you're complaining about someone else doing. lol

    6. 12:15 I don’t know of any rule that says a pastors wife must dress like an unfashionable mouse or can not be contemporary in hair color or style. Lighten up.

    7. Anon 3:26 Most Pastors wives aren't trying to look like a high school girl, but rather an example of how to avoid the pitfalls of looking like the world.

  34. Jinger sure has changes. Good for her to be doing things she never got to experience in her childhood

    1. OK, but you don't have to shout them to the world like you're the first person who ever discovered latte and restaurants. Paying too much for food doesn't make you special or instantly sophisticated.

    2. Anonymous @2:57- No, Jinger is not "always" encouraging people and giving and showing kindness. She is a flawed human being, just like the rest of us. She has days and moments where she is unkind to someone, just like you and I do. We're only allowed to see this family through scripted couch interviews and carefully screened takes of some activity/event. We haven't seen spontaneous interaction since early 19 Kids and Counting, when Jordan would not sit on Michelle's lap while Michelle talked.
      It is dangerous to put someone up on a pedestal, especially a Christian. If they're your example of Christianity (you admire them so much, you inadvertently start following them, imitating their philosophies, implementing what they're doing in the their family in yours, etc.), pretty soon your faith and loyalty is in the person, rather the person of Jesus Christ. When the person, being human, does something wrong or unwise (like carrying the baby and the coffee close together, frying chicken while holding the baby next to the stove,letting labor drag on to the point of endangering the baby,etc.), and someone points that out-your "faith" in the person is threatened and you go into defend-at-all-cost mode because your idol isn't as perfect as you thought. Christians aren't instantly perfect because they've accepted Jesus. They have a new nature and eternal life, but it takes time to unlearn old habits and behaviors. If they actually have a personal relationship with Jesus (as opposed to to a checklist of behaviors they're supposed to do), they will sin less and less as they go. They will tell the truth about their sin, no minimizing/justifying/hiding- even if it's embarrassing or costs them in some way. The person will tell you whether of not they follow Jesus by how they conduct themselves, live their lives, treat other people, and their priorities. Look at their long-term fruit.

    3. Oh, my.........

  35. Thank you Jinger for sharing the latte art,never saw that before.Looks like you are enjoying life. Your not going to let grass grow under your feet, good for you! Love you Jinger.


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