Tuesday, August 20, 2019

2 Duggar Celebrations

Last night, a majority of the Duggars got together at the "big house" for a family game night. They played games like Settlers of Catan, Train Dominoes, and Ticket to Ride. They also gathered recently for a gender reveal party for John-David and Abbie Duggar's baby. What is your guess for this Duggar baby, boy or girl?

The Duggar family, August 19th, 2019

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, John and Abbie Duggar, 
John and Cheryl Burnett

Photos courtesy duggarfamily.com


  1. I say a girl, as long as healthy though it doesn't matter, congrats either way

  2. I love how this family is so close. Congratulations to John and Abbie 🌸💕. Can’t wait to see more pictures.

  3. Fun! What is the second celebration?

  4. Twins. One a boy one a girl.

  5. What are those games? I’ve never heard of some of those.

    1. Very popular and well-known board games

  6. I think she is having a BOY💙

    1. They announced the day before it was a girl

  7. so when are they gonna say what it is?

  8. Such a nice family gathering and picture.
    Looking forward to the new season of Counting On.
    Hoping for more episodes with the whole family.

  9. john david and abbie are going to have a boy

  10. My Dad says girl
    My Mom thinks boy and I think a boy also. I can't wait to see the gender reveal and birth on TV.
    Also can't wait to hear the name. Natasha B.

  11. GIRL for sure!!!!!!! The Duggar Family is all GIRLS this year!!!!

  12. Who is that next to Johanna and above James?

  13. I think Abbie’s and John’s baby is going to be a girl 🍼 👧 but it might be a boy bc it’s a trend.

  14. A girl! More baby girls are born to fathers who fly a lot.

    1. Hi. Yes, it's true. You can google it. They have noticed this among commercial and air force pilots. The more hours they fly, the more the girl baby to boy baby ratio goes up and can be directly attributed to the amount of hours spent in the air. They arent sure why. They think it has something to do with radiation exposure or altitude.

    2. That is just absolutely untrue. I searched and searched for statistics on baby’s of pilots and could not find any....not that I expected to find any. Please don’t post untruths.

    3. It's actually not untrue. I'll post links when I get out of work today if that's ok with Ellie. There have been several international studies on this.

  15. I'm guessing girl. But either boy or girl it will be a blessing!

  16. Boy! Because there are already a lot of women without Godly men to marry. Need to start getting those guys to settle down & get married!

    1. Too many women without godly men?! What?!?!?! Please explain.

    2. In some Christian circles, the number of women is way more than men, making for slim pickings when it comes to marriage. I've seen it a number of times.

    3. There are slightly more males born than females. Females have a slightly greater chance of surviving, so the numbers even out over time. Anyhoo- not sure what world you're living in to make such a claim that there are so many godly women out there wringing their hands because there aren't enough good guys around wanting to propose. I see a lot of young women who are concentrating on getting an education and establishing their independence, rather than rushing into marriage. I think that's a good thing. You can't depend on a man to support you. My 22 year old daughter has had no shortage of serious suitors, but she bluntly tells them that she's just not willing to settle down yet. I'm glad she's able to do things her way on not feel pressured to walk down the aisle.

    4. 9:44 Anon - why would they be limited to marrying only someone in a circle?

  17. Great pictures, so glad they shared them!

  18. Congratulations Abbie and John-David. Blessings to all.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  19. I am so excited John David and Abbie are expecting a girl. I hope soon Joy will be pregnant again after losing her baby. Happiness and sorrow the family is like a roller coaster ride this year. My last comment for today is since Tyler is a Duggar now I wish you could find a way to post his always smiling face with the rest of the family. Thank you.

    1. Joy’s miscarriage was very sad. Having to deliver a stillborn baby is very different than losing a pregnancy in the early weeks. I hope she listens to her medical providers and gives her body adequate time to fully recover and their hearts and souls time to heal. Gideon is at a really fun age, no need to rush. I hope they can enjoy their little family and in Gods time have another baby.

    2. He is in the group picture.

    3. A roller coaster of happiness and sorrow... that pretty much describes the lives of everybody, at least at one time or another.

    4. Tyler is not a Duggar. He’s Michelle’s nephew and lives with them. Also, I hope Joy takes time to heal physically and mentally. Quit wishing her to become pregnant so soon. She had a terrible loss.

  20. Where are Jill and Derrick?

  21. Sorry, Ben, but that “look” doesn’t “do” you. You look 10 years older. What happened? You were so handsome when ya married Jessa. Now you look like a filled out older married man.

    1. Older men don't wear baseball caps on backwards tho

    2. Ben seems depressed, like he’s not happy. I don’t know, just an observation. He just seems like he’s irritated

    3. Ben is a smart guy but he is doing some manual labor for his father in law. He probably want to go to college, get education, get some intellectual profession. Now with 3 kids and not working wife his chances are quite slim to get that.

  22. Aw,John David always uses an opportunity to compliment his wife,what a sweetheart,I'm sure she'll be pretty whichever parent she'll look like.

  23. Why is Laura there? I thought she had a job in another state? Why is she always with this family yet they don't admit that she lives there? Does she have her own place, just please answer the question. You have to admit that this is curious.

    1. She's not even a member of their family. Leave her alone, please.

    2. Shes family friend n always hang out w jana n im sure she have own place n how abt worry abt urself 🙄

    3. “Having Laura in the picture isn’t curious at all. She reminds me of my best friend growing up. We did everything together and at age of 73, still love getting together and reminiscing about old times. Everyone should have a best friend!

  24. who the lady in the front with the flower shirt?

    1. It's Deanna, Jim Bob's sister, Amy's mother.

    2. Jim-Bob's sister

    3. That is deanna... jim bobs older sister

  25. I believe Tyler is in that picture, up towards the top of the stairs, next to Joy.

  26. Here's a novel idea: How about waiting until the baby is born before announcing the gender?! I can't fathom how we managed back in the dark ages before there was such a thing as gender reveal parties, along with a whole lot of other attention-getting "celebrations." I guess social media and publicity is the main driver behind it all. Our "look at me" culture has gone off the rails, even among humble and modest conservative Christians. Planning and attending parties in the Duggar family must be a full time job.

    1. Totally 100% agree. Everyone is like look at me and everything I have, it’s vanity and narcissism

    2. Everyone does gender reveals, it's very common and exciting to find out the gender.

    3. Oh, let them have their fun. It's a harmless opportunity to have a non-gift-giving time of celebration together.

    4. 10:17- Everyone does gender reveals? I don't think so. You find out the sex of a child one way or another- why is it so much more exciting to find out beforehand as opposed to after it is born?

    5. Look at me and everything I have??? Not sure how you get that from a gender reveal party.

    6. @11:52- I think that, truth be told, the main reason people throw these gender-reveal parties is so they have something to post on Facebook and Instagram. In the case of the Duggars, it's to have something to film.

    7. @10:17 I hear my mother's words ringing in my ears: "If everyone jumped off the roof, would you do it too?"

  27. Nice Duggar group picture, but where is Jennifer, I miss her.

  28. Jessa usually was losing her baby weight much faster. Now she looks like she is just gave birth. I think it's different when a mother is having a daughter, women usually gain more weight with girls, and also more probability for post-partum depression, it's horomonal.

    1. The more kids you have I think it’s harder to lose weight!

    2. Do you have scientific proof of that? Are you a medical professional? I have never heard of either of your claims before.

    3. I think it would be kinder to refrain from commenting on women's post-partum bodies.

    4. Her baby is only 2 months old! I’m guessing you’ve never had babies. It ruins your body. Unless your one of those petite skinny girls like some of the Bates girls, that looks like they are a supermodel body a day after birth. Posting pics on instagram the day after giving birth and somehow their belly has magically shrunk down

    5. Wow, women can be so hard on each other. Jessa does not look fat! If you look back at pics two or three months after both Spurgeon and Henry she looks about the same and she looks good. Jessa breast feeds her babies and has to take care of herself to make nutritious milk for Ivy. It is not recommended for nursing mothers to be on a restricted calorie diet. Body shaming is just plain wrong, it is even worse when it is coming from other women. Support each other, be kind to one another and don’t bully or body shame your sister humans.

    6. It's also 100% rude to repeat a comment like that. The message got through the first time.

    7. NO the first 100% rude was for that comment, and the second one was for the other comment was for stating that the Duggar girls are fatter then the Bate girls, OK, I think they are =!!!!!

  29. I wonder who Ben is holding? I do think that Jessa looks great. We do have to remember that Jessa had Ivy in the summer and it usually very hot down their so it makes sense that it is harder for her to lose the weight because she is not outside that much. Spurgeon was born in November and Henry was in February.

    1. He's holding Henry.

    2. I agree. I hate Summers :). It's also so hot and lazy and no energy. Jessa looks just fine, her baby is not even 3 months old. Megan Markle did not lose baby weight either.

  30. Jim Bob always has that possessive hold on Michelle in pictures. Don’t worry she’s not running away!!🙂

  31. Who is the girl behind Tyler

    1. Jana, the eldest sister.

    2. Jim-Bob & Michelle deserve the 'Parents-of-the-Year' award, every year! 💟❤💟❤💟❤

    3. @12:58PM Even the years they were living in the little house and "things" happened?

    4. It does not look like jana.

  32. Interesting that Jill isn’t there. She seems to be missing in a lot of family group shots. Josh and Anna and their crew aren’t there either. Of the married kids they are with Michelle and clan most often, possibly because their older kids overlap in ages with Josh’s youngest siblings.
    Since both families weren’t there I’m guessing it’s so the event can be featured on the tv show.


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