Monday, April 8, 2019

The Josh Duggar Family

Josh and Anna Duggar and their kiddos posed for a family photo while they were all dressed up for church this weekend. With oldest sibling Mackynzie turning 10 this October and youngest sibling Mason turning two in September, these children are growing quickly! Do you predict that Josh and Anna will have more children?

Josh and Anna Duggar and kids
Michael Duggar, Mackynzie Duggar, Anna Duggar, Mason Duggar
Marcus Duggar, Meredith Duggar, Josh Duggar

Photo courtesy


  1. What a cute little family! :) Their kids are really growing up, fast.

  2. Oh yeah if they are not using birth control they will have several more

    1. That's not necessarily true. I have 6 children and would love more. Just because you don't use birth control doesn't mean you will have alot of children. (Everyone has a different definition of how many is alot.) God's plan isn't for everyone to have alot of children. Some people will only have a few even though they leave their family size in God's hands. Children are a blessing and when a society sees children as more of a burden, then that's sad.

    2. 12:25- I think what is sad is when people have children they cannot support emotionally or financially. Some people simply don't want to have children at all and there's nothing wrong with that. No one should be made to feel that they are a bad person for not wanting to be a parent. It's not for everyone.

    3. @9:48 so true. Society does not view children as a burden but as a responsibility to be taken seriously. They are expensive to raise, to provide for their short term and long term needs. Children are cherished.

      Here, most couples have at the most two or three. It is rare to meet a family with 4 children. But we have a high general education level. Most people have at least 3 or 4 years of college and, as a result, they want to provide their children with the same or better opportunities they had.

  3. Beautiful family and pic! God bless them!

  4. Yes I do think they will have more children.

  5. Where are they living? As far as having more kids, they probably will, considering their religious views. For myself, I have been perfectly happy with two. It was God's will that I used birth control and did not have any more than that!

    1. AMEN!! To that! 🙏 I feel the same way. I take birth control and it's God's will for my family as well. My son and daughter are 6 years apart with a miscarriage in between. I had a completely normal pregnancy with my son, then had a miscarriage and then with my daughter I was on strict bedrest for 6 months because I was at high risk of having her early. I'm so thankful for the children I have, I couldn't ask for more! Plus my dr said I would automatically be high risk. Not to mention my children are now 18 and 12 and I feel I'm too old to have more. 😁 I think God seen fit for me to have two here and one in heaven👼.

      As far as Josh and Anna I think there is a good chance they will have another baby, maybe more. But then again, they could be happy with what they have. Whatever happens may God bless them!

    2. It was my will that I stopped after one. My body my choice.

    3. It's my understanding that they moved back to Arkansas awhile ago. Agreed, perhaps it's "God's will" for some of them to use birth control, so they may do other things with their lives and talents. Anything may be justified as "God's will" when really it's a personal choice and biology, nothing more.

    4. No..not your body... you are a carrier. The baby is is in a separate cubby all on its own. Abortion unless absolutely needed is an abomination and disgusting (again..only to those who see kids as a burden) close the legs if ya don't want no mo

    5. I only had one. That's all we wanted. Tho if I would have had a boy we would have tried for another. I wanted a daughter the whole 9 months. I don't believe in having more children then you can afford, or expecting the older ones to raise them. I used birth control.God does grace us with babies, but he also gave us common sense. The choice to have children is a personal one tho.

    6. 4:48's comment is disgusting and should be removed!

    7. I agree. You should be able to take care of and fully support the children you have been blessed with. You can't feed and clothe children on love alone. I also agree that kids should be kids and not expected to raise younger siblings while the parents continue to bear children that perhaps can't be financially cared for.

    8. 4:48- It’s none of your business what another woman does regarding continuing a pregnancy or why she made her decision. That is the crux of Roe v Wade- Right to Privacy!

    9. Women are more than a carrier. That's is as cruel as equating all men to being sperm donors. It is our bodies. If someone chooses to take birth control or their situation demands it (there are many people for who becoming pregnant could kill them, etc.), then that is their choice. It is noone else's decision. Birth control is not an abortion. It simply removes one of the steps yo an egg being fertilized.

    10. @4:48PM Why are you going on about abortion? Who said that anyone here used that as the method to determine how many children they had? And who said that they took birth control? There's a surgical way or two for a man or a woman to make sure they have no more children. Or is that also an "abomination and disgusting"? Maybe some women have to stop after one or two children because pregnancy is a health risk. In that case, I applaud them for being sensible, and staying alive to raise the children they could have.

    11. 4:48 - Well said. I second that.

    12. I think 4:48, misread a comment, and then responded very rudely. Using birth control is fully YOUR choice, since it doesn’t affect anyone other than yourself. Abortion is ending someone else’s life and removing them from existence. A baby’s body is not your’s so saying “my body my choice” does not apply to abortion, but if 12:14 was referring to birth control and not abortion, then yes, saying “my body my choice is still appropriate.

    13. These comments make me so sad!
      "My body,my choice" and that it's God's Will to take birth control...really!? That's so appauling! No wonder why our country is in the state that we are today.

    14. Honestly I think 4:48 expresses quite a violent idea. It should probably be removed.

    15. I agree 4.48 the comment is disgusting. Many people have no choice but to terminate their pregnancy due to the fetus being incompatible with life, or the mother’s life bring in danger. There are many reasons a woman chooses this route & it is almost always the most difficult decision she will ever make. People making a generalised comment like you have, make the decision for these women even more painful. If mother, baby or both are going to have a poor outcome then surly it is up to the woman & her medical team to determine the best route & sometimes the only decision on health grounds is termination. I do not know the legal issue in the US, but in the UK you need 2 independent Doctors to both give consent for termination to take place, & it is often done on mental health grounds.

    16. Anon 4:48 With all due respect, inserting your opinions on abortion in a discussion about using BC seems a bit much. For the record, IMO no one is a person until they're born and take their first breath. Then the soul joins the body. However, others see it differently and I respect their opinion. But I am troubled by the idea that upon becoming pregnant a woman loses her value as a person and is subject to something (which I don't consider a person) that can't exist outside her body. I don't think women should have to comply with the opinions of strangers regarding their pregnancy. They are STILL people and should make their OWN decisions.

    17. 4:48 I applaud you for standing up for life. Don't worry about the attacks you receive for pointing out the value of the unborn, because God said, Blessed are you who are persecuted for Righteousness sake, for GREAT is your reward in Heaven. Them babies in the womb are created in the image of God and God loves them and created each one of them with the potential for greatness. Thank you my friend for standing up for them.

    18. Fuzzy. That's very sensible. The laws in the UK usually are because you don't have a major political party that is controlled by religious fundamentalists like we do here in the US. Carry on.

    19. Fuzzyferet, I want to share some statistics with you just to shed some light on the travesty of abortion. Since 1973, Roe verses Wade there have been 60,069,971 abortions in America alone. That is just the number of the ones that were reported, many others were not. Your population in the whole UK is approximately 65 million people, so the abortions in America since 73 are like all of the population of the UK wiped out but just leaving 5 million of you to live. There are approximately 40 million abortions done worldwide every year. These are the stats that put out by our Government. So never be under the impression that a woman always sit an agonize of the decision to have their child killed. It is the modern day Holocaust and people just turn a deaf ear to the cries of the unborn. But don't be mistaken, God hears their cries and one day the world will find out exactly what God feels about what is happening to His babies in the womb. Always Stand Up for Life!!!

    20. Anon 9:37 Do you have any idea how many abortions were performed prior to Roe v. Wade? They happened all the time. I grew up in Southern California and prior to Roe v. Wade there was a thriving abortion clinic business in Tijuana, Mexico. Imagine that. Making abortions legal has saved many a woman's life, but apparently that fact escapes you. Women need the option of an abortion in a medical setting rather than going to back alleys or DIY which happened all too often prior to 1973. No one is advocating abortion as a form of BC, but they have been happening since the beginning of humanity and considering the number of miscarriages that take place, God doesn't seem to have much interest in the unborn.

    21. "My body my choice" was said after someone said they stopped at one baby, so it had nothing to do with abortion. It was about making the choice of only having one baby! Maybe that person had tubes tied. If so, that's her choice, too.

      Also, please (9:37) stop using the term "Holocaust" when you're talking about abortion. The capital H "Holocaust" had absolutely nothing to do with that. As someone who knew people who were in a concentration camp, I find your use of that term to describe a medical procedure to be offensive. And you didn't differentiate how many of those 60M abortions were done from medical necessity, or tally up how many women might have died without the procedure. You should also add up how many died before the procedure was legalized, if you want a complete and fair picture here.

    22. Anon 9.37. Having worked as a midwife for over 30 years I do know there are more people I have encountered that have to terminate a pregnancy on health grounds than do so just because they do not want a baby. As someone who initially said I would not play any part in abortions on religious grounds, I had my mind changed about 18 years ago. A young girl (13 years of age) had been repeatedly raped by a male relative, the girl had the mental age of a 4 year old & had a serious heart problem that meant carrying a baby to term would put her life at risk. The pregnancy was only discovered when a school nurse noticed the girl looked to be getting a weight problem, no one in the child’s family knew & the child was so mentally challenged she had no idea what was going on with her body. By the time she was scanned the foetus was 21 weeks & it was discovered the baby was suffering from anencephaly (the absence of a major portion of the brain & skull). Most of these babies if they survive birth live no longer than a few hours. I was the midwife with this young girl during the scan & we developed a bond & as such a few days later I was asked if I would accompany her to theatre so that she had someone she trusted & felt safe with to be there for her. Even being in that theatre broke my heart, for the baby who would not have probably even survived the birth, for the child who had been raped repeatedly & was now going through this horrific procedure & most of all for the sadness of the entire situation. It is the only time I have ever been part of a termination procedure & I vowed I could never do it again. However it did make me see that sometimes there is no other option but to terminate a pregnancy & it made me far more caring of the very difficult choice a woman may sometimes have to make. Anyone who chooses abortion as a method of birth control is a very disturbed individual, however I would have to say I have only ever come across this a couple of times where the patient had got pregnant & a baby simply did not fit into her life plan at that time. All the other woman I have cared for that go down the termination route have done so under the most difficult of circumstances & to simply list statistics is not helpful to those women who will most likely forever feel tormented about not being able to continue their pregnancy.

    23. There are ZERO cases in which an abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother. Many, many doctors have testified to this, and I would encourage people to research this on non-biased sources. If a procedure is necessary to save the mother's life, and the baby dies as a result of that, with all care given to save the baby's life, then that's too bad -- but it's not an abortion. There is no diagnosis or prognosis requiring that the baby be killed. Even in cases of late-term abortion, the abortion process literally takes days, whereas a baby can be delivered alive by C-section in minutes. So many people want to adopt babies, and adoption is often cost-prohibitive. Wonder why adoption costs about 100x more than abortion? There's an agenda here.

    24. Anon 4:48. A pregnant woman is NOT a "carrier". The idea that she loses her personhood and is subservient to something that can't live without her is disgusting. When we devalue women in that manner, it is simply terrible thing. I'm not advocating FOR abortion, but women shouldn't lose their rights and place in the world because they become pregnant.

  6. Yes I do if that is Gods plan!

  7. Of course they will have more children. That's inevitable.

  8. What has happened to Josh? He looks older than Jim Bob.

    1. It is no secret, A few Duggar boys have thin hair - JB has very thick hair. . .that is one thing that can make a man look older than he is. . . . just as gray hair can.
      Having babies in 09,11,13,15,17 they will have to be pregnant soon to add 2019 to the list.
      I do think they will have one or two more children.

    2. Its called stress, with court cases, business worries and moving home plus perhaps another baby on the way I would say Josh has a lot on his plate at the moment!

    3. Life choices and stress. It’s aging.

    4. IDK. I thought he looked poorly in the previous picture I saw of him, now he looks even worse. Perhaps he's ill.

    5. I saw that Anna’s sister Pricilla just ran a half marathon with her hubby David ( who ran a full marathon) just 6 months post baby number 4. It would be great if Josh and Anna would take some health and bonding tips from the Walkers.

    6. Yes he has aged alot. Stress and supporting a large family. I say they will have more children since they don't believe in birth control. I would think having more children than five will put more stress on supporting such a large family since he isn't making money from reality tv.

    7. He looks rather flabby. He should probably exercise more. Jeremy and Derrick are about his age and they both look fit and healthy.

    8. So many of you in this conversation are being so rude and superficial. Would you think it was OK to be so critical of his weight if Josh was a woman? Anon 4:27 - don't you realize how superficial you sound? I hope if you ever gain some weight people aren't as mean to you and openly comparing you to your relatives.

    9. 1:25 I saw that too with Pricilla and David. Such a sweet couple! And, yay, Pricilla!! Agreed about the lifestyle and marriage bonding tips. The Waller’s seem such an encouraging couple.

    10. 7:57- Maybe JB wears a hairpiece. He was filmed applying a great deal of hairspray.

    11. I think Josh is healthy but his receding hairline and the facial hair age him. I don’t think any of the Duggar men look good with beards- too sparse or scruffy looking.

    12. I don't have any experience with this, but why would you spray a great amount of hairspray on a hairpiece?

    13. It amazes (and angers) me that anyone can look at a fellow human being, having no clue about his or her general health (physical, emotional, or mental) and assume that someone has gained weight/become "flabby" because he or she is lazy or "making poor choices" or eats too much or doesn't exercise enough. How arrogant and ignorant! I've known quite a few good people, with great personalities and a very high work ethic- all are suffering from things like fibromyalgia, PTSD in combination w/underlying health issues, clinical depression w/ documented chemical imbalances, sleep apnea, undiagnosed tumors, and metabolism disorders-all have unwanted weight gain-all of them are painfully aware of it and how others are regularly judging them. The reality is that the same circumstances can happen to any one of us, whether we regularly run marathons/hit our Cross-Fit boxes daily/eat all whole foods or clean foods or organic/ eliminate all plastics from our households/exclusively use all-natural cleaning products...or not. Who are you to judge? You're very likely going to find yourself on the receiving end (cutting edge) of someone else's critical sword and found lacking by somebody else. You might want to think about that the next time you're tempted to judge someone's appearance.

    14. 3:18: exactly! :)

    15. I think most of the sons take after Michelle, in the hair department and in general looks. Jill and Jana look like JB, though, as does one of the twin boys (not the one who looks like Jason, the other!)

    16. 3:18- Maybe use hairspray to keep the hairpiece in place? I could be wrong, but to me, JB's hair just doesn't look natural.

    17. Maybe it doesn't look natural because of the hair spray? I think it looks different because it's basically an '80s hairstyle. His hair has always had the same style basically since he was a teen.

    18. Jimbob definately has lego hair.

  9. I miss seeing them on the show

  10. What a lovely picture and the children are so big now. I love the background. Thank you for sharing their newest photo. Makes me wish we had taken more family photos when my girls were little.
    The background of the photo is beautiful.

  11. Yes i think they will have more kids. Josh and Anna are still young and they seem to have a kid about every 2 years, so i feel they will probably make a baby announcement within the next year.

  12. I think 5 kids is enough, but in any event, God bless them all.

  13. I don’t know. Probably. That’s what happens when you don’ t use birth control. Their choice. None of my business

    1. I haven't used birth control in years yet I also have not gotten pregnant. By the same token, I know people who tried to prevent pregnancy with birth control pills and still got pregnant. No birth control/prevention doesn't automatically equal frequent pregnancies.

    2. Momofchickie, it doesn't automatically mean getting pregnant, but they've proven to be fertile

    3. momofchickie- I think people understand the exceptions. However, if you never do anything to prevent pregnancy and biological systems are a go, there's a good chance you'll conceive. So, it's not unreasonable to draw the conclusion that Josh and Anna will have more children.

    4. momofchicke, those couple who got pregnant on Birth control pills probably did not use the medication as directed. You have to take the pill every day at about the same time,no missing or forgetting.

    5. Birth control pills are not just for not getting pregnant so people take them to stop their periods for going heavy and to slow down their periods for lasting 7 days.

    6. @12:06 Unless you're a doctor or a pharmacologist, I wouldn't make that timing speculation. There are other physical factors and drug interactions that can interfere with efficacy of the pill.

  14. My guess is yes there will be more, she looks like they might already be.

  15. My guess is Anna is already pregnant.

  16. What a nice looking family Josh and Anna are. Their children are growing up so fast and are absolutely stunning looking. I don't know where this picture was taken but the scenery looks so tranquil and peaceful and I would love for my backyard to look like that. It would be my little oasis of peace and tranquillity and I would be out there a whole lot. 😊

  17. Beautiful family! Thanks for keeping us updated on Josh's family.

  18. I predicted that they'd have another baby this year, 2019, because all their children were born in odd years, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017. But maybe they are finished. They look great. Nice family, thanks to the Lord's graces.

    1. I agree with anon 5:49. I bet she is pregnant right now. Not because she looks pregnant but based on the difference in the other kids ages, I predict a baby at the end of the year. November or December.

    2. Anna stated that they'd love more children if it happens but are also happy with the 5 they currently have.

  19. What a sweet family picture! Thanks for sharing. The kids are really growing up fast! I think that they will probably have a baby this year or early next year. But it is whatever God wants for them.

    1. 6:00. So, whatever happens is what God wanted? I don’t understand that logic.

    2. 6:01, I don’t think some people grasp the concept that God has given us free will.

    3. 6:00 PM I disagree. People pretty much do whatever they want. They may jusitfy it and make themselves feel good by claiming it was God's will, but it's really their own choices at work. God is isn't a puppet master.

  20. Such a nice family picture. They all look great!
    Have a blessed year!

  21. I think that they will have more children. She's still in her child bearing years, and I don't think they will do anything to prevent more babies.

  22. They'll have more, they're both still young.

  23. that pose and that shirt.....hmmm, she already is.

    1. Probably not. She's been working on losing weight recently which she wouldn't be doing if she was already pregnant.

    2. She's waiting for Abbie and Lauren to announce their pregnancies.

    3. The pose of holding her child? Not sure what you mean. And while she had a loose top on, there is no baby bump. Lots of us who've had multiple kids wear loose tops. 😄

  24. What a beautiful family!

  25. Beautiful looking family! I predict God will give the amount of children He sees fit for them❤

    1. What a beautiful pic of this sweet family. They must of been at a city park,the background is lovely. God bless all of them... Jane

    2. Oops, How did my comment get in here. I made a comment not a reply.Oh well.Lol Jane

    3. I hope 5 is the limit. I don’t think selling cars for his dad is enough to raise a bigger family. Of course JB may be footing some of the bills.

  26. No I don't think they will have anymore. 5 enough for them.

  27. Nice to see this pic of them. I miss Anna on the show.


    2. OK!!!!!!❤️❤️💕💕👍

  28. Beautiful family. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  29. Josh looks so distant from his family the way he is off at the end. He doesn't have his arms around any kid and another around his wife.Thank you Ellie for sharing this though! I'm always glad to see Josh n Anna and their kids!

    1. He's not farther from others than anyone else is. Everyone is spaced apart.

  30. Duggar and Bates FanApril 8, 2019 at 9:23 PM

    Yes they will have more kids (I think at least 4 more) and I think they will make an announcement in Nov or Dec because Annas announcements have been early (Mar or April), then late (Nov or Dec) and then it starts all over again, so later this year is next

  31. Does anyone else think Anna's face looks different? I enlarged the picture, and the details of her face don't look the same.

    1. Its her eyebrows, I think she has dyed them or is using a pencil and filling them in. If they are dyed they will fade down, if its a pencil she needs to be less heavy handed as they are too dark, and look heavy for her skin tone.

    2. I think she did her eyebrows. They stand out much more and change the entire look of her face in this picture.

    3. Thanks! That must be what I was noticing.

  32. Beautiful family miss seeing them

  33. Beautiful family! Growing up so fast! In God's timing, I think they will have more kids

  34. God is good and they a beautiful family. Many blessing for them all.

  35. I will not even go their on that one. could they give us updates on josh what is he doing to support the family? were are they living. heard they put their home up for sale.

    1. I'm sure they'll find somewhere to live if the house they're living in is sold. The last thing I heard was that Josh was selling used cars for his dad.

    2. They're still in the area.

  36. Dear Josh and Anna, I enjoy seeing your 5 kids on T.V. I would love for all of you to be on Counting On for season 11. You have a beautiful family. I think there will be many more children. Natasha B.

  37. Is it considered polite to guess about whether a couple will have more children?

    1. I doubt they mind since they said recently that they want more.

    2. I don’t think it usually is.

    3. No, it's not polite. It's rude.

    4. It definitely is, LOL! I asked my friend whom I work with if she is gonna have more, and she commented well that is a personal question, so I'm not comment which way or another but just for the record, yes!

    5. If it were any other family, probably not lol

    6. No. It is rude and no one's business but the couple themselves.

  38. I don't care what tradition says, calling a family a "Dad's Name Family" is outlandishly dismissive of the (not deceased) ADULT MOTHER of the family. See also: calling a woman "Mrs. Husband's Entire Name."

    1. It's simply a way of identifying the family. I don't see it as anything to get upset about.

    2. Yeah I agree in this instance, the title could have been “Josh and Anna’s Family”.

    3. I agree. The husband is not more important than the wife and the woman carries a child and gives birth, for Pete's sake! Her first name should be included.

    4. 12:33- People are entitled to their feelings one way or the other. Personally, I never want my family identified solely by my husband's name. If find it insulting.

    5. ellie's title is not about tradition nor is it intended to be disrespectful to the wives. this is a duggar blog so naturally the duggar the article is about would be mentioned. it's about josh duggar and his family. if it was one of the other males, it would be the 'joseph duggar family' or the 'josiah duggar family' or the 'john-david duggar family'. if you hear 'the seewalds' you automatically know it's jessa, but without naming the intended male duggar first, you have to wait to see the picture/read the article to see which duggar family its about. just like when there's an article about joy-anna, she is named first as she is the 'duggar' but of course they are referred to as 'the forsyth's' since that is her name now

    6. It's cool that Ellie and Lily called them the Josh Duggar family. I think a woman would most likely be offended by this if she were insecure or didn't love and respect her husband. I'm proud to be identified by my husband's name in family photos or otherwise, and I'm far from someone who gets my entire identity from my husband. I have an advanced degree, my own profession, etc. My friends and family are similarly situated, and I don't know one who would be remotely offended or insulted by this. Women, grow a thicker skin!

    7. He is the head of house. She follows him. So this is correct.

    8. @10:44 It's not up to you what should or shouldn't offend someone else. To claim that a woman is insecure or doesn't love and respect her husband if she wants equal billing is ridiculous. You can be addressed however you wish for whatever reason. Just remember that not everyone shares your views for themselves.

    9. For 4:18............ How could you possibly be insulted? No one here is even talking about you and your husband's names.

    10. 6:28- Marriage should be a 50/50 proposition, IMO. Giving a husband authority over a woman or making him the "head of the house" is a situation vulnerable to abuse of that power. Decisions should be made TOGETHER, as a team. I cannot fathom living in a situation where it's anything different.

    11. 10:44, then let’s look at it this way; is Josh really someone who is respected? I would sooner have seen “The Anna Duggar Family”, if we’re going to base it off of “respect”. She’s the one who has held their family together.

    12. To 10:09 -- Hi - With all due respect, I don't think you read my comment carefully. My statement was "I think a woman would most likely be offended by this if she were insecure or didn't love and respect her husband." My statement was qualified by both "I think" and "most likely." That means I was not only giving my own opinion, but also not stating an absolute. And I stand by it. Why do people here get so upset about another person's opinion?

    13. 11:15 -- Of course decisions should be made as a team, but the Biblical model is for the husband to be the head of the home. So maybe if there's a conflict, think of him as a tie-breaker. He also has many duties to his wife, per the Bible.

    14. @1:46 I sure don't use my spouse as a tie breaker. If there's a conflict of opinion, we talk about it until we come to decision together that is better for both of us. Nobody backs down and says, "Well since this book says you're the head, you get the final vote and you rule." Common sense rules instead. I don't think God has a problem with people using common sense or working together to come to a decision. Do you always give up in mid-discussion and defer to your husband?

    15. 1:46, um, no. Saying that the husband is the tiebreaker is just saying that the husband should always get his way in a disagreement.

    16. 1:46-- Yes, I understand this is the Biblical model of marriage. But don't you find it problematic? I certainly do. It implies that men are smarter, more level-headed, and that their opinions matters more based on gender alone. In the case of Josh and Anna Duggar, I have seen Josh make impulsive, extremely poor decisions. With these selfish decisions, he has emotionally harmed his whole family. Meanwhile, Anna has mothered her 5 children beautifully. She held her family together during that difficult time. She forgave Josh with grace and fought for her marriage. Anna has earned equal say in their family decisions.

    17. anon@1:44- Everyone is entitiled to an opinion, but it's reasonable to expect
      them to be challenged by those who don't agree. You unfortunately ended your original comment by telling women to just grow a thicker skin, which is dismissive of anyone who views the topic differently than you.

    18. @1:46- If the husband has the ultimate final say, this is not an example of decisions made as a team. One person will always have the power to overrule the other. Some people will abuse that power. BTW- There's such a thing called compromise. This is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, IMO. My husband and I learned this many years ago and has worked well for us.

    19. Glad Anna had the sense NOT to follow Josh's lead in his poor decision making. She has kept her family together and done the emotional work to protect her children from the fallout of her husband's bad behavior. The strength, wisdom, and leadership in this marriage resides in Anna.

    20. @10:15 How has Anna "not" followed Josh's lead? She moved to Washington DC, whether she wanted to or not. She stayed married to him after all he did to her...probably not fully her own decision to stay... She had to explain his absence to the kids, but they're lucky that the kids weren't old enough to fully understand what was going on. Had they been, it would have been a lot messier. But I don't think Anna is making the decisions in that family, not now or back then.

      I sure hope she hasn't been made to feel guilty about what Josh did, like it was in any way her fault. I hope he's not smiling while she's bearing any of the guilt.

    21. Christ never taught that women were subservient to men. That was Paul. Male headship may be biblical, but it isn’t Christian, of you consider Christianity the following of Christ’s teachings. Many proclaimed Christians today are really just Paulists who worship his writings over Christ’s teachings.

    22. 9:10- I say that Anna has earned the right to call all the shots in that marriage.

    23. 10:22, interesting perspective. So you don't consider the Bible to be the inspired word of God, then, just the "red letters," so to speak? I'm not familiar with that viewpoint.

    24. @1:32 I consider a lot of the Bible to be nothing more than historical records, recorded to the best of their ability back then. Lots of it is open to interpretation, too. I don't think anything in it is a direct quote from God, but some man's idea of that. There's the flaw. Man's own agenda and translation mistakes leaked in left and right.

  39. Yes, I think they'll have more children, I know Anna loves babies

  40. Lovely photo. I think they will have more children. Anna's still young and seems to conceive fairly easily. That and their view on birth control makes it very likely that they will welcome more children in the future.

  41. Does anyone know where they are living now and what Josh is doing for work? Not being on the show does limit his income potential. I an not being nosy, just curious. We tend to get a lot of updates on Jill even though she is not on the show. Josh seems to be laying pretty low and not wanting the public to know much about his personal life since his indiscretions came to light. I hope they are doing well!

  42. I think they’ll have two or three more kids.

  43. It is a nice photo and pretty location but no one is even touching except for Anna holding the youngest. It looks too stagnant and lacking emotion. IMHO

    1. I wondered the same thing, but I've seen many other photos like that recently. It's probably how the photographer posed them.

  44. Yes, about 14 more.....

    1. They'd better start having twins. lol

    2. She can't have 14 more, she doesn't get pregnant as often as Michelle did, Michelle had nine children by the age of 31 and Anna is almost 31.

    3. 31 is still very young she most definitely could have even more thsn 14 more if they were close together or if multiples.

  45. I love Josh and Anna and their family one question can you please tell me what Josh does now to support his family I've been praying that he may get a good job

    1. They will be fine. They're honoring God and life is good.

    2. While honoring God is commendable, it is not a job. The question was very direct "how does Josh support his family?". I think it deserves an honest answer.

    3. He still has a car lot. But something made them give up the house and move back with the family. Maybe he was Counting On his court case being successful? Sounds like life is definitely on Plan B for them.

    4. Anon 8:07. Does honoring God give them a paycheck? You need money to buy everything nothing in life is free except for the oxygen we breath.

    5. Anon 8:26. I agree. However, the Duggars are always vague and evasive about how they support their affluent lifestyle. If Josh is running the family used car lot, then they could just say that and end the speculation.

    6. Vague and evasive? Do you want to see their financial records? They've shown us multiple times their different streams of income.

  46. God bless you Anna and Josh. Josh, you are totally forgiven by me. I wish you nothing but the best. I would love to see this family be free. They truly deserve every blessing after staying together and working out their problems.

  47. They have kids every 2 years, I would expect that Anna is already pregnant so they would have a baby in 2019. Only Mackynzie and Michael have 20 months between them (the shortest), Michael and Marcus are almost 24 months apart (both born in June, 2011 and 2013), Marcus and Meredith are 25.5 months apart (June 2013 and July 2017), Meredith and Mason are 26 months apart (July 2015 and September 2017). I would expect a new baby to be born around November-December 2019.

  48. How about "The Josh AND ANNA Duggar Family"? She's just as much the head of the family as he is, especially after what he put her through.

    1. Agree! She held that family together.

  49. I thought Josh looked pretty good. (Answering the two - three? - posters above, who said he looks older or ill.)

  50. Of course they will have more... as many as Anna physically can

  51. Of course, they’ll have as many as God gives them. Love, Anna and wish she’d write a book about how she handled/ is handling Josh’s problems. I think it would help so many!

  52. They should focus on their marriage and the childeren. Not het 10 more. Josh looks unhealthy.

    1. They'll keep on having children because that's what they do. I agree that Josh looks like he's in poor health.

    2. For pete's sake, what about Josh looks unhealthy? He looks fine to me.

  53. They should focus on their family and not attempt to put themselves or their children back in the public eye. Trying to do so leaves the impression that Josh and Anna are naive as to the public's true perception of Josh's misdeeds. Josh and Anna might be lovely people but it doesn't change the past. Josh has never personally addressed these issues but has spoken through his parents. I think that's alright as long as you are a teenager but when you become an adult and do adult things, it's time to speak for yourself. I am particularly concerned for the fallout for the children if they stay in the public eye, once they get older and realize what happened. I am not a "hater", but this is my honest feeling about this unfortunate situation

    1. The things Josh did as an adult are really between him and his wife. Hopefully he will live a life his kids can now be proud of and there is no need for the past to tarnish the future.

    2. "Things" weren't just between him and his wife. What he did impacted his wife, his kids, the entire Duggar family, people outside his family, the town he lived in, the fans, and the show. A lot of people to answer to there.

  54. How is Jimbob going to support all of these growing families when and if their family business (reality TV) ceases to generate income?

    1. That's a good question. TLC keeps making the seasons shorter and shorter so who knows what will happen. Meanwhile the family is growing rapidly.

    2. Who knows? In reality it's not a parent's job to support their adult children. TV shows don't last forever. This one has had a rather long run but is showing signs of losing steam. I think Derrick saw the writing on the wall and is going to law school so HE can support his family in the future. I'm not sure the Duggar males are looking toward their future though.

    3. I wondered about that too. Jim Bob and Michelle seem to have such a strong hold on their kids that not one of them went out on their own and started a career that could support a family or even a business venture of their own. It would be nice to see Josh and Anna start a business of their own, something that they could be proud of and something they did by themselves. Heck, if he can work at his Dads car dealership then he has the skills to own his own. I would love to see them be independent

    4. He supported his family before the show. They have a car business and real estate business; but then, you really didn't want a legitimate answer, did you?

    5. If they want more children, then God bless! This is an adorable family, and I have no doubt because of what they have been through, a stronger and more God centered one. Because that's how God works!! You go guys!

    6. Jim Bob keeps investing in his business, the money he made 10 years on the show has been invested to generate a high income,he has many residential and commercial properties to lease he could just pass a commercial rental property to each of their children and that will give them enough to live on and if they want more they can get rid of the tenant and use the business themselves, Jim Bob has organized their children's future,he has a good head on his shoulders and I'm sure he will keep on investing, well he'll have to,with all those children still left to marry off.

    7. Why should Jim Bob support his adult children? They should get jobs and support themselves and if married their family.

    8. JB & M were very clean when Josh & Anna married.
      QUOTE " leave and cleave " - they are on their own.
      Sure they helped, taking Anna & her (then) four children in, but I do not think they will support them.

      TLC has some distasteful shows - perhaps people enjoy those, but I doubt the Duggars will be on much longer than a couple of more seasons. It is not that interesting to the masses,
      whether we like/enjoy them or not.

    9. @12:04 - He supported his family before the show? They were barely making it. They were living in a house on church property. They lived there like sardines and had to cut corners left and right. They would never be where they are today if TLC hadn't agreed to do their show.

      If the Duggars' own businesses were so successful, then why didn't they put their all efforts into them instead? Why agree to a TV show? I don't think the NW Arkansas economy was booming for car sales and real estate, not enough to support that family alone, that's why. The house and land prices there are still depressed and the population is not very dense. You can't sell things when there isn't a market.

    10. 7:34. I think JB wants to keep an even tighter hold on Josh so he can keep better tabs on him. This is to make sure Josh doesn’t get himself into any more trouble.

    11. They were millionaires andbvwry well off before the many seem to forget or not know at all.The monies that they generated from the cell tower by out alone was a whopper , let alone good investing on properties that they owned well before the show...I really wish some people would know their facts before assuming that it was the show alone that made them wealthy...that was just a bonus people, good day y'all 😄✌🏻

    12. 4:22, If they were millionaires, then why were they living in a little house like that? All they had was a piece of land, a foundation (interesting story there, BTW), and a package for a modular house only half that size. I think they felt they needed more and needed it quickly, so they went looking for TV exposure to give them an easy route to exactly that.

  55. I think they may have 5-8 more kids, at most. As a previous poster stated, Anna has been giving birth about every 2 years. Each birth seems to be getting later by a month or so. Assuming she is currently pregnant, she would have #6 at age 31 in late 2019. Following this pattern... (Anna’s Birthday is in June)

    #7 at age 33 in early 2022
    #8 at age 35 in early 2024
    #9 at age 37 in mid 2026
    #10 at age 39 in mid 2028
    #11 at age 42 in fall 2030
    #12 at age 44 in late 2032

    That is 7 more children. I think that schedule is really pushing it, but possible.

    1. I hear Kendra is pregnant. Never mind Anna. At the rate Kendra is going she can easily have 19 kids by the time she's in her 40's.

    2. I think you need to factor in that fertility tends to slow down as a woman gets older, it is estimated that by the age of 40 you only have a 5% chance of getting pregnant in each cycle, and that figure decreases each year. I do think Anna will have more babies but I don't think she will have seven more.

    3. Yeah, once you hit 30 your fertility drops to 25%. I’m guessing Anna will have three more kids, four at the most if she has twins at some point.

  56. I hope so. I am so proud of how much the love one-another and endure hardships... God is so good and faithful.
    Praying for them and whatever God brings their way. <3

  57. What a beautiful family. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn


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