
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Felicity Turns 9 Months Old

Five days ago, Felicity Vuolo reached her nine-month milestone, and she is still as happy and full of smiles as ever. According to mama Jinger Vuolo, she has become quite the busy little girl. Around the time of Felicity's first birthday, which will be July 19th, she and her parents will be relocating to Los Angeles, California.

Felicity Vuolo, Easter 2019
Felicity Vuolo, Easter 2019

Photo courtesy


  1. She is such a cutie and growing up so fast!

  2. Wow! Time flies!

  3. Felicity is such a beautiful, happy baby girl.
    All good wishes for a successful move to California - the lord will be with them.

  4. She's just darling!

  5. Curious if she wore an Easter dress before this picture was taken.

  6. ...does anyone “turn” a certain month old? Today did she turn 9 months and 1 day old?

    1. No, today Felicity turned 9 months and six days old. It's a common phrase. Just like turning a page, people turn one day older every 24 hours.

    2. People will complain about the smallest things.

  7. Dear Jeremy and Jinger, I can't believe Felicity is 9 months old. I can't wait for her 1st birthday on July 18th in 2019. I also can't wait to see you guys move to L.A. I would love to see your new home in L.A. and also would love possibly for baby number 2. I would like to hear the announcement and see the gender reveal party and also the birth of baby number 2 possibly on season 11 but if not please put in on season 12 for next year. Natasha B.

    1. 5:12- Do you honestly think that the Vuolo's should plan their lives around what fans want to see?

    2. It is ok Jeremy and Jinger not get pregnant for another unless they want to. It is fine if they wait awhile and enjoy one on one time with Felicity. Do what you want instead of what everyone thinks you should do.

    3. Oh, Natasha. I think you are going a little over the border :)))

    4. 6:09 -- Really? Do you know who you're talking to?

    5. Now I'm curious who she's talking to.

    6. Ok, I'm curious. Who is Natasha?

    7. My point in asking "Do you know who you're talking to?" was that we don't know who Natasha is, how old she is, and it was kind of rude to tell someone she's over the border with a comment. The comment was perfectly respectful and sweet. I just get tired of the unkindness here. That's not what the Duggars or any Christians are about.

    8. Ah, 4:12, thanks for the explanation. I was genuinely curious about your first comment.

  8. Time 7:45AM Thurs 4/25/19
    She looks just like Jing.

  9. Felicity is such an adorable little girl. I like how she is dressed too.

    1. I think their entire family puts too much emphasis into how they dress. Do you ever see them wear the same thing twice in their public photos? Clothes don't make the man.

    2. Jeremy is Mr. Brooks Brother and proud of it.

    3. Anon 10:09 I don't think the whole family is like that, but I think Jinger is. I think most of the family are like us, they have an average size wardrobe and live regular lives just like us.

    4. Anonymous 10:09 the Duggar daughters had to dress pretty frumpy growing up....I imagine it’s fun to create their individual style and try new things.

    5. 8:28 I keep reading here that the family was "quite wealthy before they got the show," so why would they dress "frumpy"? Unless...

    6. 10:26, it's possible that they chose to live below their means all those years so that they could save up for the big house.

  10. What a cutie!😍

  11. I went on the Bates blog and I see most of the female grandchildren wear headwear like Lissy. I love it. So beautiful. They remind me of fairy pictures. So glad she is really enjoying herself. Enjoy her at this age. Love you both as parents and Jeremy speaking in his church.

  12. She is so gorgeous! She's just perfect!! By far the cutest Grand-Duggar baby!!!!!! Is it just me, or do y'all agree?!?!

    1. It's not a contest. It's not right to pick favorite children, especially based on looks.

    2. She is are all the babies equally! Not fair to compare.

    3. I think all kinds are adorable, and I personally think Josh and Anna have gorgeous kids. I always thought that their kids could be models for kids clothes. They have star quality looks.

    4. Yes she is cutest Duggar grandbaby. Her parents are best looking couple of all couples too.

    5. I avoid comparing people's looks. Especially children. But she is adorable.

    6. I agree all the little Duggar grandkids are very cute. Jessa’s boys, Felicity, and Garrett all look like they could be baby models to me.

    7. Totally agree that Anna and Josh have beautiful kids that look like little models πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Ό

    8. Yes Felicity is the cutest!!!

  13. Looks like Joy is the next one in line for a pregnancy announcement!!! Congrats to joy!!!!!!!!! Curious to see if this one will be another mini Austin? Maybe it’ll be a mini joy πŸ™‚

    1. Where did you hear that? They haven’t announced anything

    2. Excuse me?!?!?! How does this post tell you Joy is next in line for a pregnancy announcement?? And why are you congratulating her before it’s even announced???

    3. What makes you think this? Rude to speculate.

    4. how do you know?? Did she say it? Tell me!!

    5. There’s all sorts of speculation. Never know it’s true until an announcement is made. My guess is that joy IS expecting and that Jason is also engaged to Lauren Caldwell. Let’s see if my guessing is accurate πŸ™‚

    6. Rude to speculate? Every time anyone speculates here, they turn out to be right, very soon after.

    7. 11:33- I would agree if it were just ordinary people we're talking about. The Duggars are in a different category, as they've made quite a substantial living off of their fertility. It's the whole premise of the show. If they all quit having kids, that would be the end of it. So, people will keep on speculating about what they have every reason to expect will happen.

  14. She looks like a Cali girl already!!!

    1. What is a Cali girl? Obviously you are not from California!!!! Huge NO NO!!

    2. Actually -- I've lived in Los Angeles my entire life, and the way Felicity is dressed is totally normal, not a huge no no by any stretch. She will be welcomed with open arms here, and I hope to see her at church.

    3. I think she was referring to your use of the term "Cali." Where I grew up that term was also detested. And it was usually a surefire way to identify someone who had not grown up in California.

  15. Felicity is a lovely little girl & a real mix of both her mum & dad. It’s such a special time your baby’s first year & im sure both jinger & Jeremy are enjoying every minute of it. As for baby number 2, well as someone who made a big home move from one country to another when I was 5 months pregnant, it’s not something I would recommend. I think maybe this couple will wait till they are all settled in their new home in California before having baby number 2, they just seem to do things a little differently to some of the other couples, maybe more like the general populace who space children so they can give them the best care & attention, (not that I’m saying jb & Michelle didn’t give their kids plenty attention), just they had a lot of family around them to help & jinger & Jeremy do not have that (as I myself didn’t) & it’s much harder when it’s just the couple alone. I know I wish I hadn’t had to move when I was pregnant, the stress was huge & it worried me for the rest of my pregnancy that all the stress had somehow not been good for the baby. I wish them & little felicity lots of luck for their move & hope they all settle into life well & make lots of new friends.

  16. Absolutely adorable and totally loved πŸ˜πŸ’ž

  17. This little girl is so happy and beautiful!!! One can see in her little eyes that she is cherished and nourished with love and attention by her parents . Wish you the Lord's blessings for your beautiful family!

  18. Felicity is adorable. She is a daddy 's girl. God Bless The Family
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  19. Jessa, Kendra, Anna, and Joy - all pregnant now?

    1. Joy isn’t pregnant. I’m going to guess you are also commentor 9:08

    2. Why do people keep mentioning Joy? She hasn’t announced anything!

    3. That's about the size of it.

    4. Wouldn’t it be something if Jill, Lauren and jinger made a pregnancy announcement too? You know eventually all the duggar daughters/daughters in law will be expecting all at the same time

    5. @11:08 Believe it or not, there's more than one person here who has heard about Joy.

    6. If I were Jill I would be very cautious of getting pregnant after the last 2 deliveries resulted in c sections, & as no details were given regarding Samuels birth who knows how difficult the delivery may have been. Bladder & bowel injuries are increased after the 3rd c section & i would hope Jill wants to remain a healthy mum for the 2 little boys she has. I know many people watch the Duggar’s because of their large family, & births, courtships & marriages are what many people want to see, but maybe we should all take a step back & think about whats right for these women. Maybe they don’t all want one baby after another, just because that’s how Michelle & Jim Bob did things does not mean all their children will follow suit. I like to watch the episodes about Jana & her garden & diy skills & how the family are doing in general, I don’t have to see them giving birth season after season. I am sure there is more to these women than just their ability to child bear. Jana hasn’t got married or had babies yet & I find her life & the skills she has acquired commendable for a young woman. As a lady now in her 50s I wish my DIY skills were half as good as Jana’s are.

    7. 10:06- That wouldn’t be surprising or unusual, considering none of them use birth control.

    8. For the people saying they hear Joy is pregnant : Where did you hear that?

    9. Aaaaaaaaaand she's pregnant. Never doubt the "speculation" you read here.

    10. Now Jinger is pregnant too as I may believe the tabloids let's hope for the Vuolo family!

  20. Seems like Jinger is really enjoying having a daughter, all those dresses and hairbands.

    1. Is that the only way to enjoy a daughter?

    2. I guess not, but it sure is a lot of fun.

    3. Yeah Jinger really like having a daughter, how she dresses Felicia is so beautiful,πŸ‘ΈπŸΌπŸŒΊπŸ’

    4. There are a lot of ways to enjoy daughters, but dressing them up when they are young is definetly a part of it.

  21. She's adorable!!! A real daddy's girl.

  22. LA isn’t the safest of places these days. I wish them well, but hope they will move to s a safer location after schooling is done.

    1. LA is a large area and there are many "safe" places there. Maybe they say they're moving to LA but it's actually one of the suburbs.

    2. I live in LA. It's a HUGE city. You only hear about the bad areas. Most are safe.

  23. She is darling!! Looks a lot like Jinger with a healthy dose of Jeremy. Best wishes and prayers on your move. God bless!

  24. I really think Jinger is pregnant from baby nr 2πŸ‘πŸ’πŸ‘ΆπŸ»


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