
Monday, March 18, 2019

'To Grandmother's House We Go' Recap

Counting On "To Grandmother's House We Go"
  • Joseph, Kendra, and Garrett are in Panama City Beach with Kendra's parents and siblings. "...[Garrett] seems to like the warm weather," says Kendra. "He just gets all relaxed."
  • The Caldwells have been vacationing in the same area for about six years. "I definitely love coming to the beach," says Kendra." It's something I've grown up doing. I definitely had to try to convince Joe that it was going to be a good idea because he's not as much of a beach person." "I don't mind the water," says Joe. "It's what's in the water that gets me."
  • Kendra's mom is 28 weeks pregnant with her eight child. Near the end of her first pregnancy (with Kendra), she was in a car accident that caused damage to her body. With every consecutive pregnancy, she has had a lot of uncomfortable contractions.
  • While they're at the beach, the family splits up, with Joe and Kendra's father as captains, for a 30-minute sandcastle building contest. "I think Daddy and Joe are on the same level when it comes to competitiveness," says Kendra.
  • Dad, Lauren, Nathan, and Gracie win because their sandcastle is taller, which means that Joseph gets buried in the sand.
  • Jinger and Jeremy take four-month-old Felicity to Pennsylvania to visit Jeremy's parents. "I'm super excited to take Felicity back to my old stomping grounds," says Jeremy.
  • Traveling with one child is difficult, but it's much easier than what Jinger is used to. "I cannot imagine traveling through an airport with 19 kids," says Jeremy.
  • After spending time in Pennsylvania, the Vuolos drive to New Jersey to introduce Felicity to her great-grandparents, Tony and Ann Vuolo, who are in their 90s. "Oh Jinger, she's beautiful!" remarks Ann. She's elated to meet her great-granddaughter. Jinger says she received the same welcome when she met Ann. 
  • "She just totally ignored me, for probably the first five minutes," says Jeremy, laughing. "It was just baby."
  • "I knew he was there," jokes Ann. "I knew I'd get to him sooner or later." "You know, I do love you," she tells Jeremy, giving him a kiss.
  • Jinger orchestrates a special surprise for Jeremy. While they are in New Jersey, Luis and Cara Robles and their children show up for a visit.
  • Just weeks before the wedding, John, Abbie, two of Abbie's sisters, and some friends arrive in the Philippines for a medical mission trip. This is a very special trip because it's what brought John and Abbie together. When Jim Bob, Michelle, and John met Abbie's parents, Abbie's parents mentioned that they had a daughter who was a nurse who wanted to go on a medical mission trip. John told them that Abbie was welcome to come on a trip he had already committed to. "Missions is something that we definitely share a passion for," says John.
  • Abbie has been working as a licensed nurse for one year. "I just love taking care of people," she says. She left her job to be able to plan for the wedding
  • "I do hope to go back to nursing one day..." says Abbie. "John and I have talked about me getting another job once we settle into Arkansas so that I can keep up my license, and John's definitely for that idea."
  • "I fully support Abbie to be able to just continue to keep up her license, as well as be able to be serving others," says John. 
  • In the Philippines, the group runs a clinic (with dentists and doctors), administers medicine, provides counseling, and shares the Gospel.
  • John and Abbie enjoy trying local foods, including chili ice cream. "It about burned my tongue off," says Abbie.  
  • It's time for Jackson to learn to drive! Jim Bob takes him to the Tontitown Police Department to get a driving lesson from a police officer. The Duggar dad is hoping that the officer will be able to share some helpful advice, since he sees a lot of accidents. Jackson drives one of the big vans so that several of the Duggar brothers can come with. Jim Bob brings a pillow for Jackson to sit on so he can see over the steering wheel.
  • "We have about ten drivers right now in the family, and we have probably about 40 sitting outside our house," says Jedidiah.
  • "The thought of Jackson driving is crazy," says Jana. 
  • "Jackson's personality is lively," says Jessa. "He likes to talk a lot."


  1. Hi please correct typo, Abbie is a licensed Practical Nurse, or Nurses Aide. Not the same as being a Registered Nurse.

    1. It says licensed nurse, not registered. Why do you even care?

    2. Nurses aides are important too

  2. Jeremy's grandmother's reaction to Felicity was just the sweetest. Her love brought a tear to my eye. Awwww.

    1. Yes! That was beautiful and I cried too

    2. @ 3:50 Make that 3 of us!

  3. what town has a police offer giving driveing lessons.

    1. Well obviously the town they live in

    2. Obviously the Duggars' town. Not such a crazy idea. It's a small town, maybe there's not a driving school nearby.

    3. And there’s TLC!

    4. It's the Duggar's town. That's why Josiah has never had a ticket. lol

  4. What a pleasant hour it was last night catching up on all the Duggar/ Vuolo happenings.
    I will miss this show after next week’s final episode. Wish it were a longer series. It’s the only one I watch on TLC.

    1. when did you hear that it was the final episode? It always seems it's over before It really starts. I wish we could hear something more about the boys who aren't married, including Jackson, Justin, James, Jason, Jeremiah and Jedidiah instead of Jinger and her family all the time. I like them but we already hear so much about them.

    2. I'm with you! I'm so disappointed that next week is the finale. Felicity is so cute and I'm glad that Great Grandma was included. She's a hoot!!

    3. Are you serious? A four episode season? Oh well guess they'll have some reruns over the rest of the year.

  5. Wow! Jackson driving already? It mist have been tricky in the big van! 😱

    1. I think he would have been better off in a regular car, but then they wouldn't have been able to bring his brothers along for the "lesson" by the cop.

  6. I have never heard of hiring a police officer to give driving lessons. That has got to be more expensive than lessons from a regular driving school. For that matter, why not lessons from parents or older siblings? Is that not permitted in Arkansas?

    1. Nobody said he got paid. My goodness people, listen to them speak and stop picking on these people.

    2. Who said he was hired? Perhaps a friend; it's a small town.

    3. In Arkansas, the driving test proctor is a police officer. They showed a cop being a proctor when Jinger took her driving test. The cop does NOT teach driving.

    4. I think he was just doing it for the camera. I doubt he was doing it as part of his official duties.

    5. Here, you have to be able to drive,without sitting on pillows. They should either get him to drive a car that he can see over the dash board or wait till be is taller.

    6. It's not safe to drive while sitting on a pillow. My car has sensors in the seat for the airbags and you are warned not to cover the seat with anything but your body. Plus that pillow will slip right off the seat in a crash, taking you with it. I'm surprised the police officer overlooked the pillow!

  7. It was an episode of way too many flashbacks and not enough Grandma Vuolo.

  8. After watching Jackson drive I’m glad I don’t live in Arkansas! Keep practising kid and by the time you’re 16 you should have that “3 point thing” down pat. You probably won’t need the pillow either

    1. Well that's why they start em off young

  9. Glad I didn’t have to learn to drive in a 12 passenger van with older brothers kibitzing in the backseats. If the Duggars really have that many cars in the driveway couldn’t they have started Jackson on a smaller vehicle? Wait until the kid is comfortable behind the wheel and then he can manoeuvre the big cars

    1. I learned to drive in a mini van, and it sure made it a lot easier to drive a regular car!

    2. I don't like the idea of someone learning to drive with a bunch of passengers no matter what sort of vehicle they're learning on. There should only be the student driver and their instructor.

    3. Why on Earth would anyone have 40 cars in the driveway? The cost of licensing and insuring that many cars would be very high.

    4. I know. 40 cars? Is that their used car lot?

    5. We have 5 insured and registered (and taxed) cars, and that is enough to keep up with! We have to move them around all the time and rotate using them so the batteries don't go dead and the tires don't get flat spots. We have to keep a chart in the garage showing which car gets inspected which month, and then remember to check that chart so we don't miss a deadline. I can't imagine that the Duggars actually have 40 cars, all registered, inspected, insured, current on taxes, and in full running order. I think that number was said as a joke.

    6. @9:26. Because they can!

    7. I believe some of the boys buy rundown cars at auction and fix them up for resale.

  10. Since when does having any kind of nursing license in the US qualify you to do that work in the Philippines? They must really bend rules for these volunteers.

    1. So many organizations do medical missions trips. There must be a way for them to do it.

    2. Maybe, just maybe, those in the Philippines appreciate the volunteers. Abby wasn't performing surgery....she was bandaging a wound. Abbey, her sisters and John were thinking of others besides themselves. Good for them!

    3. ??? Do you think mission trip volunteers need to be certified in the country they are helping? I guess you don't understand that the mission trips like this are in areas that have little and mostly no health care available to them. An American with any training is in need in these countries. The villagers are often happy to get any care so yes, Abbie would be "qualified" and appreciated. It's too bad you don't appreciate their selfless giving.

    4. I am a LPN and worked as a nurse in Liberia. The local goverment usually issues temporary nurses license for mission work.

    5. Abbie wasn't working as a nurse in the Philippines. She was volunteering and wasn't employed by anyone there so she didn't need a license to help out at a clinic or something.

    6. Would the US allow foreigners to come in as "volunteers" and start dressing wounds or handing out pills or doing other medical care? Probably not.

      Anna is the only one here who gave a good answer. Yes, a permit is probably needed. I don't know why the Duggars didn't address this or explain how they could do what they did over there.

    7. @9:52 How do you know that it was appreciated?

      @10:26 Kinda arrogant of you. Do not assume that Americam credentials are accepted everywhere. They are not.

      @9:24. Most countries require visas, if you are going to work, even if the work is unpaid.

    8. According to Philippine just do not show up.

      All applications for Foreign Surgical and Medical Missions (FSMM) shall be submitted to the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) who shall forward the same to the following professional groups.

      Each member of the foreign medical team must apply for a temporary license to practice during the duration of the mission. The steps are very detailed, including requirements for Board Certifications. There are other requirements, just as letters inviting the medical mission as well as the requirement for sponsoring from a host organization and permission granted from the local government/health care facility.

      Abbie could have very well be able to obtain a limited license (as applicable as not being an RN) but I would surprised John David would.

    9. I don't agree with missions at all. They don't really help the people in all those countries. I know lots of doctors who go but they all say there is nothing really to be done except encourage good hygiene because these third world countries have nothing. No medications long-term. Hardly enough antibiotics. Hardly any supplies for basic operations. etc. So I'm saying it does not matter in the slightest if you have a simple first aid course or a university medical degree. All you can do is simple first aid things. I even asked an Infectious Diseases specialist if he used his training and he said most of these countries don't have enough access to labs and medications. So who cares if Abbie or John David have any advanced training or not? They helped put on some bandages and that's it. And I like them! I just don't like missions.

    10. Basic first aid would not require a permit or license.

    11. Why did they make it sound like it was a last-minute decision to take Abbie, if there was all that red tape involved with volunteering over there?

    12. It's not unheard of for people from different types of medical backgrounds to serve with a medical missions group. I know MDs and chiropractors (personal contacts) who frequently do this. My cousin is among those. He used to take a yearly trip to Haiti and would collect children's clothes and shoes (new or gently used) in his office to take with him. They usually go to remote villages where people have little access to healthcare.

    13. 2:43, were you not paying attention? Taking Abbie was not a last minute decision, they had been looking for more nurses to come on the trip like six months ahead of time. Maybe put your listening ears on next time.

    14. @8:20 The Philippines is a developing country, not a third world country. It has one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. And it is a country with 30 medical schools and universal health care.

      Its problems, which also is the US problems, is an imbalance between rural and urban health care delivery. The country does not lack in qualified doctors and nurses. It has the resources; no need to worry about basic bandages in these clinics.

      There are organizations that are actively working on correcting the imbalance by equipping rural medical clinics, with the same modern facilities and state of the art equipment as the urban clinics.

      So, yes, it does matter if Abbie and John David have the necessary qualifications. The visa requirements clearly state that. They were not working in a disaster zone, where standard first aid is first required to save lives. And even in those situations, only qualified people are using sent.

    15. @12:21 But if they are part of a medical mission, EVERY member needs to acquire a temporary visa, provide their credentials for certification.. That includes someone with only CPR training. The requirements are very detailed and strict, as they should.

      The "host" organization organizing the mission is held responsible for any deaths/injuries/long term negative consequences directly caused by the actions of the medical staff of the mission. What do you think would happen if a person with only CPR training used CPR on a person incorrectly?

  11. I'm sure Jeremy and Jinger's trip to PA was to attend his mother's SWAN Gala (November). They did say Felicity was 4 months old, so that was November. Too bad they didn't mention that in the show last night, and give the SWAN charity recognition, like they have in the past.

  12. It was a good episode, full of joy. And i love seeing the Young duggars and Jim Bob.
    This episode was not boring like the one where the girls were "baking" cakes!

  13. Jeremy's grandmother is the most normal and sincere person who's ever been on this show.

    1. Totally agree!!! What a warm and beautiful woman!

    2. Jeremy's grandma should have a show of her own. I'll bet she could give some straight-forward advice to anyone. Love her house, the "time capsule." Would love to have a look around. Reminds me of my in-law's old house. Their basement was like a museum!

  14. Jeremy's grandmother's reaction to seeing and holding Felicity made my day!

  15. Anon 11:32 I have to agree with you about learning to drive in a car as opposed to a large van. Yikes they need to give the poor kid a break and not make it any harder then it has to be to learn to drive.

    1. I can't imagine why they thought it necessary to have his siblings ride along. That would be very distracting for a student driver.

  16. Seriously, who quits their job so they can plan their wedding? My opinion of John and Abbie just went way down.

    1. Have to agree. Seems like Jana did most of planning. Lots of folks balance work and wedding planning; even out of state weddings.

    2. Why do you bother watching? Is it just so you can post these negative comments? Perhaps she's saved her money so that she can do that. After all, once married, she's moving to Arkansas!!!! Get a grip!

    3. Is she going back to it? Or did she quit for good? I didn't see.the episode

    4. I don't think she really wanted to quit. It seems like the women in the Duggar family have to always change their lives, vocations, and locations to fit the mens' lives and desires.

    5. nit pick, nit pick. why are you wasting your time watching them if you obviously have so much contempt for them? Do you enjoy being negative that much? First people complain the ladies don't have careers and when one does you still complain. Quitting makes complete sense since she was moving soon and if you were fair you would know that.

    6. She quit because she is moving to another state and is prepping for that🙄

    7. The Duggars and Duggars-to-be. Jinger previously explained on the show that when one of them is courting they're not expected to do much of anything at all, just focus on the relationship.

    8. Well it was a big wedding you know.

    9. @11:28 and @10:37. She said she quit to plan the wedding. She could have worked up to week or days before the wedding and thus saved some money. Quitting months before the wedding, even if she would have to move, seems a bit...

    10. You actually base your opinions of people on their career and family decisions?????????

    11. They don't give us all the details except to say that Abbie is considering working in Arkansas. In Canada, you need to write an exam and get a license in each province and that takes time so maybe she is working on an Arkansas license. And maybe she just wanted to spend lots of time with her family and friends before moving far away.

    12. Since she was going to quit to move anyway, quitting a bit early isn't a big deal. The engagement is short, so that condenses the wedding planning into more hours per week. And it's a large wedding that's going to be filmed. It sounds like a lot of work.

    13. She was moving to Arkansaw after the wedding perhaps that required more time to plan.

    14. My friend quit her job while doing final wedding preparations. The wedding was in her home state which is not the same as the state they both lived in at the time. They were moving her into his house when her lease was up and she had things in her home state to take care of and move. Many trips back and forth during the last couple of months. She submitted applications and interviewed for jobs once the wedding was over and they were settled.

    15. She would have to quit her job anyway, after the wedding, because she is moving to another state. What's the difference - to quit the job in November after the wedding, or quit the job in August? She needed to not only prepare for the wedding itself, but see where she will be moving in Arkansas, explore, move her stuff.

  17. very nice show. I enjoyed watching the show it was great and boy the Vulvos are a nice family. NATASHA G

  18. Jackson so does not look like a 14-year old... I

    1. I know lots of 14 year olds who look his age, and I know lots who look like they’re 18. He doesn’t really look young for his age, he just looks like an average 14 year old.

    2. He seems rather small for his age. Perhaps he'll have a growth spurt soon and be able to see over the steering wheel without a pillow.

    3. I think Josiah also was kind of short and looked childish at this age. Then he grew fast.

  19. Really enjoyed the last 2 counting on shows! Felicity is so adorable! Cant get enough of her! Jeremy's grandparents.. wow... in their 90s... still so much energy! My grandma is 95 and going strong still as well... I feel very blessed to have her still! I loved the dress episode... abby looked great in all the dresses! Trip to Philippines was interesting... abby and john have chosen awesome careers for mission work! Driving at 14!!! My kids would love to live in Arkansas for that reason alone! In Ontario kids have to wait til they are 16 to get their beginners license and until they get their next license they are only allowed to drive with a qualified driver in the vehicle... no one else... definitely different than arkansas. Awesome episodes!

  20. I love that the Caldwell’s showed Joe about what it’s like to go on a traditional beach vacation. You could tell the Caldwell’s really enjoy it! Joes just needs to let go more! I, also, believe the Caldwell’s wore normal beach attire prior to this vacation. They just seem more easy going and fun loving than the Duggars. Either TLC or Joe pushes for the pants on Dad Caldwell and modest wear for the girls.

    1. Poor Joe probably had to Nike all by himself without the rest of the family there to remind him.

  21. What’s up with Jinger’s hairline?

    1. Postpartum hair loss. Could you be any more rude?

    2. She really needs a good trimming of her hair. So do the other girls.

    3. I didn't notice Jinger's hairline, but man, postpartum hair loss is totally a thing. My curly hair went straight, too. It seemed so incongruous just as I was feeling super feminine and like I could do anything to have my hair come out in clumps.

  22. Say it ain't so, next week cant be the last episode, it just came back, bummer😔

    1. I’m hoping the ratings are good enough to bring it back at least by early June and with more episodes. These shows, contrasted with the world we now live in, provide a rare hour of family friendly viewing for everyone. Even though I don’t watch TLC’s other shows, I think for the most part, they do a great job with this one!

  23. Can't believe there is only one episode left. The seasons aren't long enough in my opinion. And it's the wedding so we already have seen most of it.
    Still haven't heard about the big news ! So I guess it will be Jessa's pregnancy

    1. The seasons are too short. I'm thinking why even watch it

    2. I think it will be either Jessa's pregnancy or someone';s courting, like Kendra's sister Lauren and Jason Duggar.

  24. The timeline of this episode was all over the place. The Vuolos were back in November, with snow; The Caldwell's were at the beach in the summer; don't know when the driving segment took place. Not a good thing to do, really, as there is no continuity. Didn't need Jessa AT ALL. The Seewalds add nothing to this show; leave Jessa and Ben out. I would much rather see the Vuolos in NJ, PA and TX interact with each other. I'd like to know a bit more about Ann Vuolo's background. She stated she was not Italian...what is her background? What about Diana Vuolo's parents? Are they still with us? What background is Diana Vuolo? There is really very little "ITalian" in Jeremy left. Quit marketing him as an Italian Stallion.

    1. Do you understand how annoying, rude, and judgmental you sound?

    2. Yeah, he's maybe 1/4 Italian at most, it sounds like. But people tend to identify with certain aspects of their background more than others. I know a guy who's also 1/4 Italian and he promotes himself as totally Italian, ignoring the other ethnicities in his blood.

    3. @4:27 that was one of the most judgmental comments I've ever read. I bet you wouldn't like someone going over your life and picking it apart!

    4. Jeremy is hot. So an image of an Italian man :). That's why probably Jeremy is emphasized as Italian. Also maybe Jinger is ecstatic to marry someone out of her ethnical cicrle and be special in that.
      Do we have to know backgrounds of all Duggar in-laws? We did not know much about Seewalds or Forsyths. There were a lot of Italian immigrants to the US, and all make pasta and meatballs like Grandma Vuolo.

  25. I hope John and Abbie got to have lumpia (yummiest stuff on Earth) and pancit. I love Philippine food.

    1. Great food! I agree. My sister in law is Filipino and cooks all that food. Delicioso!!

  26. One more episode? That wasn't much of a season IMO. TLC seems to be winding this show down. Who knows if there'll be another season. Maybe just a special or two at this rate.

  27. Am I the only one who's gonna state the obvious: if he needs a pillow to see over the steering wheel, then maybe he's not ready to drive?
    I mean, that sweet boy looks like he's still 10!

    1. They did the same thing with Josiah.

    2. He's old enough to drive. I think he might do better in a smaller vehicle though where he could see over the dash without a pillow.

    3. I am 23 years old and in some vehicles I still need a pillow to see over the steering wheel. I got my license at almost 17 years old and even then I still needed a pillow. Get him a vehicle where the seat actually rises up and down and he will be all set.

    4. It's not just a matter of the seat going up and down. People who are too short have to raise the seat too high and then there's not enough clearance between their heads and the roof, or their heads and the windshield. I sat in every car make in the county before settling on the only one I wouldn't decapitate myself in (in a crash) when the seat was far enough up and far enough forward to reach the pedals. Sedans these days have extremely raked windshields making no headroom inside for seat adjustment. They're dangerous for short people. You have to go SUV and get that taller roof profile. I don't know who's designing these vehicles but it sure isn't 5' tall women.

    5. Here, he would not be old enough to drive. Driving here is a privilege and not a right. It can take up to 5 years to qualify as a fully licensed driver. The youngest who can start the process is 16 and with that, the student is 17 before they earn their first level license (with restrictions as to when, with whom...). It is rare for an 18 year to have finished the process; the road tests required are not easy to pass. Many fail. And there are restrictions, based on age, even if the person is fully licensed.

      End result.. much fewer road accidents and fewer deaths.

  28. Hi Ellie. Can you please tell me why there are only a few episodes in each season? It's no fun watching after 6 episodes the season ends.

  29. The seasons seem to get shorter and shorter. I'm not sure how committed TLC is to continuing this show.

    1. Based on what is filmed, I don't know how committed the Duggars are in continuing the show either.

    2. Anon 6:40. IDK. They seem more than happy to have their courtships, engagements, weddings, honeymoons and chidren's births shown in TV. I think they enjoy all the perks of having TLC pay for the events shown.

  30. I love the duggar family but I feel so bad for Kendra's mom. It is probably not good for her to be having contractions at 28 weeks pregnant and to be going on vacations. I am also wondering why they are keep on having children if she has such a hard time during the later part of the pregnancy.

    1. I'd think a chance to leave the normal routine and enjoy a vacation would actually be kind of nice while tired and pregnant.

    2. She looked terribly uncomfy trying to walk to the beach, and exhausted from a night of contractions. I would have stayed in the house and said film without me. As far as having more children, I guess she thinks it's "God's will" and she's willing to risk her life and the baby's life. Makes little sense for people who are so pro-life but whatever.

    3. I don't get it either. It sounds like a high risk pregnancy to me. IMO you need to around to take care of the children you already have and not continue to risk you life to have yet another one.

    4. Anon 4:39. I think the Caldwells are another IBLP family. They seem to be of that mind set. IMO we were only issued one body and it's important to take good care of it. Continuing to have one baby after another when you have known health issues seems rather sad. Just look at what all those pregnancies has done to Michelle's feet. However, it's one of the IBPL teachings to have as many children as "God gives".

    5. From what they described (she has contractions earlier than normal), it doesn't necessarily sound like a high risk pregnancy. We don't know that it is. As far as having more children, maybe she and her husband like children. Maybe they love children and want to have as many as she's able to have. It doesn't sound like her pregnancies are necessarily risky, per se, or she probably wouldn't be traveling. It sounds more like it's a colossal inconvenience than a high risk situation.

    6. I hope her husband hasn't gotten stars in his eyes and has put filming and being on TV ahead of his wife's comfort or safety.

  31. I don't think Anonymous' statements about wanting to see more of the NJ and PA Vuolos was inappropriate. Some background questions were asked and they were also applicable..they DO market Jeremy as "Italian" when in fact, very little of him IS Italian. Asking about the ethnical background of his grandmother & mother isn't out of line. Back off yourselves and quit being judgmental of appropriate questions being asked here. The poster wanted to learn more about his family...generally.

  32. I did not get it why it had to be shown so much of Vuolo family. Like, it's nice and all, but we did not see much of Seewalds, Forsyths, and now practically none of Kellers. Why such attention to Vuolos?

    1. Because unlike the rest of them, Grandma Vuolo is an absolute hoot and ratings gold. Plus she's never done anything controversial.

    2. The Vuolos agreed to be filmed and are a loving, genuine family. It's not a competition. Why only complain about the Vuolos when the Caldwells were also featured this episode and were on camera throughout this season?
      I'm sure the Seewalds will be featured next season since Jessa is pregnant.


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